[TOOL] [DISCONTINUED] Empyrion Playfield Designer Alpha7 v1.36.1 [deprecated version]

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by jmcburn, Feb 16, 2017.

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  1. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    What if.......

    ...and even terraform....

    By the way, we need terraforming ability on this game.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  2. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Hah. That'd be epic.
    Unfortuneatly, we don't have true spheres, so it'd be kinda hellish to emulate.
    Even worse trying to reproduce what they use, to make these shows (only making it worse, that 'playfield' cmd doesn't always do the trick)

    As for terrain edits, they have (sorta) released a tool that can do this to a degree (terraforming).. Might want to check that out :)
    ( http://empyriononline.com/threads/a...or-create-your-own-terrain.11020/#post-123004 )

    I'd be so impressed with jmc if he managed something like this, but I'd also kinda feel bad for him for even trying. For empyrion, I don't see any approach, that wouldn't either make the user wait eons to get the result, or be a litteral ton of work..

    I guess maybe a pseudo could do it, with basically overlapping semi-transparant layers, that vaguely describe (visually) what you are getting. That'd be a little less insane.. Still a ton of work tho :p

    Also, just because I havn't said it yet: Keep up the good work jmc!
    jmcburn likes this.
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    The guy from Imphenzia told me that in order to work for games like Empyrion a lot of tweak is needed. His tool was intended for viewing a planet from space. So "puff" my idea remains just that :(.
  4. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Ha, that would be kinda cool. But then you would need some other guy to do this. :D

    I'm guessing, no one from the community could do sthg like that. You would need complete access to the rendering code, the games algorithms for map generation, POI placement, creature spawning and so on. So basically all the games source code, and even then, to read into the game's code, if you weren't included from the start, it would take months to understand how it's all working together, not even talking about developing such an editor. At least for me, it would. :D

    If such an WYSIWYG ever would be possible, i guess, only the devs could do it, as they're the only ones who know how the game and all of it's procedural map creation algorithms work.

    I think, for know, you're stuck with EPD. :D

    Exacute likes this.
  5. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Haha, Indeed. Tho, as suggested, you *could* technically do a "this is *kinda* what you can expect" by essentially layering colors and shapes :p.. If you want to get a little crazy, that is.

    But yeah, it would take (almost litterally) forever, to re-create their algorithms blind.
    Having the source would make it more doable, but still rather time consuming - especially as you would have to make it render it out aswell, outside unity.
    jmcburn likes this.
  6. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    And i think, the 'playfield' console command or EPDs integrated 'Reload' button pretty much instantly shows you what you're doing.

    The way, i'm using it, is that i have EPD open on one screen and the game on another in windowed mode. I just change the settings in EPD, hit Ctrl+S, then Ctrl+R and the playfield is reloaded in 2 secs in game with the settings change, i just made.

    Maybe POI placement and resource placement should be included into the playfield reload command in the future and some more placement options for POIs, and you're good to go.

    Exacute likes this.
  7. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Which would prob. fill the need in almost all cases. I doubt there's many use-scenarios, where you would like to design, on a device that does not support running the game meanwhile. (I'm sure there's some.. but I can't really think of any currently)

    It would also have the added benefit of being *way* more accurate, and always up-to-date ;)
    So doing anything else is prob. unneccesary
    jmcburn likes this.
  8. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I found a bug that if you sit in a CV and you hit on console gm and playfield it duplicates and even multiplicates the CV!!!
    So playfield command from inside a CV it spawns another one, whatever that means. :rolleyes:
  9. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Heh. Funny. You might want to head over to the bug-thread and rapport it, as it is not related to the tool :)
    Edit: Nvm. you already did :p
  10. RivalTaunt

    RivalTaunt Ensign

    Jun 4, 2017
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    I like it.
    Upon opening up the application, The file structure to the left is a bit overwhelming, Having it slid to the left hidden and with a click drag tab to pull it out would be cleaner.
    The area where all the configuration go into play are equally overwhelming.
    perhaps opening up the application to nothing but a sector map and the few buttons at the top. new planet, load, save, save as. ect ect.
    This way the user can also right click on the sector map and get a pull down menu that would read create new planet.
    Or click on an existing planet and get the option of Modify Planet, Move Planet, Remove Planet, Manage Icon.
    Upon clicking Modify Planet from the galaxy map it would then pull up the configuration for the area.

    I'm no programmer I just game, my ideas are just that ideas and suggestions take them as you will.
    side note: i currently have a migraine, ill come back to this when my head does not hurt as much, if I remember.
  11. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Thx for your feedback.

    A graphical sector map with editing capabilities is actually, what i'm aiming for in the future and i already started work on a sector map module.

    However, as the game is still in constant flow, so is EPD. I really can't tell, where this is all going in the future, so at the moment i'm just reacting to the changes in game/yaml. And EPDs UI, as it stands right now, is designed to allow for relatively quick changes to adapt as fast as possible to game/yaml changes in new versions.

    So as long as Empyrion and it's yamls are in this state of flow, no big changes in the UI are to be expected, as i have to stick with the current modular approach to keep up with game development.

    But the final UI will most likely reflect most of what you are describing, if the game keeps developing in it's current direction. :)

  12. RivalTaunt

    RivalTaunt Ensign

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Keep up the good work, far better than I can do :p you play? what server?
    I kinda wish the devs would make it so each server could host a planet or sector and you could travel to other servers. I think that is there aim. because I see a galaxy map, going to be epic.

    PS: I run the EastCoastNewbs server. It has been there for long long time.
    jmcburn likes this.
  13. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    That can only be done if server owners give access to there servers and that will never happen.
    + allot of servers use the restrictions and then it wont be possible either to make this to work.

    Galaxys are indeed happeing but not in the way u want. Will prob more go in the way of different
    instances like the portals work in exp6
  14. RivalTaunt

    RivalTaunt Ensign

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Id have no issue letting players join into my server with ships from other servers as so long they were lagit ships. And not from someone own creative desktop private instance. A collective of servers together to form one massive galaxy.
  15. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Well, at the moment i'm more testing than playing. :D
    But when i do, i usually just play singleplayer or maybe with a couple of guys on my private test server. :)

  16. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Idrona and Taelyn like this.
  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest


    First time ive tried it now. The Trader config doesnt get saved after editing.


    EDIT : Nvm maybe i should press save button :D
    Its but confusion to have and that oke button and a save :p. Ive only pressed Ok whole time :p
    jmcburn likes this.
  18. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
    Idrona, oojimaflip and Taelyn like this.
  19. William Knights

    William Knights Ensign

    Jun 9, 2017
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    What programs is this, and how do I get a hold of it?
  20. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    No a real program, just a procedural planet surface generator asset for Unity Engine currently in development stage.
    And not Empyrion related. :)

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