Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Some more information with this update...

    The faction relation matrix has been changed to reflect the political situation in the Galaxy.

    The Zirax Empire:
    Those belonging to the "Zirax Empire (ZRX)" faction are loyal to the Imperial faction and will upset the six houses of the zirax (Xenu, Rados, Epsilon, Ghyst, Serdu and Abyssal) as they serve the Empress, at least on the surface. This is all fairly standard stuff, though the effects on Player's reputation with the individual houses is only slightly affected by acting against the Empire so that it's possible to ally to individual zirax houses, while remaining hostile to others.
    Reputation with the Empire can be gained from killing those considered a threat to the empire: Tal'ohn, Polaris, Pirates and Kriel.
    Due to the number of shipments intended for the citizens of the Empire by pirates, it is legal under Zirax Galactic Authority to steal from pirates and the player will gain reputation for appropriating stolen imperial goods. Though, not so much if you're gonna return it to them.

    Rep + from killing Tal'ohn, Polaris, Pirates and Kriel; Stealing from Pirates.
    Rep - from killing members of the Zirax houses, Mining in zirax territory, building in zirax territory.

    Tal'ohn Clans:
    The Tal'ohn (TAL) are fairly basic. They're not concerned with events they're not aware of, but still seem to be able to pass messages across space either themselves or through Polaris or Traders. They also rely on supplies from trade that they're forbidden from manufacturing by their Zirax overlords. They get understandibly upset when you attack their allies, so avoid harming Polaris or Traders. Similarly, the Tal'ohn will be grateful for the removal of Pirates who steal supplies from either the tal'ohn or their suppliers.

    Rep + from damaging or killing Predators in their territory; Killing Zirax, Xenu, Epsilon, Serdu and Abyssal; Stealing from Pirates.
    Rep - from killing members of Polaris, The Trade Guild and Civilian Colonists; Mining in their territory; Cutting down trees, harvesting plants or building in their territory.

    Polaris Megacorporation:
    A galaxy-spanning conglomerate, Polaris (POL) only care about profits. Their advanced mining technology has put them far ahead of the Zirax technologically. The inability of their counterparts in the House of Rados has put them at odds with elements of the Zirax empire in their quest for steadily-depleting ore deposits in their own regions of space.
    The expanding sphere of influence of the Polaris has also made them prime targets of both Pirates and Kriel.

    Rep + from killing any member of the Zirax houses (especially Rados), Pirates and Kriel; Stealing from Pirates.
    Rep - from killing members of the Traders, Tal'ohn and Colonists, Mining in Polaris territory, building in Polaris territory.

    Pirate Armada:
    Pirates are well... pirates. Although they've formed a fairly unified faction in their own right, different groups, gangs, clans and even rogue corporations make up the Pirates and they're often at each other throats as much as they are at their enemies.
    Things are turning out quite badly for Pirates across the galaxy after the Zirax High Command declared open season on any stolen goods after The Syndicate stole an entire flotilla of imperial freighters bringing food to the core worlds of the Empire four years ago. Profitable at the time, but an extremely stupid decision in the long run.
    Although the pirates steal from other factions, they avoid killing them as much as possible. Since that would ruin any future ventures; Theft from other factions on the other hand makes you one of them.

    Rep + from killing Polaris, Trader and most Zirax houses (low); From killing Epsilon and Ghyst (medium); Stealing from any faction (high).
    Rep - from killing Colonists, Mining in pirate territory, building in pirate territory.

    Kriel Broodswarm:
    An insectoid race that's begun to spread across the galaxy. Hive-minded, they each serve a hive's queen and reproduce in massive numbers. The lack of fear, intelligence and caution of the worker caste resulted in many being infected by The Legacy in the course of gathering resources for the colony.
    They recognize factions like Polaris and Rados as rivals, while treat most other creatures with either indifference or hostility depending on how different each faction's relations are to the Kriel's.

    Rep + from killing basically everyone, except the Tal'ohn (no relation); Stealing from Colonists.
    Rep - from killing, harvesting, building, anything in their territory. They get very offended from doing anything in their territory and don't care about any of the other factions.

