Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Quick test, seems to work for tweaks to Blocks or Templates, but not Items or Traders. Generates errors like these in the log:

    Thoughts, suggestions?
  2. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    We (as me and a few friends on a private server) are playing Reforged Galaxy + Project Eden (both installed manually on our server, not using the workshop because for some reason Reforged Eden was not working). We're enjoying very much, it's much harder than vanilla Empyrion, and we like the challenge.

    One thing that is happening is that on most zirax POIs, turrets are not firing when we approach. Upon further inspection on the base, we came to a possible conclusion that this might be caused by the excess of CPU usage on that base. This seems to be true, because when I started a new local game with CPU disabled, oooooh they fire all right...

    This takes some of the fun out of the game, so I'd like to fix it. Any ideas how? I'm guessing this might be related to the base schemas from Project Eden not being "rebalanced" for RG.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That custom config file is only to overwrite a custom config.ecf file from being used in the main config folder since a lot of people were using one and getting errors.

    All other config files should be read from the scenario anyway.

    NPC owned bases do not use CPU at all. Make sure you have the latest Reforged Galaxy config files installed in your scenario for your server and that your server is updated to the current LIVE build of the game, not experimental and not an older build.
  4. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I'm using the latest build since we started the game (started on 12.2, updated each version until the current one -- 12.3.1). Never installed experimental.
    Scenario from Project Eden downloaded manually into the Scenarios folder, and inside that I've placed the Reforged Galaxy files under the correct path (don't remember by heart now, but everything else from RG is there, like the mechanic drill). And the localization files as well (only installed it after it didn't have that big red "don't use this because it's broken" warning).

    I'm most likely doing something very wrong for that. Any insights on what should I read in order to understand how to debug this?
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Did you update the config files with the ones most recently posted?
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Are you using EAH? I've had reports that EAH is breaking zirax turrets on Reforged servers.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The next update will be when the current Experimental Version goes to public.
    It will include the following balancing changes:

    • 10% more thrust to all HV/SV thrusters.
    • 10% less CPU consumed by SV Medium Jet and above thrusters
    • 10% less CPU consumed by HV Medium Turbothruster
    • Carbon Composite Blocks (small) will consume 33% less carbon composite.
    • Carbon Composite Blocks (large) will consume 50% less carbon composite, but will be half as durable to compensate.
    • Wood Blocks will consume 33% less wooden planks, but will be 25% less durable.
    • Concrete Blocks will consume 50% less Cement.
    • Armored Concrete Blocks will consume 25% less Cement, but cost 25% more Steel Plates.
    • Cement will require 25% less Rock Dust to craft.
    Note: Recipe changes to blocks will impact their salvageability as they deviate from the intended "Rule-of-4" that means you may not get items back 100% when salvaging.

    Additionally, I've released Reforged-modified versions of player-recommended ships for ease of use.

    CV MCRN-Draper Reforged (JRandall)
    HV MCRN-Ballista Reforged (JRandall)
    SV MERC-MX5E Reforged (JRandall)
    HV Roba MKIV Reforged (styLmntz)
    HV MKV Typhoon (styLmntz)
    HV Maelstrom MKIII (styLmntz)
    CV Kujira MKV (styLmntz)
    CV Hayabusa MKIII (styLmntz)
    SV Atarashi MKIII (styLmntz)

    The Reforged styLmntz ships have blue emissives instead of the original tan so you can tell them apart. Also, it looks cooler.
    Kalizaar likes this.
  8. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    Can you explain what you mean by the shield are more of a cushion. It sounds to me like they wont stop your ship from takeing any damage while their on.
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    They'll protect you from several hits, but won't make you invincible. They are not a replacement for good piloting or good ship design. On an SV they're there to keep a few stray shots from taking down your ship while you're dodging, or to protect your ass as you pull away after a hit-and-run on the turrets.
    Shields will take very little DPM from rockets and bullets, but take higher damage from laser and plasma weapons.

    Ship armor is also stronger in Reforged Galaxy, so you can take harder hits before you go down. Rockets also have less penetration through armor, so your internals are a bit more safe.
  10. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.45, RL v1.2

    I think they're the latest ones
  11. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I don't think I am - haven't installed anything extra. I'm running the server with the .cmd file on the root of the empyrion server folder. It's the "blue screen" one (like this one -- the screenshot is just a sample I found on google because I don't have access to the server right now).

    Attached Files:

  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    In the next update, i'm going to have to revert the zirax turrets to their old models since they don't seem to respond in MP in 12.2, which is rather annoying. That's the cause.
    If you want to manually fix them now, open your BlocksConfig and search for TurretEnemy and IONCannon and look for the line designating a model.
    There should be two there, one looks normal and the other has a # at the beginning of the line. Remove the # from that model and add it to the other one and it'll switch the model back.
    I always leave back-up entries there if problems like this pop up.

