Fixed Oxygen Bug [7332]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Atomino, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Survival Mode, Single Player

    When I work on my structure in survival mode, which means that if I change any blocks, which can also be furniture, the volume is miscalculated, which leads to an immediate decompression of the entire system. The problem occurs at irregular intervals whenever I redesign something.
    Possibly only with very large structures, like the one I'm working on right now. I did not have this problem until now.

    Screenshot (222).png

    Screenshot (223).png
    As you can see, the volume of the structure is doubled for no apparent reason. After a restart, the volume is calculated correctly again........ all the many beautiful air is still gone......

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Question is also how many Blocks are Airtight- i.e., Half Blocks of which not all are - several Doors, Containers, Devices etc., Also calculating such a large structure that is close to the dimensional limit gives the Game engine definitely some "headaches" ;).
    Can you eventually provide the BP so some of us may have a look into it?
  3. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    As I said before, it doesn't only happen when I bang on the outer shell, but also when I only move furniture deep inside.
    ... and yes, it's really huge, it's sort of a Corona Project.

    Thanks for Attention.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Is there any specific location where something can reliably be triggered ?
    I have moved around in the structure provided in the linked save game in the OP & have it oxygenized but adding any blocks or removing any isn't triggering anything so far.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I noticed the following:
    One small Generator is not enough to supply the whole Base with Power.
    You need at least a T1 Generator for a suitable amount of power.

    I added 6 more O² Tanks as I could not switch the O² on because of not enough in the Tanks which have been to few.

    I added 6 Tanks, filled it TWICE with about 1000 O² Bottles, switched on the Ventilators... all works fine.
    I can add, remove Devices without any Problem.

    Pics attached

    ExtLevEvent-200308-1011_2020-04-03_15-24-20.png ExtLevEvent-200308-1011_2020-04-03_15-23-57.png
  6. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Thanks for the help, but the energy is not the problem, in a near-sun orbit the station works self-sufficiently.......4.8 kilo whatever. Even in the unlikely event that I would let all the equipment work, the station would still have power for at least three hours.
    It wouldn't explain why the volume is doubled either. And as I said, it happens at irregular intervals, at any point of the station, sometimes nothing happens for hours, then again within minutes. Meanwhile I got into the habit of wearing a gas mask when constructing, instead of constantly fetching water.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The Point is that your emergency Generator is to weak to supply the station just in case your Solar Power goes down - look

    This is how it looks after spawning in space and filling 1700 O² Bottles and switching on O².

    You also have about 1025 not sorted Items that draw at least 1-10 PU, toilets 0. Most of them draw Power and if you have 4.8kSU Solar Power and adding more and more stuff... The picture is in Idle Mode. By using any kind of Constructor or Furnace ...

    So it looks if I activate to an idle position the Constructors, switch on lights and so on


    Yes, I know, You want to report O² issues here but your energy consumption is one hell of an issue too. This is while the Devices are idle!

    I cant test more as the RAM the structure draws for activating the N-Menu O2 check kills my System. Sorry.
  8. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    My computer can still do the o2-check after thinking for a moment, there is definitely no leakage.......
    An energy problem could be identified by the lights going out, but I only run out of air when moving furniture.

    In my case it looks like this:

    Screenshot (226).png

    All lights on...... which never happens because most of them are controlled by sensors. So I still have energy for seven hours.......... I can still bake a lot of burgers.......

    Maybe it's a space anomaly that causes the volume to expand ................... that's all relative. Maybe I am thinking too three-dimensional.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ich sags mal auf deutsch vielleicht kommts dann besser rüber:
    Was du hier zeigst ist was die Station verbraucht solang alles auf Stand by steht. In dem Moment wenn du Hamburger machst, verbraucht die Küche 10x soviel saft -resultat energie verlust - Ventilatoren schalten aus und ein und Sauerstoff schwankt.

