Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    when i read about project eden and you say there are dangers to discover in the jungles, i wondered what you meant. wanted to ask for an example.

    came across the temple of lazereis on a temparate planet. dont think i ever been to a temparate. always exploring space. but i make it a point to check out any strange POI this was cool. well done!

    really adds to the point of exploration. you've said before rare things can be found in the jungles, i didn't find anything rare, nice loot for early game, but what kind of rare stuff do you mean might be found exploring in these types of places. to reward the explorers :)


    landed my space on the temple of the dog lol. so awesome. love the whole worshipping thing. this makes exploring with it!
  2. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    i havent experienced issues with cv lasers in space firing at shielded bases. make sure base is set to on and that an option to shoot something is ticked.
  3. Ceneraii

    Ceneraii Ensign

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Haha thanks for the advice, I've learned how to configure my turrets in the last Edit: 6 (cant count if my life depended on it, it seems xD) years of playing empyrion though :p But it's the thought that counts ^.^
    Problem was on planets, not space. It's quite funny because they shoot just fine against unshielded bases.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Has anyone else noticed this oddity with Alien Sentry Turrets?

    They have twin barrels vs. the player buildable Sentry's one. And I've noticed that if the left barrel has LoS on the player it can shoot the player with shots from the right barrel clipping through obstacles. However, if it's the left barrel where there's LoS between it and the Player, the turret will not fire.

    This leads to a situation where if the player is approaching an Alien Sentry from one direction they're be largely safe, able to snipe the Turret before it can shoot. Conversely, approach from a slightly different direction and the turret can shoot the player before he can fire. I think the fact that the Player character is right handed has an influence here regarding how much of the player's body is exposed.

    Example: I'm hugging a wall to my right. This wall opens up on my right to reveal an Alien Sentry Turret. With the cover of the wall to my right I cannot peer out around the wall to my left to shoot the turret without getting shot. My gun is held right handed.

    Example: I'm hugging a wall to my left. This wall opens up on my left to reveal an Alien Sentry Turret. With the cover of the wall to my left I can readily peer out around the wall to my right and shoot the turret and not take return fire.

    As mentioned, this might be more to do with the fact that the player is right handed so peering around a corner with the wall to my left naturally exposes me less than the other way around.

    The thing here is that when aiming down the sight of whatever gun I'm using, visual LoS would suggest I have a perfect shot on target either way. However, the somewhat flaky collision detection will often see my shots - even though there's NO visual obstruction - being stopped by the block I'm taking partial cover by. Conversely, perhaps due to it having two barrels, the Alien Sentry can shoot me just fine, with one barrel's shot seemingly clipping through my cover.

    I know these issues are likely vanilla in origin, however, considering how much this scenario appears to have been able to "fix" certain quirks of vanilla, I thought it worth mentioning here.

    Thought: would a single-barrel version of the Alien Sentry - i.e. if the model was replaced with that of the Player Sentry Turret - help here? Or should the player be more ambidextrous, able to shoot left handed at need?

    Just a semi-random ponder as I raid a POI with lots of irksome Alien Sentry Turrets :)
  5. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    dont forget laser turrtes have like a 60m range on planets
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It's all visual.
    The alien sentry guns "see" from the center, between the two guns and fire from the same place. The shots "glitch" through walls because they're not there. They're an invisible line between the center of the turret and the player with a visual effect of two beams spaced apart to match the location of the barrels.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ok cool, that makes sense. So, player exposure to danger - i.e. popping out of cover - is predominantly down to the player being right handed, so moving left out of cover exposes more of the player to being shot. I do naturally prefer cover on my left, being right-handed, but it would be great to be able to peer around cover either way. I guess "lean" is the new "crouch" when it comes to base FPS features Empyrion would benefit from.

    On an unrelated note, I LOVE the grenade launcher, it's such a good crowd control weapon in certain POI's. However, I notice that it sometimes appears to do zero damage, despite what looks like a perfect shot. Other times it'll kill a target when the shot was less than perfect. I can't really figure out why this might be.

    Oh, the Abandoned Assembly Yard is great but it's way to hard for me, even with decent armour. I can handle hoards of enemies rushing me - see above re: Grenade Launcher - and I'm pretty accurate when it comes to taking down 2-3 enemies quickly. What really kills me though (literally) is enemies spawning in on top of me constantly. I get the jump-scare element, but when it's "jump scare, dead" it does get a bit old.

    I do feel that this POI is perhaps not geared to a Solo player. With a group of two or more covering each other I think it'd be less of a challenge. Guess I just need to get better. Oh, I do wonder if I should have pulled those two levers at the end of the POI. Those Infected guys that spawned killed me within three seconds and I have boosted Advanced Heavy Armour - dunno what guns they were using. Also, hope it wasn't GOOD stuff that blew up moments later!
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    There shouldn't be any in there that spawn directly on top of you. Except those guys in the final room that drop out of the ceiling, but you get flashing lights and a big warning 7 seconds before they do to get out of there.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Good to know it's not by design. I had it occur a number of times as they'd spawn, then be unreactive for a moment before attacking. They'd be clipping through me upon spawn. There were also incidents of them spawning right behind me, negating any sort of scouting with the Drone / careful progress. I mean, I get that you don't want visible spawners any more to surprise the player and stop them (if they can) taking them out at range. However, I do feel that there needs to be a degree of logic when an enemy spawns in. Just having them appear out of thin air right in front of the player isn't great, but the same thing behind them is worse.

