Note to all server operators who use the EmpyrionBackpackExtender (VirtualBackpack): Fix for double ok result in 1.7.6 The ModLoader package also contains the updated version:
EmpyrionBackpackExtender 2.3.0: Smart logic for "superstack": Only items without ammo, decay and with a stack size > 1 are summarized as superstack So you can now turn this on without the danger of expoids Description: Superstack feature (if enabled) There are 49 “cells” in a Virtual Backpack. But these cells are not the same as in player inventory or containers. If you drop a full stack of an item into the vb, it temporarily takes up a cell. However, after you close the backpack and reopen it, the vb cell now represents a summary of all stacks of that item in the vb. So superstacking is another word for summarization. Here is an example. The max inventory stack for a cash card is 50,000 credits. You can put 49 of these into an empty vb. Each will temporarily take up a cell, and it will look like you have completely filled the vb. But when you reopen the backpack, only one of the cells is shown as used with a stack of 50K * 49 credits or 2,450K credits. At this point, you can put an additional 48 * 50K cash cards in the same vb, and when you reopen it, you will find a single cell is used containing 4,850K credits. This is a summary of the vb contents of that item. The vb actually contains (49+48) stacks of 50K cash cards, so when you go to remove them, they will come out that way into your inventory or container. To prevents exploits, this new superstacking feature will not work for items that do not stack in your inventory (like an armor booster), items that decay, or items that use ammo (although it does work for the ammo itself). These will take up the same space as in inventory. If you have two 50K stacks of vegetables in your inventory, they will take up two cells in the vb and not be summarized. Another side effect of this system is that you need to have at least one empty cell in your vb to add a new stack from inventory.
EmpyrionScripting 8.0.0 With this I made a (quite nasty) hack to get the C# compiler for the C# scripts working again. Since Eleon had scrapped this with the 1.7.2. ATTENTION: Before unpacking the ZIP file delete the old [EGS]\Content\Mods\EmpyrionScripting directory, because many DLLs are "dropped".
What does this have to do with the EAC? Mods usually only work on the server and the few that also run in single player are loaded by Empyrion only when the EAC is turned off.
Added new mod: EmpyrionFactoryDealer
Mahlzeit Ich hätte eine Frage zum XChange-Mod: Grundlegend funktioniert er, nur öffnet sich nicht das Fenster automatisch wo man das eingetauschte Erz entnehmen kann. Das geht nur wenn man den Befehl /ex mag (als Beispiel) erneut eingibt. Dann kann man das getauschte Erz entnehmen. Ist das normal so? Oder sollte sich das Fenster nicht automatisch öffnen?
@Blackmadman XChangeMod: Fix for ItemXChange EGS breaking change
I see the Mod loader has a Mods folder, a client and Host folder. If I install this on the server. Do the players also have to install the Mod loader? the server side Saves\games\*\Mods directory auto created EmpyrionGalaxyNavigator EmpyrionPassenger EmpyrionScripting Each created as expected and EmpyrionGalaxyNavigator has the EmpyrionGalaxyNavigatorDataAccess.dll But no users can use the \nav commands so I am guessing they need the mod client loader?
1. at Empyrion is valid in principle that MODs must be installed ONLY on the server. 2. send the mod commands from the faction chat 3. in the "dedicated..." log files are the calls and possibly error messages in it. Look in there please or post a link to a GoogleDrive etc where you have stored them.
The only thing in the log of interest is 19-01:27:56.691 13_27 -LOG- {:EmpyrionModClient} **EmpyrionGalaxyNavigator loaded: C:\empyrion\Content\Mods\ModLoader\Client\..\Host\EmpyrionModHost.exe -EmpyrionToModPipe EmpyrionToModPipee428b2b94a7f481795bd219b23b59fdb -ModToEmpyrionPipe ModToEmpyrionPipef873d1b50b814cafad2dd2e8a0e7e80e DedicatedServer/EmpyrionDedicated.exe -batchmode -nographics -dedicated Natjur.yaml -logFile ../Logs/3724/Dedicated_220519-132715-40.log 19-01:27:56.691 13_27 -LOG- {:EmpyrionModClient} **HandleEmpyrionPassenger loaded: C:\empyrion\Content\Mods\ModLoader\Client\..\Host\EmpyrionModHost.exe -EmpyrionToModPipe EmpyrionToModPipee428b2b94a7f481795bd219b23b59fdb -ModToEmpyrionPipe ModToEmpyrionPipef873d1b50b814cafad2dd2e8a0e7e80e DedicatedServer/EmpyrionDedicated.exe -batchmode -nographics -dedicated Natjur.yaml -logFile ../Logs/3724/Dedicated_220519-132715-40.log 19-18:23:29.509 06_23 -LOG- {:EmpyrionModClient} ChatCommand Exception: /nav help/27522 : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at EmpyrionGalaxyNavigator.Navigator.<DisplayHelp>d__23.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult() at EmpyrionNetAPIAccess.EmpyrionModBase.<ProcessChatCommands>d__207.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult() at EmpyrionNetAPIAccess.EmpyrionModBase.<ProcessChatCommandsSafeCall>d__206.MoveNext() Note the passenger mod works fine So the both passenger mod and navigator mod appear to be loaded but the /nav help is a NullReference I will upload the fill log to google drive and send you a link.
I have add more debug log messages to the 2.1.2 please install this and set the log severity in the savegame config file to debug
That version works fine. Going to set debug log back to normal and see if it still works Edited And changed the log back and still working fine. Put in the old Dll and it failed again. Maybe I just had a bad download? or a bad compile? Anyway, working perfectly now. Thanks for the help. Now that is working on my server, three other mates who runs servers want me to setup their servers.
Ok i update the with this version
EmpyrionbackpackExtender 2.4.0 fix for "POSSIBLE ITEM LOSS" when player has a disconnect is up to date
C# Scripting can now be restricted to SaveGameScripts only With the 1.8 the processing of the C# scripts of the players is unfortunately broken. You must therefore limit it to the SaveGame scripts SaveGame (CargoTeleport, Floorplan, etc... works) or disable it completely None. When the bug is fixed I will report here. Please set in your [EGS Savegamepath]\Mods\EmpyrionScripting\Configuration.json the following setting "CsScriptsAllowedFor": "SaveGame", or "CsScriptsAllowedFor": "None",
How do I use the script to harvest from grow plots? In your workshop mod I see 3 LCD, one of them in german. I've tried them and nothing.