    Ich hab alle meine Basen auf dem Arid Planeten gebaut und weiss ganz gut was geht und was nicht. Solar Energie ist nett aber reicht nicht um eine Station dieser Grösse allein zu versorgen. im Stand By verbraucht deine Station schon fast alle Energie. es geht bestenfalls auf 3,9kpu runter.
    Ich habs versucht, hab alles abgedreht was nicht gebraucht wird.
    Sobald die Schmelzofen, die Adv. Constructor, die Küche oder sonst etwas aktiviert wird steigt der Energie Bedarf enorm an.

    Warten wir's ab ob @Pantera nochmal zurückkommt zu deinem Problem und was er für eine mögliche Lösung noch von dir braucht.

    Ich kann dir keine bessere Antwort geben. Sorry.

    So ab in die Heia. 01.32h hier in Wien.

    Viel Glück noch

  10. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Grüße ins schöne Wien.....
    Ich weiß was du meinst, nur passiert dies eben erst, wenn die Kondensatoren leer sind. Ich kann gar nicht so viele Kürbisse kochen, Erz schürfen und Stehlampen produzieren, damit dies eintritt. Ferner würde sich dies durch einen totalen Blackout bemerkbar machen, es würden nicht nur die Ventilatoren abschalten.
    Am wahrscheinlichsten ist es, dass das Program Schwierigkeiten hat so ein großes Volumen zu berechnen, was sich ja auch zeigt, wenn man diese kleinen blauen Oktaeder einblendet. Das Volumen wird ja stets geändert, sobald man im Inneren Blöcke setzt, wenn auch nur geringfügig. An der Hardware sollte es nicht scheitern, ich habe ein recht flottes System. Allerdings hat Empyrion auch Schwierigkeiten, vorhandene Ressourcen sinnvoll zu nutzen, wie mir scheint........

    Greetings to beautiful Vienna .
    I know what you mean, only this just happens when the capacitors are empty. I can't cook so many pumpkins, mine ore and produce floor lamps for this to happen. Furthermore, this would result in a total blackout, it would not only switch off the fans.
    Most likely, the program will have difficulty calculating such a large volume, which can be seen when these little blue octahedrons are displayed. The volume is always changed when you place blocks inside, even if only slightly. It should not fail because of the hardware, I have a quite fast system. However, Empyrion also has difficulties to use existing resources in a reasonable way, it seems to me..........
    Germanicus likes this.
  11. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    ........ ich werde mir einstweilen damit behelfen, dass ich überall in der Station Schilder anbringe, auf denen man lesen kann, dass Möbelrücken strengstens verboten ist. Außerdem werde ich auf allgemein sichtbaren Schautafeln verdeutlichen, welch tragische Konsequenzen ein langsamer und qualvoller Erstickungstod mit sich bringt.........

    ........ For the time being, I will make do by putting up signs all over the station, on which you can read that moving furniture are strictly forbidden. In addition, I will illustrate on generally visible display boards what tragic consequences a slow and agonizing suffocation death can have........
  12. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    For any issue reported to be looked into we need a clear way to trigger the issue.
    Is there a known way to trigger this issue reliably ?
    Sometimes = 1 or more out of 10 times it will trigger
    Always = it will trigger every time

    For example
    1) Go to X location
    2) Do X <-Bug triggers
    Germanicus likes this.
  13. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I simply filmed the mystery. It's a short movie.


    The bug is triggered when I set or remove blocks. It makes no difference where in the structure
    If I do nothing at the same place, that means everything but build, then nothing happens.
  14. Back when we first got oxygenation and ventilators we had this exact same bug that you have been describing. Simply doing internal work would often times lead to the base somehow venting all your oxygen even though it shouldn't have.

    It's a bug that was supposed to be fixed for a long time now. It has obviously either came back in a recent version or it was never truly fixed in the first place.
    What you just showed in that video is the exact same bug I am talking about.

    I was just able to reproduce it a couple times using your save and doing similar things to what you did in the video.
    This is definitely the same bug that was fixed once before.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2020

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