    Trade Guild:
    Before Polaris split off from the Trade Guild, they were responsible for 90% of the galaxy's trade and freight. The industrial drive of Polaris over the last 250 years however, have shrunk the influence of the Trade Guild that was less invested in "profits at any cost". Despite this, The Trade Guild does not oppose Polaris or vice-versa, instead existing as rivals; with the Trader Guild providing quality goods at high cost, with Polaris specializing in mass-production of average quality goods.
    Naturally, Pirates are the enemies of traders everywhere.

    Rep + from killing Pirates and Kriel; Stealing from Pirates; +1 rep gain from killing Xenu and Ghyst.
    Rep - from killing Polaris, Tal'ohn and Colonists, Mining in Trader territory. -1 rep loss from killing Rados.

    Xenu (Zirax House):
    The age-old military arm of the Zirax. Those in the House of Xenu are largely responsible for both military and police, and are Loyal to the Zirax Empress, with ties to Rados and Epsilon who support the empire's infrastructure. In opposition are the Houses of Ghyst, Serdu and Abyssal.

    Rep + from killing Tal'ohn, Pirates, Kriel, Ghyst, Serdu and Abyssal.
    Rep - from killing Imperial Troops, Rados, Epsilon; Stealing from Rados.

    Rados (Zirax House):
    Responsible for the Empire's logistics and supplies, Rados is one of the largest houses of the Zirax empire. Following the war of silence and the establishment of a strained peace, Rados' devoted itself to supporting the civilian infrastructure and resupply to the outer edges of imperial space.
    Their lack of advanced mining and processing technology has put them at odds with Polaris who wants deep-earth ore deposits in zirax territory that Rados cannot mine, but refuse to sell the rights or subcontract out to Polaris.

    Rep + from killing Polaris, Pirates, Kriel, Serdu and Abyssal; Stealing from Polaris and Pirates; Destroying Polaris Property
    Rep - from killing Imperial Troops, Xenu, Epsilon, Traders and Colonists; Stealing from Rados, Tal'ohn, Ghyst and Traders.

    Epsilon (Zirax House):
    Responsible for drone and mechanoid systems, development and operation. Epsilon also handles most of the Empire's communications and surveillance. Like Rados, Epsilon switched primarily over to support and infrastructure following the end of the War of Silence against the Legacy and the establishment of peace.

    Rep + from killing Serdu and Pirates; Building structures in Pirate and Abyssal Territory. A bit odd, but those two like to hide their buildings and your structures make a nice waypoint for them to keep watch on either faction's facilities.
    Rep - from killing Imperial Troops, Rados, Xenu and Traders; Building in other faction territories that they don't deem useful.

    Ghyst (Zirax House):
    Originally a stealth force responsible for covert intelligence, espionage and tactical combat. Ghyst has largely failed to fit into a civilian role during peacetime, acting in a secondary capacity to Xenu. Performing attacks on Pirates and other enemy factions, rather than routine patrols as Xenu does.

    Rep + from killing Polaris, Pirates, Kriel, Traders, and Colonists.
    Rep - from killing Imperial Troops or any Zirax House; Stealing from Rados.

    Serdu (Zirax House):
    Responsible for both Religion and Biotechnology. Serdu is responsible for most of the Zirax Empire's bioweapon development as well as medical applications. The increase in religious observance by the population in itself is not bad, but tenets of the Serdu faith are also causing friction with less reserved houses like Xenu and Epsilon, that are concerned with the growing radicalism instilled by Serdu priests into the populace that threatens civil unrest in the empire.

    Rep + from killing Tal'ohn, Kriel, and Xenu.
    Rep - from killing Imperial Troops, Rados, Ghyst and Abyssal; Stealing from Rados, Ghyst or Abyssal.

    Abyssal (Zirax House)
    Abyssal is a rather secretive house of the Zirax. Its technology is more advanced than the rest of the empire and it knows how to keep it's mouth shut. Abyssal are responsible for many of the Empire's technological advancements over the last 400 years and were key in developing weapons against the Legacy during the war of silence.
    In peacetime, the abyssal retreat from public view and devote themselves to new technology, civil engineering and construction.