    I'll be releasing an update tomorrow morning that'll fix some other bugs. (e.g. Repair Bay not accepting Pentaxid as repair input for teleporter/gravgen. I finally found the problem.)
  13. SteelBlood

    SteelBlood Ensign

    Jan 17, 2019
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    So I've been trying out Reforged Galaxy for awhile and thought you may want feedback. I have easily over 1,000 hours in empyrion. Over half that is from building ships. I survived for weeks on the swamp planet I started on. I liked a lot of the changes to survival. I was really enjoying it, until I got into space. The new space mechanics feel beyond unbalanced. I completely understand and agree with limiting ships in ways of resources or levels to unlock. I liked the idea of having specialized HVs and SVs. The new mechanics though just made so many types of ships unusuable. An end game CV isn't even possible.

    Lets take my destroyer like CV I built for the base game. It has all the base game weapon limits (etc. 12 projectile turrets), 2 layers of combat steel, and is fairly maneuverable (not like fighter jet though), and is only size class 3. Now I knew before I started my CV wouldn't work. I read the new mechanics on this post before I even started playing, so I knew I'd have to tweak it.

    The thrusters are already on the ends of the ship for torque. With the weight though, it still wasn't enough despite using large/XL thrusters. So I replaced all combat steel blocks with hardened steel. While I was easily with the CPU range for vanilla, I was more than a million over the limit in reforged (with all CPU upgrades). Even after taking out over half the weapons, CPU was still an issue. I tried various other things like adding thrusters for the slow movement, gutting what I could for CPU/generator power, etc. In the end, it was clear an end game CV was not even possible. There was just too much weight, which required multiple XL thrusters. The thrusters though take WAY to much power and CPU, only way I could get under CPU limit was removing EVERY weapon, and even then it was close, just due to thrusters. And the ship still didn't even move that great. I ended up just having to turn of CPU options.

    Next came the generator issue. Nothing I did, even adding more generators, could fix it. At a certain point, adding generators somehow increased power consumption instead of power supplied. As a test, I threw on like 20 of the best generators (remember CPU is off here). I was at over 500% power consumption. When I went down to only 2-4 of the generators, I was at 90% consumption. Not sure if this is a bug cause that's pretty weird.

    So thrusters just do not give enough force to balance out the power/cpu/mass changes. After thoroughly testing the mechanics, I feel the changes reforged makes are barely noticeable at T1, noticeable but easily fixed at T2, difficult but possible at T3, but at T4 just forget it. I see what you guys were going for with these changes, and I liked the idea. Different purpose SV/HVs, and rewarding for CVs with roles, but end game CVs being much more end game. These mechanics severely limit the creativity and usefullness of blueprints.

    Thats just what broke the scenario for me. I'd be ok with being able to use blueprints after tweaking, but no amount of tweaking can get some to work. Changes I did love however were the multiple firing modes on turrets, and a lot of the combat/survival changes. New weapons and boosters are awesome too. I'd say everything in this mod vastly improves the game, until the aforementioned mechanics. Which then breaks it.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
    Israel likes this.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Post a screenshot of your ship and it's statistics and CPU pages, or the BP itself.
    The weight on CVs hasn't changed from vanilla.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    With the update by Eleon, the Zirax Turrets should be working in MP now. Can you confirm? I've asked other Reforged Galaxy server admins and haven't had a reply from any of them yet and i'd like to put out an update today.
  16. SteelBlood

    SteelBlood Ensign

    Jan 17, 2019
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    First screenshot is vanilla, 2nd is Reforged. Same ship, nothing tweaked from vanilla. Even removing weapons and disabling CPU in reforged the turn rate barely changes. Rear and bottom thrusters are XL. Rest are large except for 6 mediums under top. I have also tried adding more XL thrusters but it made little difference.
    20200728064417_1.jpg 20200728064537_1.jpg
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I don't see any problem with the stats on the Reforged image.

    I do see a CPU problem glaring out at me since you refused to specialize, so all your CPU is going into devices you don't need and should never have put on your ship. You're treating it like an everything-ship. A mobile base that you expect to be an unstoppable fortress in combat, while hauling every worldly possession.
    You literally cannot do that in Reforged.
    You can either have a mobile base or a warship. You are forbidden from doing both without flying a pile of junk.
    Take off the Multiturret, Drill Modules AND Drill Turrets. I'm betting you also have a T2 Repair bay on there too. All huge CPU-eaters designed for cargo ships or mobile bases, not warships.
  18. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Ahh, thanks, that explains a lot! I'm not in a hurry to fix it, I can wait for the update. If it takes longer, I might try to patch it. But thank you for your quick response :)
  19. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    ... and that's why I should read everything before replying! Will try and get back here
  20. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I can confirm that the problem was solved by updating to 12.3.2

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