v1.2.X Patches

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Oct 8, 2020.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists!

    Welcome to version 1.2!

    Those of you, following us on the forums, twitter and Discord might already have seen a few of the additions, update 1.2 will add to the game. But as this patch has been growing a bit more into an intermediate version, there is a lot more to be found. Some additions might only seem to be visual changes, like the new Asteroid rings (which are now visible from planets as well) and other entries of the changelog below might sound like technical shenanigans, but both will prepare some of the groundwork we will iterate on for this years ‘Christmas update’.


    While you venture through the world of v1.2, also mind the new behavior and attacks of the ‘Otyugh’ land predator, check the loot boxes closely for a new fire-spitting weapon and enjoy all the new POIs.

    A note for builders: In case your structure or vessel suddenly loses oxygen, check your slant, half and irregular blocks, tilted windows and other elements that worked to ‘seal off’ an area before! The O2 distribution is now calculated on 0.5m scale and will be able to fill in and pass through tighter areas!

    Check out all the changes and additions in the changelog below!

    As always please note:

    Read first before reporting a bug: https://empyriononline.com/threads/...uirements-known-issues-troubleshooting.47082/
    Bug reports: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

    For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

    Have fun exploring in v1.2!
    Empyrion Dev Team


    Hotfix 2020-11-07 v1.2.3 (B3140)

    - DB: added a warning message if a query was executed more than 1s after it got scheduled
    - DB: added index for long lasting query to get all teleporters in games with huge DBs. Also added index for querying chat messages.
    - Fixed CoQ when opening menu windows that show the player inventory
    - Ship controller : decrease the penalty from 8% to 5% each time the booster is activated


    Hotfix 2020-11-02 v1.2.3 (Build 3136)

    - Fixed: Weapons can still fire when the firing direction is blocked
    - Fixed: Docked vessel exploit
    - Fixed: Placeable devices do not take damage
    - Fixed: Thruster boost exploit

    - Updated EAH, patch notes:


    Hotfix 2020-10-23 v1.2.2 (Build 3135)

    - Fixed: turret docked collider target <- AI Turrets no longer target docked vessels
    - Fixed problem that rockets did not hit a moving ship reliable
    - Potential fix for dialogue variables getting reset to 0: set wait timeout for DB variables from 10s to 30s. Less DB traffic by writing player log data less often (every 3min instead of every 1min)


    Hotfix 2020-10-20 v1.2.1 (Build 3134)

    - Removed template of Flamethrower fuel as it is not intended to be craftable

    - Fixed: BlockDestroyed Check do not work properly anymore (won't fix existing savegames)
    - Fixed: O2 tanks missed texture after SI collapse
    - Fixed: Oxygen doesn't fill the back side of force field
    - Fixed: Center of Mass shifted from center
    - Fixed: When a HV enters a gravity gen field it can be launched up away from the structure
    - Fix for exploit that you could open the CP on junk structures that had no core by clicking the "Statistics" button in the Registry
    - Possible fix for client crashes if the colliders of two big ships overlapped


    Hotfix 2020-10-12 v1.2.1 (Build 3132)


    - Fixed "Spawn at Home base" not working in MP if player died in a different playfield
    - Fixed bright spot on a planet happening during night sometimes.
    - Fixed regression that sun flare did not have the color of the sun.
    - Fixed reported exception on pf server (CA savegame) when loading 'Black Hole'


    Patch 2020-10-10 v1.2 (Build 3131)

    - Fixed: Wrong visualisation for "Show Airtight Blocks"
    - Fixed: Set Home / Respawn at own structures does not work
    - Fixed: flares in structures not showing up


    Patch 2020-10-08 v1.2 (Build 3129)

