What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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  2. Faith

    Faith Captain

    Dec 15, 2016
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    @Fractalite i would also choose the left one. Mainly because i want to see more from the Inside when flying....even if it looks like a seagull from the outside
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Jacoviz

    Jacoviz Captain

    May 13, 2017
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    The one on the left, really cool. Please when You finish it post it to the Workshop
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    I had a little time today to log on and take some screenshots of "The Barge" my new CV.

    It's tiny, at just Class 2, but is ideal for carrying smaller vessels. Really, it is just a transport ship in that regard, not being jump capable in its current form. It requires a relatively high level 15 to unlock, I suspect due to my use of T2 Large Fuel Tanks and the Repair Bay. Possibly downgrading the former, and removing the latter would reduce this. I might do a lower-tech variant.

    First shot, night time. Show off the illumination quite nicely. Ideally, where pads SV1 and HV1 are occupied, the bays would be lit up, but the lights go out the moment the craft docks. Oh, look at me using textures and colour :)

    01 The Barge - Night 1.png

    Second shot, a different angle.

    02 The Barge - Night 2.png

    Third shot, the sun is rising. I even angled my view to catch a little lens flair :)

    03 The Barge - Day 1.png

    Shot four. Another angle. Catching a glimpse of my main CV dumped..erm, carefully parked in the distance. Also the entrance to my BA to the left :)

    04 The Barge - Day 2.png

    The fifth and final shot. The Barge and most of the Base in shot.

    05 The Barge - Day 3.png

    The funny thing is, I have zero use for this CV at this time. My main CV is better in every way, and even has slightly more docking space and it's internal too of course. However, I'm quite pleased with how this basic design turned out :)

  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh, minor update...

    After building The Barge and being perfectly happy with it, I decided to just back into my main CV - having collected all the Ingots my Bases Furnace had produced - and head to Omicron.

    As I arrive in Omicron, there's a freighter - the one with LOADS of cargo - so I disabled it. I really couldn't be bothered going through every cargo box, so I just reclaimed the important hardware, Generators, RCS's and the like as well as take any Fuel and O2 before going on my way.

    Arriving in Omicron proper, I leave my CV hovering and jump into my small SV and start mapping. Before long I find the Survivors Camp - designed for an Omicron start of course - and it's already being attacked by a Large Minigun Drone lol. I've been here five minutes!

    Anyway, not entirely sure if I have a plan at this point, I might set down roots, but we shall see.

    As often happened by this point in the game, I'm considering a fresh start...I must like the resource grind or something!

  6. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Not gonna lie Scoob, I do like the barge. You are improving in your CV design skills.


    I also spy that building that the "build platform" :p is attached to. I wonder, mayhaps you have a neat skill set with BA's? I even see the plants arranged on the walkway between the main building and the platform?

    I cannot help but think, "You know, Scoob should build more of those." Kieve, Willow, Siege, Rainy, and others are also really talented with Bases but are short in supply. Me thinks they would welcome your company! Any chance I could nudge you into sharing some pictures of it?
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It's funny, The Barge, like the BA before it, are likely two of the first "just build it" projects by me. As I build exclusively in survival it's 90% about function. Sure, I like to make things in a logical way, but I'll rarely bother with texture and colour - certainly on my larger builds. My current main CV was an attempt at a modular approach, expanding with additional "rooms" as resources and needs required.

    Re: the Base in the screenshots, well, I've already posted pictures of that earlier in the thread, I'm offended you missed them ;) This current playthrough was about bypassing the BA stage and going directly to a CV, which I did. However, I still wanted a BA presence on Akua, despite having no need of one. The BA you see was the result. As I'm at "that point" in the game where I have near bottomless resources, I am inclined to do more such builds. I have another mini-CV I want to do, as well as my aforementioned (earlier in this thread) "floating city" type build. The Barge is sort of a "floating platform" I guess, but it's not got the fuel capacity to stay in the air too long. Rather it was my attempt at a cheap CV, though my use of T2 Large Fuel Tanks and a Repair pads raised its level a bit.

    Just having a break from playing today, a bit pooped, might be back on later :)

  8. john.73738

    john.73738 Captain

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Holy crap! This is really great. I tried the underground base a couple times, and I was annoyed with the terrain clipping back in after digging it out. When they fix that I will certainly do it again.

    My solution was to build a monster asteroid base.
  9. john.73738

    john.73738 Captain

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Love the idea of the "measuring stick"

    Currently working on my first CV and it is short and stout. This I feel would help in dimension proportions.

