Resource Asteroids

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Starscorcher, Sep 6, 2020.

  1. Starscorcher

    Starscorcher Lieutenant

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Is there a config file or option for configuring the mining rate from the Resource Asteroids

    For example, an ore deposit can be adjusted by configuring in two areas
    of the game configs by altering the material type or config as seen below, is there something like this for the Resource Asteroids?

    From BlocksConfig.ecf

    { +Block Id: 80, Name: PromethiumResource
    Material: resourcesoft
    Shape: Terrain
    Mesh: terrain
    Texture: 136 /* alien_rock_blue01 */
    AutoMinerFactor: 0.3
    ShowUser: No
    Group: resource
    { Child DropOnDestroy
    Item: PromethiumOre
    Count: "2,4"
    Prob: 0.2
    Radiation: 12

    From MaterialConfig.ecf

    { Material Name: resourcesoft
    damage_category: resourcesoft
    surface_category: stone
    particle_category: stone
    particle_destroy_category: stone
    stepsound: stone
    fertile_level: 1
    stability_glue: 120
    Mass: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
    Hardness: 15, type: float, display: false, formatter: Hardness
    ExplosionHardness: 50
    HitPoints: 40, type: int, display: true
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I think that's where you do it for asteroids too.
  3. Starscorcher

    Starscorcher Lieutenant

    Dec 23, 2015
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    @ravien_ff I found one section in the blocksconfig.ecf that mentions asteroids with material stone but changing it didn't have an effect, so I wonder if there is a different label for the Resource Asteroids. Meteorite or Meteor I could not find a reference too either

    i also had a look over a number of scenarios on the workshop to see if anyone had cracked this already From what I can see there are not many Scenario Developers that have had such an in-depth look at the configs most don't change anything or they use your Reforged Configs, so chances are if you have not yet discovered or done it only @Hummel-o-War may have insight.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Asteroids use the same "blocks" as the voxel deposits, so you can't seperate their mining rate and yield.
  5. SnowdogJJJ

    SnowdogJJJ Commander

    Jun 22, 2020
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    Can you go into more detail on what to change and how it effects the deposit /collection?
    Spicificaly :

    From BlocksConfig.ecf
    AutoMinerFactor: 0.3
    Count: "2,4"
    Prob: 0.2

    From MaterialConfig.ecf
    fertile_level: 1

  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    AutoMinerFactor is how much ore is produced by an autominer. By default it's 1.0 (100%), at 0.3 it's 30%. So an autominer produces only 30% of the ore that other deposits do.
    Count is for something else that you didn't list, which is the item. In this case Promethium ore. "2,4" specifying that a random amount is given per voxel block mined between 2 and 4 items.
    Prob: is the probability of it giving you items when mined. 20% in this case.

    So you have a 20% chance of getting 2-4 promethium ore per voxel ore block mined. Your drill has a radius of several blocks due to bad balancing, so you'd get 12-24 ore per chunk removed with the drill. Since the drill removes more than 1 voxel "block".

    Fertile_level simply lets you place crops on it, and allows terrain crops to spawn on it since it's a type of terrain material. You can't get it on a player base, so it's irrelevant. Only used for POI construction.
  7. Starscorcher

    Starscorcher Lieutenant

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Im not refering to space Asteroids but the Meteorites that are used for the Resource Asteroids config with depletion and random , these do not use the same voxel block as deposits
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The resource yield for the meteorites doesn't exist in any of the configs, which is the same for SSOR deposit nuggets.
    You can adjust their HP though since they're entities, not blocks. It's in the EClassConfig file near the top. Their HP is 5000 by default, though since their other stats aren't public, the damage calculations and ore yield cannot be changed. Even changing their hitpoints is questionable.
  9. Starscorcher

    Starscorcher Lieutenant

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Thanks , ill look at that , hopefully these get an update oneday
  10. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    If I recall, you'd crank up the "damage" value for the various Drills (hand-held/vehicle mounted) to increase the rate at which asteroids are mined, but this will also effect how quickly you dig giant holes in planets too.
  11. MacShell

    MacShell Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Looking for threads about random meteorites, but didn't have success... So, forgive me to ask here and the this question can be moved to other place if so, but, what about random meteorites? I am trying to make an specific planet to drop about 4 different meteorites, but only the first one drops. I am following some leads from other pages and, basically, using:
    - Name: IronResource
    Amount: 5000
    InitialDelay: 1
    Delay: 24
    DespawnDelay: 5
    Is this feature bugged? Why the other elements meteorites don't drop? Is there some kind of time or amount threshold before the other elements start to drop? Thank you in advance for any hint!
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    It's working fine. Since we can use floating point values (decimal) I suggest you use much smaller values to test if things are working ok. The way you set up things in your example you will have to wait for a long time for asteroids to fall...

