Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Thats what the Modular Containers are added for. Having a "group access" might be a feature of the future, but that is not yet possible.
  2. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    It would still would be nice for constructors to automatically pick a container to connect to in two situations: upon the constructor first being placed, and when a container is added to a structure with constructors that didn't previously have any containers. It would eliminate one potentially confusing step when setting up a new base.

    Also, any news on when we might expect to see constructor connection information saved in blueprints?
    runlykhel likes this.
  3. MariuSS

    MariuSS Ensign

    Jun 8, 2016
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    The point is , when i'm walking far from my base or ship how i can put a reserve of food, ammo and whathewer I wont , wher I put it and how I can acces it. I read and test yout tutorial and it don't work. I realy apreciate the GUI it have rough edges:confused:
  4. Lidan

    Lidan Ensign

    Oct 22, 2016
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    I subscribe to what Mariuss says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All logistics has been thought of as the back of the human body
    At the risk of repeating, I paid this game and I want access to the previous game and server version!!!!!!!
    I'm already bored to list all the issues that this version has, problems that have not been taken into account.
    Repeat, it's simple!
    I paid the game and I'm the village to act as a guinea pig, myself and my friends for the crap that Eleonore Games does not take into account in the new releases

    To the creators of the game!
    If I do not have access to the previous game and server version, I will uninstall the game and you will have enough negative internet advertising!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2018
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Go to steam and u can select Alpha 8. Same for the Server Software

    Now atleast behave abit more nice!

  6. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    If there are no "inbuild" containers possible, then the newly placed device should link up to the first available one.
    Ideally one that fits the "type" (fridge, general)

    If there is none, make the message clearer (for the first time user)
    [Device Offline..]
    "No input container assigned"


    Automatic presets (assigning a container) are not a problem for experienced users, they will adjust the connections it to their needs anyway. But its a huge help to first time users.


    Overall the new inventory system offers a great deal of new opportunities in handling items, but at the necessary drawback to have to get more complex that the simple classic grid-inventory, with one item per slot. So I think there will be several iterations on polishing that.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    Sofianinho, Andreykl and geostar1024 like this.
  7. MariuSS

    MariuSS Ensign

    Jun 8, 2016
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    Ty a lot for your advice, but , for example my server it is hosted by Nitrado do you know if I can change there also? thank you! I make a modification of this post, in Nitrado if you try a backup to the server at the last version, it don't work anymore so... nice:(
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
  8. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Contact Nitrado Support. They can change it for you
    MariuSS likes this.
  9. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Initially while playing 2072 I started to take screen shots on what didn't sense to me with the logistics, but eventually is stopped when I realize while it's not random it's probably as close as it gets. While opening a box in front of me it gives me my hv outside and it's fuel tank? Or one box in the poi and a different box in the poi. Even when I get the contaner I want open in the system wirelessly it will defaut to the fuel of the hv, time again. Don't get me wrong I can see the value in the system but ATM it feels like I mini logic puzzle game every time I open a box. I honestly found my self using a port constructor as storage more than once so I wouldn't have to deal with it. It needs to be very perdictable so I don't have to solve a mini puzzle every time I open a box.

    On a different note my reservation on the system is that it's always on. None of the senarios above had me connected to it other than in range of a device. I would honestly limit the system to only bring up what box I'm connected to while playing. And keep the full menu to only be under the f4 menu. You may have a case of information overload, it needs to be more limited. Pulling up the abandoned mine s box list and seeing over 30 different boxes in the list when you want what's in front of you really isn't that helpful.
    Lo FuGao, Sephrajin, Bigfeet and 3 others like this.
  10. runlykhel

    runlykhel Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Lol...I guess some peeps never read the EA notification.:rolleyes:

    Just a little feed back; first under certain conditions the item description drop down in menus are still having to have you change pages or click on something else and back to enable them. (I previously left a bug report in experimental)

