Needs attention General Notes and Rules

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Q. Which core does a POI need to have
    A. Please use the RED (CoreNPC). Do NOT use the green PLAYER core, the blue PLAYER ADMIN core. There is a specific rule for the NPC admin core (CoreNPCadmin), though.

    Q. Can I use Admin-Cores for an POI, for example for Dungeons to prevent players 'cheating' their way?
    A. YES, we even encourage to to so! But note: If you are using the Admin-Core (f.ex. for a dungeon) then make sure you pre-damage every sentry and turret so the player can destroy them. Same for other blocks that should be "breakable" for the player (f.ex. in order to reach goodies hidden behind them)

    Q. How many Alien Loot Containers shall I place in a POI?
    A. This is more a rule-of-thumb.
    A1. NEVER use any Alien Loot container rare and upwards for a default or low-guarded POI (Civil settlement, outposts, etc pp.)
    A2. A DUNGEON should always have at least a PURPLE (Ultra Rare) container at the END BOSS section (and ONLY there! Or close to! Or in a VERY hidden space)
    A3. RED (Very Rare) are only to be used in HEAVILY defended military installations (which are quite massive, but not a Dungeon yet > f.ex. Military Station of Zirax, Dronebases etc)
    A4. Instead of the Alien Container (which shoulde be used with care!) better use Cargo Containers and Deco objects (devices that give loot!) in areas where this type of devices are EXPECTED to be found.
    A5. Do NOT overstuff loot! Your POI might be spawned hundreds of times and the galaxy is large. ;)

    Q. How does a DUNGEON differ from a POI?
    A. That's also more a rule-of-thumb. We suggest to use an ADMIN core (CoreNPCalien) as a dungeon is a way to have a player "beat" a large maze or setup in a certain way and get a valuable loot. A dungeon should have an entrance and should be "funneled" (what does not mean the player can only use one corridor...there can be different routes..but it should not be possible to skip the start to the end in a minute; shortcuts should lead to different challenges, not to skipping dangers). A dungeon is also always placed SINGLE, so a Dungeon can be a bit higher than level 12 (maybe 13-14 on a planet)

    Q. What are the Size Class limitations for POIs?
    A. Please read here:

    Q. Which NPCs shall I use for the Spawners?
    A. Please refer to the pinned Faction posts in the Lore&Story Forum.
    Each Faction has a defined set of NPCs.
    A. Please ALWAYS use NPC spawner setting 'same as base'

    Q. There are solid Spawner PADS and invisible SPAWNERS - which to use?
    A. Please refer to this post:

    Q. Can I submit a POI without a core, f.ex. a wreckage?
    A. YES! Wreckages should never have Cores if not required. You need a core if you want to have weapons, light and other stuff activted of course (also for using sensor logic!)

    Q. I am using a custom color palette - shall I share it?
    A. YES. When working on a POI and using a custom color palette, please make sure to add it to your post. Otherwise it might break in the review process.
    Paragraph 4.4.B >
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
    Tyrax Lightning and Aersaud like this.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Global Building GUIDES
    1. PERFORMANCE is key!
    2. Interior design (Deco, layout,..) should relate to the purpose of the structure and look like it is a place where people work (deco of course depends on the purpose of the structure)

    3. Materials depend on the subject of the structure:
        • We suggest to use HS inside a military POI and have a shell of CS on the outside for POIs
        • We suggest to use combination of HS and Concrete for Civil Settlements
        • We suggest to use Concrete and Wood for Villages
        • We suggest to use Combat Steel for Drone Bases (full)
        • We suggest to prioritize CS for any Dungeon
        • We suggest to use HS for Freighters and Planet Patrol Vessels
        • We suggest to use CS or HS for AI carriers and OPVs (whatever you feel is apropriate
        • HS = Easier Ship, CS = boss enemy ship)
    4. Note: feel free to play around with materials, as for some POIs like Dungeons you might want to add weak spots or strongholds by using differen types of materials.

    5. Use the textures and deco-elements for making it "vivid"

    6. We suggest to set doors to 0000 to avoid players need to blast their way in narrow passages.

    7. If you need to lock certain areas, make use of the SIGNAL logic instead!

    8. EVERY base POI needs a LANDCLAIM DEVICE to be added!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
    Tyrax Lightning and Aersaud like this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Specific Builing Rules for VESSELS (Freighters, OPVs and PVs)
    1. Do not make excessive use of growing plots/areas and constructors in ships that are predominantly "military vessels" (If it is not a military vessel, do not add turrets but other stuff ;) )
    2. Do NOT place thrusters inside or covered. All Thrusters need to be "targetable" and in a "line of fire" from the outside.
    3. Do NOT overstuff with turrets. This is PvE content, not PvP ;-)
    4. Do NOT place traders
    5. Do NOT place teleporters
    6. If you place NPC spawns in the vessel MAKE SURE the spawnzones do NOT go beyond the hull so they cannot be activated from the "outside"!
    7. Warp Drive is NOT mandatory! (F.ex if you build Patrol Vessels or similar)
    8. Build the ship AS IF it was controlled by NPC or player crews! (relates to internal deco, layout etc)
    9. Set all inner doors and shutters (and maybe even Hangar doors) to 0000
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
    Tyrax Lightning and Aersaud like this.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Additional Notes on POIs and AI-CVs

    1. Speed of a vessel is maintained by a playfield setting - it does not matter if the vessel would match that movement when run by a player. RCS and Torque rules still apply the same as for the player ships, though!

    2. Fuel and Generators (also O2 support) do not need to match up to the demand of the structure.
    AI ships and bases will not explode their generators when overusage is detected. Of course keep in mind that when players are capturing a Base this might explode right away.
  5. MatCz

    MatCz Lieutenant

    Apr 9, 2021
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    according point 6 I have a question:
    If I bind the spawner to a motion sensor inside the vessel which zone is not going beyond the hull can the spawnzone of the NPC spawner be bigger and go outside?

    This way the player would need to be inside the vessel to activate the motion sensor which activates the spawner's spawn zone. If the player is outside entering the NPC spawn zone nothing would happen because it is deactivated.


    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I had a quick question, are submissions allowed to have multiple devices that are normally limited to one per build?
    Say multiple shield generators or multiple warp drives?

    I have been debating on converting my "convoy" build for NPC use, but part of that conversion will involve replacing two of the escorts with ships from my escort series.

    The devices will exist for purely aesthetic purposes, because I want the escorts to look like they are separate builds.

    So, can I get away with a build that has multiple shield generators / warp drives? Or would I have to create faux warp drives for the escorts? Are there deco items for these devices that I have missed?

    Would a build that looks like multiple vessels be something Eleon would be interested in?
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2023

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