Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Tricky tricky battles ahead apparently, but if you implemented them in the game, surely you tested if it's doable even for a SP player.....aaahhh why PAID developers hardly do the same???
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Sadly, there's no way to force a specific space battle. I spent almost an hour calling space attacks and never got one to show up. They're a rare encounter after all.
  3. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    It seems balanced to me then....
    Such big battles should be rare, the Zirax cannot have a battle group for any season;-)
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's possible they will never show up.
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy V1.1-58

    Small update before Xcal and JRandall start their livestream of Reforged Eden with some requested improvements.

    • Reduced HP of Base Attack Rocket Drones further to accomodate their new behavior
    • Made Base defensive turrets (player) more accurate vs new rocket drones.
    • Increased accuracy of zirax Heavy and Light Bombers.
    • Added Coffee to the game, since Xcaliber was so unhappy at having no coffee (not that there was any to begin with)
    • Added armor-penetrating damage to Particle Beam weapons.
      When these weapons damage a target, any excess damage is applied to the objects behind them.
    • Reduced the size of the HV Large Turbothruster and changed the model and name.
    • Added a Torque bonus to the HV Turbothrusters since HVs cannot use Boosters.
    • Increased Advanced CPU Extender count to 5 for all vessel types to avoid confusion.
    • Kriel Hexapods/Coordinators should produce their idle sound effects less often.
    • Replaced the Shutter Door sounds for all HV/SV Shutter doors and all CV/BA shutter doors 3-blocks tall or smaller with a less-annoying sound.
    • Reduced the mass of HV/SV armor blocks slightly. But if you make a tank, it will move like a tank, NOT a racecar.
    • Minor adjustments to the currently unused Elite Zirax Troops.
    • Increased step height on Infiltrators and Renegades so they can make it up steep hills.
    • Added Deconstructor recipes to the Zirax guns so they can be recycled for parts.
    As always, get the latest localization from the opening post of this thread if you're doing a manual installation and put the prefabs where they're meant to go.
    I should just stick the localization in the file and you can stick it where it's meant to go.

    Note: For the duration of October Coffee will be called "Pumpkin Spice Latte".
    Coffee restores some hunger, stamina and health. It also increases your body temperature (like herbal tea) and gives the status effect "Caffeinated".
    Caffeinated boosts your movement speed by 10% and gives a slight bonus to stamina regeneration.

    Attached Files:

  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy V1.2-59

    • Fixed a bug with player-used Disruptor cannons not firing when supplied with ammo.
    • Minor improvements to the Disruptor cannon, including sound effects.
    • Reduced projectile speed of Disruptor beams in atmosphere as their speed was causing them to phase through enemies at close range.
    • Increased capacity of Pentaxid Tanks.
    • Added a (vanilla) missing localization entry for regrowing mushrooms.
    • Added an optional autominer charge for interfacing with OAM and other digital autominer devices in MP with a dedicated ammo type.
      Note: The recipe for the new Mining Charge is disabled and must be enabled by server owners at the bottom of the Templates.ecf file.
    • Corrected default CPU value on ladder blocks. Now consumes 0 CPU.
    • Small reduction of mass and volume of CV and BA plasma cells.
    • Added HV and SV Basic CPU Extenders to their respective constructor.
    • Replaced the Zirax Commander's Player Laser Rifle with a Polaris Laser Rifle until the wall hack bug is fixed.
    • Changed Talon Ballista to be destructible with handweapons and to correctly retrieve tribal blocks instead of cannon turrets.
    • Reduced the drop chance of Disruptor Cannons and Ammo from Special Legacy loot containers so you have a higher chance of getting a quantum CPU.
    • Updated with new 1.2 content.
    I'll be including the localizating inside the zip to save time from now on. Make sure you put it in the Extras folder, not the Configuration folder.
    Same deal for the Prefabs used by RG.
    It will also be available from the opening post of the thread for manual installation, or if you just don't like the default names and descriptions.

    In the future when I replace the vanilla questline, it will simply be too much work for people to update as-is. So I will be distributing the entire Reforged Galaxy mod as a scenario folder that will just need a drag+drop into your scenario folder to run it as if from the workshop.
    The workshop scenario will work like normal, but it's gonna take a long time before I release the next big stage anyway.

    - New, literate questline.
    - Playfield fixes.
    - POI improvements.

