Game is ruined by idiotic stages in POI's

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Merandor, Sep 5, 2020.

  1. Merandor

    Merandor Ensign

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Seriously this game could be fantastic but the developers have placed guaranteed death or unpassable stages within the major POI's. It is so disappointing. Some examples:
    Abandoned factory: abandoned factory has a "drop to death" stage into a room with 2 alien laser turrets. They have 5000 health and take virtually no damage. Each will take thousands of rounds of ammo, if, and its a big if you can get behind a lump of steel without dying
    Abandoned assembly yard: A jump down near the end into tunnels full of baddies. Guns just dont fire or reload fast enough to fight through. I won't even mention the little "surprise" at the end when you blow the reactor !!!!!
    Abandoned reactor: Doable but you need to use explosives to blow through a window so you have line of sight on the bottom of the elevator near the end.
    A challenge is good but areas where you cant actually fight and win are not.
  2. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    No need to drop into the room and get hazed. Look for the things that look like open missile silos half in the floor right next to the door you usually enter the poi and go down. You can drop down in them (look around to not miss the egg) and after planting a few explosives to the railing blocks you can run straight into the room and then to the middle column where a lever is placed. The lever deactivates the turrets.

    Yeah the drop down is a bit nasty. Most of the time i fall down once and trigger as much as possible and when i come back i give em hell with the rocket launcher. And once i blow the core or whatever i wait for the first wall to explode and jetpack up to a two man troop. Shotgun to the face and from there very careful. I find that this part is the only really challenging one in the assembly yard.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    To make one thing clear:

    If you want to put blame on someone for the way a POI is built put it on its CREATOR and not the Devs!
    Because since many years POI's are created by Game Testers. The Devs have just no time for this.
    bluemax151 and KRanKO5 like this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Don't those turrets have switches, along with a sign to tell you to pull the switch to turn them off?
    electriclimbo83, Lyceq and KRanKO5 like this.
  5. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Hint, hint:


    Seriously, knee-jerk reactions like this rather than looking at the giant red sign in the middle of the room that says, "hey dummy, here is how you turn the turrets off" are what can impact the game for everybody. If anything, this room is too easy, NOT, too hard.

    Now, if the switch does not work, or needs some other kind of update, awesome. That is an important thing to know. I just updated the factory yesterday(should make it into the upcoming experimental) and double checked that the switches work and added this one:


    Which I suspect some players will enjoy and others will not like as it makes the escape through the area much easier.
    jadefalcon, Bollen, Lyceq and 6 others like this.
  6. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Also know that I work very hard to keep Admin cores out of the Abandoned series(Admin cores = make the POI invulnerable until the core is destroyed) so if you want to dig underneath it, go for it; if you want to erect a turret installation outside and bore your way to the core, have a great time.
  7. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Lol wut? This area is non existant for me. Lure the abominations into the room before and then just run past the turret. Collect the egg when i´m on my way back. When i´m unlucky i get hit once by the turret.
    Fractalite, Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    And here we see a perfect example of why difficulty is so subjective and why, despite the best efforts of the POI builders, there will always be complaints about any particular POI being too easy or too hard. :D
  9. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    it takes a different mindset to even consider bum-rushing the switch. When you look at it the first time there is no way they will not shoot me before I can get to that switch. Once you know that maneuvers like bum-rushing the switch are possible attempting that kind of maneuver in other situations becomes normal. With the change to laser sentry turrets, things that worked before are no longer viable. The laser sentry turrets seem to acquire targets faster and do more damage.
    Inappropriate, Thor'sHammer and Spoon like this.
  10. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Wait until you get to a POI that has an Admin Core that makes you do a set route. A 'corridor shooter' style POI.
    I have mentioned this a few times, that I wish POI's were like POI's in 7D2D, where you can take on the POI how you like. If you want to take the route laid out by the creator then do so. If you want to bash through walls to get to the core/item then do so. If you want to blast it away with rockets from afar then do so. POI's for 7D2D are soooo much better gameplay that way.
  11. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I suppose this is a side discussion about Turret AI both player and NPC but there is no way bum-rushing those switches should work Pre aimed and pre ranged guns like that should not take long enough to fire that you can get to the switch. Designing a puzzle around what I consider a failing is creative and fun. It Is however based an AI that does not work well or as most would expect and if turret AI is ever able to be Improved this type of puzzle will no longer work.
    Inappropriate likes this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Laser turrets don't do much damage to players though on a per-hit basis, so you can take a few hits from them depending on your armor.

