Help with block angle building

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by El_Globo, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Often I am stuck when I want to design a ship which have different angles.

    Seee the attached example "shape testing ground"

    Let's say I want a smooth slope for the front hull : I use mainly two blocks (in blue in my example) rampe A and rampe C medium
    For the side hull I use rampe C (in red).

    The problem is that I can't find a corner block like an "adaptator" which fit both angles...
    If I use half A corner (in yellow) of course there's a gap..

    I tried different shapes but for now I din't found anything fitting 100%, or if by luck I succeeded once I did not remember what I've done at the time !

    Any ideas ?
    Shape texting ground_2020-08-21_11-53-04.png
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    To connect those angles in your screenshot?

    Cut Corner B + Sliced Corner A1 + Corner Half B + Corner Small C
    They're on the Basic Shapes page, all of Row 4.
    El_Globo likes this.
  3. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Sorry, unless I'm using them in the wrong way.... no. OK to fit them under the yellow because it is the yellow half corner A3, but it won't match the blue angle (22.5° ?). They're made for the 45°.
    I'm looking for a block having 45° on one side and 22,5° on the other (a sort of ramp).

    Right side would be half corner A1, but left side shoud be half corner A3 on the same block

    PS : I like your aerospace advertising BTW ;)
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  4. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Shape texting ground_2020-08-21_14-45-40.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    19 Isocoherence_2020-08-22_00-39-15.png
    Cut Corner B + Sliced Corner A1 + Corner Half B + Corner Small C
    Transition from 45 degree to 22.5 degree
    SylenThunder and El_Globo like this.
  6. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Sorry, didn't seen your draw before posting my try. Yes, it fills the upper gap.
  7. SnowdogJJJ

    SnowdogJJJ Commander

    Jun 22, 2020
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    I wish someone would create a helper app for this, something like .. when I tag a block in my build, use that to highlight all the blocks that could fit it on the pick-block menu. It seems simple enough to code a separate app but getting that into the game code might present a challenge
  8. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Cut Corner B + Sliced Corner A1 + Corner Half B + Corner Small C
    Transition from 45 degree to 22.5 degree

    => Wasn't easy to guess, I had to change my game language to english to match your names ;)
    Anyway, thank you, now I think I have to vomit before trying something else !

    Shape texting ground_2020-08-21_15-06-49.png
  9. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Yes, I think I had submitted soemthing like like in my wishes list......
    SnowdogJJJ likes this.
  10. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    A Workaround but nothing more. I am still praying for this block:
    Image of the gap:

    3D model:

    For the protocol:
    Protocol is long by now.
  11. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    It does come to pass, from time to time, that there really are shapes that are missing. If you happen to find one, there is a thread for them too. It may take a while, but generally Eleon has proven to be pretty good at filling in the missing pieces.

    Here's one I've recently posted as missing:


    At first, it looks like a pretty standard corner wedge, until you realize that the opposing angles are opposite to each other, and the corner wedge doesn't fit right.
  12. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Check the date of the post thats linked as the image of the gap.
    Or the version identity in the picture.
  13. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Can I buy you a larger font? Version ID looks pretty recent. Can you link me back to the thread requesting the actual missing blocks? It also looks like, from the threads above, the blocks in question were not actually missing, just not easily identified, but I could be wrong here, that has happened before, just not too often.
  14. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Well i am quite happy with my fontsizes @IndigoWyrd. Anyway. The Block i am requesting is still missing. In the post of Vermillion he showed a a workaround that works if you are using "half blocks" but of course this causes "trouble" and another line of the design then.
    The first link in my other post (the one that i quote here for you again) is a link to the requested missing blocks thread. So you were already there.

    Version ID show Experimetal 10.x from over a year ago. First big group of new Blocks came with alpha 10. Thats why the thread was started. Then some other new Blocks came with Alpha 10.5 or Alpha 11. The one requested in my quoted post was somehow never added. Still the likes indicate that i am not the only one who is missing that block. Actually a couple of weeks ago there was somebody looking for this block and i had to bring him the sad truth about this non existing block.
    My tone here might be a bit more rough than it usually it. But that's simply because i am missing this block for years already, then there came the chance to add it. I requested it. People liked my request. But it did not get added. Then a couple of other blocks got added again but instead of the block that would help so many designs we just got more wall blocks. And now here is you, who implies that i am maybe just not seeing this block that i am missing for years. While it is you who doesn't see the difference between this particular block and the crappy workaraound Vermillion presented here.
    (@Vermillion of course the workaround is not really crap but you know as well as i do that this workaround is not a satisfying and fully working solution at all. That's of course in the nature of workarounds.)
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    All blocks can "fit" (all blocks take 1 block space) so the "code" would not find the solution. Imagine when putting a cube down and the code highlighting all blocks. This is exactly what the "code" would think for all "fitting" blocks : it's all about "choice" and not one specific setup.

    If the voxel setup for the building blocks was approximately the same as for terrain deformation, we could "shape" ships and structures with a "sculpting tool" just like we do with terrain, and the voxel engine would "interpolate" a precise shape from the "sculpting" and missing parts... :cool:
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    If you like to see more about how Blocks fit together to built a certain shape I suggest to watch @jrandall Tutorial - 3 Parts:

    Kassonnade likes this.
  17. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I am too, now. But the microprint from the previous post was just short of illegible to me.

    A repost of the image would have been more useful than a link back to another thread - I confess a terrible habit of not chasing threads, and I won't deny that Eleon does not have a dedicated "missing block maker" standing by to whip up every odd shape we manage to find - but I have seen over the years, they are pretty darn good at "filling in the gaps", just not on-demand. Still waiting on a few myself, including the 1/4 round, "dome-shaped" heavy glass and the "opposite-sided" L-shaped heavy glass. It's important to remember "we" outnumber "them" by several orders of magnitude, so if "they" spent the time required to fulfill our every "missing shape" design, we'd probably still be in Alpha 2.x. But they have demonstrated time and time again they hear us, and they do deliver.
    Germanicus likes this.
  18. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    I know that, it's just sad that a few wall blocks were more important to them then a single highly requested shape. (This shape always had the 2nd most likes in the thread since Alpha 10.5/11 it has the most. And yes more heavy window shapes would be great as well. Additionally to the ones you mentioned i would also like to se a slope version that has its wall partnot on the sides but at the edge.
    Anyway those shapesare missing and for now till idk we have to live with it.
  19. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I can't say what makes one shape or another take priority - but there must be some rationale behind it. I can say, from personal experience, I have run into instances where a seemingly simple object, of low polygon count, has caused bizarre performance issues in other game engines. I'll admit, I've done very, very little with Unity, so I'm not really qualified to say if this could be a factor, or if it's more a matter of:

    "This is a thing we want to make for what we're doing as a development studio, and we're missing these things." so they get done first, certainly possible, or if there are other factors at work we're simply not aware of, but whatever the case, be patient here, even when it means having a weird gap, or misshapen bit filling that gap. I know I have more than a few blueprints awaiting proper fitting pieces that are still fully functional.

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