Known Issue Icy planet freeze bug during IDA recap

Discussion in 'Known Issues' started by spacegal, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SERVER NAME: Singleplayer
    SEED-ID: any seed on icy planet

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Easy
    Severity: Minor

    Type: Quests/Plot

    Summary: You got frozen while reading IDA report on Apollon station
    NOTE: I'll use this bug also to show you a minor typo error - screenshots attached

    Description: as with any other planet, also when you begin your adventure on the icy planet you've the choice to read the report prologue and that's working (screenshot: Empyrion_bug_ice_planet_begin_00). Unfortunately while doing that, even using the tool to generate hot at a certain point of the report you'll eventually freeze (screenshot: Empyrion_bug_ice_planet_begin_01 and Empyrion_bug_ice_planet_begin_02). Of course in my screenshots I could've gone closer to the heat generator but that's exactly the point of the supposed bug: to properly read an automatic report from my AI I must be close to the heat generator. Please note also that placing something on the surface at the very beginning is not so easy because IDA report is the first scripted event and it occurs just after some seconds. To solve that I begun preparation while falling onto planet (screenshot: Empyrion_bug_ice_planet_begin_03).
    So to recap there are at least two issues here:
    1. when IDA is reporting and you froze as you may NOT see from the screenshot _01, the cold icon is not reported (you can only hear the sound of the character); I've just prepared the screenshot _02 as a proof of the frozen status: as you may NOW see from the food bar the _02 was taken immediately after the _01 by exiting (and losing :( ) IDA report;
    2. freezing while reading a quest is really bad and it could be a pain to follow a quest with that stress. I've never found a game where reading a quest or during scripted events something may happen to you outside of your control - I'm playing games since the Commodore64 era, I'm not new just to let you know ;). The vast majority of games put everything in stand-by during scripted event, videos, quest reading and so on. In Empyrion we're talking about an automatic event reporting the basic of the plot during while you'll not be killed ok but frozen: to me is a bug. Furthermore... you'll not be killed, wait: if ignore your status you'll finish the food while frozen before IDA finishes its message, so you're forced to press ESC.
    Further minor bug: as you may see from the screenshot _01 there is also a typo: a missing 't' in Integrated Data Assistan and not Integrated Data Assistant. Please note that before the automatic report, in the very first message of the game after the crash the name of IDA is correct.

    Proposed WA: that is just a suggestion so you can safely ignore it. Maybe to quickly solve this bug (or maybe for you it is fine like that but just in case please note that, for example, if No Man's Sky had this behavior with its three plot lines, then it would have been unplayable ;) ) you can prevent the character from exiting the pod so he/she could've read in peace what her/his AI has to say. As now we know in space there are more than 200 Celsius degree below zero, so a pod fine for the space would be more than adequate for any -50° or even -100° icy planet.

    Steps to Reproduce: start a new game on the icy planet, managing to place on surface the heat generator. Without it you'll freeze after some minutes of reading.
    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    screenshots attached directly to the message.

    Attached Files:

    cmguardia and stanley bourdon like this.
  2. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    ...sorry just a clarification before being flamed ;)

    I'm not proposing to put the game on hold for everything: just during scripted and automatic event.

    Of course if during a storm I'll remain in an opening and there I'm accessing the inventory or I'm reading something for a quest then I deserve to die ;) and that happens also in NMS of course.

    Kind regards.
    cmguardia and stanley bourdon like this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    I am afraid there is currently nothing I can do about that. :(

    Not a bug, but sth that is not adjustable other than removing the story from places where this can happen. I am afraid in a procedural game this is nothing I can really control as I cannot fully forsee - although tried - where you happen to get those messages.

    And pausing the game in a dialogue is not yet possible (yes, I know about all the suggestions on what we could do here, but they are not really easy to add, although the solutions might sound like they are)
    cmguardia and Germanicus like this.
  4. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Thank you for reading this bug report.

    If it can't be solved neither by leaving the character into the capsule at the beginning of the game (am I remembering wrong or in the version v1.x.x the character was indeed inside the pod? Maybe I'm remembering another game I do not know :( ) then no problem: it's a small drawback and after all there are not so many players interested in plot while playing Empyrion... so no problem.

    Thank you and good work for the other bugs.
    cmguardia, Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.

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