    Attached Files:

  8. Kralizec

    Kralizec Ensign

    Apr 29, 2020
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    @Vermillion You seem very responsive, but anyone that can answer my question would be greatly appreciated

    How do I install this on a dedicated server?

    This game mod looks like exactly what i've been looking for now that I've gotten a feel for the game. Biggest problem with the game as it is on its own is I feel it comes to a screeching halt in survival with no added scenarios, and I'd love to add this to a dedicated server for myself and my friends to have a new experience in a familiar playfield.

    Thanks for your help, whoever comes through with it!
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, I don't actually know.
    I'm pretty sure you need the scenario folder from the workshop version and copy it onto the server with a different name or... something like that.

    You might want to check out Reforged Eden as well. Since it's RG + PE so it has more missions and content.
    @ravien_ff knows more about adding a scenario to a server than me.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I put directions here:

    You will need to search for the folder for Reforged Galaxy which has a different ID (you can get the ID from the URL for the workshop page for the scenario you want to install)
    Vermillion likes this.
  11. Kralizec

    Kralizec Ensign

    Apr 29, 2020
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    @Vermillion , @ravien_ff , Thank you both for getting back to me and this is exactly what I needed/wanted!
    ravien_ff likes this.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Additional emergency poll:
    Shield Meta Change - Energy vs Projectile
    Should shields stay as they are now, or should they provide almost complete protection against rocket, missile, bullet and kinetic weapons?

    The resultant effect is that laser, plasma and EMP would be effective against shields, but rockets wouldn't be. Energy weapons would be effective at taking down shields but until that time rockets and bullets will deal little to no shield damage.

    Vote above, or if that doesn't show up for you, click here.
    Basically, you'd be invincible against rockets/flak/artillery as long as your shields are up. The same is true of enemy POIs and patrol vessels though. You won't be able to crack them open without energy weapons if they're shielded.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Okay, time's up on the polls because Reforged Galaxy's bug update is here.

