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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Don't know if this has been mentioned somewhere: Since the 8.2 patch all POIs and asteroids are no longer regenerating on Eleon EU. (status: yesterday evening)

    So associated games activities are no longer possible. People in need of resources will completely tear down POIs, which can lead to the bug, that completely torn POIs will not regenerate at all.

    New players on Mato, Kelt aso. have a very hard time, because usually their only way to get a certain type of resource is from POIs.
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    We know about it. Were trying to find the issue and solve it
  3. markoredflag

    markoredflag Commander

    Oct 26, 2016
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    In Official public too?
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Structure increase Yes
    Wipecounter No
    markoredflag likes this.
  5. lemansgranprix

    lemansgranprix Ensign

    Jan 1, 2016
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    Server: Eleon Official US Server
    Char: Lemansgranprix
    Planet: Plys

    So I logged in tonight and my SV has "fallen" through the roof of my base and is inside my base (two small doors to enter, no way to get in and out). I tried the cb:GetShipHere:nnnnnnn command and it said it moved my ship but did nothing.

    My SV is jrandall's Merc-MX5E and the base is his Sanctuary-ST w-Hanger (updated by Operator Hoot). As you can see from the workshop, there's no way to get this SV into this base, let alone out.

    All of the weird ship stuff has been happening since the last patch.

    Can someone please help get my ship out of my building.
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Teleported it abit away let me know if it helped
    lemansgranprix likes this.
  7. lemansgranprix

    lemansgranprix Ensign

    Jan 1, 2016
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    This is resolved, while it was still in the floor when I logged in this morning, I did manage to get in it, try and move it a round (it was stuck) but then the GetShipHere command worked (note: the command would say, "ship got moved" twice. Thanks Taelyn, I believe what you did must have helped!
    Taelyn likes this.
  8. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Personal Wipe counter is active in trader orbit. This doesn't seem right?!

    I also read it is active in mercenary orbit... but did not check myself.
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Its active in any starter planet. So also the moons and orbit of that starter planet
  10. Nobody 2

    Nobody 2 Commander

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Thats the problem taelyn
    In the thread
    are some posts

    The problem is that Trader and Mercenary are traffic junctions.
    Every ship older than 7 days take the way through them is deleted.

    Mercenary never had Population issues because its PVP. (so far i know)
    And trader well at least the orbit need to be excepted from the automatic wipe. The planet is sure a harder thing i see only 3 ways
    * Warn before a payer enter the planet that he will loose all vehicle older than 7 days if he enter
    * Disallow to move to planet with Vehicles older than 7 days (Very problematic if it doesnt akknowledge docked vehicle propper)
    * Wipe only bases
    * Remove the wipe and let player start on eleen if trader is full.

    But the highest prioritys are both orbits, i am used to fly through trader orbit nearly every time i want to go somewhere.
    Atola likes this.
  11. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    the wipe count is not progressing - what you get from "cb:nextwipe" I'm not sure if it is still wiping the ground/POIs when it is supposed to or not, just that the command is not counting down/changing when used.
  12. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Yes, .... but that doesn't fit how the map works for Trader and mercenary!!!! The orbits of Trader and Mercenary are not newbie areas.
  13. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    For some reason my structures in eleen that should be gone by now are still there?! - Ocording to the registry and the cb:wipe command.
  14. Nobody 2

    Nobody 2 Commander

    Feb 25, 2018
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    a few seconds ago in nearly got my third hearth attack.
    I jumped accidentially to Trader, but i was able to jump out before my CV, my production HV, and my mainstock SV have been deleted

    That trader delete your ship is really really bad
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Because the commands are bugged or the tool hangs. Ill check later. But there is a bug with the poi reset command
  16. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    According to these posts, some of the problems (vanished POIs, ore deposits not regenerating) could be "fixed", but that requires a lot of manual actions from server admin.

    Vanished POIs

    Deposits not regenerating

    I can understand, that if this is not "scriptable" it could be a quite extensive task (probably several hundred of POIs, several dozen playfields). Risks are high, that you overlook something. I also heard rumors that a complete wipe is being discussed.

    Do you already have a plan, how to resolve the current mess?

    Currently several veteran players don't play that much, because they are waiting for a fix. So we have more free slots on the server which opens the possibility for new players to start. In the current state, its no fun to begin a new game on the server. Currently the game and the server appear in a quite bad light (esp. because it's called "Official Eleon Server").
  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Were not doing anythin till its fixed.

    Deposits not regenerating? Deposits have no regeneration. Never had one. Once a month we rest them ONLY on starter words. The other worlds drop meteorites when the deposit is gone

    The only thing that doesnt work is poi and asteroid in space.

    Yes i can log the server and reset them all by hand. And in a hour same story.. not gonna do that. When its fixed we do something about it
  18. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Sorry, I had thought the mechanics for ore on asteroids and deposits were the same (except that planet deposits don't regenerate).
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    No there not, the asteroids in space are seen as poi's.

    The thing is. Its random whats going on. What makes it hard to fix it. The official server has the problem. Apperntly HWS has it too and some other ppl aswell. But my own server, no problem. Stuff regenerates fine everywhere (atleast i hear no one saying anything about it)

    All we can really do atm is wait for the fix. Then we can decide what we do. Either reset them by hand or a playfiel wipe. Or something else what would help
  20. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Its really hard to tell, but i think on some planets meteorites are not falling.... but it is hard for a player to really tell. But I have not seen a meteorite message about one arriving in several hours of play. do meteorites decay over time once they have arrived on a playfield? or do thy have to be found and mined?

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