What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I came up with one maybe uglier a while back.
    I had fallen thru a trapdoor in an abandoned factory or something with no apparent way out. I temporarily left the game, going to Creative, and came up with a 3x3x3 SV escape pod, the EP-0 Locust, armed with a single Gatling gun.
    I returned to the game, enabled "spawnanyblueprint", got aboard and lifted out thru the trap door.( It may be cheating, but it's SP and I don't mind)
    It will fit thru a 1x1x1 full sixe opening in any direction. It will also fit thru a armored double door. Anything else requires some blasting.:D 2019-11-26 (3).png 2019-11-26.png 2019-11-26 (1).png 2019-11-26 (2).png

    I almost forgot to mention there is no docking pad so it can scoot along the floor. It is meant to be disposable for emergencies only.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
  2. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    redesigning and updating some of Gatts builds from 2017 for A11
  3. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Hi there, it's been a while.:cool:

    Got sucked into the world of Empyrion again.

    It's been bit of a learning curve to explore all the new stuff - I haven't even dared to look at my old builds, I think they are woefully outdated by now. Maybe I pick & choose few of my favourites and try to make them work in the brand new world - but we will see.

    Alpha 11 already huh? Weight, CPU, wireless links, shields, something like a million of new block shapes, combined texturing & color tool, faction reputation, countless new POI's ... wow, it's been a ride and I've only touched the surface. Learning all the new stuff via survival again, I managed to get few of my friends back in the game too so we're running a co-op (which I must say is the best way to play this game!).

    So what's happened so far? We'll trying to survive basically - we went to the moon and got shot down while descending on the surface. We were pinned on the crossfire of two different bases but finally managed to get out via combination of one of us getting back to base and making a new core & sv to get us out. Truthfully - we all died atleast a dozen of times but it was still fun trying to figure out how to escape the situation with our vessel (our pride had already taken a hit too big to be salvaged :D ). But we all learned one thing - one doesn't simply go out on exploring unprepared in Empyrion, there will be consequences! Always bring a core, portable constructor, heater, oxygen, food, meds etc. :)

    We needed some silicon - so we found out that the Talon had some. They we'rent particularly fond of us as we had looted all their cities. So the things escalated and we had to permanently remove couple of their lodgings in order to get the ore we wanted. I think they got it wrong, we don't have anything against them. They just happened to choose the wrong place to settle down. And now they are coming at us with shamans and spiders! :D Oh man, how cool is that. Outcome of this all is that Zirax likes us a lot now! We can explore their zone of influence freely - and I think at the same time we can figure out where to strike. But we will wait, until we are stronger. We will wait...

    For now, our goal is to get out of the planet. Originally we thought of using an SV for that but the cargo capacity seems to be a limiting factor - as we want to leave prepared to build a reasonably sized base. We might go exploring nearby planets for some ore to build an constructor CV to work as a workstation - and build a space station on one of the orbits to work as our main base in the future. That's the plan atleast.


    And boy, did we find a treasure in the orbit! 'Planetary Remnant' - whoever is responsible for this, well done! Really sparks your imagination - and we didn't even enter it yet, only 'scratched the surface' to get some precious ores - pentaxid, Z & E, promethium... all the nice stuff (except sathium & neodymium what we really neede :D ). We only have light armours so far without any EVA's so space walking isn't an option yet.

    - - - - - - - - -

    So weight and CPU - I love the wireless link stuff, it's pretty neat. And assigning specific containers to constructors and so on, great stuff. CPU I'm still in the fence - haven't really seen it 'in action' yet. It does limit the builds somewhat - but so does weight and I think it's a good thing. I love that I need to think more what I put and what I don't put on vessels - simply create more focused and specialized vessels. My friend has done light fighter SV that acts as a escort fighter for my cargo hauling SV that we use on loot & mining runs for example. Previously the light fighter would have been more than enough to clear out all the deposits on a planet for example - but even now with a cargo SV we have to return to base to empty our cargo after a couple of deposits. And I think its a good thing, one has to be smarter with it's builds and one does not simply get it all in the early game - leaves something to wait for in the late game too. It's great to figure out the synergies and needs and make them work in the game world. So for now I'm really happy. We will see how the loot-only aspect of the CPU extenders work in action.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Welcome back! :D
  5. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Good to see you on here again @rainyday , and really interesting to hear from an old hand on all the new stuff, with old but fresh eyes. Hope you'll continue to share your thoughts. :)
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Welcome back.

