Update This time the update is a bit bigger again, event though the list is not that long. We updated all the tools we are using to ensure better performance and stability. We also fixed some bugs that are around longer and were quite annoying. But most important.... I finally had more time to work on the Event manager: - Better UI - More options - More information for each option - New Event "Capture the base" I am still working on it and will do a lot more the next weeks. So far the "Capture the base" event should be ready. I still have to check some more things and implement a few more functions for this event though. After that I will do another update and also create a small docu for it. Then more events will follow. Please be aware: This version is newer then the version with A8.6.2 Hotfix! Patch notes - Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. This Version will be available over steam with the next Game Version (A8.6.2 Hotfix contains the Version which is missing just some Eventmanager changes) Added: Updated all tools in use Added: Welcome Message: Wait 60 Seconds Added: Structure Limit: Protect Admin Cores from Class/block limit Added: Strucutre destruction (after hours/after not touched): Send a message every 12 hours 2 days before. Added: Event Manager: New UI to add/edit Events Added: Event Manager: Event Type "Capture the base" implemented. Added: Event Manager: Winner and prices are impolemented for capture the base Added: Event Manager: History Added: Event Manager: Update of many functions Added: CB:NextWipe/Restart default limited to 3 days Fixed: No logs when . EAH in Path Fixed: Tool does not recognize Player getting offline when having some disconnects Fixed: Logs missing due to multiple access Fixed: Structure limit: Recognizes change to late Fixed: Player not saved in DB on restart
Hotfix just fixed an issue that there where no Playfields to select in the Eventmanager Positions list and also that the DiffConstrCraftTime in the gameoptions.yaml did not work. Just redownload form our website. Thanks for the fast responses!
any way we get master tool stop button back ..on server we use we cant stop the tool all time and things get out syc even after we restart it so stopping it and server same time be great
Hey, what do you mean with "get it back"? If you set your slave to "slave" mode you should have the option as usual:
thats restart used to be a Stop button not same if i want to stop it and the the sever so i bring 1 up before other so i can resyc them
only way i do it now is force update as server and tool runs it stops both with out restart so i then start server 1st then the tool if i use tool stop the server i cant restart it with out tool or it de syc them this way i can stop 1 then stop other and start server own its own 1st then start the tool so no extra stuff happens and best way i seen keep it synced up
Update Small update to fix some event manager problems. Thanks to @xcom_kill Patch notes - Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. This Version will be available over steam with the next Game Version. Fixed: EV:? and other chatbot commands not reacting Fixed: Gameconfig DiffConstrCraftTime Fixed: Eventmanager Position Playfield empty Fixed: Gameoptions activate for gamefolder only
Update Hey everyone, besides some busy weeks we worked a lot on the Event manager. So much that we also started our first automated/and repeating Events on HWS. We also started to implement a few more events.... but more are coming. If you encounter any problems, have any questions or suggestions, just let us know! Enjoy! Patch notes - Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. This Version will be available over steam with the next Game Version. Added: Admin:WarpToPlayer New Chatbot function Added: CB:Info show player Id Added: Structure: Structure log: GUI changed Added: Item: Load Categories from Config.cfg Added: Event: New Events: Reach Position / Reach Position first Added: Event: New Events: Has Item / Has Item first Added: Event: GUI update Added: Event: Allow later joins Added: Event: Warping of player after DSL Added: Event: Logs Added: Event: More Historie Information Added: Event: Warp PLayer on Start of Event Added: Event: Warp player optional Added: Event: EV:Restart optional Fixed: Event: Warp without selected position not working Fixed: Event: Capture the base problems Fixed: Event: many small bugs
Update Smal fix for the Eventmanager and the playfield restrictions. Also added a new requirements option for the Event manager. Patch notes - Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. Added: Event: Required Item/Amount option Added: ADM: PlayerId's moved to level 1 Fixed: Event: Has Item/Reach position winner not found Fixed: Event: Price (Credits) not given Fixed: Playfield restriction warping people out when set to 999
