Faction Reputation Loss

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by RobinCoyote, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. RobinCoyote

    RobinCoyote Ensign

    Jan 10, 2020
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    I honestly sort of feel like the loss of reputation for destroying a faction's block is too harsh.

    So I was doing the first Talon story quest and talked to the chief. I was not aware that the trader was literally right next to him so I started looking around. Suddenly spiders start spawning, and apparently have completely free reign of the town? None of the guards were fighting them, so I had to defend myself. I pulled out my shotgun and fired and I accidentally missed and destroyed a stairway a spider was standing on.


    I couldn't finish the quest because you can't trade while neutral and now I have to wait for the faction missions to come back in an hour. All because I literally had to defend myself and I just happened to miss once.
  2. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Yes it is. I also had a similar situation.
    I think there should be a warning and a penalty to lower the reputation at the beginning of "friendly." But lowering it to neutral is a lot to have made a mistake that can happen so simply.

    Si, así es. También tuve una situación similar.
    Creo que debería haber una advertencia y una sanción de bajar la reputación al inicio de "amistoso". Pero bajarla hasta neutral es mucho para haber cometido un error que puede suceder de forma tan simple.
    garyice and Thor'sHammer like this.
  3. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    So... if I come over to your house to visit, and a fly buzzing around is driving me crazy, and I crush it out of existence on your 75" flat screen TV, shattering the screen in the process... you'd be completely cool with that?

    I've been in these kinds of situations before - visiting an alien faction, some aggressive critter shows up, nobody else is doing anything about it, and I'm not about to stand around and be critter chow, so...

    I fire up the jet pack, leave the immediate area, and take out the unwelcome pests a safe distance away, observing Hunter's Law #4: Know your target and what's beyond.

    That said, the lack of AI response to threats is due entirely to a lack of AI programming.

    Talons, Polaris Cyborgs and Zirax Patrols completely ignore not only hostile creatures and each other, but also are ignored by hostile creatures and each other.

    This is one of my top three enhancements to bring the Empyrion universe to life - only because it makes sense.

    That said, I have caught at least one AI activity - I've caught Talons out at night, hugging trees. It's kind of cool to see a Tree Hugging Ceremony, and I'll share a screenshot when I can.

    What is REALLY needed is a repeatable "Reparations" mission or group of missions, for each faction, that have a Faction Reputation requirement of Less than Neutral - much in the same way simply staying out of Faction Territory will raise your reputation from Hostile to Unfriendly simply by staying away. It's far too easy to lose rep, far too slow to gain it.
  4. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    If a fly bothers you and you are so gross to destroy a TV just by a fly, I would think you have serious mental problems.
    The matter here is another.
    You have the mission to eliminate spiders. I don't think you can grab a shoe to crush them. You have a shotgun and you use it. You shoot! With the bad luck that the damn spider walks from side to side and you destroy a plant of tomatoes that is in a sowing a little further.
    The "importance of the mission" has more weight than what you can destroy (I don't include a Talon character that is a separate issue). Nor am I saying that you can destroy the entire village!
    It is only the weight of the balance between mission and minor collateral damage.

    Si te molesta una mosca y eres tan bruto de destruir un televisor solo por una mosca, creería que tienes serios problemas mentales.
    El asunto aqui es otro.
    Tienes la misión de eliminar las arañas. No creo que puedas agarrar un zapato para aplastarlas. Tienes una escopeta y haces uso de ella. Disparas! Con la mala suerte de que la maldita araña camina de un lado a otro y destruyes una planta de tomates que esta en una siembra un poco mas allá.
    La "importancia de la misión" tiene mas peso que lo que puedas destruir (no incluyo un personaje Talon que si es tema aparte). Tampoco estoy diciendo que puedas destruir toda la aldea!
    Solo es el peso de la balanza entre la misión y los daños colaterales de poca importancia.
    garyice, Spoon and stanley bourdon like this.
  5. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    If feel as a wrong game mechanics that looses rep in certain ways, then can use a console command to set the rep (if SP or is admin).
    faction rep local Tal 18001
    gives friendly, 24001 honored.
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I suppose in this case, the problem is simply that there's no differentiation between a building block and a bushel of... space oranges.
    It's not a problem if you should hit a wood block that's part of a talon's house because it's not going to break from one shot, nor is pretty much anything else in a talon village EXCEPT those crops.
    All that really needs to change in regards to those is that destroying a talon crop gives a lesser penalty. Hell, picking the crops should give a lesser penalty since that's the same deal.