    - Renamed the new asteroid rings around planets from AsteroidFieldRing to AsteroidRingPlanet, keeping the old AsteroidFieldRing instance
    - GrassV2: better check for abrupt steep slopes
    - Asteroids Rings: adjusted ring texture slightly, supporting now color grading (in yaml specifiy either "color1" or "color1 - color2"), visible from planet, playfield server now generates correct colliders around all players
    - Asteroids Rings: bigger size, allow to specify the color in the playfield.yaml under Properties, default color is grey
    - AsteroidRings: slightly higher distance to planet of inner ring, taking two random colors if nothing specified in yaml
    - AsteroidRings: desaturized random ring colors a bit, increased visible near distance of dust from 50m to 150m, improved fade in of asteroids
    - AsteroidRings: tinting asteroids according to ring color, asteroids got a bit bigger to avoid vessels getting stuck on colliding
    - AsteroidRings: increased visible near distance of dust even more from 150m to 200m, asteroids get now position above or below dust to not cut into it, higher visible distance for smaller asteroids
    - MP: structure updates are now sent every 3s instead of only 5s to show f.e. shield update state in MP faster
    - Optimization: all turrets in all structures don't do any target raycasting any more if they are switched off in CP
    - GrassV2: allowing now Flower01 and other cross planes in a much higher number, scaling xz also with half y if specified
    - GrassV2: increased number of possible instances from 2.5k to 30k
    - GrassV2: set internal buffers for custom mesh grass to 1000 each as they don't occur that often (performance optimization)
    - GrassV2: Added: custom meshes, improved probability backward compatibility
    - Added option to disallow spawn nearby in PvP
    - Land predator "Otyugh" improved behavior. Added: fireball and flame breath as attack options
    - Add INFO button + popup to constructor, furnace and deconstructor UI's
    - Modders can now put changed configuration files for the default scenario (.ecf files in Content/Configuration) in Content/Mods => no more need to touch the originals which will be overwritten with each update
    - Console command 'prefabinfo': Added: description for two parameters
    - Added: Structure Attack and Defense values to allow assessing / comparing different structures in regard of combat strength
    - Added: +PlayfieldDOKU folder to playfields and Added: Playfield Ambient Sound and Soundtrack files there.
    - O2 calculation is now done on 0.5m voxels instead of 1m voxels. With that change, structures will get oxygened in much more detailed areas.
    - ModAPI: Added: some requested properties to IStructure
    - ModAPI: Added: some requested properties to IEntity
    - Solar Panel : new console command "spanel af Param1 Param2" will add energy = Param1 to the solar battery. Param2 is optional and is the entity Id targeted (it must be a spawned base) without Param2 the closest base to the player will be targeted.
    - DialogueSystem: Added: new variable types (dbglobalpf_int and dbplayerpoi_int)
    - Creative mode: default-deactivated CPU (CPU and m/v can be activated via console > use 'help gopt' for more info)
    - Added: to /content/playfields folder: text file each with list of soundtracks and ambient sounds (for builders and creators)
    - Added: Flamethrower and Ammo to some Traders and Loot Tables
    - Added: error message when a playfield.yaml is of 0 bytes (reported by a server owner)
    - Internal optimization: normal data for planets is now saved in cache folder instead recreated every time on load
    - Removed internal workaround that planet needed to get rotated by 90°
    - Updated: Zirax Gas Refinery (Kaeser)
    - Added: New variant for Tribal Burial Chamber (Kaeser)
    - Added: AbandonedOutpost and AbandonedWorkshop (new T1 starter planet POIs; Not yet deployed; thx to fractalite & vermillion)
    - Added: Temple of the Lazpereis (9oo9oo; POI has pre-damaged admin core)
    - Added: Civil Transport Hub T2 (by Kithid)
    - Added: dedicated HP to CV Warpdrive
    - Added: Kriel Space Drone Base ( by Escarli)
    - Added: Zirax Dreadnought (by vermillion)
    - Updated: RadosMissileBase (thx to vermillion)
    - Updated: Kriel BAO Caenum Platearum (by Escarli)
    - Dialogues.ecf and Dialogues-config-and-examples.txt: Added example for Traders to have dialogue with the choice to go to their offers
    - Trader dialogue is now saved into blueprints as well
    - Sun light color is now applied to rings and distant objects as well
    - Updated Main Localization
    - Partially updated Localization of Default Scenario (PDA and Dialogues)
    - Partially updated Localization of Tutorial (PDA); Note: Empyriopedia has been removed from Tutorial PDA until updated/restructured
    - Ring asteroids: adjusted rotation to fit the old rings better, adjusted radius to fit the old rings better
    - DialogueSystem: allowing now 30 items for all lists (f.e. Next, etc), allowing now max. 12 results (old was 7), added possibility to jump to a state defined in a string variable
    - Set back device textures to 2k (from 1k). Use texture resolution "Half" to save memory on low end computers
    - Adapted Constructor-like devices help text's loca keys
    - Added randomized dialogue quotes to walking civilians and guards in the polaris planetary trading station (Starter planet) as a first test
    - Added back old Empyriopedia to Tutorial scenario
    - DB: added index for discovered POIs to speed up query
    - DB: added index for entities to speed up query


