What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    That looks pretty! Great Job:cool:
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    H.P. Strangelove and Jenniphurr like this.
  4. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    By that are you referring to people who use the down rate feature for no reason other than spite ?
    Would hate to see more builders leave because of that.

    I build stuff for me not everyone else and certainly not for ratings, the world is just lucky i upload it out of generosity, there is someone/someones who likes to watch these forums then go down rate our or my builds, carry on I say.

    This community is so backwards that they took a unarmed cruise ship to number 1 download in a space combat survival game lol am I really supposed to pay notice to the rating system that allows that to happen ?
    I can only imagine that people are so bored with the instability and unreliability of multiplayer servers for this game that they will download anything...

    Honestly the steam rating system means nothing but then im not after ratings at all and personally don't give a hoot.

    My work never goes unappreciated because I am the one who appreciates it because it was made for me and I use it.

    There was one time when I challenged myself to make a really good cv better than anything I have done yet with the intention of being high rated and was watching that rating system as my guide to its success, and I did it, and it came number 1 download for a little while too.
    That was when I learned people in this forum like to come and downrate stuff when you mention its success ;)

    I hear a lot of crap about people rating down builds out of spite and everytime i mention a new build here one individual goes and downrates it :p
    It dont put me off.

    I always smile when i get a downrate because I know someone was jealous or someone has been emotionally effected by my presence in this world, excellent !

    And if I get a bunch of downrates I start to feel really attractive and popular knowing there is a little group of people out there who live to follow and judge my work, that elevates me to near god status.

    You may all call me lord Furious at that point

    I guess my point is, take the workshop with a pinch of salt mate, as far as im concerned it is JUST a download repository every other tab in there means jack all.

    And the only reason I am still building boats is because all multiplayer servers fail hard and imho this game is still not fit for public use as a multiplayer.

    I wont go into the many reasons why, and like everyone else I am just patiently waiting in the background for the day when I can play an online survival game here without the servers breaking and leaving people floating in space or ships and bases vanishing xD

    However this game is a brilliant and beautiful single player game and creative outlet that keeps me happily occupied for hours on end, preventing my real world plans of global domination from taking shape, just last week I was going to take over the houses of parliament with my own personal mix of criminal terrorism and robbery, but alas, cruise ship...
    Sorry theresa, maybe next month !

    My plans for global domination are on hold for now, still more boats to be made because there are still no working multiplayer servers to connect to ;)
    I see the word "Verified" that means its a community server and that means its broken :) am I wrong ? lol

    Honestly you can clearly see how bad the multiplayer is because of how long this post I am writing is dragging out for, I mean I dont even need to be saying anything else here in this post or thread but yet here I am babbling on about ridiculousness for so long that my tea has now gone flippin cold all because there was not not a survival server for me to play.

    This is what happens when you catch me first thing in the morning before I start a creative boat project.
    I will be back later with the results of that project.

    Oh and for every person who whines or complains or talks of leaving because of something to do with workshop, they give a bunch of little trolls a hard on and give meaning to everything they do, so don't do it and don't even say it.

    That is the only real advice I can give because there is nothing that can be done to remedy the situation.

    I really hope people will just see the steam workshop like I do, its just a dropbox, screw the ratings, im not after popularity and could not give a rat **** if anyone downloads my junk or not, no matter how much time i put into it.
    I already achieved my goal by creating the entity for my own personal enjoyment, anything after that is irrelevant.

    Much love to all you creators out there and yes even the asshole ones too I got love for you too, you know who you are !

    Keep building and dont take workshop so serious oh and it helps, if your a user of the forums to not be a public arrogant asshole every other post, as this might play a part in forming an angry mob of accounts to follow you and downrate your stuff.

    We have Pyston as an example for that, brilliant builder, excellently skilled designer, but not quite the people person ...
    And now he left because aside from other reasons he neglected to figure that the forums will make or break your workshop depending on your attitude within them.

    So new people just joining with us, if you want popular workshop, keep out of the forums, or if you want to be a part of an argumentative forum community, dont expct your workshop to be popular, for every person you blow out with a subtle piece of logic in the forums, your workshop entries will get a downvote :)

    If you want to make popular workshop and be part of forum community at same time, just dont disagree with anyone or call them out on any subject.

