What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    So have I & I played around with them... till their DURABILITY RAN OUT... even the damn Cheater Dev Weapons are untrustworthy & unreliable! D:

    Also I can't help but to find it funny that each Cheater Dev Assault Rifle Bullet Shot does 10,000 Damage, & it still takes a few Bullets to down a Hardened Steel Block... let alone trying it on a Combat Steel Block. That's some mighty fine work in your efforts at Defense, Hardened & Combat Steel. :D Also, why didn't the Cheater Rocket Launcher get to also do 10,000 or more damage per shot? :p

    Plus I bet it'd be funny to have a Guest walking dangerously close to the 'Pain Chamber' & the CV Pilot 'accidentally on purpose' jostle the CV in just the right way to have the unfortunate Guest happen to fall into something very bad for them... :p
    I see this dude & immediately get the urge to Challenge it with my Tyrax Hover War Tank. :D

    I'm starting to wonder if i'm just plain not gonna get to test my Tyrax Hover War Tank in PvP anytime soon... maybe i'll just say "Screw it" to the Secrecy & Post it soon...

    IMHO flinging Rockets at the Villagers counts as 'talking to them'... just not with Words. Still, one is plausibly still technically 'Expressing Themself' that way... :p
    Supercrab and banksman45 like this.
  2. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    LOL That would be hilarious to have someone begging you to let them out. A chamber with generators and radioactive material. laying around.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I noticed that I'm the only one who raids base like I'm in a action movie. LOL Everyone else raids bases the smart way. I guess I just love yelling CHARGE!!! and running towards the enemy base shooting at everything although it takes multiple times just to get to the front door. lol I know one time it took me an hour and half just to get inside one of the bigger bases but I kept running and hiding behind rocks like I'm playing battlefield .
  4. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Looks amazing dude. Nothing wrong with going BIG.
    rucky and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  5. JDaremo Fireheart

    JDaremo Fireheart Captain

    Oct 10, 2016
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    What did I do in Empyrion Today?
    Well, I just spent the better part of 48 hours rebuilding from scratch a not bad ship
    I stumbled upon this one in the workshop yesterday and decided to have a look because a few of the numbers on the stats screen didn't look right (it had 8 RCS and had a turn speed of 0.00 in all directions) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1085150964

    I started nosing around inside in god mode, picked up the RCS and replaced them and that fixed the 0.00 reading. Then I decided to find out why it had such crappy lateral and up thrust. I discovered that every single block in the ship was combat steel, even where it wasn't even needed. The speeds were the result of too much mass on such a little ship. Found some areas back between the XL thrusters at the rear to empty out and add some more lateral thrust for turning and strafing. It improved a few points but not much. the layout just didn't allow for added thrusters.

    I decided that if I was going to use this ship, she'll need to be rebuilt from the ground up . . . better part of two days later I finished it.
    Hardened Steel throughout with the thinner sections being Combat Steel. Gives every piece of outer hull 1000 hit point. Re-did the engineering section to be a little more organized and still have "Most" of the thruster accessible. Moved all the forward thrusters into that section because frankly they looked funny sticking out of the hanger. Moved the Outdoor Patios a little closer to the ship, moved the Core to the center of the ship, and the RCS away from the hull. Left about 80% of the interior the same, except for a couple changes (I still don't like the Cargo Hold so far from the Hangers). Didn't want to change too much.

    I Confess, I didn't read the description provided by the person who posted it untill after when I saw on the Stats Screen it said the author was our HummeloWar. Then I saw that the poster had remodelled one of the Alien Food Freighters from the game. Either way, it's a great ship, and I tried to keep it to level 15.

    Here's a pic of it beside the one that Alex Mihai posted to the workshop (Mine's the one in the foreground)What did I do in Empyrion Today? Well, I just spent the better part of 48 hours rebuilding from scratch a not bad ship I stumbled upon this one in the workshop yesterday and decided to have a look because a few of the numbers on the stats screen didn't look right (it had 8 RCS and had a turn speed of 0.00 in all directions). I started nosing around inside in god mode, picked up the RCS and replaced them and that fixed the 0.00 reading. Then I decided to find out why it had such crappy lateral and up thrust.
    I discovered that every single block in the ship was combat steel, even where it wasn't even needed. The speeds were the result of too much mass on such a little ship. Found some areas back between the XL thrusters at the rear to empty out and add some more lateral thrust for turning and strafing. It improved a few points but not much. the layout just didn't allow for added thrusters.

    I decided that if I was going to use this ship, she'll need to be rebuilt from the ground up . . . better part of two days later I finished it. Hardened Steel throughout with the thinner sections being Combat Steel. Gives every piece of outer hull 1000 hit point. Re-did the engineering section to be a little more organized and still have "Most" of the thruster accessible. Moved all the forward thrusters into that section because frankly they looked funny sticking out of the hanger. Moved the Outdoor Patios a little closer to the ship, moved the Core to the center of the ship, and the RCS away from the hull. Left about 80% of the interior the same, except for a couple changes (I still don't like the Cargo Hold so far from the Hangers). Didn't want to change too much. I Confess, I didn't read the description provided by the person who posted it untill after when I saw on the Stats Screen it said the author was our HummeloWar. Then I saw that the poster had remodelled one of the Alien Food Freighters from the game. Either way, it's a great ship, and I tried to keep it to level 15.