    Rep + from killing Tal'ohn, Kriel, and Xenu.
    Rep - from killing Imperial Troops, Rados, Epsilon, Ghyst and Serdu; Stealing from Rados or Ghyst.

    Zirax support and are supported by the 6 zirax houses.
    Tal'ohn like their plants and their land, and don't like people messing with their only contacts with the rest of the galaxy.
    Polaris likes money. Rados is in their way; Pirates and kriel keep stealing their stuff.
    Pirates like money too. They don't mind killing to send a message, but stealing from other factions is what they like most.
    Kriel are big bugs. They don't like anyone in their territory and see Polaris and Rados as rival hives. They don't trade.
    Traders like trade. They don't like it when you kill their customers, but they hate pirates.
    Colonists are the civilians of the galaxy. The Zirax, Polaris and Traders don't like it when you kill/steal from their Citizens/Customers. The Pirates... not so much.

    Xenu, Rados and Epsilon don't like Ghyst, Serdu and Abyssal.
    Where Xenu, Rados and Epsilon fit well into peacetime after the war of silence, Ghyst, Serdu and Abyssal struggled. With the ascension of the new Empress, tensions between the two sides have almost reached a state of civil war.
    You'll gain rep for either side by poking the other; the exception is Rados. Everyone likes rados because they like food, so messing with their supply line will piss off all the other houses. Rados has the most bases with the best loot though.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    V1.4-69 Changelog:

    • Fixed the missing recipes for the new Heavy Turrets not being upgradable for some of the BA turret variants.
    • Updated Icons for the Small Turret Upgrade Kit and Bomb Launcher to remove the purple lines around the edges.
    • Compact Shield Generator for CV/BA has a designated constructor now, so it can be made in the Large and Advanced Constructors. Reduced the crafting cost of the device as well, so it uses less Zascosium and Erestrum.
    • Reduced Blast damage of most CV/BA Devices by 33%.
    • Reduced Blast damage of most HV/SV Devices by 25%.
    • Fixed incorrect model designation on the HV retractable heavy minigun turret and BA retractable heavy cannon turret.
    • Removed leftover vanilla blast calculations for deco blocks and cargo containers, which should speed up blast calculations.
    • Added missing blast damage to SV Warp Drive.
    • Reduced shield damage of Interdictor's plasma cannon.
    Manual Download
  3. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Are you sure everythings gone right? :D

    I'm using Spanjs Cargo Frog and it lost about 50% of its carrying capacity compared to before the update.

    EDIT: Also maybe have another look at the explosions? I just exploded the core of an Abandoned Mine and it took out the whole generator + fuel tank section.

    1.3RE_2021-02-11_00-54-32.png RE1.4_2021-02-11_00-59-08.png RE1.4_2021-02-11_01-15-10.png
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Block mass was reduced by half.

    Explosive blocks do that and they're unchanged from vanilla. What you're seeing there is the detonation of the generators hitting the fuel tanks.
    The hotfix should improve that, but if not. There's nothing to do. It's how the POI was build.
  5. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Block mass was reduced thus it can carry less now than before the update? Shouldn't a weight loss translate to more carrying capacity or what is my fallacy there?

    Oh didn't know the explosion blocks were placed like that. Thanks for the clarification.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    SV Block mass was reduced by half. Therefore, it should be able to carry more.
    I have looked into it and found the cause, which only affects cargo SVs. It will be fixed soon.
    Alhira_K likes this.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Another hotfix:
    Reforged Galaxy 1.4-70

    • Reduced explosion radius for devices further.
    • Increased HP of HV/SV steel blocks by 20%.
    • Fixed bug with cargo extension weight on HV/SV (should make a huge improvement to cargo HV/SV)
    • Increased drop chance of Small, Large and Advanced Upgrade Kits from Alien Loot Containers.
    • Several minor bug fixes and small adjustments.
    Manual Download
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I proposed, a long time ago now in the suggestions forum, that we should have different type of Sentries. So, in addition to the current "Rifle Sentry" (due to the ammo it uses) how about a "Shotgun Sentry" for up-close work, or a "Sniper Sentry" for longer distances. Or even "Rocket Sentries". All of these would be very much anti-personnel and not really be any good vs. Drones and Troop Transports - but better than nothing.