    Your designs are great, can't wait to see this one.
  10. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Yeah you're right. Spawning that Base into Survival and I have an hour to only remove the terrain in the Base.
    It's the reason I only do that at Planets I'm intend to stay a bit longer there (for immersion and building purposes, not the disassembling of any enemy POIs, I'm fast at that now). Skillon and Zeyphines weren't interesting enough to build "a Home" there...
    I think the next time I'll do updates for the Outpost will be Masperon or that Moon or earlier one of Aestus/Aitis...
  11. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Tough day in planet earth today. Whilst finishing the superstructure fir the "screw you" building for the Zirax it was soundly attacked by drones. Well they tried anyways.

    But wanting to work in peace for once I decided it was time to rid myself of the nuisance.

    Cue my poor parking decision and a lost HV to the next wave of base attack drones. That loss notwithstanding I **** down the (New version of) drone base and dismantled the poor HV losing way too many items in the process.

    Alas, I returned and rebuilt her from the ground up ( thanks @rucky ) and called it a day. Will return to dismantle the drone base and finish the building superstructure and get to work on its facade before deciding which planet to search for Sol's lost ship.

    So far I'm enjoying this scenario and pretty happy the 6.7 update didn't require a restart!

    Game On!
    IJS out...
    Tyrax Lightning, banksman45 and rucky like this.
  12. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    WIP Akua:
    The boat is an SV with only a generator and fuel tank for the lights and emissive textures. It's resting on concrete blocks. Yes, I sank a few good ships while getting it right.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
    Mortlath, jmtc, Friendly Timo and 9 others like this.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I like how ya made your HV look very much like a SV. :p

    No message other then just "MINE" is too vague... "MINE" as in "It's MINE!!!", "MINE" as in "Warning! Mine Here somewhere or other!!!", or "MINE" as in "MINE-ing Operation for Ore & other goodies"...?

    My apologies for my delay in response... :(

    Even so... ya could make a Mining HV even if it'd be married to the Planet... ya make it sound like they cost 100,000 Iron a pop. :p

    My Tyrax Dwarf Mole only costs 680 Iron to make. :D (Not including cost to make Homers for the Homer Launchers.)

    I can still Mine anything with my T2 hand Drill, even 20,000 - 22,000 size Sathium Deposits... but I find using my Mining HV funner & better & use it as my Plan A once I can now. :D *Hugs my Tyrax Dwarf Mole*

    Huh... i've never heard of a Purple containing a Auto-Miner Core instead of a Epic Weapon... I can't help but to wonder of that's a Bug...

    How is that supposed to be fun? :p

    Cool! Makes me think of a "Pharos-style Unreal Tournament Redeemer Nuclear Warhead... Super Size!"! :D

    With a Mining HV, why a single Deposit? Mine'em all! :D

    I still say SV "Jump Drive" to jump between Planets in the same Solar System, but still need to Dock to CVs to jump between Solar Systems & beyond with their full Warp Drive Power.

    Also ya still use Mining HVs on Planets cause the CV Mining Turret can only work in Space & is really meant for nomming Asteroids.

    Which imho is what it looked like in the first place anyway. :p

    That's what this epic Community is for... to keep each other addicted to the game! :p

    Ahh, Otyughs... my old Nemesis...

    FYI my fav thing to feed them is KnuckleMinigun Sandwiches. Their Mouths are so easy a target! :p

    Huh... news to me too, though to be fair, I pay very little attention to Furniture cause it serves no practical use & does not blow stuff up. :p

    Otyugh is a D&D Monster!? Awesomesauce! I wanna keep it in the game forever for D&D Homage now! :D

    (Also, Dragonborn rule! & Screw Elves & their Pointy-Eared Smugness!)

    Umm... the Pistol is blending in to the Rock behind ya awful well... can hardly make it out... XD

    *Snickers* Nice try bub. Nice Red Herring. :p

    I don't think the HV is useless, I love the HV. I think some wanna dock HVs to SVs so they can make SV "HV Carriers" just to dodge the astronomical CV In-Planet Fuel Costs... which imho can't blame'em. I myself would prefer to be able to use ALL of a CV's Firepower in Planets.

    Suggestion: Raise the height of the rear Turrets so they can fire over the heads of the front Turrets & actually concentrate firepower forward more properly.

    Also the HV Jet Thrusters last I know are total suck. They take 3 Block Spaces of space, & for that space, & how much Thrust they give, they lose to a Small + Medium Thruster or 3 Small Thrusters.

    Cool! Bat Parking SV! :D

    I haven't yet figured out how to make one of those with a Design i've been satisfied with... & haven't been able to get motivated to try either cause the damn Max Weapon Count thing keeps me feeling like it's still currently impossible to make an actual REAL Warrior SV. :( (Max 4 Weapons that can fire at once is NOT good enough... feels like 'Runabout' or 'Scout Ship' level Armament to me... & 6 Gatlings can only do so much as well...)