    - Fixed: Vegetation showing in POIs
    - Fixed: [MP] AI Turrets sometimes continue to shoot at dead NPC's that are not rendered
    - Fixed: Slow / bugged terrain rendering around POIs in MP
    - Fixed: Ultra Rare Alien Containers sometimes do not have loot
    - Fixed: Cruise Mode with thrusters off does not let ship come to a full stop
    - Fixed: Vessels can get stuck inside other vessels when the parent vessels "rolls" after undocking
    - Fixed: NPC spawn on Waystation 04
    - Fixed: Food Processor is always on when spawning a blueprint in
    - Fixed: Salvaging ventilator blocks did not give back materials
    - Fixed: issue with turkish loca on some occurences
    - Fixed: ZiraxCommander (old AI) can shoot through windows/walls/blocks
    - Fixed: Ammo missing message displaying when ammo type is available in the ammo box
    - Fixed: Certain blocks/devices get wrong block picked up with SI-collapsed parts
    - Fixed: A face of the block shape "Cube Stepped Edge" can go invisible when placed next to another block
    - Fixed: "Cut corner e" can get a invisible side with concrete stairs
    - Fixed: [MP/Co-op] No sound from doors or ramps which are setup to be controlled by motion sensors
    - Fixed: [Co-op] A CoQ can trigger when trying to join a Co-op game that has a password setup
    - Fixed: Drones randomly spawning in 1 location
    - Fixed: StationServices take money from player although repair area blocked / no repair happened
    - Fixed: Logistics window shows too many item cells and 'connected color' overlay stays on screen in these surplus cells (e.g. when changing to a repair station)
    - Fixed: Planet patrol vessels will not respawn
    - Fixed: O2 does not pass through doorframes and through certain arrangements
    - Fixed: Exiting a planet or moon's atmosphere into space will result in you being kicked backwards back into the planet
    - Fixed: Pirates Raider Base
    - Fixed: CoQ after removing the container assigned to deconstructor
    - Fixed: Auto level for players & vessels when within 6.25km of a planet is not the same
    - Fixed: problem that .bin file was always regenerated on first load of the game
    - Fixed: rolling prevents (shield) damage
    - Fixed: Thrust projection for "Thruster jet M" & "Thrusters L" not centered
    - Fixed: prefabinfo does not find blueprints in Stock folder
    - Fixed: Stopped AI Vessels can continue to move if the player moves far away
    - Fixed: "Discovered by" dates are not progressing & stuck at 01/08/2474
    - Fixed: Players with to high ping dont get kicked (=> on client side there is now a popup shown if the ping is 10s higher than the limit)
    - Fixed: Respawning at the tent will kill the player
    - Fixed: Sun flares not showing up on planet playfields
    - Fixed: AI patrols vessels can continue to rotate & turn at the location they were stopped
    - Fixed: AsteroidRings > fixed collider being positioned wrong in MP when changing from planet to space
    - Fixed: CoQ spam with Multiple AsteroidRings in a playfield
    - Fixed: Some AI patrols vessels can continue to rotate & turn at the location they were stopped
    - Fix for regression that player died again when he respawned at medic station and the BA with the medic station was DSL'ed
    - DialogueSystem: potential fix for losing variable content if there was a connection timeout when starting a dialogue

    - Updated EAH, patch notes: https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-eah-empyrion-admin-helper-v1-50-x.5771/page-69#post-417413
  2. MisadventuresVG

    MisadventuresVG Lieutenant

    May 2, 2018
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    Excellent job guys!
    Ardaric Vaane, 4ophe, byo13 and 2 others like this.
  3. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    The usual lovely laundry list-like patch notes, weren't you guys supposed to have stopped developing the game and scammed us all???;-)

    Thanks a bunch and also thanks to the Community people who contributes with very cool POIs, it's always nice to explore a new POI, especially those well made.
  4. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Thank god, I can't tell you how many times I've looted POIs and have gotten multiple empty ultra rare containers.