    For the rest of you who already dont give a crap about ratings and continue to build and enjoy doing so regardless of steam mouseclicks, my hat goes off to you all, you are the ones who will create this game and its content, don't stop the good work !

    Thats my first spliff of the day ramble out of the way with.

    Now it is clearly time to get working making more boats for this ship simulator game i have turned this non functioning space survival server simulator into.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Hear! Hear!
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The reason for my "slowing down" on EGS Terms are the current Weather Conditions in Austria and the unwillingness of my Laptop to work properly at such conditions. As soon as I start EGS the Metal Hull of my Laptop raises its Temperature above 40° C/104° F and that is at long Sessions very unhealthy for the Machine. I therefore cool it down by attaching an Ice-Pack(Cold/Hot Package) to the Keyboard. It works for some time because the Laptop sucks Air through the Keyboard and blows it out on the backside.
    Sparrowhawk65 likes this.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Nice big pad. Handy for visiting planets and not staying much to make a proper base. One question I have is if you will ever fix the docking problem of ZeroG-Tempest-X. I mentioned back in January and it still not fixed till today 7 months later.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  8. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    My sincerest apologies! I didn't want it to be this long but I finally jumped on solving this issue. While not the prettiest, I am hopeful that in the future the landing gears will be able to retract! Plus I also updated the textures just slightly.
  9. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I have overhauled this powerboat somewhat since the initial picture I posted, check this beauty out now !


  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Nice! Looks like K.I.T.T. in the Water!:cool:
    Furious Hellfire and Sephrajin like this.
  11. Silwer

    Silwer Lieutenant

    Nov 22, 2016
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    Went kamakazi with my Scoutmaster HV on the fortresses around the radar station. Charged in on two of them and took them out with rocket and minigun turrets. Lost the outer frontal amour of the HV and a 3 bad placed front thrusters, but a quick stop and repair and i was good to go although now with less front thrusters ;)
  12. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Who breakes, looses...
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    My shiny new CV is finished. Interior and all. Now i'm about to start painting and texturing. Looks fine as-is, so when i'm done it should look even better.

    Mess Hall (Left door: Medbay. Right door: Captain's Quarters. Back left door: Female Bathroom. Back right door: Male bathroom.)
    Above the hangar is the Mess Hall, Medbay, Bathrooms and Captain's Quarters. Behind the upstairs control room on the left is Engineering. Through the right door is the Cargo Bay. Above the cargo bay is the Combat Bridge. The Standard Operations Bridge is above Engineering and the Mess Hall. It's kind of an obvious target, which is why there's a second bridge in the middle of the ship.
  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I finally sat down and updated the pics for Nexus Station. I added over 100 new pics. I updated the pics for the Nexus Monorail Car and Cargo Sled while I was at it. Aaaaand that's about all I've done in Empyrion lately. :p
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2018
  15. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  16. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Greetings :) today he has been allowed permission from Jenniphurr which I very much appreciate :)
    namely: For 4 days I worked as a reverse engineer :D
    I made a complete wood building ,,woodwork of this building:
    I still have a lot of work on the interior
    But this is the headquarters and landing area for my X-1500
    The operating center will be late ... so this is an ideal solution :D
    Work continues ;)

    Attached Files:

  17. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    its not about my ratings its about vet builders keeping others off the front page say if they put a lot of work into it, but they just finisdhed a build, they will thumbs your work down to keep it out of most popular just so theirs gets it, and with a whole bunch of alt acounts and friends to back them up its quite annoying and sad
    Maverick241 likes this.
  18. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    also to add everyones expectation on a builds quality and detail in textures needs to be more lenient, its ok to keep reusing textures if they make the ship look nice anyways i mean come on lol
  19. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    i want to stress im only taking a break ill be back around 8.5 but im burnt out after 1600 hours
  20. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I understand man, I too may even slip back onto grand theft auto very very soon when im bored of boats, I just wanted a stable multiplayer survival server to play on.

    There is only one, and its my own, its stable but its empty haha, cant win, I am destined to play this multiplayer game alone it would seem.

    Every new release of empyrion i come back and i just play solo or creative, usually takes a few weeks for me to try a server survival game and without fail every time I am let down by the apparent consistent instability of this games hosting capability or the obvious inadequate steps taken by server hosts to relay critical need to know information to its players, such as hey our server randomly restarts every 2 hours ( this feels like every 30 minutes if your actually having fun playing), you will lose everything if your flying when it happens, happy trails !

