Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. SteelBlood

    SteelBlood Ensign

    Jan 17, 2019
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    As I said previously, this is the same ship I took off all turrets (and drills) and CPU was still screwed. This is the vanilla ship I started with. I dont have a screenshot of all my attempted reforged tweaks because I didn't save the ship because nothing worked. That is why I listed all the changes I made in my first post. I took this ship down from combat to hardened steel, took off all weapons/turrets, and thrusters still took to much power and CPU to get it to move. And at that point it is essentially a hauler, which is specialized, which I also mentioned I knew ships had to be. I also mentioned that I turned off CPU options after days of tweaking, which means none of that is affecting my movement. I'm getting the feeling my post may have been skimmed and not read.

    First part of my post mentioned CPU issues. Which as you said is not possible, which was also in my first post. Second part was about thrusters and movement. CPU had nothing to do with that part because it was off.

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Was this a stock prefab BP? I have noticed that some of those ships are broke AF, some even in vanilla. No idea why either as it seems like they are somehow keeping outdated block versions/stats which doesn't even seem possible. (not entirely sure about the bp mechanics as I haven't looked deep into them)

    Something I noticed in those two screen shots that seems odd is the power figures. The original is is in kPU and the one in reforged is in kW. Wondering if that has something to do with it.
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Power in Empyrion is measured in Watts and Kilowatts, just as volume is measured in Liters.
    A change in A9.4-ish changed the display in the localization for just english to PU and SU for no discernable reason. At the time everyone was annoyed that they replaced actual measurements for made-up ones.
    The game itself still does all the calculations in kW and L though. RG just covers over the dumb change with the original units of measurement. It does not affect performance.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy A12.3 V1.46

    Can someone check that this doesn't throw an error for the public branch asap? I need to push this to the workshop scenario, but I gotta confirm that for regular players using the public version that it doesn't explode.

    • Reduced CPU usage of Medium Jet Thruster, Large Jet Thruster, Improved Large Jet Thruster and Advanced Large Jet Thruster by 10%.
    • Increased Thrust of all SV and HV thrusters by 10%.
    • Further increased thrust output of Medium Jet Thrusters and above by 2.5%, 5%, 10% and 20%.
    • MK2 Jet thrusters now provide a bonus to Torque on top of boost, like they did in A11 RG. They have less thrust.
    • HV Medium Turbothrusters consume 10% less CPU.
    • Planetary Drones now appear on the map and minimap as faction-colored ship icons.
    • Carbon Composite Blocks (small) consume 33% less carbon composite.
    • Carbon Composite Blocks (large) consume 50% less carbon composite for earlygame bases. They have half durability to compensate.
    • Wooden Blocks consume 33% less wood, but are 25% less durable. (Equivalent exchange for you alchemists out there)
    • Concrete Blocks consume 50% less Cement.
    • Armored Concrete costs 25% less Cement, but costs 25% more steel plates.
    • Cement requires 25% less Rock Dust to craft. (Subject to change, since this has an effect elsewhere)
    • Fixed the firing sound effects of several drones so that you don't get silent weaponsfire for the second and third shot.
      - Cannon and Dual Cannon Drones also now have the sound effect of the Cannon Turret instead of the Artillery Turret.
    • Changed the sound effects of Rifle Zirax and Sniper Zirax while firing.
    • Official Flamethrower is now being used by players instead of the RG one. The old one is still used by Flamethrower zirax until they're finished and bug-free.
      Old flamethrowers in use by players will continue to function as normal. But will eventually be phased out and then removed.
      Loot and NPC traders have already been adapted to use the new Flamethrower.
    • Redesignated Scrambled Eggs as it's own item instead of an overwrite to prevent confusion in MP where localizations are... unreliable.
    • Changed the icons for the Zirax Weapons dropped by zirax and buffed their effectiveness so they're slightly better than T2 weapons.
    • Reverted Zirax Turret model to "Companion Cube Cannon" models until they're fixed in Multiplayer since they don't fire at players anymore. (Eleon, Please fix!)
    • Halved growth time of crops due to an odd bug that causes crops to stop growing if there's too long of a delay between growth stages.
    • SV Railguns now produce an electrical flash when fired instead of the muzzle flash of a firearm.
    • Many stat changes all over the place.
    • Halved HP of Hangar Doors to prevent an exploit where players would use them as armor due to their low weight (also applies in vanilla)
    Updated Config.ecf file with new functions
    The Config.ecf was originally there to block external files from interfering with Reforged Galaxy and breaking it. It now has options that can now be enabled by players.

    1: Doubled drill effectiveness.
    2: CV turrets function in atmosphere. Does not apply to fixed weapons, CV drill turret and the retrieve blocks mode of the Multiturret.

    Reforged Localization has also been updated at the bottom of the thread OP. Make sure you use that if you're not using the workshop scenario.

    EDIT: Updated File with a new version that includes config options and a small hp fix for hangar doors.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
    StyxAnnihilator likes this.
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I guess there's no problems. So i'll push it to the workshop scenario then.
  6. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    First of all I can confirm this is working on MP and SP with Project Eden. Nothing exploded. Yet, anyway :)

    I don't know if this is related to this update (it probably is)... I saw the 10% upgrade on SV thrusters. However, the maximum speed on space seems to be the same as the maximum speed on atmosphere for SVs (CVs are normal). I'll make more tests later to confirm, but wanted to send a heads
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy A12.3 V1.47

    This was a small update.