    I used these to check if asteroids would fall and they did, with just around one minute between each :

    - Name: IronResource
    Amount: 4000
    InitialDelay: 0.2
    Delay: 0.2
    DespawnDelay: 1
    - Name: CopperResource
    Amount: 4000
    InitialDelay: 0.2
    Delay: 0.2
    DespawnDelay: 1

    Also make sure that there are no extra spaces in your yaml and that all the lines are correctly aligned, as such things can cause problems...

  13. MacShell

    MacShell Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Thnx, @Kassonnade! I will try as you said!
    Kassonnade likes this.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    lol... I completely forgot about this, and I was wondering this morning why I had constant alerts for asteroids while checking stuff on my test playfield !
    krosbonez likes this.
  15. MacShell

    MacShell Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Well, in my playfield I have asteroids on depletion (iron, silicon and copper) and they are working fine so far. My problem is with the random ones. I have zascosium, eresthrum and titanium. Only zascosium drops. I changed amount, initialdelay, delay and despawndelay in every way I could imagine. Nothing changes. Only zascosium drops. Lots. I checked the spaces and words in the playfield.yaml file. Nothing. I changed the spaces, nothing... So, anyone has any other hint? I did look for other playfiels with random asteroids in my SP game and copied the same parts. No changes. I did stayed in the planet for some time and didn't see any random asteroid dropping... Maybe something wrong only in the SP side? Any other hints?
    Kassonnade likes this.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Did you start a new game each time to check after changing values ? Give me some details about your playfield, how it was made ( template ? custom ?).
  17. MacShell

    MacShell Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Nope. I am messing only with the one I started so far... I thought some systems would appear only after a visit, besides the ones pre-made. It's a Reforged Eden SP game.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Then if you changed values in the scenario's "templates" it will not affect the state of the playfield in your running game. If a playfield has been visited once it has been "generated" and it can't be changed without messing with your savegame.

    Maybe ask @ravien_ff if he knows a way to solve this, because I don't. You could try modifyng the template in your savegame's "templates" folder and reload the playfield when in game, but I am not sure this would work, and if you have quests running/ impending it might break those too.
  19. Pretty sure you would have to modify the template in the correct templates folder and then either start a new game afterwards, OR use commands to 100% wipe the playfield and then reload the save afterwards.

    Trying to do it with other methods may result in severe corruption and/or it simply not working.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Random meteors are.. finicky.

    They have a minimum yield you need to set them to, I believe it's 5000. Setting them to a lower amount than 5000 will cause them to spawn too many, or not at all.

    Here's an example from one of my planets that will spawn some random meteors:

    ### Resource Asteroids
         - Name: IronResource
           Threshold: 0.2
           Amount: 0.1
         - Name: CopperResource
           Threshold: 0.2
           Amount: 0.1
         - Name: PromethiumResource
           Threshold: 0.2
           Amount: 0.1
         - Name: ZascosiumResource
           Threshold: 0.2
           Amount: 0.1
         - Name: IronResource        # Possibility to spawn resource asteroids independent of the remaining amount of ore on a planet
           Amount: 5000              # Amount of ore that is spawned per event
           InitialDelay: 24           # Float [0, 10000] Initial delay in game hours before spawning of asteroids, if InitialDelay < 0 => no spawning
           Delay: 72                 # Float [0, 10000] Subsequent delay in game hours, if Delay = 0 => no spawning
           DespawnDelay: 48           # Float [0, 10000] Delay in game hours after which asteroid will be removed. If parameter is not set or set to 0, asteroid will not despawn 
         - Name: CopperResource        # Possibility to spawn resource asteroids independent of the remaining amount of ore on a planet
           Amount: 5000              # Amount of ore that is spawned per event
           InitialDelay: 48           # Float [0, 10000] Initial delay in game hours before spawning of asteroids, if InitialDelay < 0 => no spawning
           Delay: 96                 # Float [0, 10000] Subsequent delay in game hours, if Delay = 0 => no spawning
           DespawnDelay: 72           # Float [0, 10000] Delay in game hours after which asteroid will be removed. If parameter is not set or set to 0, asteroid will not despawn 
         - Name: GoldResource        # Possibility to spawn resource asteroids independent of the remaining amount of ore on a planet
           Amount: 5000              # Amount of ore that is spawned per event
           InitialDelay: 72           # Float [0, 10000] Initial delay in game hours before spawning of asteroids, if InitialDelay < 0 => no spawning
           Delay: 168                 # Float [0, 10000] Subsequent delay in game hours, if Delay = 0 => no spawning
           DespawnDelay: 144           # Float [0, 10000] Delay in game hours after which asteroid will be removed. If parameter is not set or set to 0, asteroid will not despawn 

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