Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    What POI are you hitting? If it has a Dreadnought shield generator, it's going to take more time to take down their shield than it will yours.
    CV fixed pulse lasers deal 40.3 shield damage per shot and they fire 141 rounds per minute. That's 6900 shield damage per minute, per cannon.
    Players use a minimum of 2 laser cannons on a ship; so that's at least 13k shield damage per minute with a minimum loadout.
    Regular AI laser turrets fire 100 RPM at 50 shield damage per shot for 5000 shield damage per minute, per turret (assuming that all hit) vs CV.

    These values need to be averaged between POI vs player both on planets and in space. With the average ground POI having 4 turrets; 2 of which are usually laser. Even then, they're barely effective against CVs in atmo. A space POI will be equipped with a minimum of 8 turrets, with 12 on average. Mixed between laser, plasma and missile or some other variant (EMP/Artillery/Plasma Artillery). In the case of EMP, they're actually somewhat underwhelming at only 7500 shield damage vs CVs per minute.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It was a "[GAL] Schneewitchen" it had an alien shield that become a basic shield when I salvaged it. I'm assuming in "alien" form that shield actually has more hit points than the basic BA shield it becomes when salvaged?

    I believe you with the numbers, but they don't always seem to tie in to what I experience in-game. Just allowing myself to get hit by one Laser turret on that POI drained my Advanced CV Shield far faster than my own two fixed lasers. This POI does appear to be a weird hybrid of tech though. It has regular player sentry turrets inside, as well as some Flak and Missile turrets outside. There's a chance the turrets I destroyed were actually player ones after all...

    If the "Alien" version of that shield is indeed a lot tougher, that would explain things. I incorrectly assumed it was an Advanced shield, then only when I recovered it did I realise it wasn't.

    Oh, this POI is a weird one. When I took the shield down and had destroyed any turrets that posed a threat, I landed on the pad there. I then saved the game and exited. Returned a little later, I reloaded and the POI's shields were fully charged again. So I brought them down again.

    Anyway, not to worry, I'm just playing around so it's all good. I'm sure the v1.7 update is making various things a bit odd, as I've observed with the rapid-fire turrets on my own CV.
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    That's a vanilla ship. Hasn't been changed for Reforged.
    The Alien Shield Generator is mid-way between a normal and advanced shield generator. So it's weaker than yours. It's what the Drone Bases use.
  4. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    How rare should Magmacite / Planets that have it be?
    I went to 3 M1Ia solar systems and none hat planets with Magmacite, almost did not make it back with my pentaxid as it was only planed to take a quick look at the closest one.
    2 had crustet lava and 1 a midnight - it is only on non-crusted lava, right?
    The midnight Planet is no fun, I wonder why there are so manny zirax at a planet this hostile; not even good minerals there.
    Only positive is my ship is now tested on a 3.9g planet.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh, ok. I'd never seen it before so assumed it was a new RE addition. Thanks.

    I did notice that Drone Base's shields tend to stay down once reduced to zero, whereas the shield on this POI (it's BA-Class btw) recharges after a few seconds. I admit, I've not attacked a Drone Base in a while though, so perhaps something's changed / higher-level Drone Bases do recharge.
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Patrol Vessels and Space POI shields all regenerate when downed. Only planetary POI shields don't regenerate (excludes homeworld POIs like the Infector, Gravitational Instability, POIs on the Zirax homeworlds, etc...)
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for confirming. Is it normal that shield state isn't saved in single player after a Save / reload cycle? I.e. I saved the game just after having taken the shield down and destroying any turrets that threatened me. Upon reloading however, the shield was back at 100%.
  8. Krawz

    Krawz Ensign

    Dec 26, 2021
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    I'm building a CV in RE and trying to use non transparent shuttered windows but it appears the only one to be not transparent is the slope inverted block. They all work normally in vanilla. Is anyone else having this problem?
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    One of the changes to the shutter windows was to make the default one transparent from both sides and airtight. The inverted version is opaque on one side, like the vanilla version. An opaque window that you cannot see through is no window at all.

