[Poll] Your Favourite Sci-Fi universe TV/Movie/Literature/games

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by Neal, Apr 14, 2018.


Your favourite Sci-Fi Series?

  1. Star Wars

    23 vote(s)
  2. Star Trek (which series/universe?)

    17 vote(s)
  3. Stargate (Which series?)

    14 vote(s)
  4. Dr. Who (which Doctor?)

    3 vote(s)
  5. Battlestar Galactica (old BSG or NBSG? Both?)

    7 vote(s)
  6. The Orville

    2 vote(s)
  7. Firefly

    10 vote(s)
  8. Alien/Predator series

    6 vote(s)
  9. Babylon 5 / Crusader

    7 vote(s)
  10. Farscape

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    What is your favourite Sci-Fi universe and why? (TV, Movie, Literature, Video Game)
    Please state what you especially like about it and what makes it stand out from the others, if you like to.

    I have listed some of the most popular ones that came to mind in the poll. If you feel i have forgotten an important one that should be on the listed, please feel free to ask and i'll gladly put it on the list.
    Everyone has 3 votes, i hope that's ok for everyone.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
  2. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    out of the 3 i picked here is the order

    1. STAR WARS- ive always loved star wars, hate that Disney is ruining it to some extent but will still watch it, ive never had a favorite character, i only really like star wars for its eye candy and action scenes mostly space battles, i dont even care for light saber duels or jedi and sith, hell why Rouge One is my favorite, it has neather but shows both space battles and "trooper" battles, witch is my 2 favorite things in star wars!
    2. BSG(2004) the 2004 BSG was a epic drama, still to this day prefer the space battles over ANY OTHER sci fi show or movie to this day, the drama was A+ but hate the sex scenes, killed the show for me alone, but other then that i loved it.
    3. stargate franchise: stargate i grew up with more then star wars even, it became the best TV show on sci fi to this day for me, even beter then star trek! tho the space battles where rare, after watching stargate from the beginning i now love 2 things
    1) my favorite gun to use on any video game is the p90
    2) im a huge x-304 fanboy
  3. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I watched everything Sci-Fi, and I like probably all of it :D - but I really love when things have main storyline and some history, in high-tech space and in more or less believable (larger) universe - not just some running around from episode to episode, and bumping on strange people with funny attire. I'm also biggest fan of european Sci-Fi comics :cool:

    Star Wars original Universe
    , with Lucasarts games & novels, and all of Dark Horse comics - that is one serious and long history (and real universe)... this Disney bullshit, is a Bullshit with capital B (and big ****).

    Star Trek - but only Deep Space 9, that one is really great!

    Alien/Predator, I'm pretty much ok with everything, even this new additions - and A/P franchise have fantastic comics, also with publisher Dark Horse.


    BTW, you are missing 2 great TV shows in your list - with their 'universes'... I know they are not extremely popular or even known... B5 is one of the best SF things on TV ever :)

    Sephrajin, Kassonnade and Neal like this.
  4. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Ah i knew i have forgotten something (B5).
    I deliberately left out Farscape because i thought i am the only one who LOVES that series! :D
    (I'll correct that of course)
  5. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    I extended the question of this thread and included computer games.
    Since that topic can cover a huge amount of different sci fi universes, i hope you can understand that i can't add every game to the poll.
    (maybe only the most popular ones)
    Please let me know what you think.
  6. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Star wars, I don't need to explain why I think.
    Stargate SG-1, because it's the closest thing to what would happen if humans came in contact with aliens (the military will handle the matter and keep it secret) besides the incredible attention to detail in every part of the series, like the stargates coordinates changing because of stellar drift, the effort put into matching the lore with egyptian and nordic mythology ...
    Despite one major flaw, which is the case of all sci-fi works (except Predator), the bad guys have invented everything you can imagine: space warp, teleportation, force fields ... everything except a targeting system :facepalm:, it's still an amazing show and I really don't understand why it's less popular in the USA than in the rest of the world.