Update This update includes a smal fix to prevent "Wipe all" not to work. The game seems to not do a wipe all the time if its set to all. Gladly there is a way around. We also introduce a new game-bug-fix. CB:Warprescue. You can turn it on in the config. It should help stranded players that had a disconnect after warp, to get to their ship. Enjoy! Patch notes - Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. Added: CB:Warprescue :ShipID --> enables player to get to their ship after a warp-disconnect Added: Config: Debug:CB:WarpRescue to turn it on/off Added: Backups: Check space for only 5 more backups (before 10) Fixed: Event: Remove required item not working Fixed: Wipe all not working due to gamebug
Hotfix Well its only half of an Hotfix. It does fix new playfields being set to belong to Origin 0. (This of course only affects you if you use Playfield Faction restrictions). Also included a few updates made in between and also other bug fixes. Patch notes - Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. Added: Coordinate logs: Add Pilot name Added: Gameoptions: Trading: More information Added: Chatbot: prevent spam with structure commands Added: Structure Backup: Include Gameoptions.yaml Added: Structure Backup: Add empty Area folders Fixed: Mods! output Fixed: Playfield restriction set to Origin 0 by default Please check the Playfield list for the "Belongs to Origin" column and set it to 999 for no restrictions. (You can also use the button "Set belongs to to "No") Or turn of the Playfield Faction restriction in the config, if not in use. Fixed: Structure detail logs window cut off
Hi, how i can use the Master/Slave function to share with my admins? I can't find anything to setup this feature. LG Marc
Hey, this might help: https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-emp-admin-helper-eah-free-v1-43-x.5771/page-26#post-139168
Update (Only for Alpha 9!) EAH is now ready for Alpha 9. This means we replaced the download for Alpha 8 (but besides the new factions, all should work still). We also fixed quite some bugs for the eventmanager and added some new things to it. This Version will also be available over steam with Alpha 9. Patch notes - (Ready for Alpha 9.0) Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. Added: Alpha 9 ready Added: New Items Added: CB: Destroy/CB:GoToShip delay option Added: CB: Destroy: Exclude Alliances as enemies nearby Added: Intruder Messge: Send Message to discord if noone is online (every few minutes) Added: Playfield structure limits: Alliance SV Added: Structures: Aln/Zrx/Tal/Pol faction (Set and regenerate) Added: Offline Jobs: Check if player is still online Added: Playfield: Manual structure load function Added: Event: Message update Added: Event: EV:List Show if applied/participating in event Added: Event: Max Player/Faction/Alliance Added: Event: Price - Credits per kill Added: Event: Playfield belongs to type currently Added: Event: Playfield winner will not be warped out anymore Fixed: Event: Warp out not always working Fixed: Event: Playfield belongs to Fixed: Event: Stack of wipe options not working Fixed: Event: Allow later join not working
Hotfix Smal hotfix for a few connection issues and also to prevent exploits through the new logistic system (until its fixed ingame). Patch notes - Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. This Version is already out on Steam Fixed: Transaction deadlock in certain situations Fixed: Duplicate factins 1-3 Fixed: Workaround for AM:Fuel and other exploits (will be undone with the next Empyrion Hotfix). AM:Fuel will be sperad equally to all autominer until then. So no manual choice is possible.
Hallo, ist der Chat-Bot in der Lite-Version aktiv oder nur in der Full-Version.? Bekomme es in Lite nicht zum Laufen. Gleiches gilt für die Funktionen im Timetable. Habe ein Gameserver bei einem Hoster und nur FTP Zugang und die IP und 3 verschieden Ports (Fürs Game, Telnet und Query/Webserverport. Verbindung zum Gameserver habe ich, Spieler, chatverlauf werden angezeigt.. Vllt. kann mir ja wer eine Info dazu geben. Vielen Dank.
Hey, chatbot ist auch bei der lite enthalten. Muss aber in der Config aktiviert werden. Features\Config\Chat Ansonsten einfach mal cb:? oder MODS! ausprobieren. Kommt ne Meldung funktioniert der Chatbot
Danke, für die schnelle Antwort. CB:? geht aber die Befehle wie zb. CB:NextWipe nicht. Bekomme auch andere Befehle wie zB. Player- Edit- Godmode ON/OFF nicht durch zum server. Vermutlich habe ich irgendwo noch was falsch eingestellt..