    The reason is quite simple: An armored shutter window has the shutter on the outside to protect the glass window. For whatever reason, the windows in empyrion are reversed, so the fragile glass takes the full brunt of any weapons while the shutter (which is inside the ship)... probably shuts on some poor sap's hand while he's looking out the window.
    It doesn't help that the shutter window model is the same one from the earliest alpha versions, completely unchanged and long in needing of an update so that it possesses an actual window instead of a textureless panel; and animated so that they can be opened and closed with a signal.
  10. Krawz

    Krawz Ensign

    Dec 26, 2021
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    Thanks. I was using it as one way glass in creative. Too bad there's no analog.
  11. zenija2007

    zenija2007 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Hello. I am going through the scenario of version 1.6 at medium difficulty. It seems that the game has been made more difficult by 10 times, compared to 1.4. The player becomes infected and dies from any bite, durable epic heavy armor cant protect from the shots of the infected. Legacy enfected kills with one shot, while attacking in a crowd. Atmospheric effects inside bases often make it difficult to see who is firing at all. I'm just trying to figure out - are there players out there who like to die 1000 times when storming a base and is the script now being done for them? Sorry for my english.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Compared to 1.4, the enemies have had their damage and hp both reduced since then and status effect chances were greatly reduced in 1.6.
    Legacy Infected (I assume the gun-wielding soldiers, not Abominations) I believe are currently equipped with the wrong weapon. Which will be changed for the 1.7 release; There aren't many POIs with them in large enough numbers to be considered attacking in a group. Indicating that your complaint is with the Abandoned Bunker that is currently the largest and hardest of the abandoned POIs. It's meant to be hard.
    Durable Epic Heavy Armor does not give you invincibility. It's maybe 25% better than regular heavy armor with less penalties on movement, stamina and hunger. For everything else, there's Boosters. Make sure you're not wearing an EVA boost.
  13. zenija2007

    zenija2007 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Thanks for the answer, I will wait for updates. It's hard to expect invincibility in this game: enemies often appear right in front of the player. You just look at some places, and you understand - here you will die, no matter what you do. But this problem comes from the original game.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    There are very few places like that, and usually it's a one-time deal. Once you know there's a place like that in a POI, it's no longer an active threat and more an evaluation on how you can beat the trap with the least risk to yourself.
    Then again, I have watched streamers just repeat the same actions over and over, dying a dozen times at the same obstacle simply because they're not thinking.
  15. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I did have a weird one the other week that had never happened to me before. I'd captured a POI and placed my own core. Was wandering around and a Zirax spawned on a spawn pad right in front of me. After a moment's panic, I did switch to a weapon and take them out - I had the Multi-tool in hand - so it was all good. Bit of a shock though when wandering around what was now my base.

    To be clear, this wasn't simply a left-over enemy I'd missed - though there were doubtless some of these. No, I saw the spawner do the spawn animation and the Zirax popped in, just like in an active (aka enemy Core) POI.
  16. .TGHS. Gabriel

    .TGHS. Gabriel Ensign

    Mar 5, 2020
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    @Scoob that was just Verm trolling you personally :D

    Nowhere is safe apart from the main menu hahaha
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    No where is safe...for the Zirax. I mean, how terrified and paranoid must those guys be. They kill this loan Terran and he comes back time and time again until they lose...terrifying.

    Game and POI balance will always be tricky. First, something challenging for a lone player can be a totally breeze with just two of you. Can a POI's spawners scale based on number of Player in the POI at all? That'd be a neat feature... Then there are still gameplay issues such as NPC's clipping through blocks to attack the player, be it shooting or melee attacks, that's particularly annoying. Then there are the more general hit box issues, where you might have perfectly clear LoS on a target, yet your shots hit a block. The ability to crouch will help with that, but it's still a problem.

    There are numerous things that can frustrate in a POI and intended difficultly level is fairly far down on the list for me.
  18. .TGHS. Gabriel

    .TGHS. Gabriel Ensign

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Yeah I'm more drawn to the exploration and discovery aspects on our server (The colonies run by Hawkie_Norway) but it would be nice if the game didn't find ways to randomly rape you whenever it decides that you're having too much of a good day haha...

    Twice I've had Toveras appear on top of me, a few times I've had drones that seem to have shields from Zeus himself and the ground combat can be so frustrating at times you have to laugh before you cry lol
  19. .TGHS. Gabriel

    .TGHS. Gabriel Ensign

    Mar 5, 2020
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    The greatest trick the sadistic AI ever pulled was convincing the world it didn't exist and like that: "pfff" your gone :)
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Ship spawns are taken at random from the OPV group. For vanilla, the OPVZirax group contains only the sunat, periat, imerat, tovera, and kamirat; giving every playfield a 1/5 chance of spawning a Tovera.
    As of 1.5-1.6 RE, the OPV group was bloated for OPVZiraxRG to include 4 Sunats, 3 Periats, 2 Imerats, 2 Kamirats, 3 Kiuveras and 1 Tovera to reduce the chance of getting a Tovera to 1/15 chance.
    The same thing will happen for 1.7 RE with the Legacy ships, to reduce the chance of encountering an Eradicator.

    Duplicate ships in the OPV group are all slightly different. Generators or core in different locations, different weapon setups, extra or less loot; and a special variant with an Al' designation.

    Note: Drones cannot have shields.
    ravien_ff likes this.

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