[TOOL] eWCCT | Empyrion Web Content Creator Tool

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    with this patch I finally implemented something what annoyed me a lot - the cascading navigation system.
    You have now a global quick navigation bar at the top.
    I made the most important call to action buttons import + export bigger.

    Last but not least new additions by Eleon came in.
    The new variable dbplayerpf_int is a great one for instances!
    For more check out the changelog and tool documentation of course.


    21.08.2020 | v1.6.0
    • Redesigned few elements.
    • Added new Navigation Bar at the top for quick jumping between the most important pages on the website.
    • Added new variable type: dbplayerpf_int (Experimental version). Those player specific variable count only for that specific playfield. Perfect for instance, where each instance is a "new playfield".
    • Added more tags and explanation to the documentation. Note: some are relevant for the upcoming Experimental version like OpenTraderWindow() and dbplayerpf_int.
    • Fixed some issues or forgotten infos.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    jmcburn and ravien_ff like this.
  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    15.09.2020 | v1.7.0
    • Added background image to landing page.
    • Added new variable types: dbplayerpfpoi_int and dbglobalpf_int.
    • Added new variables and explanation to the documentation. Note: only relevant for the Experimental version.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Kaeser, ravien_ff and jmcburn like this.
  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Hey @RexXxuS , can't find if this was already asked so here goes

    When working with the tool I get to export the files to PC which I can later place at the Scenario folder, but if I'm working with the standard Dialog files I can just import them from the game configuration folder, change them and then export them again to the game folder

    The problem is, for testing I tend to switch between builds a lot so, if I wanted to just merge my newly created dialogs to the new just updated standard Dialog files, how was I to do that?

    I already tried to just append the new lines I created manually to both files but that doesn't work so how can I do it using the eWCCT Tool?

    And yeah, I would prefer to work with the standard ones as is the best option I have at the moment
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    I really recommend to use a version control flow. Git for example. The program Fork.
    This is what I am doing, to always keep track what changes I made, revert any time, if I work on different branches, etc.

    However, plain put, especially if you want to dive more into the joy of Dialogues, I recommend to only work in eWCCT. Not to praise the tool here, but just because manual editing in Notepad++ for example is very prone to errors.
    Working in those text editors also motivates you (human) to do "lazy" stuff like thinking "ah, let's just add that string here quick".
    Then, Oops, you do a
    Output: "this is my text string"
    Instead of proper keys and referencing in the CSV.

    This is honestly done in the vanilla .ecf file a lot. Every hardcoded string in the .ecf file also means you can't translate it to other languages anymore.

    eWCCT however can't do the hard work here automatically.
    It will just read those hardcoded strings and keep them.

    IF you want to convert the vanilla .ecf file into a clean .ecf file with string keys, you have to cut out the whole output text for example and paste it in again, for each string. That way eWCCT will create its own key + string properly.

    Sounds all confusing but feel free to ask again if something is not clear.
    Kaeser and ravien_ff like this.
  5. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    03.10.2020 | v1.7.1

    For the upcoming patch (Experimental):
    • Added documentation about new possibility of String variable. You can jump to States with the @ symbol in next states now.
    • You can now have 12 Options instead of 7.
    • You can now have 30 Next states instead of 10.
    • Fix width bug in Firefox Browser.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
    Kaeser, jmcburn and ravien_ff like this.
  6. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Can the eWCCT dialog tool be used to complete a mission in the PDA?

    Mission is to get a token (used to open a door) and return it to the NPC.
    Options are to return (yes) or keep (no)
    If they select yes, the token is removed, it completes the mission and continues to the next
    If they select no, it hangs up the mission.

    Can I set it up in the eWCCT to complete the mission if they select (no)? If so, how?
    Or is there another way to go about this?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes you can use dialog to complete missions.
    I'm not at my PC atm but you set it up in the pda mission itself. There's a dialog option check so you can check when a player picks a specific dialog option and then complete the mission.

    eWPDA has the function listed.
    krosbonez and RexXxuS like this.
  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey Dialogue and Story lover,

    as you can see in the latest EXP patch, the Dialogue system went through the roof what is possible.

    But let me say first of all thank you to some few, who donated for eWCCT, eWSSC and eWPDA, sending me very kind appreciated messages. Even a small amount put a smile on my face every time and motivates me to keep working hard on it - since I spent easy over 450 hours in all tools already, I really appreciate such support a lot.

    Well, this eWCCT patch is so huge, that I went to version number 2.0.0 straight away. Not only all new feature additions Eleon added are included but important bug fixes, convenience improvements and overall workflow things got improved too - since I spend days with the tool myself sometimes.
    There is still lot of ideas I have, especially this annoying export handling of the files all the time... something for 2021.

    For one new feature I even made a video, which might be helpful for some:

    Some other features are used in the Vanilla Dialogues.ecf too. So check that file out too.
    Otherwise you can ask here if you want.