    I too just started a new survival game since it's been a while since I started a fresh game and I need to test everything... and i've done too much building the last couple of months.
    Instead of going for the default survival start I went with the Default Akua-Omicron start. I don't think i've ever done the original scenario start before, so there was no crash site, no wreckage, no loot, no ore, nothing.
    I started off over a lake and almost made it to the shore in my escape pod, a shore that happened to be a massive irradiated biome. So I was stuck on the beach, there's no ore deposits and few/none ore rocks so it was an exceptionally slow start, with everything done on foot. It took about 40 minutes just to find an iron rock to make the survival constructor and i'd walked half-way across the planet, skirting between irradiated biome and zirax territory, heading north into Polaris territory.
    Talon heading to a Polaris Trade Station

    With enough surface rocks and a single tiny copper deposit, I got myself a Hoverbike (A bit bugged atm, doesn't turn well when it should) that sped things up; picked up more rocks and made the UCH-012 Raider Technical. An armed transport HV which became my home for the next several hours. Left my hoverbike behind. I'm going nomadic style this time, so no bases.
    The Raider-T is decently fast (38m/s unladen), until I filled the thing with several tons of cargo and it dropped to around 13m/s top speed (around 46km/h). Not bad, get to see the sights. It's slow enough that the game doesn't lag trying to render forests and animals, but not so slow that I want to shoot myself.
    Found some bugs. Killed some stuff. Ran through zirax territory with it and killed a bunch of drones and troops with it's single minigun turret (yes, only 1. You don't need 4 turrets on an HV to kill a drone)
    Found some ore veins, dug some holes and factory-ordered a Refuge light carrier to get me offworld.
    My only weapons at this point are my single minigun turret and my handheld guns (Shotgun, sniper rifle and a minigun I got out of a Very Rare loot container), but to the moon I went. Raider on Refuge, scouted the surface, set down and moved in on drones with my single turret. Got shot up a lot because HV turrets take too long to target enemies. They have a 479m or so range on the moon, but won't goddamn target until the enemy is less than 200m away, where they can shoot me, which makes them useless (Bug, needs fixing. Among other HV-turret related ones I found).
    Had to constantly repair the Raider after every second encounter; replacing windows and sections of hull.
    Divested a crashed ship of its Flux Coils, mined cobalt, pentaxid and magnesium and went home.

    Mined a few deposits, processed some ores and trees and finally started to make my non-base. After all, you can't get anywhere without a Large constructor at some point; And while the Refuge light carrier is a refuge, it's also only the type-2 version (FA-044A). So I factory-ordered the Type-1 version (FA-027B). It's a very different machine.
    This big boy can fit all my HVs and SVs on and in it and can happily roll across the countryside flattening everything in its path. Once i've fitted it with thrusters, turrets and a cockpit of course.
    Which is where i've left it for today. Still no deaths, and i'm hoping to keep it that way.
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Rainy, welcome back! ^_^
    rainyday, Siege Inc. and StyleBBQ like this.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Back in-game today after a bit of a break. Started a Project Eden game on the Swamp starter planet. Got buzzed by the PV quite early, a few times in fact, but I dug in and think I'm save. It a bit unnerving when you're on foot, in open terrain and you see an enemy CV. Also had some Alien Assassins appear from somewhere...that was worrying as I was living in a cave at the time. Anyway, that PV just came back, buzzing my base...and then it crashed!

    Project Eden A11_2019-11-27_21-07-44.png

    It's not possible to see from this picture - I really can't poke my head of the cave entrance any more - but it's actually crashed into an area of shallow water in this swampy region, and it's not moved for several minutes. I did take a couple of hits trying to take this shot lol. I just equipped a Sniper Rifle, so going to see if I can do any damage... not got the tech, nor materials for anything really damaging yet....only just hit level 6.

    Quite an amusing start really, I'm not even an hour in and crashed in the pod about a kilometre from here. Glad I dug in!

    Edit: I took the turret out and am trying to find a way in....

    Project Eden A11_2019-11-27_21-22-33.png

    There must be another turret, or something, somewhere as I took some hits while swimming over to it.

    I broke inside! Couldn't get through the hull, nor through the Windows - no explosives - so I took out one of the upper thrusters and it opened up in to a very fortunate position...

