I have been using the container contents/volume display scripts for some time (e.g. Script:BoxInfos from Vega AI), and I just discovered that most Reforged Eden 2 items don't contribute to the used volume on the display, even though the names and quantities still show up on the screen. The items in question do have Volume set in BlocksConfig.ecf and ItemsConfig.ecf.
I assume you are in single player - you have to enter the path to the scenario in the scripting configuration because the API only contains this information in multiplayer.
A little help please. I'm playing Reforged Eden 2 scenario on a MP server. I've set-up 2 identical farms CVs and ASTIC script set-up to harvest the hydroponic bays with 20000+ credits in the input containers. One farm has fiber hydroponics which is working perfectly and when I load in each day I see it's looted the fiber hydroponics multiple occasions since I've been on. The pentaxid farm is empty when I load in and I can see the pentaxid hydroponics are full and waiting to be harvested. I then wait a minute or so I see the script trigger and it loot the hydroponics in front of me and only for the quantity waiting to be harvested. I've tried with and without OverrideScenarioPath set but this doesn't appear to make a difference. Any idea why the fiber farm is working as expected but the pentax farm is only being triggered when someone loads into the playfield?
The scripts are only executed when the playfield is loaded. There are probably other players on the playfield with the fibers besides you. PS: Additionally there is the DSL (Dynamic Structure Loading) which only loads objects when a player approaches and the scripts only work on loaded objects ;-)
@ASTIC {{#orderbylist list 'id1;id2;id3,...'}} sort list of items based on the idlist. Items that are not in the list are sorted to the end Is there a way to have the "list" this is working with be something that itemlist produced. Code: {{~set 'IDs' '4329,4339,4331,4444,4173,4322,4324,4321,4319,4323,4360,4333,4326-4327,4363,4346,4366,'}} {{#itemlist @root.E.S.Items @root.Data.IDs}} {{#test Id in @root.Data.IDs}} {{#orderbylist . @root.Data.IDs}} {{i18n Id}} ({{Id}})<pos=75><color=yellow>{{Count}}</color> {{/each}}{{/orderbylist}} {{/test}} {{/itemlist}} I am trying to make a set ordered list that doesnt move item with 0 to the end.
The new version 13.4.2 support a function "itemlistarray" witch returns an list instead of loop over the single items https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting/releases/tag/13.4.2
Hi, I've a proble again. i like to change a switchstate, but it won't work: Its on a SV, i have 2 switch, "Senden" and "Empfangen" Code: {{set 'umstellen' false}} --- Abfragen Senden & festlegen Cache--- {{#getswitch E.S 'Senden'}} {{customname}} -> {{switchstate}} {{set 'umstellen' switchstate}} {{/getswitch}} --- Prüfen von cache --- {{Data.umstellen}} --- Umstellen vom Empfangen: --- {{#getswitch E.S 'Empfangen'}} {{setswitch @root.E.S 'Empfangen' Data.umstellen}} {{customname}} -> {{switchstate}} {{/getswitch}} any ideas, where i get a mistake? -> the "Umstellen vom Empfangen" part don't work... chache is fine
maybe data is not defined inside the second getswitch block? try @root.Data to test if this is the problem.
not solve the problem. Just test on the Emyprion Scripting-Demo Blueprint, from astic, there also no longer work...
The demo CV works perfectly for me. @root.data is one thing and maybe you haven't renamed the “Receive” switch or there are two objects named like this
So, i rewrite, i've test something. 1. Reinstall Empyrion 2. Redownload the Empyrion Scripting 3. Check Windefender, Empyrion / Steam are excepion 4. Check Steam / Empyrion start with admin right 5. Update .net so, if i switch, the lcd show immediately the change but, switch change won't work, not on the Vega AI (if i sit on pilot set for example) and not on the Empyrion Scripting- Demo There some other ideas to fix it? if i'll realy the only one who not can switch switch And sorry for bad English.
Bist du im SinglePlaer unterweg oder MultiPlayer - denn meine Test im Multiplayer haben alle funktioniert und auch die Vega AI schaltet die Triebwerke an/aus je nachdem ob man auf dem Pilotensitz ist oder nicht
Bisher nur SP (Ohne EAC) aber gute Idee, ich versuche es mal auf einem Server. Ich editiere den Post hier wenn es geklappt hat. Danke vielmals für die Unterstützung!
