Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That's a project Eden item not a Reforged Eden.
    And I got this fixed for the next update. :D
    Schematics are rare at the moment. I don't have a trader set up to sell them yet.
    xtended2l and Astrée like this.
  2. Astrée

    Astrée Lieutenant

    Oct 8, 2020
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    Oh, sorry, I thought it was a "Galaxy" item :)
    Happy it's soon fixed. Tks again for all the work you both do on Reforged Eden, you're awesome !
    I'm slowly preparing my entry in the decay part of the galaxy, need to stuff myself a bit ... Can't stop playing :)
  3. cynofield

    cynofield Ensign

    Dec 27, 2020
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    Well, I found out another usage for SV when I was thinking about how to deal with Crusald Orbital station - expendable dropship.
    To survive hits from alien turrets SV must be quite big. Otherwise, 3-4m blast damage will fry the internals. Probably avoiding hits is a better option - for this SV must be as small as possible. And SV doesn't have to survive the attack; neither does the clone.
    Turns out that the simplest "wooden" SV is enough for this plan to succeed:
    - I approached Crusald Orbital on a 130m/s curve trajectory with auto brakes OFF;
    - before SV hits the station I ejected (with "detach" command bound to Ctrl-F4);
    - SV continues to fly thanks to disabled auto brakes and then turrets annihilated it;
    - I used these few safe seconds to get first into a blind spot and then into one of the entrances;
    - after several hours of saving/loading, blowing explosives to disable the shield, and looking for the core, the station is mine, all undamaged and ready for being deconstructed;
    - I put inventory in one of the containers, clone-ported back to my CV, and returned to collect my reward.

    PS. Done on Medium difficulty.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
    icky and Sup like this.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    I'm having a weird issue with the Drone Base on the Snow Dwarf Starter planet - I did not start here FYI, though I suspect that isn't really relevant...

    Anyway, I've parked my CV 330 metres away from the Drone Base - this is cool because it's sending wave after wave of Drones at my CV, so I'm getting lots of loot. However, every so often I - on foot - drift in range of the Drone Base. Now, the Drone Base is on a little plateau on the side of a hill, so it's LoS on me is compromised. I'm either nearer my CV and thus out of range, or I'm closer to the Drone Base but it's LoS is blocked by the terrain. Basically, there's only a narrow window where I might be exposed to fire - which is often where the shot-down Drones crash.

    The problem is, when I drift into this Window and the Drone Base, I'm being killed yet no rocket is being rendered near me. Three times now I've been facing the Drone Base as I approach it. I see it launch a rocket so dodge backwards to hide behind something - these rockets will travel several hundred metres so the key is to almost side-step them or hide behind terrain as they cannot turn well. So, with a Rocket approaching me, over 100-150 metres away with me on foot, I have plenty to time to dodge or hide. I'm carefully watching an incoming rocket - still a good 100 metres out - when BOOM, I'm dead "killed" by the Drone base. Sure, there's a large explosion and a small crater is left behind, but no rocket wasn't near me when I went boom, yet I died.

    The first time this happened I thought I'd been caught by something else - even though I was carefully watching the Drone Base launch a rocket. However, it just happened for the third time so I know it's not me.

    As far as I can tell, two things might be happening:

    1) There are invisible Rockets being fired by the Drone base from time to time, and it's one of these that killed me, NOT the one I was watching.

    2) These Rockets are somehow "hitting" me when still a long way off.

    Each time the game is telling me the Drone Base killed me, not one of the many Drones, and it's only the Drone Base's Rocket Turrets that I even dip into range of - I don't even know if it has other Turrets types 100%, though I assume it does. Each time there's large explosion and I'm one-shotted, which would be fine if a visible Rocket had actually hit me, but there's nothing.

    This is somewhat baffling as I've encountered Rocket Turrets on POI's many times in various Reforged Eden games without such issues.

