Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Coreador

    Coreador Commander

    May 15, 2017
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    I had missed all the fun here, but I'm sold. I'll give this a try.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Make sure you opt out of experimental since it's no longer being updated by Eleon and is a week or two behind so the addition of Ladders will cause a CoQ on start.

    There'll probably be another update today.
    The T2 Drill will be reduced in unlock level and the shotgun will be re-added to the survival constructor.
    There's so many people playing Reforged Galaxy now that I can find all the issues and fix them. So expect a lot of updates regularly.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
    Cased, Thorwine and ravien_ff like this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There are some things in this game that make me scratch my head. Not allowing holographic consoles on HVs and SVs is one of them. Same with not giving SVs a gravity generator.
    Maybe some of the reason are internal errors that pop up that we can't see, but I still always advocate for greater building freedom when it's things like decoration or convenience items (gravity is a nice quality of life thing) when it's technically possible.
    Fractalite, yataro79 and Wellingtoon like this.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, the gravity generator on SV has been explained as "The devs want to keep builds as small as possible and allowing gravity generators on small ships will make people make big SVs".
    Also, the range of the gravity generator seems to be hard-coded. So sticking one on an SV would gravitate a sphere with a 100m diameter.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
    Brimstone and ravien_ff like this.
  5. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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  6. Coreador

    Coreador Commander

    May 15, 2017
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    So, it seems bases are quite difficult to make now, requiring a large amount of resources. All of my current base designs seem to be way too expensive to use, and it doesn't seem possible to adjust them (and these aren't huge blueprints). Wood, concrete, and steel bases seem to be prohibitively expensive for quite some time in the game. Arguably, it is realistic that they take a lot of resources, but from a gameplay perspective, what is the intended path for a player? Is it expected that bases are a late game item that an early game player should just ignore? Is the intention to spend more early game in a migratory life with an HV or SV, or hiding out in the shadow of the Heidelburg living in a tent? Is there even a point to building a base, or should the focus be on working towards a CV?
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    They're only prohibitively expensive when you're judging it by vanilla's scale by looking at the difference in cost instead of the difference in production.
    Concrete is more expensive, but the amount of stone obtained from mining the ground and surface rocks has been increased.
    Wood Blocks are more expensive but trees give more logs.
    Large Steel Blocks require more steel plates, but iron deposits give more ore.
    To add to this, the crafting times of the blocks and components has been reduced to compensate for the cost differences. Instead of waiting around for 2 hours while the factory makes your blueprint, it takes less time. But you need to spend more time getting the resources due to the difference in scale. You spend more time playing instead of waiting.

    What you should be doing is starting with a small starter base and upgrade it over time. Use Concrete or plastic and use the upgrade mode of your multitool to upgrade the armor as materials become available. Unlike vanilla, there's no CPU penalty on different armor blocks.
    Expand your base as you go.
    yataro79, ravien_ff and Cased like this.
  8. Thorwine

    Thorwine Commander

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Do these changes mean, that we have to start a new game to get them, or will these be automatically implemented in a current savegame?
  9. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    If at all possible I think it would be better for the story mission to have you build a pistol instead of a shotgun.
    Ideally the pistol should be sufficient to deal with early game critters like spiders an whatnot without having to empty an entire clip into there face at point blank range.
    Perhaps give it a sizable damage boost but lower RoF, higher recoil and more spread to compensate. It should sit somewhere between the shotgun and the assault rifle in terms of role and usability.

    The shotgun should still be the superior weapon for close quarters combat though.
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Quest stuff would require rewriting a whole lotta stuff and I don't have time for that at the moment.
    Pisols are already buffed with increased damage and massive headshot damage modifiers. One of the highest in the game. You can kill a drone with the pistol easier than you can with an assault rifle (as long as you hit it in the glowing eye).
    At close range against zirax troops, the pistol is as good as or better than the assault rifle for a good shot.
    You won't need to restart your game. You only ever need to restart a game if new planets, terrain or POIs are added and that's not included in the mod.
    Changes to traders will need a restart, but they're so minor that it's not necessary. Any planet you haven't visited should have the adjusted traders after an update anyway.
    Thorwine likes this.
  11. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    The Robinson Protocol involves building a shotgun before it requires building a base. If the shotty hadn't been re-added to the survival constructor, you'd need to do the base part twice or manually tick the boxes

    That would be extra confusing for new players, and PItA for old...

    Not to mention with the teleporter trap and base attacks in RG using large drones, you're straight f***ed if all you have is a pistol...
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Here's the latest release. I'll hold off on updating the workshop scenario until i've heard back from ravien if there's any issues with Project Eden's trader compatibility changes.