    Project Eden A11_2019-11-27_21-27-01.png


    Update: Unfortunately, the core cannot be damaged...even point-blank with an assault rifle... I think the PV has glitched out....shame :(

    I saved and reloaded, now unfortunately the PV is insubstantial, and I fall right through it...such a pity, this was quite an epic little raid - taking down the PV with an AR and a Sniper....I even had a Core to place! I might godmode and try....after all, I have the definite moral victory here!

    Update: So I used God Mode so I didn't just clip through the model. Shooting the core actually worked this time and it blew. The PV instantly become solid and I popped my Core into it. Of course, I cannot fly it, as it's classed as a "Freighter" and the player is blocked from using the Cockpit. However, I've gained an awful lot of CV-Class loot here....just hope it doesn't despawn. Not had a timer come up. I don't even have a multi-tool yet! lol.

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  9. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Sounds like a fun start Scoob :) hopefully that sniper will allow you to out-range whatever PVs have now a days to shoot you with, heh.

    I don't disagree. But that is predicated on the turret doing it's job, heh. :)
    Last night I was salvaging some doors and windows from a Titan section with the HV I posted the pic of. Was around the corner from the HV and using the player drone to salvage when I got shot by an enemy drone. So started running back towards my HV (the ground & debris are quite useful when avoiding incoming fire, good job on that!). Slid into cover beside HV and drone comes in firing at me, as expected, but the HVs turrets don't start firing, they hadn't even traversed in the drones direction. So I'm ducking and shooting a couple times, get it knocked up... (err... not what I meant! :eek: the nose, hit it in the nose and tipped it back :rolleyes: ) & was about to finish it when the turrets stole the kill.

    The HVs turrets should have been tracking the drone before it ever shot me. They didn't have line of sight, the Titan was in between, but 'normally' they'd still have tracked the drone and as soon as it cleared the wreck chasing me they should have opened up.

    Imo, if things were working as 'expected', then 1 HV Minigun turret vs 1 small minigun or 1 small rocket drone would be fine. Only caveat would be the new drone behaviour where they've gotten a lot smarter at coming in on vectors that allow them to close while behind cover. Leading to more up close and personal encounters. Where a rocket drone can land a nasty hit if not immediately taken under fire.

    The changes to attacks; vectors allowing closing, drones seemingly tougher, etc. I really like all of it. Having to have more than 1 or 2 Cannons on your base, even on the starter planet, is great stuff.
    But it does show that there's something goofy going on with player turrets targetting, of all types as best I can tell. Which has been reported for a long time. Hopefully the current combo of things will help to isolate & address whatevers going on.
    In the meantime my response has been to add more turrets to counter their chronic narcolepsy :D
    Tyrax Lightning and Track Driver like this.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just to show how early-game it was for a PV attack...here's a very quick tour of my base:

    The entrance:

    Base 0.png

    Walking into the entrance to the little cave area - my original camp:

    Base 1.png

    Inside the cave, Wifi built so I could connected to the downed PV :)

    Base 2.png

    The Bunker:

    Base 3.png
    Down the stairs:

    Base 4.png
    Into the main chamber:

    Base 5.png

    Looking left, the Small Constructor, suit locker and Fridge:

    Base 6.png

    Looking right, the Large Constructor:

    Base 7.png
    That's it! From this tiny little base, with a little luck (bad Zirax auto-pilot), I captured a Patrol Vessel in the first hour of the game.

    Reminder, this is a Project Eden start and I needed to use God Mode as the PV went totally invulnerable, then flipped out lol. If the Core hadn't initially been immune to all fire - oddly the Thruster I broke in via was not, though the Core was under water - and a save reload hadn't turned the PV into a ghost ship that I fell through, then I know I'd have been able to do this 100% legitimately. God Mode only used to bypass quirks.

  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Nice to see how a REAL Professional does it!;):D
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Yep, those HV turrets have so many problems.
    1: They won't fire at predators/troops unless they're less than 25m away, the HV is at a complete stop, or i'm out of the cockpit.
    2: They won't fire to their maximum range unless the above ^. This is very dangerous on an airless moon, since they have a range of about 479m and only fire while moving up to around 150-200m.
    3: They work passably against a drone in atmo, but are still take too long to react to a drone in their presence.
    4: Turrets are obstructed by and hit blocks on the same vessel as if they're full sized cubes, which isn't shared by their larger CV/BA counterparts.
    Need to do more testing for a comprehensive bug report.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Or how an amateur gets lucky lol :)

    It does show how cool it would be if we could, to a limited degree walk on moving objects. I mean, that PV was sorta stationary, but it twitched a lot, however it was initially solid and I was able to walk on it. Going up slopes was weird, it was like it was trying to throw me off, but once I was on top, it felt quite stable. Blowing the Thruster to gain access was cool - that thing is Combat Steel - and dropping inside to see the Core was epic. However, part of the ship was under water - which of course just clips through currently - and it formed a weird barrier I could got walk through. I could god mode through it, but tried a Save / Reload to see if that would fix things. Of course, as I found out, it made it worse with me falling through the floor.

