Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Hardage

    Hardage Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2021
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    1: ....that we don't get more possibilities to modify the game. for example to create own constructors besides the existing ones.
    2: .... that we don't get the possibility to add our own custom blocks to the terrain generation. for example our own trees.
    3: .... that there is not the possibility to integrate interesting own construction blocks. for example new weapon towers, portals, automatic doors....
    rollinshultz, GDuke and akimzav like this.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Time to contribute again, these are the three things I dislike the most at the moment:

    1) That I can often be "hit" by melee foes from way beyond their visual attack range.
    2) That I can often be hit through solid blocks by many melee attackers and, to a lesser degree, some ranged attackers.
    3) That despite having perfect LoS on a target, my shots are often still blocked.

    Why do I dislike these so much?

    I role play as a fast, nimble character in usually light armour with mobility boosts. The key is not to be hit where possible, where adversaries are mostly melee attackers. Taking damage when I'm no where near an enemy but I WAS close to them moments earlier is exceedingly frustrating. There seems to be an issue where if the attacker starts their attack animation when the player is near, they will still take damage even if they're well out of the way (jet pack assisted jump) when the animation completes. It's like the "hit" is pre-determined if the player is in-range when it starts not just when it lands. Add to this, many melee critters attack range is beyond the visual range, so a player who should be "safe" still takes damage.

    When standing safely - in theory - on a block well above a melee critter, many are able to attack through that block even though there's no direct line between them and the player. This seems to be linked to said critters partially clipping into the block during their attack animation. The same sometimes happens with ranged attacks too - i.e. Zirax Troops - when their guns partially clip into a block. As can be seen in God Mode, if the player clips into one side of a block, they are able to fire through the other side of the block. Note: it doesn't help that, through lack of animations I imagine, that melee attackers don't actually have to be facing the player to hit them. It's why, I assume, that a critter attacking forwards is able to "hit" a player currently jet-pack-jumping several metres above them. Bottom line is that the player successfully dodges an attacker - i.e. the player isn't there any more yet a "hit" is still counted due to these factors.

    When taking cover, attempting to shoot around a block in a POI, despite perfect LoS player fire is often incorrectly blocked by things. Many of the Deco blocks are TERRIBLE for this, with their collision mesh seemingly MUCH larger than their physical size. However, even with regular blocks, such as an L-Class Steel Block on a POI, especially if they're not just a regular cube, shots with perfect LoS can often be blocked - meanwhile the player is taking fire from the thing they're attempting to shoot - but can't due to the broken collision.

    These are really fundamental elements of the game, and there not working properly leads to a lot of frustration for me.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023
  3. Balthazod

    Balthazod Lieutenant

    Mar 3, 2020
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    1. Changes to the personnel weapons. I now have to reload my combat shot gun to kill a spider its insane. It was always challenging to do some of the larger POI's and the Ilmarinen was impossible to do with out dyeing now even the easy POI's are lethal which just removes more content from the game. For example with a pulse rifle it was 2 1/2 magazines of head shots to kill a stationary guardian where as in light armour I am dead from one or 2 hits.
    2. The sound effects in POI's they have such poor direction it so hard to tell where the enemy is.
    3. So many bugs that have been here for years and when you report them the staff are dismissive and rude only months later admitting that the bugs exist and fixing it.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
    cmguardia, ZaCloud and TheLyric27 like this.
  4. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I think the POI's have actually gotten easier.
  5. builder680

    builder680 Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2020
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    1. Volumetric Lighting
    2. Volumetric Lighting
    3. Volumetric Lighting
    XLJedi, Wellingtoon and Wanev like this.
  6. Manuka

    Manuka Ensign

    Dec 20, 2020
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    1. Lack of endgame content
    2. Missing blocks
    3. Wooden NPC's
    cmguardia and Westworld like this.
  7. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    1. Lack of Circular Blocks to build UFO-like & Star-Trek like ships.
    2. Lack of optimization, especially considering that this is an old game.
    3. Lack of AI interaction with each-other in terms of planet battles, like squad vs squad skirmishes, & mini-wars for territory on the ground. This is nonexistent which makes the game feel kinda of dead on planets. If these AI's are enemies shouldn't we see them battle it out on the ground/planets? This needs to be combined with a lose or gain of territory after certain skirmishes & battles.
  8. teammate

    teammate Ensign

    Jul 19, 2023
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  9. Westworld

    Westworld Commander

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Short List:

    1) Bad hitboxes on environment props vs weapon fire (seems to be a more recent issue)
    2) Enemies getting stuck inside blocks
    3) Lack of round and curved blocks for building smooth curved designs.
    Jacoviz and Wellingtoon like this.
  10. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Had a great example of this recently. Trying to shoot a motion sensor, but somehow hit two devices on the opposite wall. :|

    Really wish they could fix that one.

