Empyrion Model Import Tool

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Riebart, Mar 17, 2017.

  1. gigashadow25

    gigashadow25 Ensign

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Hey m8 i just recently started using EGS Import took your steps been helpful i was unable to find how to sue now i know i had same isue coloring when placing newly created bp how ever i have solution for it all you need to replace blocks and copy with selection than place it on fresh CV Starter block and it should work fine m8 if you need any help to show you step by step hit me up on discord
  2. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    this tool is no longer working is it?

    ok I don't know about the settings and mapping and mirroring and why you would even need those as options but the only thing i changed is the legnth as i see of it the blueprint in the game.

    DO NOT follow this step:

    To create this blueprint file, spawn a new ship of any type using the Starter Kit, and delete all blocks except for one steel hull block, then save this single-block 'ship' as a blueprint and leave the game. Copy this .epb file you just created (located in steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Saves/Blueprints/<SteamId>/<BlueprintName>/<BlueprintName>.epb) and overwrite BlueprintBase/BlueprintBase.epb with it.

    use the very same blueprintbase.epb blueprint that came with the tool. i went into game and followed that step, created a blueprint and had one block. didn't work. i then removed the tool, started over and just output my model over the blueprint in the EGS tool folder blueprintbase and it worked.

    like i said i didn't play with mirror, mapping, all those other things, dont knwo what they do or why they are neededd or how tghey affect the blueprint.

    i figured how to orient BP the right way each time in the model so its correctly oriented in game. Put your model that you want in game facing up using 3d builder in windows, and turn the bottom of the spacecraft to face you. Then when you spawn it, it will be facing the right way to flyin game.

    So the model in 3d builder must have the bottom of the model facing you and the front of the ship pointing up. think of it as looking at a sea going ship from underneath the ocean.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
  3. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Did you make this with some kind of 3D editor or import it from somewhere?
    I am thinking to make a downsized Homeworold Bentusi flagship replica. But I don't feel like making it from scratch from Empyrion.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Cute. How big is that ?

    My "construct" took me 3 days from scratch, and is a mixture of decals (flat planes placed with coordinates in a text file in the \Prefabs folder of a scenario) and regular blocks. There are several "POIs" in there to make the full circle, each of them being a flat section with small angle difference with its two neighbours, plus one POI in the middle.They all have gravity, so a player can walk the full circle with its feet on the ground. Kind of cool. ^^

    To make the same kind of thing for a CV would be complicated, but it's still possible depending on the size. I used Blender to make a "prototype" then to automatically "stick" flat planes on each quad of the model to get each face's precise center coordinates and angle. Then I simply transcribed these in the prefabs txt file and adjusted the scale.
  5. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    According to the website, the actual size of the ship is 5312m. I am thinking about a 266m (95% smaller)
    Kassonnade likes this.

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