Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    That's the "missions and items" thing @ravien_ff mentioned... under the F1 PDA for solo missions, check the entry for "Science & Research" ... selecting this mission lets you craft various deco items (ie "research reports") that take large amounts of raw materials and/or components of a particular flavor. That includes rock hunting (a geological report), etc. and these reports give you 100-250 UP. Not exactly the research thing you describe but pretty close.
  2. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Hello! Forgive me for asking if the answer is here somewhere already, but how do I get started with the new Bulk Cargo trading missions?

    Do I just need to fly around (for example) Polaris space and check every POI til I find one that sells Bulk Cargo items? Are there any reputation requirements, like with the Sealed Package deliveries?

    Or am I intended to find all this info in-game? Didn't see anything about it in the Empyropedia in-game, and the Polaris Distribution Centers just raised more questions for me, so I figured I'd ask here.

    I'm quite happy to find and compile the info myself (as I already did with many RE POIs, which is how I found my favorite million-credits-plus-per-trip trading route :) ) but would prefer to know if there is a resource I can refer to before I put together one of my own.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2023
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They are usually found in orbits in the galactic territory of Polaris, colonists, and traders.
    They will be called things like orbital habitat, orbital advanced factory, orbital alloy smeltery, etc.
    Slam Jones likes this.
  4. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Okay, good to know, thank you for the reply!
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for the tip, I'll look at those.

    To be fair though, part of me wishes we had the option to just turn off this "place holder" tech tree, so we can build whatever we want, if we have the materials. There are a couple of VERY significant features in the game that have been claimed to just be placeholders, the tech tree and the BP Factory being the two most significant ones. I do hope they achieve their final form one day...
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    level = 25 I think is the console command to do that. :D
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, then there are other commands to add more unlock points IIRC, though I don't think I've ever actually done it.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I'm doing the "Zirax Weapons Bunker" POI, which is great and things were going really well (I'm getting better at the FPS part) until I ran into some issues:

    - I had multiple instances of Zirax clipping through blocks and able to shoot me through them. Their spawn location seemed fine, but they walked up walls (their ability to walk up the steepest slope is amazing) then their gun clipped into a sloped block so they could shoot through it.

    - I had what I think is a late spawn. I entered what seemed to be a kitchen area, no enemies, turned around to walk out and a Zirax spawned behind me at the some moment two spawned in to the left of me (round the corner if I'd bypassed the kitchen). This is odd as this POI appears to have regular, destroyable spawners, but I'm guessing several invisible ones too.

    - Several of the Pop out turrets, well, they worked fine - intended as a trap, but I moved up close and underneath them. However, when shooting them from here, outside of their firing line of course, I got "You cannot damage this block / Admin core" message. I think what was happening is that I was so close (point blank) that the barrel of my Pulse Rifle clipped into the model, so I shot through it hitting the solid block behind it.

    - Sentry Turrets: These fire from the centre of the model (one "shot" rather than the two we see) and aim (LoS) from this centre point too. However, I had an instance with a ceiling-mounted Sentry where I peeked around a block, so I could just see the left side of the Sentry (from its perspective, right side from mine), to snipe it. However, it was repeatedly able to hit me through blocks. I think this is because the block (slope) I hid behind was a part block, and the Turret got LoS before I did, even though strictly-speaking it should have been the other way around. Part blocks are still handled very poorly when it come to collision it seems, and things are often in a POI Turrets favour.

    Not saying these are problems with the Scenario, rather just reported what I experienced. Sloping walls seem to give troops a hard time and their ability to walk up REALLY steep slopes (think Ramp C medium, but vertical, wide bit at the bottom) and it explains how they reach places then clip.

    Edit: Just encountered another weird one. On the lower levels of this POI, there's a lever that's locked with a code. I enter the correct code and it says I'm wrong. I access the switch again, and there's a DIFFERENT code already there, NOT the one I just entered. I enter it again, 100% correct, I double-check, and it says I've used the wrong code again. I cannot currently get past this bug, but I will try again, perhaps reload and try again...

    Edit 2: Yeah, I simply cannot get the code to work. The pre-populated code is the last one I used for an earlier door, I overwrite it with the code from the Commander's quarters and it rejects it. I've tried entering the code and hitting return, and clicking Ok. Nothing works. Perhaps there's another hidden code somewhere I'm missing, but my way back in shut off currently... urgh, it works on the DOOR further down the corridor, but not on the lever (which I assumed opened it) Obviously I missed it here and was distracted by the lever asking for a code.

    Edit 3: Ok, that last one was on me, I understand what's intended now. However, these corridors with sloping walls are a major issue. I am constantly hit when seemingly under cover and my own shots are constantly blocked despite being visibly fine. Also, the big bad robot seems immune to fire in certain places. I.e. shots to its legs and arms just go right through it, causing no damage, making shooting from "cover" (lol, it ain't!) even harder.

    One final thing, large corpses, like that of the big bad robot here are a pain. The player cannot see through them (nor should they) but they are NOT solid objects. I just got shot at through the corpse by a remaining Zirax Trooper. Is there any way to make corpses solid? Ideally, they'd be solid, but a few more shots would see them disappear. Bodies actually BLOCKING movement, sight and bullets would be great.

