What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Parakiet

    Parakiet Commander

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Doesn't it take ages with the automatic miners?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Moonsugar

    Moonsugar Rear Admiral

    May 25, 2016
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    No, not really. With a T3 miner you can expect about 200 ingots/h. They work even when you leave the playfield, so place three or four of them, just go raiding some aliens on the moon or else, and when you come back home 4 or 5 hours later you have enough material for fiddling around. And all the time they continue mining. Quite soon you will reach the point, where you ask yourself, what else for heavens sake you could do with all the stuff...
  3. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Just working on my SV in my CV hangar. I hope we get some type of Oxygen generator for our ships so we can have some breathable air instead of having to refill our oxygen tanks .

    Screenshot (84).png
  4. Parakiet

    Parakiet Commander

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I just installed 2 hangar doors mirrored together. They actually work like one door! Pretty nice feature!
  5. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    So I finished my newfangled SV. In the play time it took me to do that, my miners provided me with 1100+ iron and cobalt, and 250 prometheum. These were T2 miners. Guess I lucked out finding big iron and cobalt deposits, the largest prometheum on this omicron seed is 2500....

    Anyway, I tested my SV's maneuvering capabilities against one of the remaining POIs I had yet to defang - just a Xenu vehicle port. Didn't scratch the paint, so I'm pleased. 3x rocket launchers dealt with the external defenses easily. Anyway, while sacking the place I looted zacosium ingots, yay! That's been my limiting factor for building the nice stuff that needs power coils.

    After that, I took my SV to space, where I had previously spotted but not engaged with a space POI I'd never seen - the shipyard. Just what I need to conquer, then that's where I'll stage my CV building operations!

    I was promptly introduced to space drones, which I'd never encountered before (I haven't often gotten very far in survival mode...). Then after some careful strategizing, I used the last of my SV's rockets to take out clusters of alien sentry turrets. (Those things HURT.)

    Parked behind an asteroid, and hopped out on foot.... er, jetpack. I worked inn taking out their ion canon defenses with my sniper rifle and pistol. Ran out of ammo before I finished, but I did level up to 20. Which meant... T3 miners!

    So I was able to build enough power coils for 2 new miners, which I placed on silicon (rarest resource in this seed) and magnesium. The cobalt miner I moved to handle copper instead. I ran across a Xenu radar while doing this and, since I was now 20, I had the ability to craft ammo for the epic laser rifle I found when I took down the done base.

    I think I'd seen someone on the forum say the epic laser rifle was underwhelming, but HOLY COW. Maybe compared to another epic weapon but this thing rocks compared to my T2 gear!
    Siege Inc. and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  6. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    Took a short break from creating and actually played the game a while.

    I wanted to test my POIs under "real" conditions in a real game and so started on a custom planet I found in the "Share your Planets" thread. Celdorak posted a few stunning planets and also had an idea I simply had to ty out: he had a starter planet that had no resources except iron, magnesium and promethium, everything else had to be salvaged. The planet had two moons which had the other basic resources. (For the record, I had the visuals of Baldur with the resources of Surtr, populated by my own POIs)

    See the thread here: http://empyriononline.com/threads/share-your-planets.6949/page-6

    That worked so well that I was able to build a small, warp capable CV with only the resources from this one planet. I went to space to build the CV and finish my SV (building under an SV is such a pain) but did not mine anything there. I never touched one of the moons. So this is possible and it is a lot of fun, I think I am going to build myself a starter planet with no moons and this resource destribution. It could use a space station, too...

    Now my POIs are on the rich side of the loot spectrum, but then I hit only 3 of them and because of an oversight only those POIs were created that had rather meager loot contents. All in all I had 4 red and 8 yellow containers. Of course I took the builings down and now I have thousands steel sheets and glass plates.

    I deliberately wanted my POIs to be an alternative to mining but I never thought it would go so well. The only resource that I am always short on is cobalt, even hundreds of salvaged metal components vanish quickly if you build SVs or CVs. It was a good game - it actually still is, I need to test the other POIs, too. I want to reset the planet, but first, I need to move to space.
  7. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    This ship is cursed... cursed I tells ya!

    Was working on it last night after I got home from work, put the general shape together and was finishing off the back nacelles. Looking good!

    **** POP ****

    My PSU blew. :( Something doesn't want me to finish that ship... but screw that, even if I have to wait a couple of months and replace everything entirely it will be finished! Gonna take my HD to the parents house at the weekend to try and salvage my saved games.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Isil`Zha

    Isil`Zha Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Nope. My friend and I started our CV just as we setup two iron auto miners, with 75-80% source quality and it was break even as we were building out the biggest iron sink with laying out the basic hull.