    • Added ProjectEden's custom traders to Reforged Galaxy with the RG price values.
    • Increased the radius of the survival tool (mining), mechanical drill and T2 Drill slightly.
    • Returned the shotgun to the Survival Constructor since it interfered with some stupid mission.
    • Changed sound effects on player sentry gun AGAIN. This stupid gun keeps having sound cycling problems.
    • Increased damage of Sentry Gun since both in vanilla and previously, it sucked for repelling base attack troops.
    • Split damage modifiers on all non-explosive turrets and fixed weapons into Body and Head multipliers. This means that your turrets will deal bonus headshot damage like your handheld weapons. Please test!
      Should be easy if you take control of your turret in a base attack and aim for the drone's eye and see if it's easier to kill it than shooting the body.
    • Increased XP gain from farming crops in your base from 25 xp for all crops to 50*crop yield (min is 100).
    • Increased XP gain from trees depending on size and log gain.
    • Increased XP gain from mining surface rocks based on size and hp.
    • Increased XP gain from surface ore rocks based on their value (175 xp for iron, 200 xp for silicon, 250 xp for copper, 400 for cobalt, 1200 for erestrum, 2000 for gold, etc...)
    • Reduced XP yield from picking common plants from 100 xp to 75-25 xp based on yield.
    • Increased calm, panic, attack and flee speeds of Parasaurs because they're kinda slow.
    • Bugfixes.
    Parasaur speed improvements in action?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
    Fractalite and ravien_ff like this.
  13. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Yeah, modding can be a PItA sometimes, I know... I got started hex editing Baldur's Gate back in the day, did two mods including a near-total conversion for Tribes 2, and have dabbled with Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Natural Selection, and others. My work schedule sucks these days, so I barely have play time, much less mod time, or I'd give EGS a whirl too

    That being said, enjoying RG so far
  14. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Right. The issue here is two fold:
    1. The Robinson Protocol tells you to build a shot gun right off the bat because the pistol is crap and nobody want to use it. This is a clear break in progression. The Robinson Protocol should tell you to build a pistol not a shotgun. You have to walk before you can run and all that.
    2. The pistol is crap and nobody want to use it. This is a clear issue with game balance that should either be addressed or the pistol should be removed from the game otherwise it's just a waist of memory that could be better used elsewhere. I already put forward my suggestion on fixing it:

    To expand on this:
    The T1 shotgun should be lethal in close quarters combat but mostly worthless beyond that.
    The pistol should be effective in close to sort range. It should have higher damage per hit but lower damage per second and less range and accuracy then the assault rifle while having somewhat lower damage per hit but much greater effective range then the shotgun. This would make the pistol a nice middle ground between the assault rifle and the shotgun.
  15. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    No argument with any of those points at all- but I figured Vermillion would be more likely to change the mod than the quests, so I suggested it that way. I'd already edited the template for myself... because I don't want to muck with the quests, either :)
  16. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Out of curiosity I went in and took a closer look a the PDA files and discovered this:
          - TaskTitle: pda_meu0u
            StartMessage: norm;60|pda_4w8mW
              - ActionTitle: pda_LG0uq
                Description: pda_uqu8K
                AllowManualCompletion: true
                Check: ItemsCrafted
                  - Pistol
                  - Shotgun
                  - AssaultRifle
                  - Sniper
                  - PulseRifle
    According to this you can complete the task by make ANY of these. The actual tutorial instruction contained in PDA.csv (on line 450) are "Select a weapon that suits your needs. \n\nThe Shotgun is usually a good starting weapon with which you can defend against even bigger enemies and animals." It turns out that creating a shoty is nothing more then a (very good) suggestion even if its not exactly clear based on the wording.

    It should be safe to include a modified PDA.csv with clearer instructions.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yeah, but then that's one more config file to keep updated. :D
  18. Coreador

    Coreador Commander

    May 15, 2017
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    I think I found a bug. I'm on the simple mission from the Talon Chief where you have to by ONE sprout. But (see screenshot)...


    It looks like all the prices are higher than what the chief gives you (100 credits), so you can't do this unless you have funds from some other source (luckily I do).
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, that's another quest problem. I can't really do anything about that.
  20. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    It's in the Trader config: here's the RG:

      Item19: "DurianRoot, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item20: "CornStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item21: "PumpkinStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item22: "TomatoStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item23: "WheatStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item24: "PearthingStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item25: "AlienPlantTube2Stage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item26: "DesertPlant20Stage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item27: "ElderberryStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item28: "AlienPalmTreeStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item29: "AlienplantWormStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item30: "BulbShroomYoungStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item31: "SnakeweedStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item32: "MushroomBellBrown01Stage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item33: "CobraLeavesPlantStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item34: "CoffeePlantStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item35: "InsanityPepperStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
      Item36: "BigFlowerStage1, 240-360, 20-50, 0, 0"
    and the base:

      Item19: "DurianRoot, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item20: "CornStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item21: "PumpkinStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item22: "TomatoStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item23: "WheatStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item24: "PearthingStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item25: "AlienPlantTube2Stage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item26: "DesertPlant20Stage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item27: "ElderberryStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item28: "AlienPalmTreeStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item29: "AlienplantWormStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item30: "BulbShroomYoungStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item31: "SnakeweedStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item32: "MushroomBellBrown01Stage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item33: "CobraLeavesPlantStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item34: "CoffeePlantStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item35: "InsanityPepperStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"
      Item36: "BigFlowerStage1, 54-82, 3-5, 44-54, 5-10"  

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