    Here's a pic of it beside the one that Alex Mihai posted to the workshop (Mine's the one in the foreground)

    I'll have to find out which freighter Alex used to build his version
  6. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Finished the HV. It can mine and battle!! Three drills, a mini gun and two rocket turrets.

    Screenshot (310).png

    Screenshot (308).png
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Honestly this belong in the Ship Sharing Thread... but I fear that Thread has outright died, & my last Post on there was unable to Revive it. :(

    This has been around for awhile, but wasn't Shared before due to PvP Classifiedness. Sadly PvP Combat doesn't seem to be available anytime soon... so I decided, "Screw it".

    Front View:
    This is the scary side of her... the side you don't ever wanna cross... *Insert Devil Emote here*

    Right View:
    Thinking about Flanking her? Think again...

    Rear View:
    I tried damn hard to think of a way to paint the butt up to look less boring... but sadly, just plain no go. :/

    Left View:
    I strongly suspect the possibility that no one will be surprised that I guarded her Left Flank too, not just her right one.

    Top View:
    Even with the Artillery Gun Barrel hugging as close to on top of the Cockpit Window as possible, the Driver can still hop out & find themself on top of the War Tank instead of on the Ground! Though... ya do NOT wanna hop OFF the Tank while it's still running & Hovering high up off the Ground or one may find it a bit of a problem trying to find a way to get those Crosshairs back onto the Cockpit to get back in... this Model's one weakness. Just means disciple is warranted & if needing to get out & have it runnin at the same time, drop it to minimum Hover Height first... from there it is still plenty easy enough to get back in.

    Bottom View:
    I Painted the Hover Engines & Hover Boosters the Light Blue instead of the normal Blue to make them look more 'Electricy' & cool lookin. :)

    Tried the same with the Turrets & that ended up looking just plain... well... awkward...

    Stats Screen:
    This dude can drive off Mountain Slopes high into the air & do a Aileron Roll (2 if a place is found that can give BIG Air Time.) then land just fine if it drives off a good enough slope for getting proper air. Don't tell the Devs about this or they might nerf stuff again as if there's actually something WRONG with being able to do this for some weird reason... ;)

    Factory Spawn Resource Cost:
    Bet ya would think there's a much bigger cost in Resources then this while lookin at her live on the Field. :p

    Ammo, Fuel, & O2 Costs not included. :p

    P.S. I hope this doesn't end up stealing Spotlight from bank's Post above... if so, my apologies. :p
  8. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    in general the bigger the ship the more thrust power and RCS it needs. But it's not only the weight but also the dimensions that's need to be taken care of!! (yes I know, in space it is irrelevant what dimensions a ship has, but we're not physically correct here anyways)

    In Empyrion long sides (no matter what side) do hinder Pitch/Yaw/Roll.

    Combat Steel isn't your enemy IF it is only on your outside.

    Look here an example, my modified BASE STAR,



    It's a class 5 Carrier-CV made full of Combat Steel, but with 82 Thrusters and 16 RCS2 it handles like a Fighter!


    so, just keep adding good Thrusters (Thrust vs Mass ratio!!) and RCS2s!!
  9. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Yesterday I enjoyed making a lot of little improvements in many different areas of the CV, doing some gardening and organizing of supplies and ammo, and appreciating tropical storms.


    Daytime storms aren't particularly dramatic, but I like how this shot turned out. :cool:

    I did so many little things to improve Ilmatar. One fun part was on the top deck of the ship, where I previously made medbays, labs, 2 stations and passenger seats, a small luggage compartment, and 2 little dorms for rescued survivors. I also had some LCD screens with information for survivors and very strict rules.


    Now that I'm less of a n00b, I made it possible to actually follow the rules if we give non-faction players a ride or rescue. The doors to the dorms can now be opened by anyone, plus they can get a stamina boost from a bed, and O2 from the stations. I'm still going to make them keep their helmets on though, because they could be carrying harmful pathogens. ;)
  10. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Nice Shot @Starwing6, Ilmatar seems to attract lightning ;-)
    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  11. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    @Siege Inc. you still kickin around? :) I assume so. I got a chance to return to the game for a bit and finished the Abyssal_Comm_Center for my abyssal structures set.

    Difficulty: Madness.

    It uses one of your building as its base. Here are some shots from it:


    The inside is nasty hard, but stunning:



    The second and third floors house the mechanics and livables:



    I re-did most of the exterior with over-lapping and contrasting curved and sloped blocks to match the abyssal aesthetic from the other structures in the set. In addition I wanted the entrance to have a tentacled appearance similar to an ocean anemone, but SI would not let me go that far, so I *think* this works(kinda):


    The top at night:


    I wish I could turn all those buildings(that you created a month and a bit ago) into hauntingly dangerous POI's, they are very amazing.