    Reforged Galaxy v1.2-60

    • Reduced shield damage of turret-based Particle Beams.
    • HV/SV Doors, Ramps and Shutter Doors are craftable in the Survival Constructor.
    • Greatly reduced the drop chance of artillery ammo and CV/BA laser charges from Ultra Rare containers.
    • Increased the amount of CPU given by crewmembers to 2500
    • Minor changes to some creatures to help them navigate steep slopes, stairs and blocks.
    • Reduced crafting time of Carbon Composite by 33%.
    • Increased the HP of Rocket Siege Drones slightly.
    • Minor change in troop/drone distribution in base attacks.
    • Reduced the drop chance of Legacy weapons and ammo from quantum containers so you have a higher chance of getting an extender.
    • Fixed a bug where the HV Plasma Thruster was returning an HV jet thruster when retrieved with a multitool.
    • Fixed a targeting issue with player and alien sentry guns.
    • Adjusted Talon Crossbow damage modifiers so they don't instantly destroy trees and deal the correct damage to blocks.
    • Adjusted radius of HV and CV Drill Turrets
    • Modular Wings are placeable on HVs.
    • Increased bulletspread slightly on Minigun and Cannon turrets on BA.
    • Improved zirax troops accuracy at long range slightly.
    • Changed Zirax Ion Cannon model to the old zirax laser cannon model to address a ground-troop exploit.
    • Fix for Assault Mechs pausing at the edge of firing range and not shooting (AKA sitting ducks).
    • Fix for Flamethrower zirax stopping outside their minimum range as well.
    • Replaced the firing effects for the Flamethrower Zirax for a larger jet of flame.
    • Increased amount of health restored by Medical Injector on an ally from 75 to 125.
    • Medical Injector in Treat mode will now fix broken legs. (Looking at you, Xcal)
    • Fixed a bug with zirax rockets not dealing correct blast damage to blocks.
    • Fixed a vanilla bug where picking Pentaxid orange pyramid crystals would change to an incorrectly-shaped harvested crystal, and give half yield.
    • Slight increase in damage against armor blocks by CV Flak Cannons.
    • Reduced the cooldown of the CV shield generator by 5 seconds.
    • Increased maximum shield capacity of CV, BA and POI shield generators slightly.
    • Added Zirax Shield Generator for CV/BA (weak shield that's lootable)
    • Added Heavy Flamethrower for HVs
    • Merged HV/SV and BA/CV lights into one group.
    • New Polaris terrestrial drone (experimental)
    • Increased thrust for Large, Improved and Advanced Large Jet Thrusters.
    • Reduced mass for Improved and Advanced Large Jet Thrusters.
    • Slight thrust increase for CV Drive Thrusters from 220000 to 235000.
    • Increased Torque bonus for all Mk2 Jet Thrusters and HV Jet Thruster.
    • Updated and expanded the Debug Drill stats for Reforged. You shouldn't be using this in survival.
    • Slight increase in shield damage of SV pulse lasers.
    • Increased the manned Rate of Fire of the HV/SV laser turrets.
    • Indoor Plants are now placeable on HV/SV.
    • Removed the speed penalty from the Transportation Booster and substituted it with increased food consumption and slower stamina recovery.
    • Replaced the zirax assault rifle sound effect for a deeper, gruntier sound.
    • Increased maximum ore yield from major ore types by 1. (subject to change)
    • Reduced VeryRareWeapon drop rate from Ultra Rare Containers by 25%.
    • Increased EpicWeapon drop rate from Ultra Rare Containers by 10%.
    • Greatly reduced the mass of Radar Dish (deco) so that HV/SV aren't penalized by their use, since the addition of mass has little to no function on CV/BA.
    • Removed power consumption from Player Spawner since there's no way to remove these from POIs and the power consumption is pointless.
    • Halved the chance of being burned on your dermis by sentry gun lasers. If problems persist, see a doctor or avoid being shot in the face with high-energy lasers.
    • Complete value overhaul for the economy. The values are lower, closer to vanilla levels for people with poor money-management.
    • Recipe adjustments to some ammunitions so that their monetary values/ammo yields are fair.
    • Fixed a CoQ caused by Shockwave Emitters in the P-menu and Registry (possibly?)
    • Reversed the firing modes of the Cannon Turrets and augmented them for standard use.
      Cannon Turrets now fire explosive rounds as default. These are affected by gravity and explode on contact, they aren't hitscan, they're just really, really fast.
      The secondary mode is the old hitscan given Armor-Piercing damage that will penetrate up to 3 layers of armor if they exceed the HP value of the destroyed block.
    • Added a Portable Hoverbike. This is an alternative to the Motorbike and is spawned as a one-time basic HV from your inventory.
    • Increased the Rate of Fire of BA and CV Plasma Turrets from 7.5 RPM to 10 RPM. Reduced their damage and blast damage accordingly.
    • Reduced the shield damage of rocket and artillery rounds slightly, granting more protection against homing missiles with shields.
    • Some rocket models were changed/adjusted. Visual only, has no impact on performance.
    • Adjust space ranges of various projectile weapons due to complaints.
    • CV Pulse Laser Cannon is no longer hitscan. It launches laser projectiles that are really fast, but are dodgeable like the pulse laser turrets. The rate of fire has been increased.
    • Patrol Vessels in space move slightly faster.

    New Mission Content and playfield changes:
    • Fixed the sunflare colors on the starter planets being a blinding blue-white instead of yellow.
    • Added and updated dozens of story POIs with new content in them.
    • Completely rewrote the official quests (WIP) with new, coherent missions that follow the same general lore.
      The player won't be stuck with a 20-page novel in a hostile environment and it won't be gibberish.
    • Added new grouping to some crew NPCs so that missions can be attached to them (this won't affect players).
    Note: Repeatable missions are now bound to a physical target. You cannot perform a talon mission without actually speaking to a Talon NPC.
    Missions unlock in order and introduce all the different factions properly.
    Proper mission dialogue usually has multiple chat options (Positive, Neutral or Negative) allowing you to choose whether you're a hero or a renegade (like Mass Effect).

    POI updates for RG
    Updated dozens of POIs and their variants with new troops and new equipment.
    Harder POIs are also now sporting additional loot containers based on the increase in difficulty, usually +1 ultra or more.
    Orbital Spire has been given shields, shockwave cannons and much better loot.
    Advanced POIs have elite troops in them and better loot now, but you should clench your buttcheeks because Elite troops are fast, smart, deadly and they can use jetpacks too.

