
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Skavn

    Skavn Lieutenant

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Please allow us to select a new start planet after death.

    While being offline for a day or two, my SV disapeared. I had no base on this moon. A lot of my stuff was in the SV. So I was stuck on a hostile planet without drill and with little other equipment. Of course I died.

    In the respawn menu I could select "Current location", which doesn't help ofc. And the start planet I first spawned on.
    The problem with this planet is that it is an insane start on a custom scenario which took quite a long time to do anything (no drill, no constructor at spawn).
    Even though that was fun to figure out the first time, I didn't really want to do that again...
  2. wagfeliz

    wagfeliz Commander

    Oct 24, 2017
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    This forum has bad mechanics for bug posting, blocking the access for new topics and allowing only topics is just bad.
    It forces us to just focus on tickets mechanic where we cant help others, we cant track our posts, its a mess, that is why people is using steam and other sites for bug posting, I dont think its helping you.
    There is a reason why other games allow you to create bug topics, users can confirm other users topics or just ignore, some other games use even score and approval or rejection score for bug topics, suggestions, etc, please change your politics about it.
    Skavn likes this.
  3. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Or tie them to the on/off switches and signals on the ship's control panel... first tab on the "P" screen. I usually have a signal for opening hanger doors and extending associated ramps.
  4. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    The performance I'm getting in 7.0, is utterly atrocious.

    I'm getting micro stuttering every X amount of seconds when flying across a planet. If I fly one direction at the same speed, I get micro stuttering every X seconds, like it's clockwork. My PC isn't that bad, and it's way above the recommended specs posted for this game.

    CPU: I5 2500k @ 4.2ghz
    RAM: 12GBs DDR3 1600mhz
    Drive: OCZ Trion 480gb SSD (Sata III)
    GPU: R9 390 OC'd +100 core, +200 memory

    I can't get consistent 60fps on any graphics setting, and the micro-stuttering discussed above occurs no matter what. Even on low settings, 1080p, and I set the frame limit to 30, I still get micro stuttering.

    Alpha 6 runs considerably smoother than this. 7.0 is bordering unplayable due to the micro stuttering when flying around. It's reminiscent of how bad No Man's Sky ran on release day. Although newer versions of that game eventually fixed the issue for me.

    Look, all I'm asking for is consistent 60fps, on some graphics setting, at my monitor's native resolution (1080p). Little to no micro-stuttering. I'm not asking for complete perfection here. Or change the game's recommended specs to something that's higher than the above posted specs.

    How much would faster system ram help in this game? In most games it's a negligible improvement, but there are a few games such as Fallout 4 which see sizeable gains from faster ram. Is this one of *those* games? Maybe a developer could answer that question?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
  5. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Gonna be perfectly honest here. I didn't put 200+ hrs in Empyrion for its multiplayer experience or survival elements. IMO, multiplayer is garbage, and the survival is mediocre. I prefer the sandbox elements. It does sandbox better than NMS does, and has the potential to be the best space-sandbox game ever made. I'm just not seeing the sandbox experience being expanded upon in recent patches, though. Too much emphasis is being given towards balancing multiplayer at the expense of single player, as well as adding additional elements which adversely effect the sandbox experience.

    Survival players like sandbox elements, but people who like sandbox don't necessarily care about grind creep expanding with every patch.

    Here is what we need for a better sandbox game:

    - More NPC traders.
    - Additional ways to make credits.
    - Expand the range of goods you can buy at any given time.
    - NPCs that can be hired as crew members, or base personnel. Each with a skill of some sort that gives you a bonus.
    - Different alien factions you can join, and gain reputation with. Each with differing rewards/benefits. Could be unique, high level tech access, or better NPCs from that faction, unique weapons/armor, etc.
    - Possibly some quests from NPCs at hubs. Something more than fetch quests, such as unique POIs on each planet that are quest related.

    Why not work on sandbox and RPG elements for 8.0? Back off the grind creep for a little bit.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Don't rely on this : if everyone can play without noticing problems they will just keep on adding layers of crappy scripts on it until it will get back.

