Empyrion – Galactic Survival - Community Forums

Alpha 12.jpg
by Hummel-o-War at 5:41 PM
(23,155 Views / 13 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Last week we made our first announcement on version 1.5 (read here). The main content of this update is quite code-heavy, which means a lot of things are going on behind the curtain without offering a good way to do a nice visual representation.

But while our programmers do their work to prepare the game for future feature changes and additions, quite a few things happen on the art and content side of things as well.

For example we will be adding a new NPC faction with tons of POIs and an own galactic territory, created by spanj and a lot of creators, contributing POIs and vessels: the Brotherhood of Farr!

(Temple of Farr)

In case you want to read more info about the new faction or even support the creations, join the discussion over here: https://empyriononline.com/threads/the-brotherhood-of-farr-needs-you.97421/

Speaking of factions and POIs: those that have ventured into deep space might not only have run into the Colonists faction and even more Pirates, but also in the always-hostile Warlord faction and its various sub factions, like the Skaar, Tresari and others. Thanks to the contribution of the community, these factions have seen a serious upgrade in their lineup. So watch out next time you aim to warp to a seemingly non-claimed solar system.

(Tresari Frigate)

Both the Warlord and the Colonists NPC factions will gladly welcome any contribution to their lineup. Visit this forum and send in your builds or workshop links: https://empyriononline.com/forums/showroom-submissions.108/

Besides those named, most of the established and recently added factions, for example the Pirates, Tesch and others, got new ships and POIs as well.

Most of these factions, their bases and vessels, might play a role when the game's main story arc is concluded later this year. ;)

(TESCH Battleship)

What are your thoughts about the current composition of the galaxy, its factions and the POI and vessels you ran into? What are you missing from the lineup or would suggest to add?

Let us know! :)

Enjoy the weekend & read you soon.
-Empyrion Dev Team
Alpha 12.jpg
by Hummel-o-War at 5:00 PM
(34,136 Views / 35 Likes)

Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Long time no write, but silence is coming to an end. For those of you that wondered what is going on with the game, we have some answers!

First and foremost: development goes on. We have taken some time to make some internal changes in order to be prepared for the big plans we have for the game.

That being said, we want to share a few general milestones of the roadmap 2021

Version 1.4.6
End of April 2021 we plan to release another bugfix patch, also addressing some hacking issues.

Version 1.5
The mid-version update will follow at the end of May 2021 and contains a big chunk of internal code work for preparing future updates. As our plan goes, the following topics are currently planned, in preparation or in the works besides that.

The update will include minor game functions reworks, but also adds a new concept for AI management. We are testing new code that shall make the wildlife more vivid and believable. Raptors and Parasaurs will be the testing candidates.

In terms of visual elements, the HUD is planned to get an update. Improved visuals and better readability are the goals for this topic.

Missions will get an update as well. We fully reworked the game start and re-integrated a low-level tutorial (Robinson Protocol) that you can play or skip. The early story missions have been fully reworked as well and now shall provide a more consistent story flow. Most of the early story missions have been spread in the starter solar system (before all missions happened in the orbit of the starter planet).

Additional topics are a rework of the loading screens and new models to introduce a consistent art style. The test candidates are weapons and tools for now.

Of course bug fixing will accompany the development milestone as usual.

Dates to note: The experimental phase might start in early may. In order to get the maximum insights on server performance, we currently discuss having the experimental server files being released one week later. We will of course have official experimental servers for that time.

Version 1.6
This version is slated for August 2021. The focus, as it stands now, will be primarily around bug fixing with content-creation and related being an additional topic.

Version 1.7
The final major version of the year will hit in December 2021. We plan to redo a lot of the material and tech progression (including new stuff). Additional topics,...
by Pantera at 11:15 AM
(25,245 Views / 17 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Here are the changelogs for the v1.4.x patches. More fixes are being worked on - thanks a lot!