    Known Bugs:
    > The new SV lights are blindingly bright because the light flare scales up when the model is scaled down. Good externally for headlights, flashing lights and laser pointers, bad for general illumination.
    > Some missions will skip dialogue boxes randomly (e.g Human Debris containers)
    > Heavy Flamethrower Units' fire plume is not visibly affected by ship mobility. If moving forwards and firing, the fire plume will drag out behind the HV but still damage objects ahead as normal.

    The new manual file for Reforged Galaxy will be a scenario folder you can just stick in your Scenario folder to run.
    You can also extract the components easily enough or use it on a server with less fiddling. This also includes the localization ready to go.
    19 Isocoherence_2020-10-19_21-57-38.png
    New Heavy Flamethrower for HVs (Anti-personnel weapon)
    19 Isocoherence_2020-11-02_23-10-38.png
    Portable Hoverbike. (Carbon composite, 1 storage box, 2 GREs, small generator and fuel tank.)

    Attached Files:

  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Hotfix to fix POI spawning and mission issues with Tal'ohn POIs.

    - Increased HP of Hangar Doors by 30%
    - Reduced point requirement for Zirax warfleet in space defense from 350 to 250.
    - Made the Tal'ohn Chief respawn in the village if killed.
    - Added manual completion tags for places where players get stuck and if the story POI has been destroyed in MP.
    - Fixed a missing predator target in the Tal'ohn Repeatable mission "Hunting Party"
    - Completely removed the old POI spawns for the Tal'ohn Settlements and changed the designation for the new ones to TribalVillageStoneStoryRG and TribalVillageWoodStoryRG in all connected files.
    - Tal'ohn Repeatables can be started by visiting any settlement on any planet (not skippable), but on older POI variants you will need to manually complete the meeting and greeting tasks to get the dialogue and progress.

    Attached Files:

    byo13 and ravien_ff like this.
  15. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    I've run into a problem trying to complete the serialized mission at step Forest of Stars/Proceed with caution/Reach the structures ... I've mapped the whole planet and visited every structure and it won't clear. The manual check-off of "Reach the structure" isn't active so I can't click it. Since the chapters are serialized there are no other missions I can start to get a clean restart.

    I've tried console "pda" commands to clear/reload but can't get past the "Cannot clear the current chapter" issues. Doing a "pda rd f" comes back quiet but the chapter is still active- does anybody have a fix?
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    This is a known bug with no resolution. The scenario's playfield_static.yaml has removed all mention of the Small Settlement from playfield spawns, but it continues to spawn instead of the new Settlement despite it being impossible.
            - GroupName: TribalVillageWoodStoryRG 
              NearUnit: Settlement, Chief
              IsImportant: True
              Faction: Talon 
              BiomesExcluded: [ PolarSnow, Radiated, RadiatedFog ] 
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              SpawnPOINear: [START]
              SpawnPOINearRange: [1800, 2500]
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720
    This is what's meant to spawn. But this is not what's spawning. Everything else appears to spawn correctly.
  17. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Gotya- thanks so much. Really enjoying the way you rejiggered stuff. Thanks for the scrambled eggs and expanded recipe/skills trees.
  18. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Awesome work with the spawnable HV. I tried to understand how you spawn it in as i could put that technique to good use i think. But I'm a little bit at a loss.

    I found the entry in the ItemsConfig and was able to basically copy it over.
    The entries themself already made me wonder if it'll even work so just to be safe i also copied your hoverbike. Now ingame i am able to spawn something but that isn't the Hoverbike but a CV starter block. That's the part that already made me look twice in the ItemsConfig. The only other thing using CV_Player_S hasn't been changed either.

    I guess i am missing a step but i can't figure out which one. Can you maybe help me out?
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Check the EClassConfig.ecf
    As it's a spawnable entity, it needs to have an entry as an entity.
    Unfortunately, there's a hardcoded limit to how many new structures can be spawned (max: 4) by displacing old unused spawns.
    Adding a new one from scratch will work, it will produce the green spawn box with the blueprint in it, but it cannot be placed.
    Alhira_K likes this.
  20. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Is it possible to only enable certain functions of the mod?

    I want to keep the game vanilla, for now at least, but I really like the improved AI of this mod. It could also help improve AI vs. AI detection and combat which is rather dodgy in vanilla. Is there a way to only enable the AI improvements?

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