Imagine you are on a bike with a helmet. You fall off, land on your head, the helmet absorbs most of the blunt impact but your head still hurts as it absorbed some of the impact, even though your head did not actually touch the ground
Not a good analogy - head and helmet are not anchored to anything useful nor have adequate mass relative to body and bike and strength of neck. Perhaps do some reading up on on modern tank armor and common causes oif injury death in the case of a direct strike with various weapon types. Even with the nasty hack that eleon have done, had they spent a couple of minutes of consideration, they might have thought to apply some kind of inverse square law to the damage. Still a nasty hack but a much better compromise.
So I've noticed the bug people mentioned about how the Zirax lasers do 650 damage to shields instead of the 65 they're supposed to. So, my question is: can I patch it on my end for my own game? Are damage values for weapons still hardcoded or did they move them into a config file? Even if its in the database I can still change it because the game's DB is just a simple SQLite file.
I hear you. I created a special HV for attacking bases. But those with shields: it don't work well at all (two plasma, one artillery gun). Best solution I found was to use another HV to drill up to the base, get out, and use explosives. Usually takes like 8 of them to break the base shields. From t here I drive back and return with my SV to take out the base turrets. And my tanky HV? Pretty much useless. They kinda need to give HV's better shields compared to SVs. That would make tanks viable versus bases.
Could you point a newb to the item and value in the ecf file please? I've looked and understand the structure and usage, but there's a lot of possibilities so if someone who knows the structure could help point me to the right item to change that'd be appreciated. Oh, and does this have to be done on every client in MP? I don't host our MP game, so if there's a separate server version where's that located?
"Damage" is in the "ammo" used by weapons ( ItemsConfig.ecf). When looking at a weapon's config, the AmmoType is specified. For this laser doing 650 damage, it's at line 5195 and following: { +Item Id: 164, Name: TurretEnemyLaserCharge Meshfile: Entities/Items/Weapons/Projectiles/LaserShotRedAlien DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab Material: metalweapon AllowPlacingAt: "Base,MS", display: false HoldType: 0 StackSize: 1000 Canhold: false ShowUser: No Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter Info: bkiAmmoExplosive, display: true Category: Weapons/Items { Child 0 Class: Projectile Damage: 650, display: true # new: because we removed explosion BlastParticleIndex: 0 # BlastRadius: 3 # BlastDamage: 200 Speed: 750 Range: 650 SpeedSpace: 810 RangeSpace: 875 Ballistic: false -------------------------------------------- I'm not sure about multiplayer, but I think the file can be modified on the server and clients will all use these values. Someone can correct me here if that's not right.
Got to this point yesterday and I wondred, why I've had no chance against the drone base even when I attacked it with the Albatros CV Blueprint. So I took a look at the ItemsConfig.ecf and the value was still at 650 in V 1.1. Changed it now by myselfe and will report, if it has helped.
I still prefer laying siege to things like this from Underground. A few explosives placed in clusters brings those shields down pretty quick, and underground, all the alien plasma turrets in the galaxy can't hit you.
Hold a block of metal in your hand. Rest your hand on a solid surface. Hit the block of metal with a hammer. Did you feel the impact? That block is a solid object, so why didn't it block the transmission of kinetic energy through the block and into your hand (hopefully not too badly smashed from the impact).* * Don't actually try this, you'll just hurt yourself, blame me, then I'll have blame you for not having common sense, there will be lots of hurt feelings (yours, not mine, I have no feelings), and at least one meme will born of it, and there are enough of those online already.
The correct analogy in vanilla Empyrion terms would be followed by hitting your hand with the hammer directly As much as hitting the metal in your hand with the hammer may hurt, the impact is still attenuated. That doesn't happen in vanilla.
I've been experimenting with CV weapons against drone bases and such. I went after one on a starter planet's moon with some plasma and laser turrets, as well as fixed lasers. The ship had a tier 2 shield and middling maneuverability, but I didn't bother dodging. I wanted to see what happened in a straight-up fist fight. First thing that happened was both shields basically evaporated. The second was chunks of my very tightly tuned and suddenly very fragile-feeling CV being blown away as I put volley after volley into a comparatively oblivious slab of combat steel. I managed to take the turrets out before the damage became too severe to fly home. It's not fun standing up from the helm and seeing the rest of the bridge in ruins. If there had been secondary defense POIs, I'd have been blown out of the sky. Drone bases tend to be either trivial when you use cheese stratagems or nigh impossible when attacking directly. This was the first time the fight seemed close to even. If the consensus does become that drone bases are overpowered, the removal of CV weapon restrictions should be considered as part of the solution.
If the metal block has enough mass the hand will feel almost nothing, because the kinetic energy is transferred to the block as heat + sound + vibrations in the material - very little can be transferred to the hand. Try this : put your hand under 2 x 45 kg Olympic weight plates, and hit the top plate with a hammer. Those two are not mutually exclusive.
@The Big Brzezinski Which drone base was it, also was it on the starter planet or elsewhere in the galaxy?