Add a lottery game to your server! Let your players enjoy a little bit of gambling.!AqvXBFJCQ8T0jY5R3dyHzbaQOvqd_A Notes: Experimental only. Ticket prices and draw limits can be configured in the yaml config file. LT:? will provide commands and assistance. !MODS will display the mod.
Hi, i buy 10 tickeds for 100 each and win 1000 ? can you please share some more informations on how it works thx Vossi
The idea is that you don't buy all the tickets. If 10 players buy 1 ticket for 100, one player will win and get 1000. The values can be changed in the configuration file.
Love your work bro, whats your next Mod ? Your mini-games are a great idea for the game and the devs have noticed them also, maybe some of em will end up in the game sooner or later, be nice I recon , anyway keep up the good work dude.
I have another one in the works, but it's taking a little while. Hopefully will have more time to finish them soon.
After reading this, I actually pondered this for a while. As much as I'd enjoy seeing some a part of Empyrion, I think this might not be a good move. The server mods I and others have written are adding to the pool of Empyrion's custom options. Adding them to the game could add value to Empyrion in the short term, but could take away from the modding community in the long term. For example, the lottery mod functions on a set number of tickets sold at a fixed price. This was based on my version of how a lottery mod can work. My vision is not the only way a lottery mod could work. Prices could be varied. The draw could be triggered on a fixed time or prize size. These are all possibilities that could be realized and written by other modders. If Empyrion absorbs some of the mods into itself, this would close off some of this creative diversity. As such, this might decrease the creation of creative mods. I personally would rather see Empyrion add more APIs. Support the modding community by adding more abilities. Example, allow the APIs to modify LCDs on structures. Lottery Mod and Bounty Mod would become interesting if you can see the listing on a trade station screen. Let Eleon work on the game. Let the modders work on the extras.