Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    I'm really happy with the Condor now.

    Sup likes this.
  2. Ben2space

    Ben2space Ensign

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Phoenix Fern Frond? I was looking over the food and medicine to list out what I want to plant, as several ingredients are different from vanilla, and see that trauma kits and anti-radiation injections require phoenix fern fronds. Do these grow somewhere, or only available as loot? I tried googling, and sounds like this used to be medical ingredients in the base game, but were removed years ago, and this post about removing them from loot tables as they are not used for anything.
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    They can be found on the ground near shoreline and on arid worlds, found in cabinet deco containers and bought from talon and medical traders.
    They were not removed from the game and were recently added to vanilla traders.
  4. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I haven't had the pleasure of fighting one just yet I'm still working up towards a combat capable SV (y'know since you made the progression last so much longer lol) but tbh the impression I get from watching the video I'm personally not to keen on long drawn out fights where majority of shots are misses. I have reeeeeeally been wanting SV vs SV combat in single player but I guess I'm more of an arcadey-Everspace/Freelancer guy.
    Don't suppose you can add some gimballed weapons :D(guessing not but if so some additional enemies to go with it!)
  5. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Dang that would have been awesome.
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    That fight was intentionally drawn out.
    Homing Missiles, a Minigun Turret or a Pulse Laser Turret would've ended that fight in a minute or less.
    Just one Minigun Turret can hit a space drone and stall it long enough to put any larger fixed weapon through it.
    Hector G likes this.
  7. TGRF_Trainer

    TGRF_Trainer Commander

    Jun 12, 2019
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    So I just got the RG scenario yesterday, and today I've brought in a few of my current builds to see what needs to be done to them to bring them up to scratch.

    I feel like I must be missing something, because based on what I'm seeing, all HVs are locked at a max CPU limit of 45000. While the extenders simply add more points rather than increase tiers, the old limitations on number of extenders are still there. I can still have only 1 basic, 2 improved, and 4 advanced. All together this only adds up to 45000. My shielded tier 4 HV tank is just over that, but unfortunately I can't just add another extender as suggested because the old limitations are still in place.

    Is this by design, or a bug?

    Also, I did find a definite graphical bug: In the HV and SV tech tree panes, one of the lines coming out of the gatling guns is messed up. On the HV it just stops in midair. On the SV there's a break in it.

    EDIT: Also have the same bug on the SV Thruster area in the tech tree.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    That's the intended CPU limits. You can exceed those with Quantum CPU Extenders, but those are only obtainable in survival from Legacy ships.
    Updating any T4 to RG involves more than just sticking a full set of extenders on, because T4's vanilla limits were so massive to begin with that any ship that built to that limit is massively overarmed.

    As for the tech tree, that's just a visual problem with the game.
  9. GlitchedVision

    GlitchedVision Ensign

    Aug 30, 2020
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    so out of random curiosity, can I use the reforged localization files with a base game playthrough or are they only valid for the RG scenario?
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    They'll work fine with the base game with no issues.
    GlitchedVision likes this.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.1-56

    I'll be changing the numbering system for all future updates to match the empyrion version since it's not using an alpha designation which gets weird when I call the version: v1.1 Reforged Galaxy v1.56, so now it'll be called "Reforged Galaxy 1.1-56"


