Looks like it try to look for the 'old' container types. It does move all from box 'to be sort' to 'unsorted' but can't use the other containter or the sortdb but I can't debug it. Anyone got a fixed or working verison of Name: Dynamic Transfer/Sorting System?
Astic gibt es eine Möglichkeit einzelne Scripte zu blockieren ? weil ich denke wenn man dieses Skript benutzt, Scripteconstruct {{#entitiesbyname '*' 500}} {{#each .}} {{#test @root.E.Id neq Id}} {{Name}}: {{#deconstruct . 'Abbau'}} min: {{MinPos}} max: {{MaxPos}} current X: {{X}} current Y: {{Y}} current Z: {{Z}} TotalBlocks: {{TotalBlocks}} CheckedBlocks: {{CheckedBlocks}} RemovedBlocks: {{RemovedBlocks}} {{else}} - {{/deconstruct}} {{/test}} {{/each}} {{/entitiesbyname}} Kern muss auf Core-Destruct-id vom Schiff unbenannt werden Spwanen die CV Schiffe von den NPCs nicht nach. hab gerade das Problem das wenn man das Script benutzt die Kriel CV´s in RF 1.7 nicht nach spwanen
Einzelne Befehle zu sperren ist nicht möglich, jedoch haben wir schon viele Schiffe auf diese Weise abgebaut und sie sind immer wiedergekommen. Der Fehler muss andere Gründe haben, bzw das beim respawn immer mal wieder etwas klemmt ist ja auch nichts neues.
I allow the recycle script but I have removed the destruct code by removing it from the converyorhelper.cs But never seen the code cause issues, I just did not want to allow it
hab eben mal das playfield gewipt und den server neugestartet! die schiffe sind dann alle wieder da aber nur für ein paar sekunden , dann despwanen die von alleine. liegt wohl doch nicht am script. kein plan was da schon wieder los ist
Its too good Its very fast (instance) and on the server I host, it works so fast users think its a bug. So I have disabled it for now just to stop the support calls I get from users on the server. Nothing wrong with the script, just the users
I see there are scripts which you can use to list what is growing in crop plots and if they are harvestable. Anyway to auto harvest them? (move to container)
Yes, it is possible if you do it in a savegame script (needs premissions to change blocks and put new items into container) I did a proof of concept bevore the update that broke scripting, it harvested plant fiber; did not get around to improve it yet.
Trying to see how many scripts I can put into my CV and always looking for scripts in other workshop items to 'borrow' idea from.
nice one - this will save me from a lot of work do you plan on just harvest everything "for free" or have some requirements attached? for my script I made a requirement to have crew block (and planed to only harvest around it, like 3 blocks in each direction)
I like the idea of requiring an NPC to be the "gardener", but I would add its position to the command via parameters. Maybe I still build the option that in the reception box something like "harvest material" which is consumed must be present. Both would be activated via the configuration in the default - but can then be changed / disabled by the server operator.
I have a modular carrier and when a moduled CV docks to the carrier, I have a script (which is looking at the ship name) and displays its fuel, o2 etc on the door of the hanger. But this means I need to dock them in the right place. If there anyway to script check what ships is docked where on another (so only trigger script if docked ship is at x,yz,) So I can filter the display only that ships details instead of filtering on ship name https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787868853
Maybe take a look at my "landing guide" you can calc the relative position of the docked/other vessel to your vessel and check so the x,y,z range for your ship selection
Empyrion Scripting 9.0.0 Ids with names & Blocks & Harvest command https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting/releases/tag/9.0.0 PS: @Nathan Jurgens the deconstruct/recycle works slower now - and reduce the "load" on the game