    Still, one day hopefully we'll be able to stage Marine raids on PV's and other objects in motion. I'd happily sacrifice a small SV just to get be aboard one of those things! :)

  14. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Wonder if the, 'you can't fire your gun underwater' thing was part of not being able to initially take out the PVs core?

    Edit: I was just in-game and salvaging a crashed CV that was half in water and half on shore. When I got down to the last layer I was having trouble getting the Multitool to fire on the blocks that were underwater, while I was about mid-thigh deep in water. Some blocks were no problem, others I just couldn't target. Using the player drone helped, but only when it was fully submerged.
    So I think there may be a bit of an issue around the boundry between air & water...

    Random thought but maybe Eleon could take a page from the rw on this. There are some handguns that can be safely fired under water.
    With that tenacled ugly roaming shores and following you around when diving, if the T1 & T2 pistols could shoot while submerged it would give them a nice reason to see some use. Though may just be me; since they bumped up the shotguns effectiveness I haven't bothered with a pistol.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
    Ephoie and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    Me too, I've never actually built the pistol or ammo for anything but to sell. Would love to see some/ANY weapon work underwater.
    I usually dig a hole or the Things to fall in on the bottom.

    I have to wonder which will be first the Weapon or them making the water fill the hole?

    Ephoie, Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Tonight I played around in creative with my brother, testing the new flight model, playing around with the new prefabs, and thinking of all the awesome ideas for ships that are now possible with the new flight model and docking system. :D

    @Vermillion he loved this one:

    Our creative space when we were done. :D
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Well, the Core was under water, but I wasn't, so it should have worked fine. With the PV being partially submerged, the water did seem to generate some weird barrier, and any block under water seemed to be immune to all damage - hits didn't even register. The save / reload both made the ship a ghost - I fell through - while also allowing the blocks under water to be damaged by weapons fire.

    I guess this is why colliders need work before things like walking around on moving vessels and the like can be implemented. Even though the PV was crashed and stuck, there was still this slight "wobble" going on. It's so inconsistent.

    Still, seeing a PV crash like that was quite cool. I've since stripped it and the crashed model seems perfectly stable now, it's not budged that I can see. I don't know if it's physics are expensive in this state, but it has no thrust, no power and no cockpit, so hopefully it'll be fine. It will be a great source of Combat Steel!

    My plan this game was to go directly for a CV - just making a token HV for mobility - and then a PV lands in my lap. It would have been cool if I'd been able to take it over - that would have been a HUGE project to get it flying reliably, it was somewhat over the CPU budget lol. However, as I can't fly it, I'll just use its parts to make my own. I might pull in a CV I'd been working on in my prior game - was quite pleased with that - and I rarely use BP's.

    Agree totally re: a gun that works under water. I built a base on a lake bed in my prior game and the Zirax dropped troops, which then sank to the bottom and started shooting me - nothing I could do other than place turrets, which thankfully work under water.

  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I wish water looked more like this:

    And less like this:

    It's kind of hard to make cool looking ocean biomes with how thick the water fog is. :(
    But I made a planet that is entirely covered in water except for the poles. Just need to add a lot of POIs to it now. :D
  19. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Against my own decision I started to work in Creative on a Space Dock. Experimenting around in Creative is better than in Survival.

    Dimensions so far...might be extended
    NewGame_2019-11-29_09-46-20.png NewGame_2019-11-29_09-46-58.png NewGame_2019-11-29_09-46-41.png
    Placed the (CV) Augustus alongside for size comparing.

    The main birth has about 160m in length and will be about 40-50m wide. The secondary docks are for Escort Vessels which will be my next task after finishing SD-OSTIA.

    Creative Energy support from -> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR5APJwPaxYLjxW0xyiE8CZXOj0a2W9ms

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