Fixed HV mechanical drill do not collide with terrain. [00408]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by EmpyrionPlayer_, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. EmpyrionPlayer_

    EmpyrionPlayer_ Ensign

    Sep 6, 2022
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: 3864


    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Yes
    Severity: Medium

    Type: Bug

    Summary: Mechanical drills do not collide with terrain.

    Description: Mechanical drills do not collide with terrain, leaving the drill head inside the terrain and therefore not mining the terrain, since they are away from the surface. They still mine if they are near the surface.
    One "solution" is to position the drills in a way that they dont have a chance to go into the terrain, being the foremost part of the HV what will collide with the terrain.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Create a new creative game, choose the temperate planet.
    2) Attach a mechanicall drill in the provided HV that is parked in the spawning base.
    3) Also attach a cockplit, since its missing it in this update.
    4) Go make a hole and enter it.
    5) The drill will mine as long is is close to the terrain surface, but it will not collide with it.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Last time I played was in version 1.7.9, this was not happening back then.
    Made the steps mentioned in the "READ BEFORE" post and tested it again.
  2. MelodicNL

    MelodicNL Ensign

    Jun 22, 2022
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    Same problem with HV and the CV Large mechanical drills (but those might be RE only). And same for the tip of the mining lasers clipping through terrain, but that is less of a problem. Mechanical drills on vehicles are difficult to use in this version.
  3. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I don't know if this was a deliberate change (I'm assuming it was) but it has both a positive and a negative effect. The negative is that it can be very hard to initiate drilling with the large drill bits because if the tip of the drill is inside the terrain it won't excavate. The positive is that the old drills would constantly catch against the sides of a tunnel since their collision box was a cube, so with the new drills once you start cutting the tunneling is much easier.

    I feel that a fix would be to push back the point that the drilling starts to be inside the drill head, or even at the base of the shaft, instead of right in front of the tip. This would give you the effect of being able to jam the drill heads into the terrain and turn them on to cut out a hole in that region.

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