    I've built an underground base in my current game, with a long tunnel leading to the entrance. This entrance is protected by two Sentries, which are pretty weak. If I could place Shotgun Sentries instead, they'd make excellent protection against ground assaults by troops. Currently my base is being attacked by:

    1x Rocket Siege Drone - can't really hurt me under all this rock.
    1x Minigun Siege Drone - it can't get the right angle to shoot the turrets at the end of the tunnel
    2x Troop Transports - these guys might be a problem. If those troops can navigate to the entrance, those Sentries will be overwhelmed quite quickly.

    What do you think? I see you've expanded the range of general turrets, how about some more Sentry variants?

    Also, as I think about it, an Armoured Sentry would be pretty welcome as they fall very quickly...

  9. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Wanted to run the 2 new main storyline quests. There is a Titan wreck on each of the two Akua moons but neither trigger the locate part of the Crash of the Titans. Mission step is not skipable either.

    EDIT: Upon further investigation i found that those aren't the RG variants but vanilla ones.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  10. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Is there any way to change the faction system to not adjust faction for opening a container? Taking items out, I understand you should lose faction, but accidentally opening a container when you are trying to talk to an NPC trader can be really annoying.

    Opening containers is also a really easy way to cheese through faction gain. We became honored with the Traders by just spam opening pirate containers.
  11. bad coffee

    bad coffee Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    First I want to say thank you for your work on this. The additions in the last update are quite impressive.

    Just want to make a small bug report, perhaps the info in the screenshot is helpful. Ki'eve and his zirax friends didn't spawn for me, and using the ents command in the console confirmed they didn't. It's no big deal since objectives can be overridden.
    I will add this was with a fresh save with, at the time this occurred, no assets imported from the previous save.

    Attached Files:

  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    New savegame or old savegame?
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    This has already been hotfixed, if you're playing RE.
    Alhira_K likes this.
  14. bad coffee

    bad coffee Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    New, save started with 1.4-68 of RG.
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, the spawner threw an error when told to turn on. There's nothing wrong with them, so i'm guessing that you have old prefabs still in the scenario file from a previous version, which has spawned an old POI that doesn't have the spawners to spawn the NPCs instead of the new one.
  16. bad coffee

    bad coffee Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    Makes sense. I copied the new version over and overwrote the old files instead of deleting the old version entirely and then copying the files.
    Nevermind. Sorry for the trouble.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I managed to recover two turrets from a Patrol Vessel intact, after placing down my own core: "Imperial Laser Turret" and "Imperial Missile Turret". However, when I popped them into my Deconstructor they're skipped over and not broken down into their component parts. Is this a deliberate choice or have I found a bug?

    While I might be able to loot some ammo for these - well, I did loot a tiny amount from the PV, but that Deconstructed just fine - I don't think I can place these turrets on my own vessels, can I?

    As an aside, this CV was pretty tough. Just one of its Missiles would one-shot my SV. It's not a great SV by any means, but it didn't really stand a chance. I got lucky and the PC crashed into the side of a hill very near the top. I approached from the other side and Missile sniped it until I exposed the Core. I then went in on food (just cos) and took the Core out with an Assault Rifle. I placed my own Core to delay the self-destruct and recover what I could.

  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Zirax turrets are BaseItems and cannot be deconstructed. They can be salvaged, just not deconstructed.
    You can buy the ammo from any trade station or allied supply station, though it's quite expensive. (Note: if you're allied to the zirax, they sell ammo cheap)

    Currently, explosive projectiles will one-shot most SVs, both in vanilla and in reforged with the new explosion mechanics. These zirax rockets are virtually unchanged from vanilla, aside from their speed and tracking (which is much slower and more persistent).
    I covered this in discord earlier: The zirax rockets deal 4000 damage and blast damage (both vanilla and reforged), which after damage calculations is 266.6 (Up to 333.3 depending on what the ship's made of) with a blast radius capable of penetrating right through an HV/SV.
    An HV/SV Hardened steel cube has 250 hp (200 vanilla) and the blast radius of a zirax rocket will penetrate 3 layers of small blocks. There's basically no surviving a rocket in 1.4, unless you have shields (Reforged rockets deal 100 shield damage each, but are easy to dodge as long as you're moving fast; Vanilla zirax rocket's shield damage is 332 and are too fast to dodge normally).

