huhu, ich habe gestern meinen Serveranbieter gewechselt. Von G-Portal nach Und da hatte ich die Möglichkeit beides zu testen. Die Einrichtung Master/Slave ging soweit. In Zzusammenarbeit mit den Kollegen von GamerzHost läuft fast alles, dass einzige, was ich nicht ans laufen bekommen, ist, in der Config Registerkarte sind die beiden Bereiche "Server" und "Game" ausgeggraut. Ich denke, dass hat etwas mit falsch hinterlegten Dateipfaden im Mastertool zutun. GamerzHost nutzt ja keine StandardPfade. Vielen Dank schon mal für die Infos. Lieben Gruß Luzillus
Ah ok. Ja das ist im moment nicht für den slave implementiert. Das sind ja die beiden Dedicated.yaml und GameConfig.Yaml. Die kann man entweder manuell oder manchmal auch über den Hoster einstellen.
Sorry for noob question, but is there way to hide chatbot automessages(from time table) in EAH??? Thx forward
for exlenation.. server will showthis messages, EAH slave(what I using) have option to turn off this automessages only for EAH, do not spam the chatwindow
Ah I understand... yeah we have that also quite long on our list. Never build it. Have to check if its that easy, but I fear not
Update Small update with a few new features/fixes for A10. Attention for Server Hoster: The Config format changed a bit. Instead of using Attributes, each setting is now its own element. EAH will read old formats of the config, but will save them always in the new one. Patch notes - (Alpha 10 only!) Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave! This Version will be available over steam on the EXP Branch and via manual download after the EXP is released. Added: Config changed to separate elements Added: Implemented new console commands Added: New ModAPI Added: Creation of Mod Info Yaml Added: Config: Chat: Show automated server messages in chat list Added: Limit message box text to 35 lines Added: CB:Wipe Order by date Added: Playfield: Belongs to alliance of faction
Update Hey guys, a small update for A10. Especially important for server hoster, so that it will make it a bit easier for them to use EAH and maybe allow more to use it. Patch notes - (Alpha 10 only!) Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update. If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan. In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave! This Version will be available over steam on the EXP Branch and via manual download. Added: Mod API update Added: New Console command Added: Server Hoster Security update. Allows to use parameter with the EmpAdminhelper.exe which can't be changed by the user then. The following parameter can be used to start the EmpAdminHelper.exe Server_IP, Overwrite_Telnet_IP, Telnet_Port, API_IP, API_Port, Sync_Type, Sync_IP, Sync_Port, Use_Plain_Sync_PW, Game_Path, Backup_Path, Use_Dedicated_CMD Remember to escape \ at the end of the path property and set path in "" like Game_Path="C:\ABC\"
Hello Im wondering If there is a way to carry over Virtual autominers from server wipes Is there a file or something i can save, Also would like to be able to save players ships as well Any info or links would be great
Hey, there is no such function yet in EAH Full. But there are several backpack mods that should be able to carry over some stuff. About ships: Even though there is technically a possibility, I would not suggest it, since much changes during an Alpha.
Hi, why discord bot sends to discord channel only auto messages and server messages, but not player messages? How can I solve this issue? Thank you!
Hey, there are 2 channels. One is only for Admin calls and error messages from EAH. The other one, the public channel is for all chat in the public channel. Not from private or faction chat. And then there are the faction channels, but they only contain the faction chat. Which one do you use? As far as I can see it works on our side.