Patch: 2021-05-05 v1.4.7 (Build 3283)

- Fixed dedi server exception
- An exploit


Patch: 2021-04-27 v1.4.6 (Build 3282)

- Changed: Players can now respawn on Control Station as additional fallback for Ancient Revelations mission (Station is set to CIVILIAN now)
- "Explosive Devices" can damage shields again
- Added server-side anti-cheat feature "short session monitoring" - this is configurable in dedicated.yaml under "ServerConfig":
    ShortSessionMinutes: 0 #how many minutes of a client play session are regarded as "short session" (0 = disable short session feature completely)
    ShortSessionCountToLog: 0 #after how many consecutive short sessions write a warning line in server log (0 = disable log feature)
    ShortSessionCountToBan: 0 #after how many consecutive short sessions ban the player (0 = disable ban feature)
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed 07866: PDA NearPOI Waypoint does not work in MP

- Patch notes: https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-eah-empyrion-admin-helper-v1-55-x.5771/page-72#post-433380


Patch: 2021-03-23 v1.4.5 (Build 3279)

- XRefActivate now supports negative logic for enabling a GameObject if device gets disabled

- Fix for resource asteroids being transparent
- Fixed: Credibility mission could not be completed although destroyed cores were counted. Please retest!
- 07855: AI NPC's that fire projectiles (AlienBug03) do not fire in Co-op & MP
- 07835: HV with powerful thrusters can fly to orbit

- Patch Notes: https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-eah-empyrion-admin-helper-v1-55-x.5771/page-72#post-432015


Patch: 2021-03-17 v1.4.4 (Build 3277)

- Added IModAPI.IApplication.GetBlockAndItemMapping() - returns a dict with name to id mapping (especially important for the dynamically assigned block ids)

- Multiple exceptions fixed found in logs
- Fixed dialogue typos in english main loca (plz report typos/grammar issues to [email protected] subject: english)
by Pantera at 10:55 AM
(31,612 Views / 21 Likes)
Hi Galactic Survivalists!
We all hope you had a good and healthy start in 2021! :)

Today we are releasing Version 1.4. We invested quite some time investigating and improving several topics, for example finding a better solution on how explosion damage is handled, adding more elements to the customization system (including the possibility to add sounds, crosshairs and entire asset bundles!) and giving all those scenario builders additional 2048 new free-to-use Block IDs!

In terms of content we added new POIs, some factions now will fight each other, you can now use the Connected Toolbar with Traders and the Empyriopedia has received its first major work-in-progress update, now adding/including information and details about solar systems, suns, planets, ships, characters, explanations on all the new game mechanics (since Alpha 10) and more.

Please have a close look at the changelog below. More info about certain topics, explanations and a chance to give your feedback on them can be found stickied in the feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

We would also like to thank our team of volunteers working on the game localization and translations of currently about 10.000 lines of text! General game localization, PDA missions and Dialogues have been translated to over 85% in the last months for most of the main languages!

As always please note

Report bugs and issues for the public release right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

For those that followed the EXP version:
Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Experimental Feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/

Have fun exploring v1.4!
Empyrion Dev Team



Hotfix: 2021-02-05 v1.4 (Build 3259)

- Updated: Abandoned Depot, Epsilon outpost & spaceport (thx to vermillion)

- Fixed Tech tree unlocks and (for modders) Config_Example.ecf file item ids
- Reverted: Instance container drop logic as it caused problems
- Marketplace exception when items from v1.3.x were still in the marketplace

Alpha 12.jpg
by Pantera at 10:51 AM
(41,244 Views / 20 Likes)
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to version 1.3 public release!

The year 2020 is slowly coming to its end - but Empyrion Galactic Survival is not! With v1.3 we are adding a bunch of bug fixes, but also several new features and more content.

One of the main features is the new decals system. The decals feature will allow you to bring custom pictures and videos into the game and add it to structures spawned in the playfields.


As a second addition, you can now create custom NPC factions and add them to galactic territories, playfields and POI as you like! We were also adding new POIs and new variants of NPCs and Creatures for you to equip your POI structures with. Most of the faction's POIs (except Zirax) have also been equipped with the first iteration of themed Commodity Traders, which now buy and sell certain of those items depending on their current station's assumed primary field of work.

Note that, when starting a new game, not only make sure to check your Escape Pods content, but also all NPC factions in the default scenario are now hidden! You first need to make contact with them by discovering one of their structures. In case you want to restore reputation with one or several factions, earn credibility seals by running specific missions and exchange the seals for reputation by contacting an ambassador via one of the new Global Information Network consoles, available on any planetary and orbital trading station!