Denk daran die Mod lokal bei dir zu deinstallieren/löschen denn sonst "prügelt" die sich mit der auf dem MP Server - leider hat Eleon hier den Automatismus entfernt/kaputtgemacht welcher lokale Mods deaktiviert wenn ein Server mit EAC angesteuert wird
Hello I try to concate Code: {{#items E.S '*Combustible*'}} {{~set 'Carburant' ''}} {{~set 'Qte' ''}} {{#test Id in '4314,4335,4421'}} {{~set 'Carburant' 'Fuel'}} {{~set 'Qte' 100}} {{/test}} {{#ok @root.Data.Carburant}} {{~fill this @root.E.S @root.Data.Carburant @root.Data.Qte}} {{datetime}} {{Source}} -> {{Destination}} {{format Count '{0,5}'}}: {{/fill}} {{/ok}} {{/items}} {{#items E.S '*Oxygene*'}} {{~set 'Carburant' ''}} {{~set 'Qte' ''}} {{#test Id in '4176'}} {{~set 'Carburant' 'Oxygen'}} {{~set 'Qte' 100}} {{/test}} {{#ok @root.Data.Carburant}} {{~fill this @root.E.S @root.Data.Carburant @root.Data.Qte}} {{datetime}} {{Source}} -> {{Destination}} {{format Count '{0,5}'}}: {{/fill}} {{/ok}} {{/items}} {{#items E.S '*Pentaxid*'}} {{~set 'Carburant' ''}} {{~set 'Qte' ''}} {{#test Id in '4342'}} {{~set 'Carburant' 'Pentaxid'}} {{~set 'Qte' 100}} {{/test}} {{#ok @root.Data.Carburant}} {{~fill this @root.E.S @root.Data.Carburant @root.Data.Qte}} {{datetime}} {{Source}} -> {{Destination}} {{format Count '{0,5}'}}: {{/fill}} {{/ok}} {{/items}} on: Code: {{#items E.S '*Combustible*,*Oxygene*,*Pentaxid*'}} {{~set 'Carburant' ''}} {{~set 'Qte' ''}} {{#test Id in '4314,4335,4421'}}{{~set 'Carburant' 'Fuel'}}{{/test}} {{#test Id in '4176'}}{{~set 'Carburant' 'Oxygen'}}{{/test}} {{#test Id in '4342'}}{{~set 'Carburant' 'Pentaxid'}}{{/test}} {{#ok @root.Data.Carburant}} {{~fill this @root.E.S @root.Data.Carburant @root.Data.Qte}} {{datetime}} {{Source}} -> {{Destination}} {{format Count '{0,5}'}}: {{/fill}} {{/ok}} {{/items}} or Code: {{#items E.S '*Combustible*,*Oxygene*,*Pentaxid*'}} {{#each .}} {{~set 'Carburant' ''}} {{~set 'Qte' ''}} {{#test Id in '4314,4335,4421'}}{{~set 'Carburant' 'Fuel'}}{{/test}} {{#test Id in '4176'}}{{~set 'Carburant' 'Oxygen'}}{{/test}} {{#test Id in '4342'}}{{~set 'Carburant' 'Pentaxid'}}{{/test}} {{#ok @root.Data.Carburant}} {{~fill this @root.E.S @root.Data.Carburant @root.Data.Qte}} {{datetime}} {{Source}} -> {{Destination}} {{format Count '{0,5}'}}: {{/fill}} {{/ok}} {{/each}} {{/items}} but is'nt work ( I try with "," and ";" ) THX for your help
Hello I am trying to use this list script using item key instead of item ID does anyone know if/how to accomplish this? {{#itemlist E.S.Items '2818,4173'}} {{count}} {{i18n key}} {{/itemlist}}
Hi Clocked, try this : Code: {{~set Ids ',2818,4173,'}} {{#itemlist @root.E.S.Items @root.Data.Ids}} {{#test Id in @root.Data.Ids}} {{Count}} {{i18n Id}} {{/test}} {{/itemlist}}
@ASTIC I just ran a standard recycle script and it stripped the entire ship but only return a small fraction of the materials. I pasted screen shot of the returned materials for this blueprint https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3349683306 with a small number of updates to the blueprint (couple different turrets, etc) The container was not opened till after the recycle script was complete. This was run in scenario Reforged Eden2. But as you can see even the vanilla resources were well short of blueprint which I've pasted below Edit: Just ran a fresh script against the above blueprint and the issue can be replicated. A little better this time
In Singleplayer you have to enter the parameter OverrideScenarioPath with the path to the Screnario in the Configuartion.json, otherwise the mod cannot process the correct ECF files. https://empyriononline.com/threads/mod-ext-empyrion-scripting-scripts.92458/page-22#post-450739