What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well I finished the 2 bases for the evening. Tomorrow i'm going to replace the base in my current game with this new one and finish adding in the smaller details like medic stuff, chairs all the little odds and ends. I will just move everything over this new base as I don't even like where I placed the old one. Then once I have swapped everything I'll keep going and see how this one plays out.

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  2. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Made sure I had the most up to date blueprint and checked again.
    Got roasted in the front-left cabin while standing over the air vent.

    There is a small thruster mounted just before the window.

  3. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    That planet reminds me of the Land Before Time...Man the memories....Of VHS snow.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  4. Wellingtoon

    Wellingtoon Commander

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Today I carried on my slow meander through Project Eden. I wandered into a Polaris Trading Station, but it was strangely quiet... Where are all the customers?
    Oh.. There they are.
    I feel like they all know something I don't.. Back away slowly, head for new planet...
  5. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Oh, that room. Do you think I should put in some additional deco as a warning?

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    Although the warning would be on the opposite end of the room from the hazard. By the time the room fulfills its purpose as designed, the hazard as seen initially will have changed.

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    And since T3 requires two extenders, the room opposite would get the other extender.
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    So at T3, you can no longer get so close to the thruster and the only hazards would be the O2 tank overhead and the CPU extenders themselves.

    [edit] Attaching a zip of the T3 version. Did a little device grouping to demonstrate that some of those custom power switches on the main control panel are actually already set to the appropriate device groups as long as devices are added to the group. See I had temporarily assigned a sentry gun to those groups, assigned the custom power slider, then moved the sentry gun back to the group for sentry guns, leaving the custom power slider still assigned to a device group even though nothing that could be shut off was in there. Not sure if that is by design or a simple convenient trick, but a couple of my BP with planned upgrades use this trick.

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    As for all the thrusters for lift on the T3 but so very little cargo space, well, I discovered that I could park a combination of two Carri-On 4U and two Carri-On 2U inside the hangar--and with careful parking the doors would let out into the elevators and the gap between the two above could allow you to drop down into the space between the doors of the two below as long you parked the 2U modules on top of each other....
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    ... which is part of why I moved the ammo boxes up so someone could convert more of the walls to storage. I am guessing I am one of the very few who would toss container vessels into the hold like this.

    And editing again as I forgot part of the T2-3 upgrades. Totally spaced engineering room, which brings power upgrades as well to handle the demands, plus shields so the plastic ship can take a small hit.

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    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
  6. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I see, so it was an area left open for future upgrades.
    Throw in a railing?
  7. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Thank you. I really like that idea. Updated.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. JayStrider

    JayStrider Lieutenant

    Jul 15, 2020
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  9. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    You know it's going to be one of those days when your HV falls through a hole in the world with you in it and the game doesn't decide to automatically move you back to the surface. :eek::rolleyes::confused:
  10. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Well, yes, you get into the off forum and the bugs section - why the hell am I falling into the ground in release:D:D:p
    Kassonnade and dpburke2 like this.
  11. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    OMG!! :eek::eek::eek: ARGH!

    I was able to get my wonderful HV back, parked it inside my CV which was what I started to do in the first place. Packed everything up and moved over to a nice place to make a water farm.

    Just getting the water farm completed and thought I would go collect some more wood for my trip to space. Walked into my CV and my wonderful HV has gone missing! I had even taken care to part it in sideways so my SV would fit in too.

    I have shut the game down and will do something else for awhile.
    @Love Is Flash normally I would put in a bug report. I've just reached a point on reporting it, when it hasn't been fixed yet. It's always gone by the time you reload the game. Nothing there for the devs to see.

    Besides I don't have a lot of faith in the devs right now. They still won't fix the exploit I found back in alpha 12. Anyways enough ranting from me.:)
  12. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    The elevators lining up on the Haemolymph was a happy accident. Although you do have to the front of the SV pointed at the back of the CV to pull that off. Well, I decided that if it worked with the Haemolymph that I should make sure it works with the Greater Haemolymph too, except this time it won't be an accident. And to avoid confusing myself further, I decided it should be consistent. So after spawning in two Carri-On 2U, I marked where I needed to put the elevators to pull this off.

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    jepbindawernoch and Robot Shark like this.
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    My new playground test playfield :


    I just stripped a size 5 planet of almost everything to start populating it with custom stuff...

    Also I modded my configs for weapons : I changed all "energy" weapons + rockets, flak and artillery to 1500 m range, I lowered all damage and cranked fire rates, also augmented ammo capacity for each of these (also in ammo templates output), lowered the reload times, and all gatlings/ cannon weapons are limited ranges to 500 m but I didn't change anything else. I did the same for enemy weapons (1500 m range, lower damage, faster firing rates) so now ship - to -drones/ PV / stations is much more engaging as I can get closer to bases and see targets (turrets) while lasers/ plasma zip all around me. It's still hard not to get hit when in good "visual" range of enemy turrets though.

    I lowered the speed of all energy projectiles (capped to 350 except railguns at 450) and this feels way more fun to see lasers/ plasma streaks all around but being able to close-in. Lower damage makes SV hulls (without shields) able to sustain reasonable damage while getting closer to objectives, and the longer range allows for different tactics. This will need fine-tuning, as I want at least 1 weapon per ship class (no auto-turret !) to outclass other weapon types both by range and damage output (and slower firing rate).