    Another thing, is many players run around with broken armor, causing them to take much much more damage from everything.
  13. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    I have to agree @Merandor on many points. Yesterday I went to the abadoned assambly yard (on the Legacy Planet) for the first time and gave up after 15 deaths and a playing time of 2 hours.
    Still, a big compliment to the creator of the POi. :D I thought I somehow knew that building, until it suddenly became completely different ...:eek:
    Nobody can tell me that he did one of the indicated POIs the first time without dying at least 10 times or having chosen the GM at least 2 times. With these POIs, the knowledge of the location is particularly important for a successful completion. You don't get it the first time. I've tried to get to the damned counter a few times, alone or with a drone. No chance. The towers are faster and always hit.
    Whether you can jump in somewhere or not you only know the second time.:cool:
    BUT I would never get the idea to insult the game or the creator of the POI. It is decidedly dependent on how you play. I'm not a run and shoot player, I need time to clean everything. Sometimes it's just the wrong tactic.
    We mustn't forget that this game also has to offer exciting challenges for the multiplayer.
    I'm not angry about that. There are just buildings that you shouldn't go in alone.:p

    There should only be more POis for single players. In another thread it was already said, one has the feeling there is only LvL 1 and LvL5 Pois and nothing in between. But I am in good spirits that we will work on it in the future. Dear creators, give us more POIs on all Planets .:)
  14. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Not sure why you brought up the 'insult' comment as no one has.
    As for the 'depends on how you play' comment, then that is why I mentioned the 7D2D POI's. Everyone is happy as they can take on the POI to their own play style.
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Well I make POIs and I dont care if people are critical, its natural to be that way.
    Everyone has a slightly different taste and style, some POIs are easy, some medium some hard, some can even seem impossible, buts its not really the case, they are all defeat-able.

    People need to try and remember that when those of us that do build POIs, build them, we do so trying to build a range of POIs that can suit a large range of players, not one type of player, so you can imagine thats a pretty hard thing to really get right every time.

    So in a set we might have 3 or so easy, 3 or so medium and 2 hard and 1 seemingly impossible POI.
    Kinda like that.

    So its not a case of the devs trying to make it impossible, its literally the devs trying to make the game as diverse as possible with a bit for everyone.
    Some people really like those extra hard challenges.
    Some obviously dont.

    Other games like this, tend to use the same POI set, over and over and over and over and over and bla bla blaa you get the picture.

    We have a pretty unique set of POI sets in this game, giving players a nice balance of POI exploration across the game and that is literally only limited by a scenarios builder time and effort , because of the thousands of planets you can add to one game now, you can literally have a custom, different POI on every single planet in the entire game, if you have 179 years to build the scenario LOL !

    But the point is the diversity, like very few games will ever achieve, Empyrion for POI diversity smashes it, but in doing so, will have POIs in the game, that not everyone will like.
  16. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I've often voiced an opinion that Devs & Creators have to have an inborn slow-to-burn reaction time to "nasty" or "provocative" comments.

    We tend to consider our creations and ideas, often posted as comments, (like this one :p) as our "babies" and don't take lightly attacks on said creations or thoughts. Many a firefight in forums center around just this. Your attitude is exactly the right one for something as massive as a POI. You literally can't please everyone.

    I know I have yelled "What devious JERK designed THIS, you can't beat THIS!" just before I figured out how ... LOL

    Personally, I'd like to thank you both for your hard work, I've discussed with my Wife the immensity of such jobs as creating POI's, and the various amazing vessels I see created in this world. After wrestling for 5 minutes to get a single block right I find your creations A M A Z I N G.

    My thanks to you and all the other content creators, I'm humbled by your hard work and dedication. <END FANBOY> ;)
    stanley bourdon and Sofianinho like this.
  17. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Idle curiosity. Looking at this I see you have a few cores in the toolbar. Ahhh... I GET the rest, as you're building, but what the hell do you need 2K cores for??? And what did you use the 13 missing ones on? :confused:
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Those are the Alien Blocks. They include the NPC cores, zirax turrets, spawners, enemy sentry guns and various other POI utilities.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  19. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Ahhh. All the Nasties. Now it makes sense. Thanks!
  20. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    That room... lol...

    Yeah, I will admit, I had to stop and think about what to do here myself. Yes, you can pull the lever, but there's an even easier tactic for dealing with these:

    and it applies to this one, and pretty much every other indoor turret:

    Turrets will track your Drone. They will follow it, and they will shoot it. Use it.

    Room the first: Send your drone on through past the turrets, around the corner you leave through. They will turn and track it, giving you time to walk to the lever if you want, or simply jog past the turrets as they come around to track you - you'll be on the other side of the wall before they've locked on to you.

    In room the second, same thing - just drone past it to make it turn around, then waltz right on by, no need to play fiddly-switch here either.

    The Abandoned Bunker has a pair of those horrible plasma turrets hanging from the ceiling in a nice, loot-crate filled room - and you needn't even set foot in that room until long after you've taken out the core.

    What's really disappointing is the sheer number of people who make these kinds of mistakes and blame them on the game. Charging headlong into dangerous, potentially deadly situations due to a lack of recon is, well, no one's fault but your own.

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