    They are quite far from having a complete game, and even at this point we see it choking. No decent AI yet, no big playfields, no decent physics, no real forests (a handful of trees here and there), etc. At this rate only a few players will be able to play the game for... as long as the devs wish, in fact. If players can't play or find it too jumpy right now, it will only get worse. Who will give feedback during this "public-closed testing" ? Only players with the best systems ? That's not very fun for everyone else.
  7. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I know people who play games on PCs in real life, and within performance parameters I personally see as 'unplayable', that they're perfectly OK with. 18-24fps with stuttering all over the place, and no complaints. Some people aren't informed enough to know what bad performance looks and feels like on a PC game. I suspect this is true for a lot of the Empyrion players who say the game runs fine. Or maybe they got PCs considerably better than mine and legitimately don't experience these issues. In the case of the later, I'd like to know what's wrong with the hardware on my system, when all I expect is 60hz on maybe medium settings, at 1080p resolution. My PC is a perfectly capable 1080p/60hz machine for any game that's currently on the market.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
    Skavn and Kassonnade like this.
  8. wagfeliz

    wagfeliz Commander

    Oct 24, 2017
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    And how I link the signal into the toolbar ??? I dont think its possible at the moment, if that was possible it would fix that problem.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
  9. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    You cannot currently do that. I was supporting your suggestion.
  10. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    There isn't any POI in the game these 2 vessels can't hit & win. The reason for this is that the AI is utter and complete garbage. Survival is a joke if you can beat most of the content with 2 ships like this.

    The HV is level 3 requirement, the SV is level 7 requirement, cost for both is around 100ish Iron, Copper, Silicon. The level 3 HV can hit any POI on starting planets, and even punch a hole and drive around inside of the hallways (maybe breaking a few blocks for pathing), but all mobs get gunned down, easily. Dropping a patrol vessel with either of these ships would take some time, but it's doable if you know where the core is at. The SV could be upgraded to rockets, and have an even shorter profile.

    They're surprisingly resilient, as well. Because all the blocks exposed to attack from the front have 300-700HP. 300hp for the guns, and 700 for the cockpit. So they can take a few hits from POI ion cannons without getting any blocks destroyed.

    The first thing I do when I hit level 3 is make the HV below, and go straight for the drone base. After hitting a few POIs, I got enough devices to feed into the factory to make a starter CV, and I completely skip making a warp SV.

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
    binhthuy71, Jᴧgᴧ, Skavn and 2 others like this.
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You forgot to take off your helmet... :p
  12. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Something else I did, was strip the artillery + plasma turrets off a Thanatos HV, as well as remove the HV Thruster Ls (waste of space), and replace them with thruster M + thruster S combo, and ended up with a pretty cheap Thanatos that's got more thrust that the original. It's a pretty good base/CV defender if you leave it un-docked.

    I dunno who's idea it was that HV thruster Ls should only be 10% better than Thruster Ms, when they're 1 space longer. That means it's more efficient to fit in a combo of thruster M + S, and get additional thrust in the same amount of space. Really, who's idea was that, Elreon? If someone would like to explain to me why that makes any sense at all? Considering SV Thruster Jet S are WAY better than SV thruster Ms? And for the same amount of space as HV Thruster Ls?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Lighting in this game is a hot mess. (I suppose I should tell you what DirectX version I'm using, but I'll need to double check that later).

    I don't know how much of this is a limitation of the game engine or DirectX or both, but here are some of the problems:

    Lights are not visible at a distance. As you fly away from a light, the intensity drops off until it's like the light isn't even there. This happens in a pretty short distance. The light itself isn't visible, and the lighting effect on objects near the light is also not visible. This is severely unrealistic and makes it impossible to put effective object/terrain avoidance beacons on anything.

    Lights have separate intensity and radius controls, but that's not how real lighting works. A light source has intensity. That intensity falls off with the square of the distance. How far away an object can be from a light source before you can't see the effects is only a function of the intensity shining toward that object.

    Spotlights shine through objects like they're not even there. Forget to turn off the lights on my SV before parking in the hangar bay and I can still enjoy the full blinding effects on the other side of my airtight, combat steel wall.