    04.11. - 01.12.2020 | v2.0.0
    • For the EXP patch:
    • Added Filter also for Token Page!
    • Added BarkingState feature to reference states for Bark texts for NPCs.
    • Added Execute Editor feature for specific code executions.
    • Added new Functions feature! It lets you create re-usable super advanced Functions in your Dialogue with a bit programming.
    • Added documentation about new possibility of C# code executions.
    • Added new Sub routine jump logic to OptionNext and Next state. Same result as String > Jumpstates but more convenient for new users.
    • Added documentation about new Sub routine jump mechanic.
    • Added Return state for Next values IF you set Sub routine jumps.
    • Added new variables dbstate_string, dbplayer_string, dbglobal_string. You can store strings in the database now!
    • Added new form of variable / feature. Player.Skills['name']. See documentation.
    • Added visual feedback if you ALT + click copy an item into your clipboard.
    • Added user error if leaving OptionNext empty. An "End" will be exported automatically then.
    • Added better feedback for red warning if user set wrong / own state without pressing Enter.
    • Added scroll to bottom button and changed previous icon for "scroll to last state".
    • Added automated "Scroll to last state" after page reload.
    • Added better visibility for Token ID in the list.
    • Added some hover info hints for buttons.
    • Added Save toolip once tool saved your changes.
    • Added finally support for BlocksConfig.ecf and ItemsConfig.ecf import! Moved ItemsHelper at the top. Clear your browser database and re-import all files!

    • Improved input suggestion dropdown handling.
    • Improved documentation handling for some properties.
    • Improved Token Number visibility in the left list.

    • Changed Name State handling from plain input to the smart dropdown system. With ALT + Left click you can directly copy the State name to paste it in the game Dialogue window.
    • Changed green Plus button (Add Object) is always left now.
    • Changed input string format in multi line input field without ability to press Enter key for new line.
    • Changed on Scenario Import the Dialogues Page is now shown instead of Token Page.
    • Changed "code" input fields to Monospace font, to differentiate better between text and code.
    • Changed styling of smart boxes and dropdown list.

    • Updated more documentation.

    • Fixed monster fail: forgot to implement the mega performance boost from 6th May 2020.
    • Fixed that b-code was shown in Token Tree list, instead of proper colored font for example.
    • Fixed Language Switcher not working on change.
    • Fixed some style issues.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Kassonnade and Kaeser like this.
  9. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Ehm, ok. I traveled to the future, checked how I can do it and went back. Did cost me only 5 hours tonight - I couldn't resist :D

    02.12.2020 | v2.1.0
    • Added Export Feedback. In combination with this chrome extension you don't have a "Save as" Dialog anymore. 1 click export, done. Become a Patron and I show you exactly how :D

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    Kassonnade likes this.
  10. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    04.12.2020 | v2.1.3
    • Improved text break line handling... maybe one day I can make it perfect but it's really tricky to solve such workarounds we are forced to do here..
    • Fixed some html/text conversions.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  11. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    It gets old that I always think that I am finally ready with my tools... but once I start working with them myself I can't resist to polish them. Hope you don't mind :)

    You have now image support for eWCCT Tokens (Experimental Patch!)



    04.12.2020 | v2.2.0
    • Added Icon Support for Tokens!! Together with the upcoming SharedData change, this is a great way to see your custom Token Icons right away in the Browser! It took me one day to figure out the best way to do it. Right now I convert your jpg/png files into base64 binary data and store it as string in your Browsers Localstorage. I have to do it like that, cause Localstorage can only store ~5MB of data. That means, if you clear your localstorage, you have to "reupload" all of your images again, to see them on the website.
    • Added new CustomIcon Property for import and export (properly strips away the file extension on export).
    • Added Custom Icon documentation how it works in combination with SharedData.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Kaeser, ravien_ff and Kassonnade like this.
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    I couldn't sleep because of those bugs... NOW I'm done....

    05.12.2020 | v2.2.6
    • Fixed / Improved Import handling of Config files.
    • Fixed Dialogues Tree was not visible on first import load.
    • Fixed Token Tree Filter was empty and thus the list.
    • Fixed Dialogues and Token Tree Scroll buttons did not work on first import load.
    • Fixed not all localstorage keys were removed when red clear button was pressed.
    • Fixed Token CustomIcon export didn't work properly.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
    Kassonnade and ravien_ff like this.
  13. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    08.12.2020 | v2.3.0
    • Added new property: SetBlockActive('BlockName', true/false). Just in case you don't want to work with Signals...
    • Fixed some styles.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Kassonnade, Kaeser and ravien_ff like this.
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That will be very handy. No more having to place dummy switches for everything. :D
    Kassonnade and RexXxuS like this.
  15. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Indeed, had one case I had to make the sensor be activated by it's own signal because setting the sensor to ON by a dialog just randomly stopped working....
    Kassonnade, RexXxuS and ravien_ff like this.
  16. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    11.12.2020 | v2.3.5
    • Couple of style changes to streamline hover states and focus on call to action buttons

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    ravien_ff and Kassonnade like this.
  17. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    17.12.2020 | v2.4.0
    • Changed the annoying list refresh when not needed! It is a passive save state like in eWPDA now.
    • Updated documentation.
    • Fixed ExecuteEditor did not export Semikolon properly, leading to an error
    • Fixed Filter did not update properly

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    ravien_ff and Taelyn like this.
  18. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    20.12.2020 | v2.4.2
    • Fixed exported quotes sometimes in a new line for executes - error ingame.
    • Fixed wrong export semicolon placements for Executes in combination with break lines - error ingame.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  19. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    15.01.2021 | v2.5.0
    • Added new function IsFactionDiscovered(Faction.Name) to documentation.
    • Added new function SetNPCName('name') to documentation.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Aersaud, ravien_ff and Taelyn like this.
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    09.03.2021 | v2.6.0
    • Added new setting / feature to allow to change the export prefix. This makes it much more convenient to work on / with different Scenario files. NOTE: works only for new created Dialogues / Strings. You have to manually replace older keys.
    • Changed export key length from 5 to 7. That means you have 3.142.742.836.021 combinations now and to hit the same key a second time is... quite low (was low before too but 7 is always the solution ;) )
    • Fixed missing Token Title in the Filter sidebar

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.

    Attached Files:

    ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.

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