Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Unfortunately, this is a vanilla bug. I believe they’ve tried to fix it, but haven’t succeeded.
  2. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    This may be s very dumb question, but with the update tomorrow to the game, do we have to wait for the scenario to be uodated also, or can we start a new game on this scenario as soon as the vanilla game is done?
  3. Cherry Burrito

    Cherry Burrito Ensign

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Bug: Furnace uses up ore, but does not output the bars. It works on vanilla but not in Eden Reforged. I have a separate container for feeding the furnace, and have tried outputting both back into that one, and outputting to the one I keep crafting mats in. Watching the furnace while it smelts, the progress animation spins once on top of a metal bars icon, then the metal bars icon disappears and the progress animation spins again on a blank square, then seems to lock up there.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    This usually happens if there's not enough materials. This is a problem with melting down scraps or plates. So make sure you haven't melted down the wrong number of those, because for some reason they get stuck if you give them an uneven amount. I don't know why they don't check their input/output before it tries to craft.
  5. Cherry Burrito

    Cherry Burrito Ensign

    Jul 23, 2020
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    I'll double check it, but I'm pretty sure I put a stack of 5 copper ore when testing both in vanilla and RE.

    Edit: I tried it with a bunch of different stack sizes:
    • 1-4: the progress bar spins like it's trying to smelt, but nothing happens (not a big deal)
    • 5-9: the ore is consumed, the progress bar spins, but no bars are produced
    • 10+: works as expected. 10 ore produces 20 bars
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2020
  6. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    should be producing 20 ingots

    { +Template Name: CopperIngot
    BaseItem: true #A1
    OutputCount: 10
    CraftTime: 5
    Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,BaseC,LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
    { Child Inputs
    CopperOre: 5
  7. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Someone posted a link to "the creative version of this scenario," and now I cannot find it.

    Couldn't I just open a new survival game with the scenario then use console -- changemode (or whatever it is)?
  8. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Vermillion likes this.
  9. neil.phillips5

    neil.phillips5 Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2016
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    A couple of suggestions, if I may?

    Guess these are for Reforged as I assume they can be accomplished through the config files, but of course those are folded in with the Eden Project for this mod :)
    I see we can craft an egg, makes sense, thank you.
    Since we can, can we add them to the list of items we can craft?
    I mean we can craft other raw materials, so to speak, like flour, milk, meat etc.
    If you can then maybe take the advantage of doing a little re-ordering of the craft list, putting bread under flour, cheese under milk, cooked meat under meat etc.

    Second item, can we have an improved food processor?
    I do not call for a new food processor model, obviously that would not be covered with a config file.
    What I hope is possible is a name change and most importantly a boost in cooking time.
    This would also mean a list of materials required to improve a basic food processor and listing under the things the constructor can make.
    Probably not with a basic constructor, maybe the medium one, or even the advanced constructor?

    Hope this is an ok place to make these suggestions.
    Thanks for reading.
  10. willderyes

    willderyes Ensign

    Jul 3, 2017
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    I am really enjoying Reforged. I like the storyline. I do have one concern; many if not most of the factory bases require concrete growing pots. However, I can only find wood growing pots. Have I missed something or do I need a higher level constructor>
  11. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    You need a Large Constructor to make concrete and steel growing plots in Reforged Galaxy.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I have no idea what you're saying.
    Eggs are craftable, so are all the component parts of other food items.

    And no to the food processor. Crafting speeds are hardcoded to the constructor type and I can't add more.
  13. Cherry Burrito

    Cherry Burrito Ensign

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Yes, thank you. I meant 20, not sure why I put 2.
  14. Cherry Burrito

    Cherry Burrito Ensign

    Jul 23, 2020
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    It looks like Flak Cannons for CVs are only usable in space - is that the intention? I wonder because the tooltip doesn't mention it, but I think all other CV turrets (except projectile) mention only usable in space, so it seems likely this is also intended for space only.

    On that though - I'm guessing this was done for either balancing or to distinguish the roles of HV, SV, CV, making them each excel in different situations. But it seems strange to travel to distant planets in search of rare resources, then have to defeat the drones defending those resources with pea shooters. With the large increase in resource costs, and reduction of flight speed of CVs, use of hover vessels for POI assault is still being encouraged. It makes the CV feel like a massive trade-off, especially when first trying to break into CVs, when you might only be able to fit (due to resources, CPU, mass) 1-2 weapons on the ship.