    I get it's a LOT of work, and the POI's are amazing, no doubt there. However, I'd prefer to see more dropping from the ceiling or spawning in behind a closed door etc. Or bursting through a wall etc.

    I don't record my gameplay, so I cannot really show you what I seeing. It is good to know that spawning right on top of the player isn't intended though, however I can't say why they did numerous times of course. Perhaps it's some degree of lag - though performance was great - in that I trigger the spawn sensor, but there's a delay before they appear. In the meantime I've happened to walk into their spawn point... that's all I can think of.

    I do try to play quite tactically, advancing slowly and securing rooms (as much as that's possible) as I go, so I know I should have a clear route to retreat. Reaction-wise, I'm generally a very nimble build so I can outrun most things and jet-pack jump out of trouble. Doesn't always work though well though as I still get hit a lot when I'm not even there any more lol.
  10. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    they kinda do spawn on you though. walking down some hallways i can remember aliens spawning out. what may be happening is they are spawning from inside those rooms and because of lag and desync we dont even see them exit the door. they just appear/. but yes like i said. i tried abandoned bunker and assembly yard. it aint possible to not die a lot.

    the only enemy ive found consistent is the normal zirax soldier. the rest seem hyper aware. 2-3 shots from that instant laser plasma zirax and poof. cant even duck back behind cover. by the time you realise you are shot its over.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Another issue that made me jump when POI raiding... Those huge Overseer dudes.... thinking I'm safe then they clip through a tiny (relative to them) door to get me. Those guys are a great foe and scary fast, however they do have problems when spawned in POI's. They either seem to get stuck and become an easy target, or clip through small passageways to attack the player. Due to their height, they also clip through things and are often able to attack the player through otherwise solid blocks. Several Melee attackers have this issue though.

    I think I may have lost my edge as I've been getting destroyed in POI's this evening. Sure, they were hard "Abandoned" ones and I was often taking damage when I strictly shouldn't, but it's still tough solo. I've not dabbled with Multi-Player in literal years now, maybe I should give it a go again...
  12. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    its the game engine tho, the voxel stuff. can only work with what ya got.
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you so much for the feedback and the kind words!

    About the tungsten and silver nuggets, this is one of the only ways to make a custom ore deposit.
    If you make them a voxel deposit then they don't actually show up on the map at all, only the HUD.

    They have a specific design. Tungsten branches out from the center in 3 or 4 directions while silver is simply bunched up in the middle.

    To prevent your SV from getting teleported dig at a shallower angle (like 45 degrees).

    I can edit the blueprints so the nuggets are closer to each other.
  14. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    I'm having a problem with the Talon mission line in the latest version (March 29th). I've reached the stage 'The Tank' but I don't get any marker for the next stage.

    I'm playing SP on Omicron, global seed is 512381, and all the standard quest POIs for the Talon quest seem to be present (Zirax Convoy etc.)
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Check the console or disable/resume the mission and check the console for a message. If it says it couldn't find the POI, it usually means you got unlucky and the game couldn't find a clear place to put the POI that's either too close to one POI or too far away from another.
    You'll need to go to another starting planet if that's the case.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Is there a list somewhere of Furnace recipes that are not present in the vanilla game? I know of metal scrap - can't even recall whether that's vanilla or not - but are there others? I dimly recall some processed items could be melted back into ingots, but not entirely sure.

    Edit: I know Titanium Plates can be smelted back into raw Titanium, which can actually be quite useful. Steel Plate though cannot go back into raw Iron though.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2022
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hi again,

    Just had something unexpected happen and I'm not sure if it's intended or not.

    I had a base attack vs. my small firebase - it's an ex Zirax Supply Station I took over and modified - just a Troop Dropship deploying a load of Zirax. Most of the Zirax were quickly killed by the station and my nearby CV's guns. However, one Zirax survived and it's this guys that didn't behave as expected.

    Firstly, he survived as he was able to find a degree of cover from my various guns. Secondly however, as soon as he got right next to my base he started fairly rapidly destroying blocks. He took out a Sentry Turret then proceeded to destroy blocks into the base. This POI is actually several blocks thick at this point, so the Zirax did not hit anything vital. However, at no point did my shields drop! I thought any Zirax assault would have to bring down my shields before it could start directly destroying blocks like this.

    Needless to say I manually hunted and killed this guy before he got any further, but I was really surprised at the damage he caused. First destroying a Sentry Turret on an actively shielded base, then blasting through shielded blocks. Most unexpected.

    Is it by design that Zirax Troop can basically ignore shields like this? Seems a little unfair considering the lengths I have to go to in order to crack a POI's shields...all the while its turret are immune to fire due to said shield.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Sounds like some kind of special effect of Base Attacker's DestroyBlocksWeapon function, which they use to tunnel to the core if they can't find a way in. Likely intended.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I'm guessing this feature is totally vanilla then, the scenario changes nothing in this regard?

    Shame if the vanilla behaviour is fudged in this way, rather than using the default mechanic for this - i.e. get through the shield first then be able to damage blocks...
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    There hasn't been any changes to the weapon since there's no real way to test or gauge it's effectiveness. Though it should be fairly slow according to the damage and damage modifier (1 RoF, 65 damage per shot, 20x damage to hull blocks), assuming it actually follows them.

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