    Suggestion; in early game before getting a vehicle with extra storage/wifi you are unable to pick individual items out of oversize stacks especially in over filled containers, you can't put them back, they just get dropped and lost. So my suggestion is to get these overfilled containers corrected to proper volume, and/or have the ability to pick up items in smaller portions of the stack; one, ten, or a hundred at a time, or when clicked just transfers the amount to fill your inventory.*

    *I realize this has been mentioned/discussed before just want to bring it back into the light.;)

    For us veterans not going to a POI with a large loot potential until we have a vehicle, or just visit and comeback is not a problem, but I can see much potential confusion and rage with new players when grabbing a stack of much needed or desired items to watch it drop and disappear; a harsh lesson. An early POI during the tutorial fits this situation having some powerful goodies you can jump to, but can't pickup because of overfilled containers, and nothing but your bike.:(
    Arguro, geostar1024 and Andreykl like this.
  11. Lidan

    Lidan Ensign

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Thank you!
  12. MariuSS

    MariuSS Ensign

    Jun 8, 2016
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    SP Survival, arid start
    Other stuff...
    There is a rock here lol

    the Shotguns are invisible

    You can also mostly erase the players entire inventory by setting it to the lines.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can also erase the players inventory by having a full inventory in an HV, with items in your logistics bar. unconnect the logistics the items in the logistics bar will drop to ground and the players actual inventory will vanish.

    And lastly i'm not entirely sure of the combo for doing this, but It seems that when moving stuff between inventories (through connected logistics) sometimes the stuff doesn't make it. it may have something to do with a full slotted hv inventory the logistics were connected to. I had moved a pistol from a chest to my inventory and after i closed it i could no longer see the gun anywhere. had trouble reproducing this one though.

    Last edited: Yesterday at 6:50 AM
    Ravis, Yesterday at 6:17 AM
    So this gentelman, Ravis it post yesterday the important problems with the inventoruy and you still put the version 9.0 in all your server? Very nice! Congratulations great job!
  13. MariuSS

    MariuSS Ensign

    Jun 8, 2016
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    Ty it's true , i'm a noob in this game , only near of 2000 hours played. Please read the bug report from yesterday when it was in experimental, a lot of players report this same problem the player withaut ship it don't have inventory or when you try to move only a piece of something it vanish
    runlykhel likes this.
  14. Genaydre

    Genaydre Ensign

    Dec 17, 2018
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    I have some question

    before MAJ we have put thing inside contructor and food processing, where there is now?

    where are stuff that we have in inventory before MAJ? (we can no longer use our inventory, there are nothing in and dissapear even if not connected to a container.)

    it's shame, all bugs that was already say prevents us from playing .
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Thats gone. U have to connect it to a container and use the container
  16. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    If you're playing from an old save or on a server that has just updated and hasn't reset then your inventory doesn't work anymore and even if you pick up new items (tested with items picked and item from the item meny they'll just disappear.

    I found this issue on my friends server after the update and the easiest way for us to fix it was to just reset and start from scratch. This is usually the practice for any major update though so my only gripe here is that they didn't give people enough warning that a major update was coming to the stable branch.
    runlykhel likes this.
  17. Genaydre

    Genaydre Ensign

    Dec 17, 2018
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    so we need always be connected in a contenaire for our player inventory?

    so.. it's shame, need to wait a hotfix for all bugs, we can't play. our server can't log in more than one player in same time now...

    ah a reset, we will thing about that.
  18. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    A Fresh start should fix it.
    runlykhel likes this.
  19. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    It doesn't matter much if it will be on the right or left, players can adapt to it as long as it is consistent behavior. Most important is for UI to be consistent in terms of opened inventories, and it is not - like F-container opens content on the left and F-tank opens on the right.
    If you F-open tank, switch left to players inventory, then F-open container, there won't be player inventory, only tank on the right and container on the left.
  20. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    No. The player still has a separate inventory. However, all constructors now lack internal inventories and must be connected to cargo boxes instead. A player can then connect to a cargo box and have remote access to its contents in addition to what's in the player's inventory.

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