    • Changed Stealth Rifle Scope from the green targeting scope to the LR Sniper Scope.
    • Changed recipe for SV Pulse Laser Turrets to match fixed Pulse Laser Weapon in material costs.
    • Fixed a vanilla bug where Xenosteel shapes have more hp than the parent block due to unnecessary referencing.
    • Fixed Explosive Charge damage vs thrusters and turrets.
    • Doubled shield damage of Explosive Charge.
    • Added recipe for Phoenix Fern Fronds in the Food Processor.
    • Reduced the durability of Resource Meteorites by 70% to make them easier to drill.
    • Fixed Bug with Flamethrowers completely annihilating shields.
    • Removed noise strength from Stealth Rifle entirely since it doesn't seem to work in MP. Should work now.
    • Fixed damage modifier oversight on Submachine Guns vs trees.
    • Added SV Detector recipe to HV Constructor.
    • Added HV Detector recipe to SV Constructor.
    • Increased the damage of Defense Mode of the survival tool slightly and applied a 2x headshot damage modifier.
    • Color-coded CV, BA, SV and HV ammunition to their vessel type to avoid ammo confusion.
    • Changed Basic Shield Generator's name to Standard Shield Generator.
    • Increased amount of hunger restored by Scrambled Eggs.
    • Increased the Rate of Fire of handheld Rocket Launchers, including the Grenade Launcher.
    • Increased the salvage damage of the Survival Tool slightly.
    • Increased the salvage damage of both Multitools (does not apply to block retrieval mode)
    • Added info display to Energy Bars to show the stamina that they do give. Not sure why it was hidden.
    • Reduced Heatstroke cut-off temperature by 1 degree.
    • Reduced Volume and Mass of commodity items further.
    • Reworked the mining mechanics with CV laser drills, Drill Turrets and Hand Drills to be smoother. This was initially intended for all drilling types, but had unwanted side-effects against terrain vs asteroids.
    • Increased mining radius of the Large Mechanical HV drill.
    • Added Sloped Version of the T2 M-Thruster. But due to a lack of IDs, which I want to avoid wasting. Obtaining the sloped version in survival requires you to use the Multitool on the Change/Rotate Mode to get the sloped version. It's a workaround, but saves time and IDs.
    • Reduced Reload Time of the CV's Heavy Rocket Launcher by 9 seconds.
    • Buffed damages on both Flamethrower weapons.
    • Fixed bugged range of Flamethrowers (Note: This is also a vanilla bug.)
    • Slightly reduced movement speed of Abominations to original values.
    • Reduced volume of Antenna to 1/3 since it's a waste of space for a deco block.
    • Added new HP values to hydroponics plots since the vanilla values are non-existant. (500 steel, 750 concrete, 100 wood)
    • Reduced delay between grenades launched from the Custom Assault Rifle's under-barrel grenade launcher by 3 seconds.
    • Boosted Scrap to Neodymium ratio
    • Increased the amount of Zascosium and Erestrum Ingots obtained from Very Rare+ Containers to useful amounts.
    • Increased the maximum limit of money obtained from loot containers.
    • Updated Tovera-Class Dreadnought with more quantum CPU extenders to loot and added it to regular spawn class.
    • First set of new traders and updated trade stations.
    • Added the updated Kullervo. You'll need to manually complete the quest at some stages, but otherwise you'll be getting the new dungeon that should've been added to the game in A12. Yes, A12.
    The manual installation zip will now include the prefabs folder for server owners. Please put the files into the correct prefabs.
    As always, get the Reforged Localization from the opening post to use with Reforged Galaxy to see the updated names and color-coded doo-dads. Currently supporting English, most German and some French.

    The Kullervo is the updated Ilmarinen Dungeon, which should've been added to the game back in A12 when the Ilmarinen-Class Freighter was added to the game. As a standalone dungeon it's fun and nightmarishly terrifying. The Ancient Revelation quest will jam at several points because it's not connected to the PDA and Dialogues yet. You'll need to manually complete the objectives to progress.

    Attached Files:

    Alhira_K, ravien_ff and ChumSickle like this.
  12. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I guess this also affects Flamethrower Zirax? They´re already hard enough to survive... :eek:

    On another note, you may also want to look at cv/ba cargo extensions. They´re physically the same size as for example steel blocks but take 4x the volume, 160l vs 40l.

    And last but not least: The combination of Project Eden and Reforged Galaxy is what makes my current survival game with at least 150 hours the longest i´ve ever made it in EGS. Thanks a lot for that and keep up the great work.

    Few of my highlights:


    They´re getting smarter, they learned what stacking means.

    Also love the idea of cultism around the infected.

    And of course the best name for a tropical planet where the first thing that come to my mind are sand, oceans, coconuts, cocktails and bikinis: Typhual.
    Germanicus, ravien_ff and Vermillion like this.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Flamethrower zirax use a different flamethrower since they can't use the player flamethrower unless the player is at a higher elevation. Which is really weird.

    Container extensions are classed as a device instead of a building block, so their volume scales differently.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  14. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Anyone out there that has a 'reforged' combat SV with decent torque numbers on it ?
    For comparison learning purposes on their thruster set up , cuz my dogfight testing isn't giving me good results that feel satisfying.
    I feel SV manouverability has been crippled alot, to the point that it isn't fair rly.
    I'm seeing the spacedrones turn on a dime, something we can't.
    Thanks in advance.
  15. Numonar

    Numonar Commander

    Dec 31, 2018
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    where is the light for sv-hv ? not spotlight,the "normal" light, i can see it in construction, but can't find it to unlock ?
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    HV/SV lights don't unlock, even in vanilla. They're constructible from the beginning.

    Though you've given me the idea to remove Flares from the tech tree as well since for whatever reason they are unlockable and are worth less than any light.
  17. Numonar

    Numonar Commander

    Dec 31, 2018
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    they where locked for me , and after i unlocked some other items i can craft them now.

    And another question about the config.ecf, it doesn't seem to work !? Would it override my config.ecf i use for normal/Eden game,or do i have to remove that one ?
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy and Reforged Eden come with a Config.ecf that overrides any other Config.ecf in the main folder because people using their own Config.ecf without any clue on how they work kept breaking their savegames and corrupting their servers.

    The Config.ecf that comes with the scenario has options in there pre-set for player use and instructions on how to enable them. Anything else is not recommended.

    Config options include:
    - Higher CPU Limits
    - Faster Mining
    - CV weapons working in atmosphere

    and I think i'll put in a nightmare mode for ground combat.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I'd love to see someone try that on the dark rogue planet. :D
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, I call it "nightmare mode" but it would be more of a realistic combat mode like Reforged Galaxy hard mode from A11. Where it only takes a few shots to kill the enemies, but it only takes them a few shots to kill you.
    ravien_ff likes this.

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