Last, but not least, you can test four new main story missions which continue the chapter 1-6 story arc!

Please have a close look at the changelog below. More info about certain topics, explanations and a chance to give your feedback on them can be found stickied in the feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

As always please note

Report bugs and issues for the public release right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

For those that followed the EXP version:
Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

Have fun exploring the v1.3!
Empyrion Dev Team


by Pantera at 4:01 PM
(29,248 Views / 17 Likes)
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to version 1.3 EXPERIMENTAL!

The year 2020 is slowly coming to its end - but Empyrion Galactic Survival is not! With the upcoming v1.3 we are adding a bunch of bug fixes, but also several new features and more content.

One of the main features is the new decals system. The decals feature will allow you to bring custom pictures into the game and add it to structures spawned in the playfields.

As a second addition, you can now create custom NPC factions and add them to galactic territories, playfields and POI as you like! We are also adding new POIs and new variants of NPCs and Creatures for you to equip your POI structures with.

Last, but not least, you can test four new main story missions which continue the chapter 1-6 story arc!

Please have a close look at the changelog below. More info about certain topics, explanations and a chance to give your feedback on them can be found stickied in the EXP feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/

As always please note

Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Experimental Feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/

Have fun exploring the v1.3 Experimental!
Empyrion Dev Team

If the experimental branch doesn't appear in the branch list for you please try restarting your steam client!


Patch 2020-12-15 v1.3 B3196

- Added: Scenario Workshop publishing now allows png files (needed for transparency)
- Factions.ecf: Admin faction needs to have "NPC: false" set
- Talking to trader entities: reputation check is now only done on factions that have reputation enabled.
- Scenario Loading Screens: fixed problem that the first loading screen was from the lastly loaded scenario (BETTER FIX)
- Loading Screens: now only one loading screenshot is shown (instead of two) during the loading
- Updated GIN: you can now use credibility seals with the 'Contact an Ambassador' dialogue to restore your reputation
- Updated: Credibility missions now have a waiting time before they...
by Pantera at 10:36 AM
(31,960 Views / 26 Likes)
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to version 1.2!

Those of you, following us on the forums, twitter and Discord might already have seen a few of the additions, update 1.2 will add to the game. But as this patch has been growing a bit more into an intermediate version, there is a lot more to be found. Some additions might only seem to be visual changes, like the new Asteroid rings (which are now visible from planets as well) and other entries of the changelog below might sound like technical shenanigans, but both will prepare some of the groundwork we will iterate on for this years ‘Christmas update’.

While you venture through the world of v1.2, also mind the new behavior and attacks of the ‘Otyugh’ land predator, check the loot boxes closely for a new fire-spitting weapon and enjoy all the new POIs.

A note for builders: In case your structure or vessel suddenly loses oxygen, check your slant, half and irregular blocks, tilted windows and other elements that worked to ‘seal off’ an area before! The O2 distribution is now calculated on 0.5m scale and will be able to fill in and pass through tighter areas!

Check out all the changes and additions in the changelog below!

As always please note:

Read first before reporting a bug: https://empyriononline.com/threads/...uirements-known-issues-troubleshooting.47082/
Bug reports: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

Have fun exploring in v1.2!
Empyrion Dev Team


Hotfix 2020-11-07 v1.2.3 (B3140)

- DB: added a warning message if a query was executed more than 1s after it got scheduled
- DB: added index for long lasting query to get all teleporters in games with huge DBs. Also added index for querying chat messages.
- Fixed CoQ when opening menu windows that show the player inventory
- Ship controller : decrease the penalty from 8% to 5% each time the booster is activated


Hotfix 2020-11-02 v1.2.3 (Build 3136)

- Fixed: Weapons can still fire when the firing direction is blocked
- Fixed: Docked vessel exploit
- Fixed: Placeable devices do not take damage
- Fixed: Thruster boost exploit

- Updated EAH, patch notes:...
by Taelyn at 12:57 PM
(16,786 Views / 28 Likes)
Dear Galactic Survivalists!

Vacation time is over. :cool: Working on a few things for the upcoming interversion patches (bugfixes and such .. but not only ;). Planning for the next major update has started as well.