    Edit: you forgot valerian and the city of a thousand planets, just kidding XD
    Sephrajin, Kassonnade and Neal like this.
  7. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    My Top 4:
    1. STAR WARS
    3. HALO
    4. John Ringo's "Troy Rising Series"
    LIST TOP 3:
    1. Star Wars

    Star Wars is my favorite by far. I absolutely loved the KOTOR games and the Jedi Academy series with Kyle Katarn. I'm a EU/Legends guy, and can't forgive Disney for the new trilogy. I am one of the guys who enjoyed the prequels political struggles.

    I don't like the childish things from 1&2, but I can forgive George and cast for the cheesy deliveries at times. Rogue 1 is actually a great film and yes it had a couple plot holes, but I still enjoyed it. I'll forgive Disney on that one.

    5,4,3,RO,6,1,2 is how I'll rate them, the other 2 aren't my star wars and Ill take that to the death. The reason 6 is so far down the list is because the stupid Ewoks ruin the movie for me and the Empires incompetence is on a whole other level in that one. Gun Guns almost ruin episode 1 entirely, but episode 2 after the Coruscant scene is just dreadfully awful acting.

    Solo looks somewhat interesting.

    I was blown away with the first 2 Alien movies. Predator is a classic. Prometheus and Alien Covenant were nice eye candy and answered a couple questions but left me with more away the end than I had before going into it.
    Predators was entertaining. Alien 3 and 4 were ok. I didn't care for the AvP movies and Predator 2 was a corny mess.

    Since Halo, Mass Effect, Starship Troopers, Riddick, Fifth Element, Blade Runner, Oblivion, Chappie, District 9, Terminator, Guardians of the Galaxy, Edge of Tomorrow, and whatever other movies/games that I can't think of at the moment that I normally would rate over Firefly weren't choices I'll pick Firefly. It really has been that long since I have seen it. I'm not saying it was bad, but it didn't leave much of an impression on me. I haven't seen it in ages, and really liked serenity when it came out, so I can't tell you anything about why I picked it. Heck I probably enjoyed Caprica as much as I did Firefly. I watched 2 seasons of Battlestar on Netflix and never finished. It's not that I didn't like it, I just forgot about it. It was around the time Terra Nova and Defiance came out and I was at home binge watching SCI FI.

    Rank of Universes

    Places I would visit
    1. Star Wars
    2. John Ringo "Troy Rising Series"
    3. Larry Niven's "RingWorld"
    4. Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
    5. Star Trek
    I'll Take the Risk
    1. Mass Effect - Reason: Genocidal Aliens/ Machines, but I'd have to see an Asari
    2. BV Larson The Undying Mercenary Series and Star Force - Reason: Genocidal Aliens/ Machines, but cool tech worth the risk
    3. Fifth Element - Reason: OP Enemies, but Gotta see the Cruise ship and Leeloo
    Oh Hell No! - You gotta be crazy!!
    1. HALO - Reason: Flood/ Genocidal Aliens/ OP Enemies
    2. Heinlein's Starship Troopers - Reason: bugs
    3. Dark Space (Jasper T. Scott) - Reason: Genocidal Aliens with Cloaking devices/ships
    4. Alien/Predator - Reason: Xenomorph, Genocidal Aliens
    5. Empyrion - Reason: Everything on every planet
    6. Riddick - Reason: Necromongers
    7. Blade Runner - Reason: Depressing Smog and Rain
    8. The Matrix - Reason: Depressing and Genocidal Machines
    9. Terminator - Reason: Robot Terrorists from the future annihilate your planet
    10. The Expanse - Reason: Biological Weapons in use
    11. Species - Reason: Crazy &%$#@*^
    12. Edge of tomorrow - Reason: crazy creatures destroying worlds
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Dune ? Space Odissey (2001, 2010) ? Space 1999 ? Buck Rogers in the 25th century ? Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ? V (the Visitors) ? Lost in Space ? Goldorak ? Albator ? Ulysses 31 ? Thunderbirds ? Terminator ?

    I like most modern sci-fi movies, even the ones with bad ratings... probably because what they lack in story they can easily compensate with special effects, something that was not quite working in the ol'times, most of the time. As for series, it goes with the characters: in Star Trek I vastly preferred "The Next Generation" over to the other series mainly because of Patrick Stewart and... Data.