    In summary, I'm being killed by what seems to be a Rocket Turret from a Drone Base POI, yet no Rocket is remotely close to me at the moment I'm "hit". I'm facing the Drone Base and I may (or may not) see a Rocket in-flight, but nothing that's an immediate threat (in theory) due to my ability to to move more quickly than the Rocket can turn.

    Any ideas what might be going on?

    Edit: I think something perhaps isn't being rendered correctly. I've done some testing while sat in God Mode and deliberately placing myself within the danger zone. Sometimes I'll see a rocket coming at me perfectly, so a valid hit that I could have potentially dodged. Other times I don't see the rocket and smoke trail rendered, but I do see the glow reflected on the terrain. Note: the smoke trail does become rendered but after I'm hit, as if there's some slight lag in rendering the smoke - and perhaps the missile too. The lighting however seems to always be present, though it isn't always clear when near trees.

    My FPS is at a solid 60 (vSync) and performance is great, so this doesn't appear to be a low-FPS "lag" type issue. I know the FPS counter isn't always accurate, but the game feels smooth. I have seen issues where lag will cause the player to be dead before say a Zirax Rocket Trooper visually fires, they have fired, but it's just not been rendered yet. I've also seen "dead" Zirax shoot off another couple of rounds (or one rocket) after they've died, mid death animation. However, these - which I experience myself from time to time on my old PC, and see in various Empyrion let's play video series, especially MP ones - usually occur during low-FPS scenarios, something I'm not seeing.

    I suspect that with the tell-tail smoke trail not being rendered at times I'm simply not seeing the rocket that kills me. Interestingly, if I'm using the third person camera, this issue doesn't seem to occur.

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    That would be a problem with the game itself.
    But... aren't you playing 1.4 anyway?
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ok, cool. Obviously I can never be sure if it's a base game issue, or some weird quirk resulting from changing settings. While I've not tweaked things for ages, I do recall that weird things could happen at times, despite values seemingly being just fine.

    I am on v1.4 now and I did wonder if some elements of v1.4 might not play nice with RE yet. I was going to stay on v1.3.3 but really wanted to check out the changes to explosion damage....but I need to let myself (well, my CV) get shot a bit more for that.

  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The 1.3 version isn't set up to run the new explosion calculations. Especially with devices and blocks.
    Well, technically I did it do it in the beginning (a12), but didn't have any way to balance their effectiveness if a device is destroyed since explosions were always the same size.
    If you take a hit to your generators or warp drive, you'll probably lose most of your ship.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I live for danger lol.

  9. bad coffee

    bad coffee Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    I am uncertain if this is the base game or the mod, but I sometimes get CoQ spam during base attacks. It's always when the attack is done by rocket drones. Console full of NullReferenceExceptions.

    From log:
    17-08:34:46.611 02_34 -LOG- BA attack: checking for attack now, last check was 10 game hours ago
    17-08:36:16.597 02_36 -WRN- GetPriceForLevel - level is out of bounds (1 to 20)
    17-08:36:16.598 02_36 -LOG- BA attack: BA 2890 at pos (5756.0, 40.0, -1450.0) will now get attacked by [Zirax] with difficulty 0
    17-08:36:47.647 02_36 -LOG- Window 'ControlPanel' is a modal window - now calling Close() to close it!
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Collider.get_enabled(UnityEngine.Collider)
    at BombMoveScript.ShowDevice () [0x00073] in <225cf3aa23a0407bb7a3927c39ffe9ca>:0
    at BombMoveScript.FixedUpdate () [0x00014] in <225cf3aa23a0407bb7a3927c39ffe9ca>:0

    (Filename: <225cf3aa23a0407bb7a3927c39ffe9ca> Line: 0)

    at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Collider.get_enabled(UnityEngine.Collider)
    at BombMoveScript.ShowDevice () [0x00073] in <225cf3aa23a0407bb7a3927c39ffe9ca>:0
    at BombMoveScript.FixedUpdate () [0x00014] in <225cf3aa23a0407bb7a3927c39ffe9ca>:0