    Hopefully it will get added, along with the others(I have 4 others completed with 2 or 3 more on the way,) to the game experience so that everyone can have fun dying *cough*.... I mean exploring. Thank you again!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2017
    Robot Shark, 68plex, Kaeser and 8 others like this.
  12. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Ya I'm still around. Nice work man. That looks amazing!
    Fractalite and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Gorgeous! I want to run it!
    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  14. martian101

    martian101 Lieutenant

    Jul 28, 2017
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  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    My Survival-Outpost is now "finished".
    (I've made updates every Moon/Planet I was on, only sometimes finishing some started work in Creative Mode.)

    Now I've redone the signal/switch logic, added a few more LCDs and finished some interiors.
    It still looks modular and "grown" (and it was) - and I like it!

    Sadly I got at Class 6 already (Even removing all turrets and furnaces (good for less costs ;-) still didn't get me to Class 5 again... so... la vi...)

    Here are some Pics:


    The Base without all Weapons and already sunk into the Ground - you have to dig out a bit ;-)


    "Full Base" complete above ground, additional Truss Blocks for stabilising.


    Two Hangars and the Main building.


    Main Hall, Private rooms, small Work places



    Next one level down:


    The Operations Room: Full Power-Switch, Repair and Turret Switches, Computers and all that Stuff...
    Also access to Fuel and O2 Tanks for manual fill if wanted...


    Garden 1. There's another even bigger one through the Door:


    On to the Next level...


    The Furnaces Work Hall. Three Furnaces. All having own Power Switch.
    That's for EndGame-AMD-Overflow ;-)
    - Yes I had way more than 40 AMDs (AutoMinerDevices) working on different Planets & Moons... -


    next Rooms:


    Landing Spot for one Fighter.
    This Hangar Door to the right leads to:


    ... the big Hangar. Space for two Fighters, even my Warp-Shuttle "WARPY" can land here (besides the problem that the Hangar Doors above won't open for it... - already bug ticket filled...)


    The other smaller Hangar Door at the End leads to:


    ... a small Landing Place with above Hangar Door for Cargo-SVs - you remember? AMD-Runs? Lots of Ore... ;-) ... I like small Paths to go... ;-)
    Yes, here you can see how this Base got involved... ;-)
    This smallish Hangar was first, the bigger ones got in very late...

    That's it for the Moment. I think this Outpost is big enough. I'm already working on a Headquarter Base in Creative right now (you've seen some Pics in the "What did you do?"-Thread), already at Class 9 and I'm sure, it's not the End... :eek:

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Maybe you could try removing a few windows to get it to a lower class? I wonder why windows are considered as "devices"...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Not all "windows" are windows ;-) 3 of the 5 Gun Bunkers are massive only painted like Windows ;-)
    For the Moment I will let it be - I'm not sure if I ever will be on a server with Class 5 restriction only and then wanting to build that Base...

    Next Job will be something really special - and not the Head Quarter Building ;-)
  18. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Last night was the beginning of Timo's summer vacation, so we're able to enjoy a lot more gaming. :cool: I was on the server alone last night while Timo worked on his new combat HV in Creative mode. I just worked on Ilmatar and finished the floor and ceiling textures in the upper hangar. I marked out parking spots and the repair bay, but I still need to paint guide lines for the pilots.

    This morning I signed in to continue my work, and there was a drone near our docks! It was shot down immediately. There was no damage to the docks, so I went to check on Timo's race track. As I reached the hill that stands between our base camp and the track, a drone rose up over the top of the hill.


    I shot it down and stopped to admire its model. That's when Timo and @rainyday logged in. We were chatting about things and then Timo mentioned the HV track. I went over the hill and the whole track was gone!! :eek: Only one racer HV remained. That drone ruined everything. Timo didn't make a blueprint of it because it was customized for that specific spot.


    We geared up to take revenge on the Drone Base. The defenses were already taken out quite some time ago, but the POIs refuse to regenerate on this planet. I went with my Kite because it has extra cargo space.

    The raid was so much fun! I wore my heavy armour with 2 jetpack boosts, but I got stuck in a room with no doors after the elevator got blown up. It's ridiculous that you can't even clear two blocks with that. lol I'll just stick with medium armour then.

    No one got blown up with explosives on this mission either, but I did accidentally shoot at Timo a lot. :oops: When we reached the Drone Base, he landed and went on foot toward the troop transport that just spawned. Of course a humanoid wearing black and running around on that landing pad is a target! For a moment I was quite impressed with the way that Zirax moved to evade me, but then Timo finally identified himself in time for me to stop shooting.

    Then again, inside the POI, he decided to move around like a target when we were fighting some Zirax. These men and their high-risk fashions. :p
  19. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Ah, what we do for love...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Your sweat and toil has paid off... that's one cool base, for sure!
    Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.

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