    Honorable mention to The Masters of Time (1982), a cartoon with a nice story that I rediscovered recently on Youtube which brought back memories...
  9. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    As an avid reader of Sci Fi, if I had to rank my series it would goes as follows:

    1. John Ringo "Troy Rising Series" and Legacy of the Aldenata (Posleen war series)
    2. Heinlein's Starship Troopers
    3. Jasper T. Scott Dark Space ( first 3 books, last 4 were meh)
    4. Halo Series
    5.Larry Niven's "RingWorld"
    6. BV Larson The Undying Mercenary Series and Star Force (first 3 of each series before the plot gets stale and repetitive)

    If you haven't read John Ringo's Troy Rising Series, what are you still doing on here. GO READ IT!!!!
    It's great!!!!
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
    Kassonnade and Neal like this.
  10. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    damn I forgot about Dune, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, 2001: A Space Odyssey
    Kassonnade and Neal like this.
  11. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    I scored only two: Star Trek and Star Gate.

    Not that I do not like the others (except The Orville, who I do not know), but because these are the ones I like the most, they present a really cool universe, and if I could live one of them, I would choose one.

    I really like The Expanse too, I could add it to the list, I sure would, too.
  12. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Never heard of "The Expanse", but i'll put it on the list. :)

    EDIT: I'm sorry, but for some reason i can't add items to the poll anymore.
    Sephrajin and TK85 like this.
  13. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    I just put the new Lost in Space on my Netflix list. I'm gonna binge watch it after I watch Troy: Fall of a city. Then after that I get to watch Westworld.

    So far April has been a great month for new TV Shows on Netflix. Amazon's "Man in the High Castle" Season 3 is coming out soon too. How in the hell did the Film Industry manage to pull their head out of their collective asses to produce all these great shows? Quality has really been going up lately. :)Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Frontier.....the list of good TV shows has been growing within the last few years. Wait where was I going with this? :D

    My priorities will be divided, so there is no more time for sleep and I only have so much free time.....Dammit........8.0 is going to a huge time sink lol so hopefully I can watch all these shows before it comes out.
    TK85 and Neal like this.
  14. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Hehe, like you i didn't care much about the Jedi stuff in SW even when i was a kid, i found the "regular" war of the rebellion much more interesting (been playing the old X-Wing games ad nauseam, back then). My favourite character that made SW interesting in the first place was Han Solo (heck i even read the Han Solo adventures book, idk how it was called though). I found Luke Skywalker never really interesting, maybe it was just a bit too cheesy for my young taste. :D

    I liked NBSG very much when it came out and i LOVE the mini series (the pilot). Later it became a bit too chaotic for my taste and like you i HATED the sex scenes (although there wheren't many iirc).
    Sadly there wheren't many Battle scenes either (i know the show was Drama not action, but heck those space battles where tense). My favourite scene was when Adama refused to accept Cains "court decision" and took "his men back", damn that scene still give me shivers! :cool:

    Ahh Stargate, those where good times back then.
    Anyway, i think i need to do a come out and say i liked Atlantis more than SG1. *ducks and covers* :)
    It's not that SG1 was bad (heck i have the whole series on DVD), it is just that i liked the cast of Atlantis more (especially McKay and Ronon). Heck i liked the X304 myself, i never understood caldwell desire to become security chief on Atlantis whe he had such an awesome ship already...
    I HATED SG universe (no offense to anyone pls.). I wish they would have continued with Atlantis or made a subsequent series in the same tone like SG1 and Atlantis.

    Oh, please by all means do.
    What do you like about it especially?
    I find i highly interesting to see other pples point of view on a certain matter, especially when we like the same thing.

    At least SG had a more or less plausible explaination for the lack of accuracy of Goa'uld weapons, they where seemingly made to intimidate slaves, not to effectively kill enemies. (IDK how much that can be taken serious tough.)

    I read the Book some years ago. It was interesting, but it didn't knock my socks off (i have probably been spoiled by Star Trek in my youth).

    “There is evil! It's actual, like cement.

    I can't believe it. I can't stand it.
    Evil is not a view ...”
    Still up to date imo...

