Zirax drone base extremely overpowered

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sneedy, Jul 19, 2020.

  1. sneedy

    sneedy Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I've tried taking on a drone base with an HV with an artillery turret and 1 shell = 1% of damage to the base's shield, and by the time the second shot lands the shield is back to 100%, and meanwhile it's taking out my shield within seconds. When I take it on with a reasonably well-armed CV, my shield melts while the base's never drops below 100%. I tunneled under it but there's no entrance at the ground level, and the guns are many meters up. I understand most of the serious firepower a CV can have won't work on a planet or moon, but if artillery on an HV does virtually nothing, what's the point? Where's the challenge?

    Update: I went back via the tunnel and it took 100+ missiles w/ an epic rocket launcher to take down the shield, and a few dozen more to take out the guns nearest the ground and then blast my way into the tower. Seems ... excessive.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020
    Cluascorp and Orclover like this.
  2. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    I believe this is by design to encourage the use of weapons besides rocket/plasma/artillery as they all have done exceptionally poor damage against against shields ever since their release. They've buffed other weapon types to be more effective against shields recently so they're clearly aware of needing something strong against shields.

    Poking with artillery isn't a viable strategy against shielded bases at the moment. You'll need to equip things like Minigun turrets and get closer and do some evasive maneuvering while your turrets strip the shield. If you're high enough level to have artillery turrets you should be able to have your own shield as well. Besides red laser turrets(they don't do any damage) and rocket turrets, it should be relatively easy for you to dodge all or almost all of a bases's incoming fire unless your HV has the agility of a brick.
    sneedy likes this.
  3. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    The problem with using other weapons than artillery or rockets is that by the time you are close enough to use them the base is already ripping you to shreds.

    I tried taking on a Zirax base with an SV designed to take on bases like that, carrying 4 pulse lasers, 4 rocket launchers and 2 railguns but I didn't even have time to react before my shield was gone and the cockpit was destroyed.
    I don't even understand how the cockpit was destroyed because the blocks around it was still intact, some even undamaged and I don't even know if I was able to make a dent in the shield.

    Right now the only viable method for taking out such bases that I know of is to dig a tunnel to come up from under the base and take it down from the inside.
    Any kind of frontal assault is pure suicide as the number of turrets and the damage they do take out your ship and will kill you before you can do much of anything.
    Cluascorp and sneedy like this.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Currently the zirax laser turrets deal 10x more damage to shields than they're meant to (650 per shot instead of 65).
    HV Artillery deal very little damage to shields by design, since they can be fired with a ballistic trajectory from cover.
    Plasma is the best anti-shield weapon that HVs get.
    Cluascorp, sneedy and Germanicus like this.
  5. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Well that explains how they ripped through my shield so fast, but don't explain how the cockpit was destroyed.
    The cockpit was facing away from the base with the body of the ship between it and the base, and with no blocks missing when it was destroyed.
    So unless a projectile passed through the blocks or went around the ship to hit the cockpit which they should not do then I don't understand how that could happen.
    Cluascorp likes this.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    There is splash damage that travels through blocks. The cockpit is in contact with many blocks, so while these may absorb damage they will not protect the cockpit from splash damage. If blocks are not missing, they still probably show some amount of damage.
  7. Omegahsc

    Omegahsc Ensign

    May 30, 2019
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    there is a trick!
    how do i did???

    Just need 3 machines guns and 1 k of bullets + (i recomende ) 10 planting bombs, if you plante 5 or 6 in base you turn of the shield.... TRY IT.

    but the probleme is after you take down shieds is EXTREMELY Hard to blow up block, you dont have bombs or butes enought to blow up blocks.

    AGAIN how i did to enter????

    Create the most CHEAP and PATETIC SMALL SHIP , 1core+1cokpit+1smal generator+1small fuel tank +1rts+ my shity vessel have 10 small trusters
    (4down+2front+2(1in each side)+1up+1back

    Take with you bandages+ few health packs+1 bike in you inventory. + 1 small block of prometium to full ship+1multytools

    take on tath vessel and line up with top of that drone zyrax at 500mts high
    use movel radar and mini map to line up.