  11. ZombieWhisperer

    ZombieWhisperer Ensign

    Dec 23, 2023
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    I don't like it that the hover bike keeps nose diving into the ground
    I'd like to see more shooting animations
    if it's not in the game, possibly see ur armor take damage over time and have to repair it or space tape it
    cmguardia and Peter Conway like this.
  12. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    That indeed is already in the game. It's the "durability" value in the stats if you hover over the armor item. It goes down as you get hit and the lower it gets the less the armor protects you. You can repair it with the repair device. Happens to your weapons, too. When you shoot with them their durability decreases slightly. They, too, can be repaired.

    Though, if I remember right, items getting damaged by use was also a difficulty option choice so could be you have it off if you are not seeing it happening? Should be "on" by default, I think.
  13. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    - broken collisions:
    "Invisible walls" blocking me from looting ship wrecks (especially bad with drifting wrecks), npc cliping into walls and shot thru walls.

    -Shield on enemy ship charging, even when all generators are killed

    -no love for modders:
    like control constructors, add own constructors, add turets, change ai ...
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  14. rollinshultz

    rollinshultz Ensign

    Jan 22, 2024
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    Myt top three:
    1. Lighting - the helmet light illuminates the inside of a stucture just fine but when mining what happens, doe the ground suck away the photons or what? I dig a tunnel for a little distance for various reaasons such as a creature doesn't kill me while I'm drone mining but can't see to leave at all.
    Lighting period sucks generally as in lighting inside of ships and bases. Even when lights are dialed to maximum they illuminate very poorly.
    2. The lack of notifications from IDA which seems to know everything that is happening but doesn't tell me when a hostile faction is outside bombing the crap out os my ship.
    3. On that note if the only resources available are in enemy faction territory and I must steal said resources, how do they know I'm there if I tunnel in from outside their territory? There is no stealth factor. It brings a whole new level of meaning to "caught in the act".
  15. Zebron

    Zebron Lieutenant

    Feb 12, 2024
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    1. No ability to move around in moving ships. Would like to walk around my CV while it is flying to a distant asteroid or a distant moon.

    2. Limited Gear modifications. Would like to see more mods on gear.

    3. No npc companions to follow you around. Space can get lonely sometimes be cool if you could tame a animal to have as a pet. Or raise one as a youngling.
    cmguardia, Fezder and TheLyric27 like this.
  16. TheLyric27

    TheLyric27 Ensign

    Apr 14, 2024
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    1. Admin Cores and high block health. Something I felt like was supposed to be a major part of the game from playing the tutorial scenario was destroying the cores of enemy bases and replacing them with your own to loot and claim pois. But in the main scenario, most of the quest locations I've seen have indesctructible admin cores, or their cores are absurdly well hidden making me have to google the location. I started taking issue with this the most once I went to Sienna following the main quest line. I built a space station above the planet in advance and planned on clearing out the Zirax presence on the planet so that I could scavenge from the many pois below, but I couldn't even get rid of the core in the comms tower that you use to get into the radar station, despite bringing 40 explosive charges. 40. Isn't it a bit ridiculous that 40 charges of sci-fi C4 can't blow through a thin metal grate or a single wall?

    2. Unfinished content left in main release. Minor gripe, but it's still a little annoying. In the main scenario, there are hackable consoles that you can get sellable data from, and there's references to a hacking system involving console keys and fire sticks, but both are unimplemented, leaving you with a 20% chance to fail hacks with nothing you can do to change it. This even softlocks the 2nd main quest in the Akua start if you're unlucky. A game out of early access shouldn't leave something like manual quest completion in as a bandaid fix for broken quests. Also on the topic of unfinished content, there's two inaccessible pois on Robinson in the tutorial scenario, a Sunken Base (Zirax-Hacked) by the settlement, and an Evacuated Base in the far north past the drone base, with a unique pink label. All doors into those that I could find were locked and no other way in. Why tease us with those locations and not let us investigate?

