System requirements need updating.

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by markoredflag, Nov 4, 2020.

  1. markoredflag

    markoredflag Commander

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Hello people.
    What is going on?
    I'm trying to play but my desktop crashes.
    I have 32 gb ram, intel core i7 9700kf cpu, rx 580 8gb,
    and a 240 gb SSD, and even then EGS crashes.
    Thank you for the reply
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Hi there.

    I play on a 8 years old 17-inches laptop, core i7 / 1 tera HDD / 16 gb ram, and a sub-par nVidia video card, and I (almost) never crash. The few times it did crash was because I fiddled with config files or the game just froze because I went too fast between menus when exiting. Even then it's not a "crash" per se, and I found that exiting the game with alt-F4 is much more efficient than waiting for the game to close by itself. Downside is that if I do it too quickly it can mess my last savegame.

    I would suggest you provide more details about what is running on your system when the crashes occur, and give more context overall about what you were doing in the game, etc. Simply describing hardware does not help, as an average rig can run the game without crashing. Try lowering all settings and run the game, see if it crashes, then slowly work your way up into higher settings to find the problem by elimination. Open the console from time to time in game and see if some error messages appear in there.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  4. Whiteheat

    Whiteheat Ensign

    Nov 12, 2020
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    This is all good if you play single player - but its a whole new ballgame when you do multiplayer! Try it sometime! Altho to be fair the OP didnt mention single or multi.
  5. Redakted

    Redakted Ensign

    Nov 22, 2019
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    I think the system requirements are fine. It's a problem on your end.
    Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I get it, that MP is much more demanding on the performance of the Local System.
    It is therefore necessary, as @Kassonnade suggested, to provide a bit more info about your 'problems'.
    Does your PC crash or 'only' the game?

    What could be a thing is how your Graphic Card handles your graphic setting WITHIN the game, i.e., the in-game resolution settings. Changing that to a lower setting than the max Res. your card can handle is most of the time a big performance improvement.

    Within the link I provided the max Res. is stated as

    • 640x480
    • 1280x720
    • 1366x768
    • 1600x900 <- this one I would give a try
    • 1920x1080
    • 2560x1440
    • 3840x2160
    It does not change anything visually within the game. Only your Screenshots get a lower Resolution;). But the overall FPS can be raised and with it the stress on the Graphic Card.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I use this same laptop as COOP server on a wifi network (2 players) and it doesn't crash either. Lag/ low ping/ low fps is not "crashing" and since we can design our own playfields and customize content it's not a big deal to make games that don't suck the blood out of a PC.

    Many players write "the game is unplayable" while trying to run it at max settings, with dozens of ships and bases idling all over the playfield. Most problems in multiplayer concern network and synchronization, but here my setup never crashes. We have glitches and sometimes low FPS and players spawning with no ship when changing playfields (space - planet) but no "crashes".

    Well... players do "crash" after falling from the skies, but the PC renders that fine... :D
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. mayhoof

    mayhoof Ensign

    Nov 25, 2020
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    Hello, I was trying to start a MP server, but I was shown a screen shot of the server listing and I was showing -1 ping, if this is my systems problem how can I correct it if possible? It is a system that is running only my server games when I want them online, no physical games are played on it. So i don't think the graphics would be an issue?
    Please help me if possible. :)

    Thanks Mayhoof
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    First read this :

    Then look at the various threads in this section to see if someone did not have the same problem you described :

    If you don't find a similar problem description, feel free to file a bug report, following the required format described in the first link I gave you.


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