    Will you guys ever add a 'pvp check' to non-friendly vessels that cause the 'ship cannot move because there is an undocked vessel in your ship' bug? This has been exploited in pvp since A6 and has never been fixed and has caused massive amounts of griefing. People in SVs can just ram their SV into your CV (or fly into your hangar) to completely disable it.

    I'd rather give the CV the ability to clip through the SV or have the SV auto-teleported out a few hundred meters away from the CV if this ever happens or just get rid of the ship encumbering limitation and just have any undocked vessels bounce out of the ship. An ant shouldn't be able to cause an elephant to fall to the ground.
  5. Ardaric Vaane

    Ardaric Vaane Lieutenant

    Sep 23, 2018
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    Amazing update, so many good fixed And new contents! Thanks Eleon!
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. 4ophe

    4ophe Ensign

    Aug 28, 2020
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    excellent, now they add melee combat and a sword
  7. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    Started a new game, and it seems like changes made space combat harder. I was used to being trouble free in space, but this time as soon as I made into space all zirax craft started attacking relentlessly. My bare minimum cargo cv torn to shreds. It seems like combat craft from the beginning is a necessity now.
    juyayay and idx64 like this.
  8. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    This seems to be unable to give info on published blueprints. I guess it isnt able to exclude the __ID part of the name.
  9. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Well, there is still a lot to fix, I could go underground to the drone base and underneath in 3rd person locate the core and destroy it, also the Burial Chamber works as if there was no core. I think this game would gain a lot with better graphics, more textures, more variety of bugs and above all better animations. Greetings.-
    Amethyst613 and ProcyonLotor like this.
  10. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Think we have enough bugs ;)
    Sofianinho likes this.
  11. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    OP Updated:

    Patch 2020-10-10 v1.2 (Build 3131)

    - Fixed: Wrong visualisation for "Show Airtight Blocks"
    - Fixed: Set Home / Respawn at own structures does not work
    - Fixed flares in structures not showing up
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Please report this in the bug forum. It seems to be a bug that pops up every other version. :D
    Ephoie likes this.
  13. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    Does anyone know if they are going to improve the signal system? It would be awesome if all devices had a tx signal so you can connect screens to specify their condition. It would especially good to see for shield, you would see the if the shield on or off just looking a screen(or a hologram) in bridge.
    Amethyst613 and Ephoie like this.
  14. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I'm waiting for them to improve the crosshair so I can play the game again.....
    I've given up on the game for now as there is not much point if I can't see the minute crosshair in the heat of battle and I can't see where I am shooting....
  15. Treeshell

    Treeshell Lieutenant

    Feb 29, 2020
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    You're not the only one... That crosshair is hopeless.
  16. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    When I saw this, I thought "Great!"
    I was really tired of the opaque green that blotted out almost everything, leaving me rather disoriented and unable to determine whare or what i was looking at. When I checked, I accidently clicked SI and thought "Yes! Thank you!" Then I realized my mistake and found the same old ssolid green mass.

    1. What was the wrong visualization?
    2. Didn't airtight visualization look like SI in the beginning?
    3. Couldn't it look that way again?
    Ephoie likes this.
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I believe I saw this "wrong Visualization" ... green floating balls like the rhomboids of the O² IIRC.
    Ephoie and Track Driver like this.
  18. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    It was hard to spot the leak with that visualization in ships with complex geometry.
    Ephoie likes this.
  19. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    It's hard to do that now.
  20. Stalking Butler

    Stalking Butler Ensign

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Maybe it's me, but I'm not seeing any of these new rings. Just to see how cool the rings are, backed up my save and warped around looking for a planet with a ring. Nothing. Then I started a new game, spawned a CV and started checking planets. At this point have used over 300 pentaxid and visited over a dozen solar systems and all planets therein...nothing. Are they rare? I've seen a few planets with an asteroid ring, but nothing as pretty as any screenshot in patch notes. The attached pic is closest I've seen. Found a flamethrower last night after I went back to the original save, so the update stuck in some regards. Also have validated game files with steam, updated video driver and even went as far as uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Ideas?

    Attached Files:

    Amethyst613 and Pop like this.
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