Instance addressing Multiplayer/singleplayer

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by philigusforgotPW, Jun 21, 2022.

  1. philigusforgotPW

    philigusforgotPW Ensign

    Apr 27, 2017
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    My instances in my Scenario seem to work flawlessly ~~ sorta in my Single Player game. but when I Port the Scenario to a Multiplayer game the "Stargate" portal works going TO the instance but does not work coming FROM the instance.

    I made a workaround by placing the Base teleport on the POI inside the Instance and that allows to teleport back to the trade station where I have the "Stargates."

    The base teleport has some other thing going on that does not need the convoluted addressing that the stargates need. I cannot use the base teleport to go TO the instance which I like and is good because the instance is Alien or Evil Faction... but I have not tested with Honored faction... hmm.

    I don't want to have a base teleport in the POI at all... unless it is within the instance and part of the POI.

    I would like it to be stargate to stargate.

    The second part is that you cannot respawn at a clone chamber or medbay in an instance with a RedNPCcore. That is probably fine.

    PinkAdminNPCcore allows respawn at medical chamber or clone chamber inside the instance. That is good.

    Could it be a server side nerf?

    Thanks for any ideas.

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