Fixed Server Issues on startup/restart [A12.3]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Evantyr, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Evantyr

    Evantyr Ensign

    Jul 10, 2020
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    I have seen this in other posts across the forums here and on Nitrado, but i couldnt find it in the bugs or i missed it in the huge list. Which is cool, but i was hoping to find an answer/fix. If i posted this in wrong section, my apologies in advance.

    Just rented a nitrado Empyrion server, game installed and everything went well at first. modified the vonfigs to match my preferences and started it up. except its not discoverable in steam or in game. Trying to connect gives me "Connect to server failed: Could not retrieve server information" and this happens randomly everytime i restart. and it can stop working even if the server is on and we actually did get in. Talked to Ntrado and they said this is an issue with the most recent update of the game for MP servers and that the only workaround/fix is to keep restarting and watch the log files for "DllNotFoundException: steam_api64" to pop up in the log.

    Now the weird part is, i was on my server after getting it to work this afternoon and my buddy got home from work, but he couldnt connect. server was running, i was out blasting Xirax(spelling?) but he couldnt see the server in game, by IP connect or Steam server browser.

    Is there a way to fix this/workaround this OTHER than restarting over and over and over (im currently on restart 22 in the last 2 hours trying to get reconnected)?

    After further testing and reinstalling the game to server... twice... i have found that the moment i use Nitrado's server config customizer or alter the files following posts from devs and other hosts, the server stops working. Doesnt matter if i alter 1 line, or all of them.

    Configs changed:

    Also, putty refuses to connect to the server BEFORE i alter configs, and i cant get server to work afterwords so Telnet doesnt appear to be an option for me either.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
  2. TheonlyQ

    TheonlyQ Ensign

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I have been seeing similar problems on Nitrado and their forums say it's a known bug and will be patched in 12.3, is this correct?

    My logs show same 'unable to load library' re the api files
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    This is something which we have a fix for in A12.3 no ETA on it's release yet.
    TheonlyQ and Pach like this.
  4. Evantyr

    Evantyr Ensign

    Jul 10, 2020
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    Awesome, thanks guys. Dunno if this helps but it seems the config gets entirely mulched when the server loads up. Testing nad will wait semi-paiently for 12.3 :D
  5. Addy

    Addy Lieutenant

    Apr 12, 2017
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    Having server issues on nitrado server, have to keep restarting the server.

    This is some of the info back from nitrado support.


    We apologize, but this is a bug with the game. You will need to keep
    restarting the server until it shows the player count on the web interface.
    You can also check the server's log files to see the error 'unable to load
    dll: steam_api64.exe'.

    At the moment the server seems to have become unplayable for me and my friends, no matter how many times I try to restart it .

    I know it probably not feasible, but is it possible you can push out a quick bug fix just for this server issue?
    If you don't ask you don't get so...............;)
  6. TheonlyQ

    TheonlyQ Ensign

    Jul 3, 2020
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    This is still broken - same errors but with Version: Alpha 12.2.3

    Edit - my bad confused 12.2.3 with 12.3 so will wait for that
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Yes we aim to try to have the fix in with A12.3. as soon as it is ready I'll post a reply here again.
    Germanicus likes this.

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