I believe I figured it out. Low memory. I wasn't sure how the memory usage was going to be and I had a crap ton of players on last night. I bumped my system up to 64gb and that seemed to fix it. Thanks for the help.
I increased my server to 64gb and I'm still getting complaints that some aren't getting the survival kits. I thought it might be a memory issue. Are there any logs I can pass over? Also, one more question. I'm going out of town for 3 days, is there a way to automate the updating of the server through EAH? I didn't think there was but I figured I'd ask. Thanks! Jack
In the map where u have installed EAH there is a log file. In the tool Config -> Bug Fixes there is a checkbox Detailed Logs check that Send log to Jascha so he can check Second question No, not that i know off
k one last question pls, can you give me a print screen on the proper way to reset starter planets/moons/orbits? I apparently did it wrong in the past. Thanks Taelyn!
Another Hotfix. This fixes the following issues: - Timetable Every Monday/Thuesday/... not working correct (Wrong days). - Chatbot Exception - Timeout for Mod/Sync increased It also includes some new features (more infos with next Version Patch note): - CB:Reset is still every 12 hours possible. But the first 10 hours after a wipe each player has one reset extra (since many start twice on a wrong planet) - CB:? --> Added missing Commands - New CB Commands for Admins (and name change of old ones) CB:SHUTDOWN -> CB:SERVER_STOP CB:TOOLSAVE -> CB:TOOL_SAVE CB:Server_Stop = Stops the Server in 5 minutes CB:Server_Restart = Restarts the Server in 5 minutes CB:Tool_Save = Saves the tool data CB:Tool_Restart = Restarts the tool All functions shown via CB:? for Admins - Tool connects to server automatically on startup - No Messagebox when Mod is not up to date. Now showing in the "Latest Warning" area There might be more Hotfixes in the next days until we get especially the Synchronization of Server/client much more stable. Download as usual: https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download
Here we go with another hotfix: - That should fix the problem with unkonw items and red marked people, especially when using the Master/slave - New function to prevent the collecting of structure infos on a certain playfield (use it for instances for example). Checkbox in Playfield list. - Some Item bugs and Items are now in a sepperate DB - Prevent emergency warp when Playfield is not set - Master/Slave should now exchange all player infos Lets see what else we can fix
hi all, to reset the poi´s do i have to add all playfields in the task ? or if i leave it blank it resets all ? thx Vossi
U have to set the playfields u want to reset in the task yes Seperates by a # Example : Akua#Omicron#Masperon#Akua Orbit# etc etc etc Example Screenshot: (just insteed Deposit Reset u make it POI Reset) And make sure the POIs are listed in the Deposit section of EAH (press fill up with POIs)
I finally got the admin helper working again, but why is it not showing the people online now. The list to the right is there, but its not showing who is online atm. just noticed chat messages are not going through either, what am i doing wrong. Thanks for any and all help.
Lite, it was working great till the other day. So today i removed it from my cpu and done a fresh install, everything comes up , and the FTP says successful download. The list on the right is full and i can even see player inventory, but the online player list in the middle is empty and none of the chat is working.
Does he show a green button on top? Is your telnet open, configured in tool and connected? Can you send me your logs please?
I see the logs text file, how do you want me to send it to you? Yes my telent is turned on for my server, and the only button i have on the top right, looks like a power button) is red and it dont do anything when pressed.
If that button stays red then something is wrong in the config or a bug in the program. The button should turn green if everything is right. U can upload the log here or send it to w3dg.gaming@gmail.com
I sent the log to your email earlier. with a screenshot of the helper, if you need anything else let me know
Hi Not sure what the deal is, but I am trying to add in the deposits on the Trader Residence Playfield by typeing "DI Playfield:Trader Residence,Name:Iron Deposit,E/W:21,N/S:265" and nothing is being added when I refresh the affected structures. Am I missing or doing something wrong? Thanks