    3. Main quests held together with duct-tape. I already mentioned the problem with the 2nd main story quest, but the rest of them are pretty fragile too. It would be very easy to break quest progression just by exploring and finding quest locations early. None of them are locked until you have the quest to get into it like the Farpoint HV workshop in the tutorial was, if they just did that there would be a lot less problems. Instead of keeping the manual completion bandaid, just restrict physical access until the quest is in progress; you could keep it double-safe and still let players claim and loot the quest pois by using quest triggers to keep poi cores out of reach until the appropriate time. Other aspects of quest tracking probably need work too. In the tutorial quest, I was able to break it just by moving items from a container to a vehicle via the logistics system instead of directly to my inventory, and the quest wouldn't progress even though I'd already fueled and stocked the ship the tutorial wanted me to use the items in. And the tutorial itself encourages using wireless logistics???

    4. Anti-fun post-tutorial.


    I was annoyed about the indestructible enemy Zirax bases so I decided to take a detour from the main story and try continuing the tutorial scenario from after its end, with the fleet of UCH ships at my disposal. Well, turns out you only get to use the main Command Ship, as all of the other ones don't allow you access. Worse, the core in the Command Ship is an admin core, so while you can use it as much as you like, you'll never be able to edit it. I thought that was fine, I'll just make my own CV once I got tired of this one. With some optimized play and relying on save backups, I managed to keep the Command Ship fueled enough to go back to Robinson, collect every last bit of loot from there, warp back to Heka Artemis, and travel around the 5 asteroid fields there to gather resources. I spent the whole day doing all that. Once I'd collected all the rare resources and built up my fuel reserves to overflowing, I decided to try and warp out of the Blue Wastes, only to just then find out that there was a max warp distance of 30 light years and every possible destination besides Robinson was at least 75 light years away. Devastated. Absolute worst way to find out about warp limits. IDA couldn't have mentioned as the tutorial ended that the whole UCH fleet was stranded in these two star systems??? So many of the early questlines in the main scenario take place in the starting system there that I hadn't attempted to warp elsewhere yet in my main save. Just... why would they design it like this? Why get to continue the save, with a free mining ship, in a system chock full of mineable asteroids, only for them to not let you go anywhere with it? Now I'm stuck with like 12 hours of time wasted, and I can't find any possible way to cheat around the 75 LY gap so I can explore freely; any posts I could find on changing warp distance are 4 years old and trying to apply the method to my save crashed my game.

    I might post my likes later, just all this stuff and other minor issues I keep running into have been killing my vibe even though I was really getting into the game. This game runs worse than anything else on my PC, and it can run No Man's Sky on ultra. I've been dipping down from ~50 to 15 fps sometimes and I haven't even built any giant crazy structures yet; my frames die just from going through pois along the main story route. I also heavily agree with others here on the arbitrary limitations on blocks that can be used on different vessel types. I love traveling around in a capital ship but I had to build a permanent base just to be able to use a smelter and a deconstructor, which makes it such a pain to use those two because I have to haul all the things I need to use those for across the solar system in my CV so I can dump them off to my stationary base. It's a huge inconvenience. And in all that time spent travelling, I can't walk around my CV and get other things done, like manually queueing up crafting recipes in my constructors. Which, btw, is REALLY slow, and the only thing that can be automated is the smelter and its limited recipes. I've also found that sleeping to skip time only seems to advance the progress of one constructor at a time, massively diminishing the benefits of having multiple constructors running in parallel. I should be able to set constructors to craft a select number of recipes automatically whenever ingredients are available, even better would be some simple logic options like "Craft X if amount of Input is more than Y" or "Craft X when less than Y Output remaining in container." One last complaint is that enemy npcs with range seem to always have perfect accuracy, which has been a real pain in clearing pois, another reason I went back to the tutorial scenario. It's like instead of actually calculating shots and accuracy, the game just puts their aim on a laser straight to you if you're in line of sight and sets it to do damage every couple of ticks. It feels really bad to fight against, and doesn't feel like how npcs work in any other game, like the way it's handled behind the scenes is very scuffed somehow. Same with flight. Its alright in space, but when you're flying in atmosphere in a SV or CV it doesn't feel like you're flying a constructed vehicle with a shape to it through air, it feels like noclipping around in a static object, if that makes sense.

    That was probably a bit much, I'm just in a sour mood because this IS a cool game with a lot of depth and potential, it just REALLY needs some polish for it to shine.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    This was my list from a little over a year ago:

    1) That I can often be "hit" by melee foes from way beyond their visual attack range.
    2) That I can often be hit through solid blocks by many melee attackers and, to a lesser degree, some ranged attackers.
    3) That despite having perfect LoS on a target, my shots are often still blocked.

    I played the game a bit last night, raiding a POI. I suffered from 1 a couple of times, didn't experience 2 or 3 though. Have things improved?