    (Filename: <225cf3aa23a0407bb7a3927c39ffe9ca> Line: 0)

    This continues on and on for 180 identical exceptions before the turrets finish blowing drones out of the sky.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2021
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I have not encountered this before and have had no reports of it.
    Are you using 1.4 Exp or is your base in some weird location since these seem to be collision errors involving bombs hitting an object they can't figure out.
  11. bad coffee

    bad coffee Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    It's 1.3, with the save started in 1.3.
    If there's no reports of it it must be something on my end and not worth concern. It's either more than one base close together and the drones are confused what to bomb, or because the base is imported from a previous save . The latter seems most likely except I did the same thing in 1.2 without issue.
    Or maybe they're trying to bomb part of the base that's underground.

    It's also unpredictable. If it happens it's always when the attack is a group of rocket drones, but not every base attack with a group of rocket drones triggers it.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Importing bases and such from previous save games could potentially cause all sorts of issues, though I'm not sure how it would cause the issue you're seeing but it's possible.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    1.4 Weapon Rebalancing

    Yes, with the new blast mechanics added in 1.4, the explosion radii and damages need to be reviewed and various damage calculation values returned to their original values since they're no longer needed. (e.g. the Anti-splash damage change to prevent blocks protected by armor from being destroyed by explosions)
    As a result, I have the opportunity to fix discrepencies in gameplay based on what the players want. This is what Eleon should do, or at least listen to feedback. Unfortunately, they don't.

    Anyway, the question posed is the accuracy of Pulse Laser Turrets.
    Currently the ones used, like the vanilla ones are Launcher-type laser weapons. That is that they launch a physical projectile in the form of a blue laser beam that has travel time between the turret and the target, like a rocket (except not homing).
    You can see where it's going, you can dodge it and when it hits an object it makes an audible laser "Fwsh!" and a blue flash. The accuracy is lower against a fast target (Interceptors) or while moving.

    The alternative choice at this junction is Hitscan Lasers.
    Hitscan lasers impact instantly, regardless of whether the blue beam hits something or not. They are undodgable by default, but for fairness they would have a bullet spread modifier applied so that they aren't overpowered with pinpoint accuracy.
    Aside from the misleading appearance of the blue lasers, the impacts will look and sound like gunshots, lacking the blue flash and "fwsh".

    Everything else will remain the same.
    Ultimately, it comes down to Form vs Function.

    There's an alternative option, which is to leave them as-is and bring in upgraded T2 Pulse Laser Turrets that are hitscan.

    Vote Here:
    You may need to refresh the page if the voting box doesn't appear. Voting ends in a week, or when 1.4 goes to public.
  14. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Quick the pulse lasers work the same for the AI and us? As of now we can dodge incoming laser fire from enemy CVs (or at least what I assume is laser fire) which makes fighting some of the larger ships (Dread/Legacy) ships possible. Would switching to hitscan prevent dodging and while our shots never miss, the AIs dont either?
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    AI can miss with hitscan weapons based on distance and your speed. It does mean you can't weave back and forth to easily dodge shots at range, however.
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    This change only applies to the player's laser turrets.
  17. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Thanks fellas. While I am not a massive fan of cheesing the AI with decoy targets, at least moving out of the way was an option over face taking dozens of turrets.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I just found a "Pentaxid Crystal" which is a structure made of Carbon Composite blocks and is immune to damage. However, there's an interface from which I can choose the option "Harvest Pentaxid Crystal". However, I seem to be able to do this indefinitely - I just filled up my HV in under a minute - is there some downside to this structure? The description seems to hint that it's unstable, so I have expected it to blow up as I kept harvesting...

  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    That's not part of Reforged Galaxy. More like Project Eden. In which case, I suspect it's meant to have a timer on it between harvests that's not working.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Oops. Yeah that was a test I added. It obviously had issues as you just discovered. It's supposed to be one harvest only.

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