Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Double check that you followed all directions in the project Eden configuration guide on steam. There's several key steps you must take or it can cause issues.
  2. FlickMyVic

    FlickMyVic Ensign

    Dec 21, 2020
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    I have followed the guide. I have deleted the default save files, renamed the scenario folder, set the scenario in the yaml. Im not sure what else i am supposed to do. the log shows that it is overriding to load the scenarios config file. here are my logs, maybe you see something maybe you don't. either way i appreciate it. also i am aware that nitrado is not the best to run this game on. just working with whats available to me with the credit i had lol *edited to upload whole log file, instead of ss.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    A lot of people have trouble with Nitrado in general, especially when trying to use a custom scenario. I'll not home so I can't look at your log at the moment.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    From your log:
    21-02:22:58.492 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1701 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.492 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1711 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1721 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1726 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1734 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1736 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1738 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1744 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1757 - ignored
    21-02:22:58.493 21_22 -LOG- Item config override: Unknown Id 1777 - ignored

    Errors like this usually happen because of an error in the config files for the scenario. I would try this:

    Unsubscribe from Reforged Eden on Steam.
    Restart your PC (just be on the safe side).
    Resubscribe to the scenario. Launch the game and then exit the game just to make sure it syncs properly.
    Completely remove the scenario data from your server, and all the save game and cache data as well.
    Copy the scenario over from your computer again and try starting a new game again after doing all the other normal setup stuff.
    FlickMyVic likes this.
  5. FlickMyVic

    FlickMyVic Ensign

    Dec 21, 2020
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    I will try this! Thank you for your help so far! Hopefully this will do the trick!
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Please let me know what happens. I hope it works!
  7. FlickMyVic

    FlickMyVic Ensign

    Dec 21, 2020
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    It did not work. same ignore list. I said screw it, rented a host havoc server. setting it up now. will update with status once finished. Thank you again!!!!! Okay, so the HostHavoc server is not letting me edit the dedicated.yaml at all. ive tried downloading, editing in np++, then reuploading and overwriting, no joy. Tried editing it in their file browser, no joy. Tried Filezilla, no joy. just keeps saying file failed to upload. i think im done for tonight. been trying since last sunday to get this running.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  8. FlickMyVic

    FlickMyVic Ensign

    Dec 21, 2020
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    quick update! HOST HAVOC IS AWESOME! Had me up and running the scenario in minutes. thank you ravien_ff for all your help! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HOST HAVOC FOR ALL YOUR EMPYRION NEEDS
    ravien_ff likes this.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    - Temporarily fixed a CoQ loop in the Sphere Access 1 playfield by adding a freighter.

    If you want to fix your existing save games in single player or on your server, you can copy the new playfield.yaml in EdenSpaceProg_DysonAccess1 from the Playfields folder of the scenario and overwrite the playfield.yaml in the Templates/Sphere Access 1 folder of your save game.

    See the Project Eden Configuration Guide on where to find the scenario data. Only do this if you are confident with copying files and configuring scenarios. If you don't want to bother, then just don't warp to the Sphere Access 1 system, or wait to see if the bug will be fixed in the game.

    Bug report:
    Project Eden Configuration Guide:

    A reminder to servers to please check for updates to the scenario whenever there is an update to Empyrion. You need to manually update the scenario on your server otherwise it can cause issues.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Happy Christmas all! :)

    While I'm waiting for lunch to cook, thought I'd do a quick fresh start on the Alien Planet. All was going well, until two Overseers spawned right outside the little cave I'd made for myself. The hole was small enough that I could snipe them with the the Survival Tool, while being safe myself. Until that is, an old bug-bear of mine resurfaced... Critters attacking beyond their visual (the attack animation) range, and being able to clip through blocks / terrain.

    Basically, the Overseers tried to attack me, but I was too far away. However, after each attack attempt, they clipped further and further into the terrain. This meant I couldn't really hit them, but they hit me through the terrain. A bit frustrating.

    Via modding, can a critters melee attack range be tweaked at all? It needs to be shorter. Also, is there any way to limit a critter's - or other mob's - ability to clip into the terrain? Some sort of bounding box tweaks?

    I'm pretty sure it's the attack animation that ignores any obstacles, which then causes the critter to clip further into the terrain.

    These sort of issues have been around for so long now, and they end up spoiling so many combat encounters with false deaths, where the player is hit beyond range and through blocks that it's getting really old. Eleon don't seem to have much success sorting this, perhaps it's not a priority.

    Anyway, thought I'd ask. Have a great day everyone.

  12. Astrée

    Astrée Lieutenant

    Oct 8, 2020
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    I agree with you, but maybe you'd better post that on the "bug" forum, I don't think Ravien_ff or Vermillion can do anything against it ;-)
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I can change that. The problem is that their animation is fixed to their orientation and they jab out their legs quite some distance and a lot of people get butthurt when they weren't hit by the model but are still within reach of the legs if the overseer could pivot up or down.

    They can squeeze into smaller spaces because the AI controller for the overseer wasn't designed for a large creature. It uses the same AI controller as the Raptors and there's not really anything else they could use that won't make them run away when shot at.

    Fortunately, i'm changing the melee attacks in the next update with a variety of new effects that are less parasite-laden.
    Wellingtoon and ravien_ff like this.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Cool. It'd be great if their attacks - and melee in general - worked a bit better. It is frustrating to be taking cover, yet your attacker can still hit you just fine. Attack range, when it exceeds the visual range by a fair margin, is a problem of course. However, this is exaggerated when a player is within that excessive range, yet the game doesn't appear to check for obstacles and just plays the attack animation anyway. I guess that's something only Eleon can fix.

    Additionally, while I like that critters can lunge at you, effectively extending their attack range, it's odd when they attack in other directions and still get the "lunge" bonus. I.e. the Overseer lunches forwards to attack with it's legs - which is fine, other than the extra range over visual range - yet it can also attack the player with this lunge when the player is above them, say jet-pack jumping over. This is true of many critters.

    Larger critters being able to get through smaller spaces / doors is another issue that I suspect Eleon need to deal with. These attack range and clipping issues have been reported a number of times, and the issue boils down to the points I, and others, have raised.

    It will be most welcome to not get three stacked infections at once after one (invalid lol) hit from a critter while too far away and behind cover! I love super tough game starts, but when there's added difficultly from what can only be considered bugs, it gets frustrating. Hopefully Eleon can eventually address these issues for a more solid base to mod on.

  15. Astrée

    Astrée Lieutenant

    Oct 8, 2020
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    Just another little detail. Not really important, but maybe it can be corrected.
    Pentaxid plants produce radiations (4R), but are killed by radiations of nearly the same level (5R). I added thrusters M that where just next to my plants on my CV, thinking they wouldn't bother that, and the pentaxid plants under them died, like any vegetable. Not really logical o_O
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It's not the rads that harm the plant, it's the temperature of the thruster.
    Astrée likes this.
  17. Astrée

    Astrée Lieutenant

    Oct 8, 2020
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    Oh ... yes, obvious, I should have thought about that :p
  18. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  19. FlickMyVic

    FlickMyVic Ensign

    Dec 21, 2020
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    so my poi's on haven are not resetting. the gameoptions.yaml has it set to true. is there a way to reset them manually while in game or what do i need to do?
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The unknown artifact is a default game POI. I couldn't tell you why it was empty.

    It needs to be set in the proper place in the gameoptions.yaml for your save game. And it might only work for dedicated servers.

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