    Get out of that vessel and JUMP to that building...... BUT HAVE YOUR JETPACK ON!!!!
    when your VERY near of your target USE ALL YOUR JETPACK, and you only have broken legs, use an bandage and your ready....

    there is 2 entrances 1 at VERY TOP and the other at mid building.... use this entrance in case you misse TOP.......

    plant 5 or 6 bombs, and the shield goes downs....

    after you blow up core use the multy tools to get out...... take the bike go to your base to get your Smallvessel. and go retreave THAT FLOATING VESSEL over the drone station.......

    go that drone base an TAKE IT APART.....hahahahhaha

    in casr you failed reload the save data........
    And there is no need of using cheats....
    Try it and tell how you did it....

    i give you another free tip............ DONT USE BUTTONS at side of core to blow uo ,,,, with that buttins you blow uo zyrax core+fuell tanks+oxygen tanks

    USE 1 or two PLANTING BOMS on Glass to blow up core....
    with this mettod you can retreave energy + bottles of oxygen

    Try it and Tell me something..... :)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020
    sneedy and stanley bourdon like this.
  8. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    How many hotfixes should it take to fix this? we have had what? 3 or is it 6 hotfixes. Definitely ready to go to 1.0
    Cluascorp, ArcticPrism and sneedy like this.
  9. sulferon

    sulferon Lieutenant

    Aug 24, 2016
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    I don't remember exactly, but Yes. The machine guns suddenly destroyed the enemy's shields. Then I plopped down on the landing pad... and everything. I'm inside. But not that it was easy.
  10. sneedy

    sneedy Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    thanks for this! i'll try it tonight. found about those buttons on either side of the core the hard way!
  11. Orclover

    Orclover Lieutenant

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Yea it's broke, absolutely broken. 6000hp on a combat HV gone in 1 volley of its fire before I can get in range, next volley does massive damage. Dodging is almost impossible due to the speed it fires. Max # of plasma cannons, rockets, miniguns, artillery and everything else I could fit on a modded onyx with an advanced core all firing, Shields went down to 98% and then were back before I could even get away before my HV was destroyed by the second blast. We tried for an hour tonight with combat HV's and SV's and a capital ship to draw fire, we got nowhere. Artillery is a joke versus the Drone Base now so firing from cover was pointless. How is that not intentional?

    The only way you are taking out the drone base is with an equal amount of cheese with tunneling or some other buggy way to get past its defenses. A strait assault gets you nowhere. And taking advantage of poor game design is not how I was intending to play.

    And you are "releasing" the game next month? Really?

    This is like a bad joke.
    Cluascorp and johnietoth1967 like this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I literally just reported this a day or so ago so they haven't had a chance to fix it.

    I only noticed it because this was the first time I took on an enemy POI since the bug appeared. Nobody else reported it at all, it was completely unknown until I reported it.

    For comparison, a single Zirax laser turret currently does over 1,000 damage per second to shields, so a SV shield will only last 4 seconds against 1 turret, or 2 seconds against 2 turrets. Even a CV will quickly lose shields. They are doing 10x the intended shield damage.

    This might be fine against end game POIs, but it probably isn't intended against low level basic POIs since so many POIs still use these turrets. It'll get fixed!
    Cluascorp likes this.
  13. sneedy

    sneedy Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Thanks - will definitely try plasma next time.
  14. sneedy

    sneedy Ensign

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Thanks - will try a minigun/plasma/dodge-n-weave strategy next time.
  15. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    They literally do this every release. A major oversight/failure of proof testing. Remember when they changed the thin spawners and made them indestructible but forgot to change all the old ones to static so they continually spawned mobs. These failures are barely acceptable in an alpha release I would not tolerate it from a full release. It is painfully obvious that they are not ready but they move on regardless. Hoping for the best as I prepare for the collapse.

    A decimal point in the wrong place is not a bug. It is not a feature. It is a failure. In the real world, those kinds of failures kill people. Or in my real-world experience my client's cows, when the feed mill put in 5 pounds instead of .5 pounds. Fortunately, this is just a game. A game that is not ready for 1.0.
    johnietoth1967 likes this.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Like you said, it's a game. :D
    johnietoth1967 likes this.
  17. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    If you can't take down more than 2% of the bases shield with max number of weapons on an HV and they regenerate to full before you can fire the next shot then something is very wrong.
    It seems to me like it's not just the turret damage thats out of proportion, but the shield HP and regeneration of the bases as well.

    I have been thinking the same as you, that this game is nowhere near ready for release.
  18. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I haven't had an issue with getting the shields down I have to say, perhaps we could see the blueprint of the HV they're using?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    POI shields seem fine. It's just the laser turret damage that's bugged.
    Orclover likes this.
  20. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    I would not mind seeing that Blueprint myself.
    Why does splash damage travel through blocks?
    It does not make sense, the blocks are solid objects, they should be blocking that.
    Cluascorp likes this.

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