    For myself i think i need to do another come out right now.
    My favourite Sci Fi series is (unlike most ppl. may assume) not Star Trek nor is it Star Wars (not even close :confused:).
    Altough i WAS a huge Star Trek fan some decades ago i just didn't like the route it took after TNG was finished and especially after the 7th movie (good i HATE that stupid flick).
    Altough i still like to watch it i don't have a favourite Star Series per se, but i LOVE the Star Trek universe as shown in TNG and i LOVE what Star Trek stood for back then. (do i need to mention that i :mad:HATE:mad: ST:DIS?)
    Strangely, i really liked Enterprise for some reason, even more than DS9.

    My most favourite Sci Fi series is Farscape by far (sry for the pun).
    Although it was the antithesis to Star Trek in many ways i really loved the characters and the changes they made through the series. Altough there are almost no Starship battles in the whole series, i think it is the embodiment of good and awesome Sci Fi.
    Story wise, Farscape was probably way ahead of its time.
    It had many, many brilliant episodes and a story arc that can only be entitled as EPIC.
    To me, the main difference compared to todays series is that it didn't leave you with a feel of depression after you wachted it, it wasn't vulgar (altough ther where some dirty jokes here and there, but never too stupid) and you didn't had the strange urge to get a shower like some (most) modern series.

    I forgot to mention literature. Like some may know i really like the Perry Rhodan series. It may not be high concept Sci Fi literature, but to me it is just the perfect mix of adventure and epic story.

    Games... i don't know. I liked the Mass effect series (played 1 and 2...) and i played basically everything space related between 1990 and 2000.
    But the game that had the biggest impact was definitely Starflight 1.
    (google it, Youtube it. It's old but interesting.)
    To me it was the PERFECT game, i wish game developers would have made more games like that instead of trying to copy ELITE a million times or make thousands of space Strategy games.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
    Sofianinho and TK85 like this.
  15. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    The Orville is pretty new (just now first season on german public tv), and I'd put it between Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Galaxy Quest and ST TNG on my DvD shelf.
    It like Star Trek, just funny.

    Back on topic:
    Great list already! :)

    I liked Sliders very much, allthough it didnt had (much) space ships in it.
    There were times I were partly watching the Battlestar Galactica series, I liked the ones with Dirk Benedict and Lorne Greene as well as the ones with Olmos as Adama and of course Grace Park.

    I liked DS9, because there was a teen like me, Jake or Wesly on TNG, living at a place and at a time i'd like to be too.

    Babylon 5, then and now, is still a series a like to watch, the CGI might not be the best - never was - but the story and the make up of the aliens is still incredible awesome.

    I grew up with Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, both beloved, disappointed by SGU - wrong cast or bad writers - i'm not sure :(
    Over years, wednesday evening was reserved for SG1, or any other day it came on any other tv station :p

    I do like the new E1 of Starwars *duck and covers*, but then again, I was never a Padavan, but more of a Trekie.

    Serenty, we got covered - I still just know the movie... the series is still on my list...

    Now... lets get started with the 'difficult' or less known ones :D

    Lexx was quite funny as well, almost as much as "Ijon Tichy, Raumpilot"

    Earth: Final Conflict (to my feeling, kind of the original of the modern V-The Visitors 'remake')
    Earth 2
    First Wave
    7 Days
    Time Trax

    oh oh oh... Flash Gordon!
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
    Neal and TK85 like this.
  16. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    That's the thing, I like everything about it, the plot, the characters (I mean when you manage to give a personality to a trash can on wheels who communicate with beeps you know you're a genius), the univers, the ships, the weapons, even the dumb things like sound in space makes it even more legendary. Star wars univers is so rich that the amount of stories\movies you can tell\make is virtually infinite, and you can count on mister mouse to keep milking it for a looong time.
    Yeah I remember that, when they were training the Jaffa rebels, but he was talking about the staffs, what about the ships, the death gliders and al'keshs were made to intimidate slaves ?
    I understand why they did it tho, if they had accurate weapons the series would have ended in the first few episodes, same reason why the entire galaxy speaks english.
    Neal likes this.
  17. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    And yet the stories (almost) always center around a giant superweapon that needs to be destroyed. ;)

    I loved the First KOTOR game back then and i read some novels (that showed that there are other stories possible in SW aside from just blowing up the next superweapon) in that time, which made me even more disappointed about the latest movies. The SW universe has surely its own charm without any question. But i miss to see normal ppl. doing great things aside from killing stuff or being shady smugglers or bounty hunters.
    (btw. did you see the RLM Star Wars reviews? I guess you did, since everyone knows it by now. :D:D:D)
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
    michaelhartman89 and Sofianinho like this.
  18. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    It's a Netflix series. One of the cool things about it is the plausibility of the technology and how our star system was colonized.