    A -250 reputation should do it.
    If it's a one-off it's not going to hurt you or them, but if you're dumb enough to lob a rocket into a wheat field, you've got issues. Same if you're starving and decide to swipe a few tomatoes. You get what you want, but if you try to be greedy; a couple more plants will get you shot at in short order as your reputation plummets considerably at -250 rep per plant it adds up quickly.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  7. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Agreed here - something minor should be treated as such.

    Though this does not preclude the need for a way to make amends with your neighbors for minor transgressions too.


    You're reading a bit much into the point I'm making, but I think you got that point without realizing it. You wouldn't like someone breaking your things, and neither do the Talons. Baiting spiders out of the village just isn't that hard to do, and a bit of trigger-control and discipline is easy to achieve so you're only hitting spiders and not your rep.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I don't know, if a giant spider was in my house trying to eat me, I wouldn't be mad about a stray bullet hitting a wall. :D
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  9. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    If there was a giant spider in my house, I would name it and feed it Wetas.
    Thor'sHammer and ravien_ff like this.
  10. Mr Eon

    Mr Eon Ensign

    Mar 14, 2018
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    "It was self defence, your honour..... the Talon walked into the line of fire.... I didn't mean to kill him... then things got a little out of hand... all a bit misunderstanding...
    ... danged shame, coz I really liked those guys - and they grow some righteous weed."
    Thor'sHammer and cmguardia like this.
  11. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    OK, you created a genuine "snort coffee out nose" on this one. You owe me now. Jerk. :D

    Before or after he tried eating you? Did I miss Wetas in the constructor ... ??

    What can I say. This was great, sounds like something the Talon would be down with.

    Kinda resurrecting a necro post, but I'm reading all the "reputations" posts trying to get a handle on it and this one spoke to me. I've got to say the reputation system seems pretty screwy to me.

    LOTS of ways to LOSE reputation, very few to GAIN.

    Taking the Talon as an example (since that was the OP's issue), there are ELEVEN ways to LOSE rep, only TWO to gain. Does that sound balanced to anyone? Yeah, yeah, the AI has to have an edge over a human, but really.:eek:

    There should be something like a minor minus for destroying a block, but if you destroy FIVE or TEN, then it's an attack and you get wacked with a big penalty. Like it is with "attacking" a Faction member vs "KILLING" a Faction member. Can't be that hard to code.

    And it DESPERATETLY needs to have more ways to raise your reputation other than slaughtering other Factions. Once you're off the Starter planet there's no road to raising your rep other than murder. Huh??

    What happened to raising rep by trading? Why can I not take a peaceful road raising my rep by trade? Sure if you trade with X then Y gets mad at you, just like in the real world. But really, murder shouldn't be the only option once in space.

    I haven't read the entire board on the subject but I seem to recall that was in play once?? In the real world that's how peace negotiations happen, even after War occurred between parties.

    The new Seal of Credibility notwithstanding (nice addition though it is, it's just a Band-Aid when we're bleeding from arterial wounds).:rolleyes:

    Perhaps a second level of the Seal that allows you to move up to Honored, or additional Missions related to it. The Seals are a good start, but just that, a START. I would put this rep situation as the number one most needed fix in the game storyline.
    Deadalready likes this.
  12. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Here is a weta. If you have these in your constructor, you may want to deconstruct it and rebuild.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Oh my F.... G.. If I have those on my planet Nukes are an option. Good gravy, what the heck do those eat? Trees? Like whole trees??

    I'm thinking that thing would give the spiders a run for their money.

    I'd never hear of Wetas, I figured from the sound of the name and your reference to feeding the spiders that it was some kind of food. like a Wheat cracker. I sure wasn't ready for this little guy. Off to Wikipedia I go ... Oh, and thanks for TWO laughs in a day.
    ravien_ff and Kassonnade like this.
  14. Kai019

    Kai019 Ensign

    May 13, 2021
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    It definitely needs work, I once got shot in the head for taking a vegetable... a vegetable wtf lol so it definitely need improvement.
    Kassonnade and Thor'sHammer like this.
  15. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Musta been a Talon. They take their vegetable's VERY seriously.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  16. Vulkyn

    Vulkyn Ensign

    Sep 9, 2021
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    I think the real issue is that you killed the chief's pet, I mean clearly they where not attacking them for a reason ..... in other words you shot their dog and destroyed their house that should be instant hostile if you ask me ...

    Kidding aside there has to be a way to appease to them had the same issue in sanctuary only i teleported in and got shot from guards (I did not do ANYTHING.... maybe i gave a wrong vibe or something ...)

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