    Environmental/ambient light shines through objects. Daytime on a planet = daytime inside a sealed, windowless steel box. Magic!

    Dynamic range. It's a constant battle to have just enough light so that you can actually see stuff, but not have everything blindingly washed out to white. (and as soon as you find the perfect lighting, the sun comes up or goes down and it's awful again.
    oojimaflip and Skavn like this.
  14. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Bring back core targeting, pvp desperately needs it :(
    Please get rid of SV tackling CVs. Just let them move through the CV hull for now.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I understand that for performance reasons they may not wish for lights to have effects visible at some distance, but they could surely "replace" lights past a certain point by just a bright point visible from any distance, with no effect around it. Even flares disappear, but if the game has no problem rendering the ship's blocks they could just make these lights switch to become "ship block" with the original light color visible from distance.
    rucky likes this.
  16. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    When parking a capital ship over a repair pad, you should not have to completely turn off the ship to get it to repair, because then all of the plants die.
    Is there any way we can change this behavior please?
    State likes this.
  17. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    You could have stopped right there and been 100% correct.

    I'd count myself among the game's devoted fans. I'm not a builder, nor am I into multiplayer anymore (had enough of that my first ~15 years of gaming). I'm interested in Survival - that third and important word in the game's Title. But there isn't much survival to be had, outside of the first few hours. Make a small base (on or under the ground), find food, start a few grow plots, get a little oxygen and promethium. HVs only help you to get around quicker, SVs only help to get between systems to scrounge up rarer materials. AI for combat (both entity and ships/bases) is a complete joke, quests are largely kill or fetch, shops don't work.. I could fill an entire page with a large bug list, many which are close to game-breaking. I consider myself to have "won" any scenario once I have replensishable food and oxygen, and can sit overnight without threat of attack. There's absolutely no necessary reason to "build bigger" in a Survival game. And really nothing to explore, unless you want to see more random POIs.

    I'd really, REALLY love to play Empyrion - both for my own enjoyment and to report bugs and give suggestions. But to do that past the first ~8 hours in any game I've been told I have to play multiplayer. I've owned and played a lot of sandbox survival games (several in EA), but never have I heard that until now.

    It might sound like harsh feedback, but it comes from someone who truly loves the game's premise, and wants to see it do well. It needs more development balance, and more "building the game's framework from the ground up". Without that, I think the game itself won't Survive, much less the game mode named the same.
  18. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I am somewhere in between, Survival is the reason I play, but I only play this game because I can strategize my building around my survival requirements, that's what makes this game so good and above its competition. I had about 600 hours of single player before I tried multiplayer and I agree with you both, it's boring, limited and a recycle of single players' first few days.

    But now I'm up to 800 hours and the game (updates) has caught up with me twice! I've only done a tour of the system once, but was greatly gratified with the experience. Unlike other games the planets feel and look quite different and got to see different horrifying creatures or just simply different landscapes. I also discovered the aliens' central hub which I am yet to try to take out. I've had to redesign my CVs and SVs multiple times according to requirements and/or threats e.g. the introduction of warp on SVs, not enough maneuverability to avoid shots, no ability to take off from atmosphere because CV was designed in space, etc.

    After I achieved the basic survival i.e. food and shelter, my next goal was to rid my precious Akua of alien vermin, then I continued with the moon. But by the time I got to the asteroids sector (the one with no planets just a base) I realised that my current CV was not up to the task of confronting an alien base whilst being attacked by drones and Freighters...

    Now I'm designing a mammoth CV, another virtue of single player (giant structures), but by the time I'm finished I hear they'll have a galaxy! Or at least more systems, so it never ends!!! What a game...

    Finally, let's not forget this is in Alpha, not even Beta. People (and myself) are designing they're own games with custom scenarios and missions. Maybe you have more time than me to play, but I often find updates catch up with me before I can exhaust all existing gameplay.
    State likes this.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You play your own scenarios?
  20. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Hey Kass! I am indeed designing something quite large... :D

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