    Nonono lets set the server to spam every one of our rules every few seconds but lets not add in the fact that the server does a forced unannounced restart every 2 hours and that we have a list of scheduled restart times posted on a discord to help people avoid a lot of mess.

    Wish I had known that earlier, when a server spams ridiculous amounts of rules and messages but does not tell you the server restarts every flippin 30 minutes, am I the only one seeing a huge logic flaw there ?
    I spent 3 days in the server and it seemed nobody knew about the discord containing a restart schedule or that there even was a schedule.
    None of the admins mentioned it even when people complained about restarts !
    None of the players there understood why the server was restarting randomly i just saw everyone constantly getting screwed over and losing progress because of these restarts.

    I wont be going back to that server, and after seeing what the others hold, I may end up not playing a survival server until the game is actually released because well there is no excuse then, if it is still like it is now after release then we know the game is never going to be stable at any multiplayer option beyond a 2 man coop.

    Anyway once I have run out of ideas for boats I will be plugging the xbox one pad into my PC and a heavily modded grand theft auto is going to take over, with some occasional fortnite ;)
    I honestly do not see anything about this game today that is going to keep me here aside from the creative aspect, can only pump so much creativity from the faucet and even then one needs to be able to enjoy his creativity in a multiplayer server !

    You know what happened when i tested my first boat in a multiplayer server on alpha 8?

    I joined HWS for my first alpha 8 survival game, because it is a big and popular server that works very closely with eleon with server development it must be reliable right ?
    My first survival game of alpha 8 was fraught with constant lag spikes and a bike that would barely move.

    Within seconds of spawning my HV it was apparent that I had made a hugely bad choice as the HWS server was so rough that the hv just kept sinking every few feet of water i crossed, unplayable.

    That was what i was presented with as my first survival game in an apparently verified server running stable as the game can be.

    I was frankly disgusted and went back into building boats, and some weeks later just a few days ago, I started a new game in populous server, now here I had a lot of fun, and here my boats worked like a dream, and here the bike worked, but here, we restart the server every 2 hours (feels like 30 minutes when your having fun) and then i get trapped in space because of it floating several km away from my SV so yeah this game is broken, because a host feels he has to restart a server every 2 hours and the server cant even mention it, that's a broken multiplayer game in my book.

    As if they never put the restart times in the ridiculous amount of server message spam that they have or even explained that the restarts are even supposed to happen and that they have set times.
    No lets wait for everyone to get screwed over one by one by the restarting server forcing them all to come to discord for help which you then have to wait 10 minutes after logging in before you can talk, in the meantime i am floating in space with no eva xD
    By the time i was able to type in there, I could have punched kittens I was that annoyed.
    Then an admin said i will help you in 20 minutes just having a shower, well he forgot, and several hours later people started to show up to help but i had quit the server by then, the jam was officially taken out of my doughnut.

    Absolute jokers
    I guess the server was made for psychics.

    Once again I have rambled on a bit, due to me responding during my first spliff and cuppa of the day so for that I will apologise and yet again I have another boat in the works, so thank you to HWS and POPULOUS servers, without your servers I would never had made these boats !

    In summary, it is good to have a break from empyrion.
    I usually keep an eye on the forum update page until I see something that begs my return.
    I bailed out back in 7 and when i came back to 8 I was extremely impressed with everything about the game until I tried one of the verified multiplayer servers.

    I think that verified label is actually doing more of a dis service to eleon at the moment.
    After my second failed survival server attempt on a verifiedI went onto steam and did a review on empyrion, rated it a great sp game but a pile of junk multiplayer so yeah the verified label is doing eleon a dis service right now.

    The new players will do exactly what I did and go through what I went through and they will be under the impression that empyrion is a hugely unstable multiplayer game because these verified servers are seemingly the best empyrion has to offer.

    The truth is, its the quiet small servers with 4-8 people in that have the stability, you could run for months in one of those and not run into many issues.
    Restarting once a week.
    I know because I hosted one for the alpha 7 start.

    One day eh, one day lads, none of this will mean anything when we all become famous rockstars !
    dpburke2 and The Tactician[ Λ ] like this.

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