    My goal is to eventually reduce the "auto-turrets" usage at the longest effective range, and leave that to 1 "top" front weapon per ship class, then the 2nd class "energy weaponry" will have shorter range, and "hitscan" weapons (using insta-hit with invisible bullets) will be kept for close range (500m -). Also weapon variety will mean something, as we don't have to rely only on homing rockets for combat...

    The "main frontal weapon" may have a distinct "visual effect" so adversaries (not the AI...) can see it among the other projectiles, and the slower projectile speeds will allow evasive maneuvers to some extent.

    The SV controls being quite sensible, I may add some "blast damage" to normal weapons to help "touching" targets (maybe 1 or 2 blocks splash width) and I adjusted all blast damages anyway to something more reasonable across the board. I think it's more fun to destroy the enemy's weapons and thrusters than making holes in blocks, so I will eventually adjust hulls and turrets hitpoints with that in mind.

    I also tried removing the drones names when showing the HUD because it can get cluttered fast in battle, but I could just remove it partly. Still better than nothing, but ideally we could have just a small icon to be able to see the ship more than its name...


    These are just a few words to change for " _ " in the Localization.csv file :


    If anyone is interested in trying my modded weapons setting just let me know and I will put a link on the forum somewhere. I found it quite refreshing to be more than "cannon fodder" fo a ship fight, while not cheesing the fight by being overpowered - the enemy weapons also fire more rapidly (but same projectile speeds, less damage) so they're not "sitting ducks" and even if they have a great number of turrets we can still approach them and have a chance to hit something.

    This felt a bit like the old X-Wing vs Tie Fighter type of space combat, for those who remember that... ;)

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
  14. zertali

    zertali Captain

    Apr 15, 2017
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  15. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Allmost done with the first version of this civilian CV. To further ease navigation, i have used windows inside to give a good overview where you are. Went with an all technical look. There are 2 combined Grow-/Cargorooms beside the medbay. The front of the Medbay give access to the bridge. Above it you find the cantine with 2 crew quarters on the sides and exit to the SV-Pad.
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    (Grow-/Cargoroom, Medbay, Cantine)

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    (view to the front with elevator, view to the back with machinery and production)

    It's working fine in Reforged Eden scenario and Vanilla game. Inside all confines for both.
    For vanilla play i had to play with the new 'Rotational Sensitivity' sliders, otherwise the thrust was a bit insane...
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    (Reforged Eden, Vanilla)

    the only work left is to finish the maintenance areas where you can repair all internals from the inside and change her name and registry ID.

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  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Very nice. Looks like it will be accessible with single players worth of resources.
    Na_Palm likes this.
  17. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Today, I worked some more on the shell that should become the Greater Haemolymph CV.

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    Not sure how everything will work out. Some things might get dropped if they pose too much of a problem for me to integrate. For example, adding a bonus hangar for a small SV. My current concern with the topside hangar is that it really cuts into what could have been a modest interior space to get creative with.

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    And since this is about 24 meters longer than the Haemolymph, I thought I might want to try putting some side entrances in there as well. I would have tried with the Haemolymph, but getting everything out of that small CV was an accomplishment in itself for me. Trying to put in some doors on each side at the middle of vessel might not work out for me in the end. For now I will give it a good try at least.

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    A build like this is one of those times I wish we didn't have a limit of 12 turrets that could fire in atmosphere from a CV. For some reason, I think the CV looks more correct with 12 spots for turrets that are arranged vertically to attack a target below the CV. But if I am going to use this CV planetside, I also want at least 4 of the horizontal turrets to also work in atmosphere as a sort of defense from drones when I have parked the CV on the ground. Granted, when I do the final prep of this CV for the workshop, I will strip off most, if not all, of the weapons except for the sentry guns. I will also strip off the two L thrusters, using M thrusters primarily, in the hopes that this can be a T2 vessel for initial deployment that I would upgrade to at least T3 if not early T4.
  18. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well with everything that happen yesterday. I decided to just take a break from my own scenario. I started a new Arid starter game. Brought in everything I wanted to play with kitted myself out and went on a camping trip just to see the sights. I will trade and gather along the way stopping to collect resources when needed.
    Stopped at a Civ Way Station in the first star system from the starter and the first thing I see is this guard shaking down an Alien :eek:


    Time to check this new sector as I have landed on the planet below.

    Found a moon in the sector to get some titan. After collecting it using my mining boat I headed home.



    This is one airless scraggly stopover. But it does have the ore I need for now.

    Ah there is Home

    Now to park this boat

    Not a whole lot inside this mining boat anymore, The make over came out good I think.

    Home sweet home :)

    And not even one bit of weirdness today :D
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Took time off from updating an old zirax ship to make an SV for bombing runs with Reforged Galaxy/Eden.
    Ended up with a somewhat stumpier relation of the FA-039 Rapier now called the FA-066 Falchion.
    Shielded, Warp-capable with a mix of Combat Steel, Hardened Steel and Regular Steel. Equipped with dome laser turret on top for dealing with drones and 3 retractable plasma turrets on the bottom for taking down POIs.
    Cheap, Fast, Durable and Maneuverable due to trading-off strafing and braking (which it doesn't need) for turning and speed. It also turns out that it can reach 300m/s in space.
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    Equivalent to a tier 3.
    Flies in a circle around a POI while the plasma turrets take out the POI's turrets. Requiring that the pilot only focus on dodging instead of fruitlessly trying to aim fixed weapons.
    Will be available tomorrow. Currently the workshop is being a pain in the ass.
  20. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Lucky shot from some pirates took out my fuel tank....not a terrible landing though....time to salvage and repair

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