Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Unfortunately, the movements of creatures are hidden somewhere outside the configs. I can change their target choices and the order they perform certain actions, but the way they move is done by the developers.
    Wellingtoon and ravien_ff like this.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Update with "easy" configs.

    > CPU costs for CV turrets has been reduced by roughly 40%.
    > CPU costs for CV thrusters has been reduced by 50-60% on L and XL thrusters.
    > Adjusted mass of CV M-Thrusters.
    > Boosters have been added to M, L and XL CV thrusters that allow +10%, +20% and +30% overthrust for a short duration. To help overloaded and heavily-armored ships take off or get to warp speeds if they're truly that slow (hard with these new values).
    > CPU T4 limits have been reduced back to 4 from 8 since the new values allow virtually any ship to fit under them.
    > CPU gain for T3 and T4 extenders has been increased slightly.
    > CV/BA/HV turrets have had their mass doubled.
    > HV/SV armor block mass has been cut down by roughly half. Allowing faster movement for less thrusters, freeing up CPU for more weapons.
    > New 2x2 thruster for HVs because all they've got so far are small ones, which sucks for HV tanks at the endgame.
    > Fixed auto-load bug consuming extra ammo with EMP Warheads.

    Changes to turret CPU and small block mass are subject to change.
    Known bugs:
    New SV thruster has no icon in the tech tree, this happens with all custom items and blocks in the tech tree. Nothing I can do about it, seems to be hardcoded.

    Attached Files:

    ravien_ff and Wellingtoon like this.
  3. Homunk

    Homunk Lieutenant

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Thank you, will try now.
  4. Homunk

    Homunk Lieutenant

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Hi, played a little bit with the settings and now I think it is ok for me. Had still to modify my ships, mainly the CVs, but I managed to keep them within the CPU limit without tearing them apart completely.

    By the way, the main problem were not the turrets, but the thrusters. Ironically those I had to install when I used Reforged Galaxy A11 :), because my CVs wouldn't move at all.

    Thanks for your work. ;)
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    While I have the time and am not sleep-deprived, i'll include some features that were missing from the initial A12 alpha release post.

    Sound effects:
    Pulse Rifle T1 and T2 have different sound effects. Less irritating.
    Epic Pulse Rifle and Epic Assault Rifle also have different sound effect. More "gruntier".
    SV Rocket Launcher (homing and non-homing) also has a new launch sound effect. An actual missile-launch sound effect instead of the vanilla FlaK-88 firing sound (that's literally what it's called, a flak cannon).
    Ripper dogs no longer use spider sound effects.
    Gatling Gun and Minigun Turrets use a low-pitched minigun sound effect. Secondary firing modes use the original high-pitched one.
    Sentry Gun has a heavy rifle sound effect instead of the cannon sound effect.
    Small Drones no longer have the trade-station sound effects while idle, they use the large drone sound effects.
    Alien Sentry Guns now have a laser sound effect to go with the visual changes.

    Visual Changes:
    The Sci-fi deco lockers now use the Personal Container row of lockers model. This should obviously be done in vanilla because it's a waste of a great deco model. What use is ONE locker as decoration?
    Laser turrets and fixed weapons now have the correct laser muzzle effect for their type instead of the sniper rifle muzzle effect (obviously does not belong on a laser cannon).
    Plasma turrets and fixed weapon now have the correct plasma muzzle effect for their type instead of the sniper rifle muzzle effect (again).
    > Note: The laser turrets now emit a blue flash when they fire, and the plasma ones emit a light-blue flash with a gas cloud.
    Rocket turret and launchers have a larger muzzle effect specifically designed FOR rocket launchers and once again forgotten in favor of the copy-pasted snipermuzzlefire.
    Alien Sentry Guns now fire red lasers instead of bullets. This makes it easier to see where you're being shot from since the sound effects for sentry guns come from the core instead of the gun. The muzzle effect is unchanged (for now) since the sentry gun has it's own dual-firing muzzle effect.
    Alien EMP Turrets fire blue plasma balls instead of yellow laser beams. This makes it easier to differentiate laser turrets from EMP turrets and fits with the color. Muzzle effect included.

    Recipe Changes:
    The amount of resources required for BA/CV blocks has been increased quite significantly.
    Material supplies have been increased to partially match the resource gain without offsetting HV/SV costs.
    - Stone: Crushed Stone now drops at a higher rate from mining, so don't get disuaded from making concrete. Surface rocks still give 200-1500 stone each, which is even better.
    - Wood: Trees give considerably more logs relative to the size of the tree.
    - Fiber: Logs convert to a higher ratio of fibers; fiber crops also give increased yield.
    - Iron: Iron ore deposits (and asteroids) give more iron ore. Steel plates now use the same crafting ratio of titanium and sathium plates for fairness and consistency.
    - Gold: Gold deposits (and asteroids) give more gold ore.
    - Ore Rocks: All surface ore rocks give more ore to work with earlygame mining restrictions.
    Optronics: Significantly more optronics are required to make an extender. BUT the cost of each optronic component has been significantly reduced. They are almost exactly the same cost as vanilla, but gold is slightly easier to get.
    T2 CPU Extenders for HV and SV no longer require flux coils.
    Metal Pieces (scrap) dropped by drones and found in POI cargo containers can be melted down in a furnace for Titanium Rods.
    Gold Coins can be melted down in a furnace for gold ingots.
    > Note: The salvagability of Gold Coins and Metal Pieces is included on the item's tooltip, so it's not a hidden function.
    Low level rocket launchers and turrets (excluding CV) no longer require lategame resources to be crafted.
    Expanded Base Constructor's recipe list to include pretty much anything craftable by the Hover and survival constructors, including lights, fridges, ventilators, basic devices, building blocks, deco and BA projectile ammunition (15mm and 30mm). It's no longer completely useless.
    Crew used in blueprints no longer cost gold coins (because it's abusable and badly done. Bad devs!), you must supply the crew block itself.