    Gotta love basking in the Shiny Metal! :cool:

    Meh, just park it on the roof. Possible risk of loss to Space Drone is better then guaranteed loss from being left behind. :p

    Them's fightin' words boy! XD

    I can't help it if my damn RL is unstable & erratic.

    With that said, I totally dig this dude. :D

    Just a couple nitpicks with the Design... in no particular order:
    • See those guns on the side? Kinda gonna have trouble hitting something real close IN YO FACE! :p
    • Those guns on the middle sides...? The way ya positioned them, they're gonna have a bit of a hard time trying to shoot at anything not an SV flying in the air... & for that should used the Homers.
    • What is the Radar Dish supposed to do that's of any use? XD
    • The rear-top Turrets can't fire over the heads of the front-top Turrets vary well.
    • The Plasma Turrets parked where they are might have a bit of trouble trying to not accidentally hit their Tank TurretArtillery Turret pal they're sitting next to while firing forward as the Tank strafes around.

    Also, do I even wanna know what ya meant by "Too scared to come outta its Hangar"...? o_O

    Where's a Hover War Tank Deathmatch Arena when one needs one...?

    Not overdone... looks rad! Like a Flying Multi-colored Jewel! :D

    Don't fly this dude near @LiftPizzas Giant Diamond CV though or ya might make his Diamond look like a pitiful excuse of a precious Jewel by comparison! :p
  14. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My apologies for the Double Post, but my Responses's sheer numbers are too much Encumbrance for one Post. My Internet actually struggled to get the above Post actually Posted... :eek:

    Lookin sweet! :D

    The Zirax got nothin on the Klingons... i'd substitute the Zirax for the Romulans personally... most Romulans are scum.

    Plus having the Saucer being Small Blocks & the rest being Large Blocks might be kinda awkward lookin.

    Last I remember, the idea was that ya evacuate to the Saucer Section then launch it if there's gonna be a fatal Warp Core Breach... then ya lose half the Ship & no people to it instead of losing the whole Ship & maybe everyone on it. (FYI I don't know how much or little capable Escape Pods are at getting clear of a Warp Core Breach Blast Radius...)

    I vote the one on the right cause the less Windowing means it has a LOT less Critical Strike Points for enemies to attack thus making it better armored & more durable against attack. /Musclehead

    For the Topic: I had my RL get unstable again & couldn't keep up with these Forums for a few days & now have SO much to catch up on on these Forums that I don't have time to actually play the game... >_<

    Aside from that, i'm also still having a hell of a time planning my CV Build's butt.
    banksman45 and Its Just Steve like this.
  15. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    So I've been playing around with skyscrapers lately, something I'm sure will please @michaelhartman89 ;) Found some inspiration for sci-fi towers and have been wanting to see what I can do with it...
    7.0_2017-08-28_03-02-54.jpg (For scale)

    Not quite sure what I'm doing and odds are I'll probably scrap this one, but I feel like there's something good here if I keep iterating. Tricky to get the slope of that wall right, really really wish we had 1:4 slopes and angles to work with.
  16. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    heya tyrax glad you came back in.......I will throw the design up in a few days and you can play with it.....as a hull form its pretty cool
    Gun Placement is so so because I haven't gone over Minimum lvl on most of my usable builds and I use a flyer if I can.
    And the radar dish Is to look FABULOUS ......And trees are a joke to that thing...and almost vertical mountains are just launch pads...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Please. Keep. Doing. This!!!
  18. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    I know what you mean as far as slopes go, i could make some pretty unique buildings with a scaling system. It would be awesome to have some blocks that are resizeable.

    Btw those buildings look amazing!
    Its gonna be fun making some metropolitan areas in the future. We just need the merge blocks feature for Non-POI civilian structures
    Tyrax Lightning and Kieve like this.
  19. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Wow what a MEGA-Post... ;)

    What I was talkin about are not the purple capsules (I've got tons of only epic weapons already from them, vever anything else) but these ultra-rare POI-Cargo boxes; they have also only space for ONE thing, and there I got 40% Auto-Miner-Cores and 60% Epics from them...

    If you want to check yourself, in the Abandoned Factory @Omicron there is one in a small cargo room, on top of other standard cargo boxes (it looks exactly as a standard cargo box as it can be colored!!), two in the Xenu Mining Complex (@Skillon, have forgotten where) and two in the Rados Missile Silo (@Ningues) in the Mega Room at the Bottom where the Core is located, these Boxes are in a corner each, on top of others, here colored beige
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    :eek::eek::eek: -- I need an better emoticon with falling out eyes!!

    That's Empyrion?!!!!

    Wow! Nicely done @binhthuy71

    @EleonGameStudios please take this picture as an inspiration for your upcoming naval expansion in 8.0?! :D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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