Hi Galactic Survivalists! We have some more changes & fixes to add to v1.7.5 find all the details below! ==== Patch: 2022-02-18 v1.7.5 (B3715) Changes: - ModAPI: Add property IBlock.ParentBlock to get the parent block of a multi-block model Fixes: - Fixed an exception caused by explosives ==== Patch: 2022-02-18 v1.7.5 (B3714) Changes: - Added Dialogue function IsPdaTaskActive(chapTitle, taskTitle) - Changed: When opening the player window (TAB) for the first time the suit constructor is now shown (instead of the info panel, players overlooked it) Fixes: - ModAPI: Adding an item via Request_Player_AddItem while Exchange window is open replaces the exchange window - Item reward counts higher than in config file no longer lead to a removed chapter but just a warning - Deactivating a chapter-activated mission leads to not being able to play the mission in the same session ==== Changes: - Added display of allowed boosts per armor type in hover info - Map Info Panel: Fixed "Habitable Zone MIN/MAX" distance display (distance was shown too big before) - Instances: added "NoVolumeWeightForPlayer" to "InstanceData" to allow switching off the V&W checks for players in instances (f.e. to get more loot) - DialogueSystem: added new function AddItemsFromContainer(int containerId, int maxItemCount) to allow giving a player reward items that are specified in Containers.ecf - DialogueSystem: added new function OpenHtmlWindow(string title, string url, float widthPerc, float heightPerc) - Updated: Polaris Trading Station Variant 11 (thx to Kaeser) - DialogueSystem: added "using System;" so programmers don't need to prefix all system functions any more - Html browser: if URL starts with %SHARED_DATA% it is replaced with a link to the actual shared data folder - Updated: Underground Bunker now does not explode anymore when removing the core (Note: breaking other parts might still lead to if falling apart as intentional part of the design. Signs put up ) - Updated: Sigma Fulcrum and Derpacs station (thx Kaeser) Fixes: - Epic suit boosts vanish when dropped into a suit slot - Tier 2 CPU Icon missing - NPC spawners are not switched on by PDA PlayfieldOps (fix can only work in new games - sorry) - Decreased EggPlant movement in strong wind. - Polaris homeworld orbit spawned wrong model for Orbital Control (should be the DERPACs model) - Removed turret from core room in underground bunker EAH: - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full
The ModAPI and C# compiler errors are still current. Please do the community that uses them directly or via mods a favor and spend a few days of development time on fixing these things.
Any news regarding the state of the .ecf files not working in the /mods folder ? I'm still dreaming of a comprehensive "mods" folder where we can add custom playfield templates, stamps, configs, custom models/ headprops, "stock" blueprints (with decals haha) etc. Either in a "permanent" scenario that links to the default game, or just in the main game's "mods" folder.
Patch: 2022-02-18 v1.7.5 (B3714) Changes: - Added Dialogue function IsPdaTaskActive(chapTitle, taskTitle) - Changed: When opening the player window (TAB) for the first time the suit constructor is now shown (instead of the info panel, players overlooked it) Fixes: - ModAPI: Adding an item via Request_Player_AddItem while Exchange window is open replaces the exchange window - Item reward counts higher than in config file no longer lead to a removed chapter but just a warning - Deactivating a chapter-activated mission leads to not being able to play the mission in the same session
In scenarios : when a chapter or task is triggered, there is the option to show a "start message". It would be very cool if we could also have the option to "play sound file" when a chapter/ task is trigered... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When we make custon blocks/ items, we can add a "CustomIcon". It would be very cool to be able to add a "CustomSound" like : CustomSoundOnActivate: CustomSoundJammed: CustomSoundOnClose: CustomSoundFiring: etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When dealing with "skills" there is no way to do it without forcing players into a scenario or dialog, which means that all "free roaming" activities (exploration, kills and crafting, etc) outside of the scenario are not accounted for except with a very broad and general XP gain. It would be very cool if the game kept some basic statistics that players (and modders) could access, so we could use these "counters" to trigger skill points gain or even XP gains.
Test with 3714 the has unfortunately not yet brought any improvement of the C# compiler problem and the other ModAPI errors
Patch: 2022-02-21 v1.7.5 (B3715) Changes: - ModAPI: Add property IBlock.ParentBlock to get the parent block of a multi-block model Fixes: - Fixed an exception caused by explosives
Please make a report & explain how this is reliably triggered https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/ Thank you.