    Alien and Human Crew reduce CPU consumed by other devices by 1000 points. (They don't increase your CPU limit)
    NPC Crew are rare finds in Cryo Chambers.
  6. pcoborys

    pcoborys Ensign

    Jan 26, 2019
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    If I use the A12 test version now, will I need to restart my game when you post an update?
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged galaxy does not affect terrain or POI generation.

    If you remove reforged galaxy after installing it, it should just give you a CoQ from any existing items or blocks added by RG, which you can just click continue on and it'll just delete those items/blocks and the game will continue as normal.
    I made sure there would be no corruption from removing RG from an existing save. But you may be stuck with SV turrets that won't work automatically without RG.
    You'll still be able to control them manually, but without RG's turret AI changes the turrets won't be able to search for targets on their own.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
  8. pcoborys

    pcoborys Ensign

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Thank you, for both the quick reply and for Reforged Galaxy as a whole.
  9. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Be careful with this - I have noticed removing Id can sometimes break the game load resulting in half your base/vessel missing - and tyhis was despite my being careful to previously trash all occurences of the Id.

    Add it mid game - fine. Remove at your peril :)
  10. pcoborys

    pcoborys Ensign

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I don't anticipate removing it. I just suspect it (RG) will be updated for the A12 stuff now that its out of experimental, but I am too impatient wait for that. I wanted to make sure I could drop the update onto the save I'm starting today, if RG updates next week.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The version of RG in the OP is outdated for A11 and will be replaced later tonight. You can use the current A12 further up this page:
    This is the current version, at least until I update the OP with a new one which only has some value changes and bugfixes.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I'll update the OP tomorrow with the A12 version of RG, for now here's the latest version:

    Download Reforged Galaxy A12 v1.3

    • Due to it not working as intended, the CV tool turret is no longer usable on bases. Seems harvest support is not supported for bases.
    • Tweaked L and XL CV thruster CPU usage.
    • Minor changes to enemy stats, loot, weapons and some small stuff.
    • Bugfixes.
    • Added Project Eden support for spawn groups so RG can be used with Project Eden. Just drop the files into the Project Eden Scenario's config folder and you can run PE with RG seperately from the base game, so you can have vanilla everything else and Project Eden with RG stats.
      Note: There's a possibility of Reforged Galaxy being Pre-packed into a seperate version of Project Eden in future.
    • Addition of FactionWarfare config. PLEASE TEST.
    Faction Warfare:
    Ultimately, very little will change because the entire base attack system is so seriously flawed that all base attacks are always level 0 difficulty. I did what I could to change it, but it's basically hard-coded.
    I also haven't tested it thoroughly, so it might throw a CoQ. In which case, you'll have to replace the FactionWarfare config with an older backup. It shouldn't do though.
    What should happen in a base attack is that troop transports have more troops, and sometimes they'll drop off Heavy Assault Mechanoids.
    Space POIs should be more... energetic in their call for reinforcements. If you're unlucky, you might be against a squadron of drones or an entire zirax fleet... In theory. Pack your brown pants and be prepared to don them if the call for reinforcements is bigger than what you can handle.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  13. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I'm getting a CoQ when loading a save with v1.3. Ignoring it just leads to an infinite loading screen.
    I narrowed it down to the BlocksConfig.ecf. Looks like the game doesn't like 'Window_v1x1' and 'DecoBlocks2'?
    Heres the client log if it helps.

    Attached Files:

  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Did you make any changes to the config.ecf? According to the logs, it throws an error after reading the config.ecf, not the blocksconfig.
  15. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Nope. That was my first thought too so I deleted my config.ecf and still got the CoQ.
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Does it happen with V1.22?
  17. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    It works fine in both v1.2 and v1.22 TEST. Just to be sure I didn't get a corrupt download I redownloaded v1.3 and still get a CoQ.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Have you tried starting a new savegame with it?
    I haven't actually changed anything in the blocksconfig beyond a couple of CPU values and it works fine for me.
    I may have a lead on the cause, but i'll need to run a few checks to be sure.
  19. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Yep. Happens when loading on both an existing and new game.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Try this one: It may be a compatibility problem between my game version and the public version.

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