    I think this is the item config (is 2154284616 the correct workshop number?):

    { +Item Id: 125, Name: TurretMSFlakWeapon
    Meshfile: @models/Blocks/Turrets/ModularTurret1/SingleFlakTurretBluePrefab
    DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab
    ShowUser: NoButCSV # reported by HWS
    Canhold: false
    Material: metalweapon
    HoldType: 0
    StackSize: 500
    Mass: 5777, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
    Category: Weapons/Items
    RadialMenu: true
    { Child 0
    Class: LauncherSS
    AllowAt: Space
    ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
    Range: 685, display: false
    RangeSpace: 975, display: false
    AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
    AmmoType: FlakRocketMS, display: true
    NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
    Automatic: true
    CameraShake: 2
    AutoReload: true
    ReloadDelay: 6.5, display: true
    SfxBegin: Weapons/Player/Misc/Single/cannon
    /* SfxBegin: Weapons/Player/Misc/Single/AWDSDracoHeavySingle */
    # SfxNoAmmo: Weapons/Misc/weapon_outofammo_001
    SfxReload: Weapons/Player/Misc/Reload/RifleBoltActionCock04_reload
    PfxMuzzle: rocketlauncherMSMuzzleFire

    RadialText: 90mm Flak Rocket # add text
    RadialDesc: Long-ranged Anti-Aircraft Flak Rockets # add text
    RadialIcon: Radial_Downgrade
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    CV weapon use in atmosphere is unchanged from vanilla. If you want to manually enable CVs in atmo, there's the Config.ecf file in the scenario configs with instructions on how to enable CV weapons on planets. Just involves deleting a few #'s in the config file to enable them.
    They're better balanced for POI combat than vanilla, but still OP.
    CVs can mount several weapons, even with no extender.
  16. Cherry Burrito

    Cherry Burrito Ensign

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Ah, so they are that way in vanilla. I overlooked that, my bad! I didn't play vanilla very long, and I guess I never tried to use anything other than the projectile cannons or miniguns.
  17. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    IMHO, the more POIs that get shielding, the weaker the no-CV turret planetside argument gets- especially for the POIs with the missile turrets. Not really any difference in firepower between a space POI and a ground POI, other than range
  18. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Screw the rules: I just tunnel under their precious POI in my mining SV and go in the front door! No point attacking any ground based installation in any vehicle in this game; never has been and apparently never will be. The long range combat in the game is literally retarded and it appears that is exactly how the devs have always wanted it.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    At the top of the "Templates.cfg" we have the "factors" which describe how fast (smaller is faster) a constructor/ cooker processes the "templates", a multiplier of their craft time.

    ## Target Abbreviations / CraftTime Factors:
    ## SuitC = Survival Constructor - factor: 1.8
    ## SurvC = Portable Constructor (ConstructorSurvival) - factor: 1.6
    ## SmallC = ConstructorSV - factor: 1.4
    ## HoverC = ConstructorHV - factor: 1.4
    ## BaseC = ConstructorT0 - factor: 1.2
    ## LargeC = ConstructorT1V2 - factor: 1
    ## AdvC = ConstructorT2 - factor: 0.5
    ## FoodP = FoodProcessorV2 - factor: 1
    ## Furn = Furnace - factor: 0.2
    ## (no tag) Deconstructor - factor: 0.5

    In each template we see a list of constructors that can make these :

    { +Template Name: Meat
    DeconOverride: Stop
    CraftTime: 7
    Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,BaseC"

    { Child Inputs
    PlantProtein: 1
    Vegetables: 1

    So if we can make a simple copy of any constructor (on an unused ID) that has a "faster" craft speed (ex. adv constructor with 0.5) and then add this item's new name to each template's "target" list, doesn't it achieve what @neil.phillips5 is asking for ?
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    No, that's not how it works.
    The entries at the top are only describing, not setting the speeds. They're there for reference purposes.
    The factors are also backwards. The portable constructor is 1.6 so it takes 60% longer than the recipe's craft time, while the AdvConstructor is 0.5 so it's 50% faster.

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