    I will try to make a workaround so that a rocket isn't instant-annihilation for HV/SV, or the alternative is to redo the shields again and make them mandatory.
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    V1.4-71 Changelog:
    Minor Update to improve some stuff.
    • Added new "Missing Cargo" missions.
      If you find an "Undelivered Cargo" in any POI cargo container (low chance) you can take it to a Trade Station's GIN console and hand it in for a reward of 1000 credits, 100 rep to the faction whose cargo it is and 25 Unlock Points.
    • Fixed a weird bug that the Light Shield Generator for SVs was not craftable in any Constructor despite no issues with the settings. I'm still not sure how this fix works, but it does.
    • Changed the Story Mission "Industrial Concern" to hand out cash instead of a bank deposit because it makes better sense and because someone claimed they were getting -5 credits... which isn't even possible.
    • Increased the recharge rate and reduced cooldown of all shield types slightly.
    • Increased shield capacity of all shields slightly. SV received a larger bonus in lieu of the explosive problem plaguing both Reforged and Vanilla (That being that a single CV/BA/POI rocket will destroy most SVs instantly with the new explosion mechanics.)
    • Removed Rep gain from opening container spam caused an exploit.
    • Corrected inconsistencies on block volume on HV/SV Cargo Controllers (Increased volume, reduced mass).
    • Halved mass of all Wing Blocks
    • Reduced mass of all HV/SV landing gears to 1/10 mass
    This does not require a fresh game.
    The Missing Cargo mission/quest allows you to get unlock points after level 25, which was disabled as of 1.4.
    Take any found "Undelivered Cargo" items found in REGULAR cargo containers to the GIN Console on most trade stations. This is displayed in colored text on the item's description, so no one gets confused. Undelivered Cargo takes up one item slot.
    Cargo belongs to one of 4 factions: Traders, Pirates, Zirax and Polaris.

    Manual Download
    Note: The hand-in options you see above only appear if you have one in your inventory, otherwise you only get the "Return to Main Menu" option.
    Other options on the main menu are disabled (because the default function of the GIN is uttery retarded) and will eventually be used for freighter and trade missions.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for the update.

    With the Zirax getting ever more powerful Turrets on their Planetary CV's, will there ever be a time when Player CV turrets are once again fully enabled on planets? It seems that when BA weapons became distinct (not shared with CV's) - which was ages ago now - it was time to adjust the balance between BA/CV class weapons, allowing them to be used on a Planet again. I.e. BA-class turrets would be generally better - longer ranges, more damage, cheaper to craft etc. - whereas the CV version their mass is a serious consideration.

    My CV's - even shielded and armoured - feel so weak and vulnerable when on a Planet and can only really defend against Drones and NPC's. Even against that they can be slow to kill them. It used to be such fun taking a CV against a POI, silly and costly, but fun. As many Drones are much tougher now - which is great - a parked CV can take a lot of damage just from an otherwise fairly humble Drone, mainly because they cannot use their decent weapons to take them down quickly. I don't think Drones deliberately hunt down landed CV's, though I have been jumped a few times after first landing on a Planet - my retaliation causing Troop Transports to be sent to the location too. Fun, but the CV is heavily disadvantaged. Either because it can't use it's best weapons or it's been built to just have those weaker, planetary weapons so will struggle in space vs. the even tougher foes.

    Perhaps I'm a bit biased as I like to get to the CV building stage relatively quickly and make that my mobile base. They tend to be pretty sluggish - at least the early revisions - but I generally just park them somewhere for extended periods as a true mobile base. However, they can barely defend themselves.

    Maybe just a personal preference, but I feel the whole "you can't use that here" thing CV Weapons have going on when on a Planet, is a bit old now. I guess I could use salvaged PV turrets - I assume these retain their ability to fire on a planet - though I'd prefer stuff I can build myself.

    I'm sure I could tweak this myself - though I've not poked around Empyrion's files for ages now - but just wondered what your thoughts were on it @Vermillion.


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