    Edit 4: Ok, sorry, one final thing. I made it into the Core room, but there's that massive turret there. I found an angle where I can snipe it, but it has high health. So, scouting the room with the Drone, I see the the only thing between me and the Core is a pair of regular 100 hit point doors. Easy. However, in this POI they are totally immune to the shotgun (traditionally a great door-breaker) and the Pulse rifle. Why the change of rules in this POI? I blown through loads of doors with a hostile (Zirax) Core present, but can't with this one? Urgh, bloody hell, it's the same issue I had with those Sentry Turrets. To keep out of LoS of that large turret, I'm literally hugging the wall. If I stay close enough to avoid the turret though, the barrel of my guns clips into the door, meaning it cannot be damaged. Testing GM IV and standing further away (in LoS of that huge turret) sees the shotgun work fine. I've never encountered issues shooting things point-blank before - this might explain why so many Zirax Troops are able to shot through walls...

    Oh, I know I can use the levers in the core room to open the doors, but being exposed to that huge turret didn't seem prudent, hence the choice I made. I looks like there's a deliberate design here, perhaps I'm not meant to be able to shoot through the doors, but clipping issues break things.

    These issues, which seem to be vanilla, not Scenario-related, have spoilt this POI unfortunately.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The levers in the core room turn off the turret.
  10. Landru

    Landru Ensign

    Nov 8, 2021
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    I'm seeing this too, for the first time I think. When I stand under a turret and look up, it says NOT ALLOWED, and I get the "You cannot damage this block" banner. It still lets me shoot the turret though. And then I get explosion damage when I destroy it. :)
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh yeah, I did figure that out. Though you can never be sure if pulling a lever will just turn something off or open a door, or perhap cause a massive explosion destroying the very stuff you want to salvage. As such, until I know a POI, my first course of action is rarely to pull the lever.

    It still let you shoot it? For me, underneath the turret with "Not Allowed" showing my shots appear to be passing through the turret, so I was never able to damage it from that position. I move slightly then the turret gets me. Standing underneath a turret to destroy it was a good way to do it, tucked out of their LoS. Now it doesn't work... well, not in this POI.
  12. Landru

    Landru Ensign

    Nov 8, 2021
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    I aimed the pistol at the outside edge of the turret, away from the mounting bracket in the center. Maybe that made the difference?

    Last night I was doing the Talon story quest. At the battle around the ziggurat, one of the Zirax snipers was standing inside a Big Alien Flower and shooting me (guessing this is a vanilla issue).

    The Burial Chamber Story RG POI didn't spawn on my starting planet (*Omicron, arid, seed 156407), so I teleported to another playfield to finish the quest. Likely an issue with that particular seed. I reported a similar problem in vanilla, and they were like yeah that happens sometimes.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    That makes sense. I guess at a certain angle the player's gun it's clipping into the model.
  14. skshroyer

    skshroyer Ensign

    Mar 9, 2020
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    I realize this is an ancient post, but it's right where I find myself in a new pickle. I placed a salvage core to go through the boxes before getting up to the bridge. Now it is telling me that I cannot talk to NPCs in player based structures (even after removing the salvage core. Is there any way to fix this predicament other than starting over?
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Go to one of the other starting planet moons and resume the quest from the Crashed Titan there. Don't stick cores in mission POIs.
    me777 likes this.
  16. Landru

    Landru Ensign

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Question about base attacks. I haven't had one succeed in so long, has something changed?

    I had my flak turret turned off, so the transport landed, which usually does not happen. I never saw any Zirax inside my base, but it got cored. So I went over and shot the core. A new Zirax core magically reappeared in its place!

    At this point, I went into God mode (sorry not sorry), and went outside. There were four or five Zirax just hanging around outside the back door, the one by the grow plots (this is the Floating Point / Far Point base, which I think is stock now).

    Anyway I was curious about the magically-reappearing Zirax core, and why they didn't seem to use or need the block-destroying tool they used to use to get inside the base. I used to see or hear them tunneling in before the base got cored.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If they get within a few meters of your core, they can remotely hack it to destroy it and place their own core.
    Landru likes this.
  18. Landru

    Landru Ensign

    Nov 8, 2021
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    I am seeing a problem with the Polaris mission Plausible Deniability. After I fly to the iron deposit, the HUD still displays "On Location / Reach the Survey Site," but if I hit F1, the PDA has that checked off and has moved on to destroy the three drones. But they never show up. I found that if I do "pda brief 65", that gets it unstuck and the mission continues.

    One more. This is minor, but if I have a mission active, e.g. Survey Habitable Systems, and I kill a new creature, the Ecology message about it being added to my Empyropedia is gone before I even know what happened, and it is back to the previously active mission. I just hear the chime but don't see the text. I don't know if you could add a pause at the end so I could see what I killed, or the sentry gun killed?

    Love the new update. Was trading at a Colonist Trade Hub when a Rum Runner Corvette decided to attack, and the base opened up on it and drove it off.
  19. JluKBuD

    JluKBuD Ensign

    Aug 26, 2023
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    @ravien_ff is there any continuation of the empyrion shrines mission? I saw an old post saying that everything ends up finding fragments, but Talon on Cristaline Moon says something about a system near the center of the galaxy and I tried to find something there, but I couldn't.

    I also want to say a huge thank you for the incredible scenario! %)
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Nope not yet.
    And thank you!

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