    To be clear, I was hit by melee attackers while I was well out of range, the classic they started their attack animation while I likely was in range, but I wasn't near when it completed, yet I still took damage. However, I did not appear to be hit through solid blocks at any point, though I didn't specifically test the "standing on a block and getting hit through it from below" case. Remarkably, several times I was shooting around regular base blocks - shots that would normally be blocked, despite perfect LoS and my target happily shooting me - and me shots were actually on target. I.e. I hit what I was looking at, not some random base block two feet to my left. This is good. I've not tested with the various particularly bad deco blocks in a POI yet, but regular base blocks - half blocks, slopes and the like - seem to not be consistently blocking my shots as they once did, while letting enemy shots through. I even shot through a damaged half block where there was LoS on an enemy, and I hit the enemy rather than the block. Miracles happen lol.

    Can anyone else confirm there have been improvements here, or did I just have a VERY lucky experience? I was in the Abandoned Drone Base POI FYI.

    For me, it's always been these core game elements not working well that I dislike the most. I'd rather dev time be spent fixing these things than any new content. There are many great POI's out there, both vanilla an third party, that have the experience compromised due to these issues.

    If I were to add one more thing to my list, it would be:

    - When critters / enemies spawn RIGHT on top of me in a POI. Not appearing behind a door, not emerging from a vent (texture) or a crack in the wall, but simply just magically appearing in front of me. Had this last night in the Abandoned Drone Base POI, with various scorpions spawning on the very same block I was standing on. Pure cheese.

    Edit: Gonna have to take point 2 back. In the lower levels of the Abandoned Drone Base I had a Nightmare walk right through the block I was standing on, then attack me through it with me able to do nothing about it. Nightmares are a particular issue as they're slightly taller than one block high, but can readily walking into a space just half a block high. They then exploit the fact that they are clipping to attack with impunity.

    This is the thing, this is still an issue years later. I took damage due to this, picked up space herpes and potentially will die. This needs to be fixed. As is sadly often the case, I utilised the Console to counter this issue. God Mode so I don't take the invalid damage - though my suit still takes damage - and the Item Menu to cure the damage and disease I did not legitimately get. POI had been fairly good until this point...
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
  18. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Yup, I agree, and yup, I've had a couple of good sneak shots through broken block holes, that always makes me happy.:)
    I've been whacked by stuff that shouldnt get me, like standing on a high rock and the golem thing hits right through and gets me... bad news when it's a mutilation on the first day,

    As for the spawning:
    I'll admit now that I don't play the way most do, if my dude dies I restart fresh... and, I only use the AdAstra modified version of Reforged Eden ONE Un Ed, (unfortunately it's last update was some time ago so much new stuff isn't there) however, the spawning...

    I've noticed on many occasions that Zerax minigun/rocket/plasma drones often emerge from the sand on desert planets and I love that, whether it's a feature or a bug I don't know, but I have an intense hatred of thin air spawns, seeing them emerge from where they were is heartwarming...(it also gives me time to shoot them first... but I rarely do, that's just rude!)

    I do however feel that this would be a great way to introduce critters to the battle, emerge from grates, crevaces and broken blocks, sometimes I find that I've triggered a spawn and as I'm running I've gone past it... (perhaps spawn points too close to the trigger) but in an empty corridor "how could I miss them" so for me, trigger early and get the enemies into their places before I get there!

    I've just looked, and I've got over 3500 hours on this game and still feel as though I'm a newcommer noob and you guys are the ones to be looked to when I have a question, I've made a few 'good for me' builds and enjoyed it emensely, and for the 'very' most part get over the few niggles.

    I would like to be able to get into the scripts to correct certain things, and I'd like a keypress when looking at a block to find out what it's ID is so if need be I can alter or adjust it easily without the trawling through thousands of lines.
    The Space battles were for me so long drawn out against the big fella's where the skelleton of a battleship with a million engines keeps just going round and round and round... "fer f**** sakes yer dead, stop, just give up" I could spend thousands of rounds trying to finish one off and far too long (maybe I've seen too much Star Trek TNE), so I've altered the damage I, and of course they do... battles are quicker new and I've started many new games because of it.

    My last restart was because I was standing outside my ship in space laughing at a little drone getting spun in circles by my turrets when a Zerax Battle ship crept up behind me and missiled me in the back of the head...
  19. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Try the <di> command in the ~tilda command line -- might need to toggle <gm> command on and off but seem to remember the di info box is persistant -- gives enough block information that you can identify and in build mode find what block type yopu want to globbally replace on your structure.
    Peter Conway likes this.
  20. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Thank you Tony, that helps a lot, I can see my way forward in the configs, top man:)

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