    I finished watching yesterday! I really enjoyed it, I'm looking forward to next season! Firm history, with remarkable characters. It just has nothing to do with the original series there nineteen hundred and ball, I do not know if you're old enough to have watched, but the changes are all positive.

    Cool, I was interested, because I really like Star Trek - mainly from Voyager and DS 9. I'll look for it.

    I was very annoyed with the need to change the story to try to keep the series, she had been showing many good things about the beginning of the federation, the first contacts ... I really liked that part. Not that it turned out to be bad, but the first part of the series, to me, is more interesting.

    I did not play this, but in the same line I played the Battlecruiser 3000. A nightmare to make it spin - it was DOS - another to understand how to play. But it was a very good game.

    But the ship game that most impressed me was undoubtedly the Freespace and its sequels. What memorable games!

    I love!
    Sofianinho and Neal like this.
  19. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    To me the worst part where those filler episodes like that wild west episode, whereas episodes like "Minefield" and the following "Dead Stop" i really liked.
    Of course there where episodes that where right out insulting, like the ferengi episode where they just didn't mention the name "ferengi" to be sure they would be unknown in TNG... :D
    I found the Xindi story arc (season 3) not bad at all, but as i said before, the filler episodes dragged it out way too long. A 8-10 episodes story arc would have worked much better in my opinion.
    But i think such a story (ship alone in a "expanse" trying to find the origin of a massive attack and trying to prevent a even more devestating one) would have worked in some other Star Trek series much better. ENT should have focussed on exploring and the beginnings of the Federation.

    Ahh, i never got to play that game back then. I'm sure i had it lying around somewhere, but i never could make it run for some reason.

    Yeah, they where really good, although for some reason i don'T seem to remember tham very well. I only know that i played them and i liked it.

    Maybe it was because i didn't get the feel of vastness of space in those games (similar like in the X-beyond -series). And the fact that you get to fly only spacefighter or similar sized ships. For some reason i never liked that, it just feels wrong to me, lol.
    Seriously, i think it's a totally subjective matter.

    I guess i'm the only Sci fi fan who cannot appeciate that movie, i think the part of my brain that's required for liking that movie is just missing for some reason.:(:p:eek:

    Interesting, i didn't expect Star Wars (tm) to turn out to be the favourite nowadays, especially after the latest movie that seemingly wasn't that well received.
    I've seen many people who said they where done with Star Wars (tm)and that it wasn't worth their time anymore.
    I cannot judge that movie to be honest, since the last Star Wars (tm) Movie i saw was "the force awakens", which let me totally baffled by the impudence of the producers. There where way too many similarities to the original Star Wars (tm) and even Star Trek 2009... (Planets being destroyed by a super weapon that can coincidentally be seen from some planets surface? really? how stupid is that? lol)
    And btw, killing off the only character in Star Wars (tm) that i liked doesn't make the movie any more likeable to me. :rolleyes:

    Right now Star Wars (tm) seems to me just like a cash making machine (even more than before Disney bought it, and that says a LOT about it imo). I completely lost interest to a point that i cannot even enjoy any Star Wars (tm) movies anymore, even "The empire Strikes Back", which i loved for decades.

    Sorry for the rant, please take no offense if you like or even love Star Wars (tm), more power to you.:)

    Sorry, for being evil...
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  20. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    I'm with you on that Neal, I hated the similarities in Disney Ep 1 (not my star wars) and star wars Ep 4 and 5. It was a rehash of the entire 1st movie with stupid slapstick and poorly placed humor.
    Neal likes this.

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