    Now we have autominers for various resources and just have huge excesses now. Building some more SVs barely puts a dent. By the time I even felt like making a run to them (didn't need to, already had 20k iron reserves) I picked up another 5.5k in iron ore alone.
    Parakiet and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Why, the answer is obvious... Pack Rat it! :p

    A possible replacement PSU suggestion: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4H81E87575

    This is what my Build uses. :)

    For the Topic: The Alien POI Contest Entry is done! Now I just gotta figure out how to Submit it... then take a Big Damn Vacation from serious building for who knows how long... ow... my poor Brain... :confused: *Listens to my Brain sizzling & crackling from intense overwork & overheat...* I don't have what it takes to be any match for Contests... :(
    Neonin and Siege Inc. like this.
  10. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I can't wait to see what you've created. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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  13. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    You're the BEST.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I managed to get into a shop that opens fairly late of an evening here and picked up a Corsair CW600 for £50. My old XFX one was a 450 so I know the power will be fine (i5 4460, 7850 2GB) and while its reviews are very variable I only need it to last a few months while I save up for a replacement rig, since I think it's a sign I need to get with the times!

    Empyrion started throwing up all sorts of errors when I got in the first time and highlighted the save I was playing when it died. Sat on the loading screen and froze, then threw up an error message when I tried to load it after ending the process. A quick verify of the game files in Steam said no issues, so tried again. Game loaded, save game throwing up Continue or Quit/Mail options but looked like it was loading this time so I kept hitting continue and... I was plonked onto Akua surface with nothing in my toolbar. I'd been in Akua Orbit when the computer died. Spawn a SV, head into orbit and... IT'S ALIVE!


    Done a little work on it toward the rear but I'm just so happy I don't have to start from scratch again!
  15. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I posted a thread a while back about the normal Laser Rifle, it's low shot-speed and poor actual damage output (vs. the stats) made it quite disappointing. The basic Assault Rifle allowed me to kill Zirax and other enemies far more quickly, let alone the Pulse Rifle and, my personal favourite, the Minigun. I now have epics of everything - got FIVE Epics alone on the Masperon Fortress - but the Epic T2 Pistol and Epic Minigun are still the two weapons I always keep with me.

    No chance to play today sadly, though I'd just returned home to Akua after my multi-planet tour, returning with lots of rare ingots. I might do some work on my CV with all the resources I've amassed, as it looks quite puny and small compared to others (now invalid BP's) I've built in the past - even thought it does everything I need. I think I'll extend the Hangar space massively, as it can only take six medium-sized SV/HV currently and I feel like building more.

  17. Parakiet

    Parakiet Commander

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
  18. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I put some more work into my Falcon CV today. Roughed out a couple more rooms and started working on flight systems. It's still sluggish. Just as an experiment I threw a bunch of XL thrusters on it. It went from 5k mn to 17k+ mn and it still wouldn't go any faster so whatever the issue is it's not because I don't have enough engines. Maybe it's simply too heavy? The ship is up to almost 34 kilotons despite making every effort to keep the weight down. o_O

    I'm giving some thought to splitting up at least some areas into multiple levels but I don't quite have enough room to pull it off though without being cramped. It's a bit big as a single level though. Going to have to figure out something.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I took the shipyard in Omicron orbit by storm today. Polished off the remaining exterior turrets with my epic laser rifle and briefly scuttled home to stock up on ammo before I talked the inside, took out all the sentry turrets (what a grind.... it's mostly about having enough medkits these days). Finally found and nailed the core. Didn't realize the room beneath it was completely empty and the core would have been totally exposed and unprotected if I'd happened to blow the hull open on the other end of the station..... oh well. Built a new core and stuck it in where the old one fit and started assessing the damage. This I'd going to be my CV construction support base. It came with plenty of O2 tanks and fuel tanks, and while I did leave a gaping hole in the station around the top decks, lucky the advanced constructor is in full working order. I did a quick patch job with concrete "painted" to look like metal.

    Added a fridge, an O2 sstation because the preexisting ones are on a deck far away from my workspace, moved most of mitt construction supplies from my omicron foxhole.... CV construction will commence soon.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. SummerRider

    SummerRider Ensign

    Oct 27, 2016
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    {over the last few days} I've:

    -Started a new game seed.
    -Used Medium instead of easy as it was my 2nd game. I had not realized how toned down the combat was on easy. I'm looking forward to hard.
    -Found the Abandoned Mine, decided to attack it (wanted an epic weapon, early).
    -Still dont' know what is most effective to take down the doors. Thought explosives would be the way to go.
    -Discovered explosives don't really work on the doors. They work great on the walls, and floors.
    -Used explosives to just tunnel through the base, and sniped out enemies.
    -Realized enemies have horrendous trouble going "Up". If it's stairs or elevator, it might as well be a wall.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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