    • Increased the drop chance of Optronics and better loot items from Ultra Rare loot containers
    • Reduced the drop rate of less-useful items in Ultra Rare loot containers (Fusion Cells, medkits, weapon upgrade kits)
    • Added new large CPU Extender (Quantum) for CV and BA. 1x1x1 block, Increases max CPU limit by 200,000 and has no placement limits.
    • Added new small CPU Extender (Quantum) for HV and SV. 1x1x1 block, Increases max CPU limit by 6,000 and has no placement limits.
    • Removed Advanced Core from Legacy Rewards Container and replaced it with the two new extenders at a higher drop rate.
    • Siege Drones can now drill to your core in a base attack. It takes several minutes, but they will get there eventually.
    • Fixed Repair Bay not accepting Pentaxid to repair Gravity Generators and Teleporters.
    Quantum CPUs are small, comparatively lightweight and draw a fairly low amount of power. They have no limits, so as long as you can find them you can place them on your ship and expand your CPU infinitely.
    They are obtained by killing Legacy Warships, along with Disruptor Cannons and Disruptor Charges.

    Attached Files:


    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Sigh, off to notepad++ I go ..... again

    Cool features Vermillion. Those Siege drones are gonna make things interesting.
  9. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    vermillion does reforge have discord?
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Nope. And since my PC is broken, I won’t be able to update RG for a week
  11. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    That sucks... I'm hoping since the 1.0 (so far) list of changes is less than impressive, there's little chance of 1.0 breaking Reforged...
  12. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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  13. DJNOOB

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Oh man that sucks.

    If 1.0 comes out and it breaks the mod, I'm happy to integrate 1.0 changes into reforged and post the file as stop gap for those who want to keep playing while they wait for your update. Just hit me up.
  14. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Get well wishes for your PC.

    Later consider to re-rebalance the loot - considering that the vanilla game became much harder.
    We are playing from the release of Alpha 12 that's why we know.
    Loot begins to be underwhelming even for our klingon friend who eats POIs for breakfast.

    I have a little story from yesterday - wanted to mine some asteroids in the easy starter system - as soon as I've got close by, an interceptor drone spawned behind me.
    As long as they see me, fighting them was hopeless, as it spawns in some more as soon as you kill the previous ones.
    The solution was twofold:
    -don't get closer to and asteroid than 150m (maybe I was a bit paranoid at this point)
    -with a fast ship, pull away, and do a 10km circle back to the rock (it will try to search for you where it lost sight of you)

    And all the enemies are more, like the zyrax in the bases, drone swarms on Haven moons and such.
  15. DJNOOB

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Yeah I'm having some similar issues in my current game with respect to space drones.

    Not sure if it's my particular playfield and just sort of bad luck where things have spawned but it just feels like the drones got way more aggressive/frequent. I've got two promethium asteroids that I can't mine either of them more than a couple of minutes without a drone showing up. Nothing changed in the playfield.yaml for their numbers or range. So I don't if something else has changed on the backend with respect to their spawning mechanics and/or AI that I just can't see or like I said, if it's just bad luck with things are located. (Still in starter system and haven't gotten to the point of warp drives yet so I haven't seen if other playfields have similar issues)

    But I get the damage changes for drones in reforged, otherwise they just become little nats for a CV to squash. BUT, with that said you pretty much can't use a SV in space unless it's armored and/or shielded. And I think you can forget hand-mining due to the awful mini-map. Even with the new icons (ty vermillion), they're usually already in range by the time you see them and any regular steel block SV is dead. So I don't know what the right balance is here or whether I need to just change my own thinking game play wise.
  16. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    The way I get around the drones is always have your head on a swivel to watch out for a drone heading straight for you. Ping your radar after 10 seconds of mining. I have already lost 2 SVs due to these drones that have a hard on for my SV and HV. Dude...I already lost my warp capable SV due to a base attack. To be honest I enjoy the challenge. The Arid start has been a mix of joy of building a base. Then horror as it overloads and explodes due to me not keeping track of the generators capacity. Then joy again as I upgrade my SV for better mine rocks and ores...Which dies due to drones focusing on it and my HV.
    dichebach likes this.
  17. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    "Gold ore cannot be automined" :D
    Just ran into it - is there a solution for this funny thing?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  18. DJNOOB

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    BlocksConfig.ecf Block Id: 95, change AutoMinerFactor change it to what you want. (note: Something like Promethium has a automine factor of 0.3 which means you get 30% of the ore from automining vs what you get if you mine it yourself.)
    Normal69 and stanley bourdon like this.
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    When I get my PC back from the shop, I have some much-needed improvements planned.
    - EMP weapons will be able to overload generators.
    - Explosive weapons won’t be able to propagate through the ship’s hull to destroy protected devices.

    Unfortunately, it may or may not work; May make combat considerably harder; and will require a rewrite of both block, weapon and ammo damage stats.
    I’ll also run a test for Reforged Eden’s T2 troops and spacecrafts to see if they work...
  20. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    You get that explosion thing fixed and I am for sure going try reforge. I been debate about it and watch reforge for a while

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